Descent into Tartarus

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Descent into Tartarus Page 19

by David Thompson

  The dining hall was quiet for only a moment, then Hades leaned back in his seat and let out a howl of laughter. The rest of the guests followed suit, with Megaera grabbing Dan and hugging him, laughing as well.

  "Bravo, sir! Bravo! In the traditions of the greatest heroes, a gripping tale of two men against nature!" Hades praised.

  Megaera pushed Dan to stand up, and he looked at all the laughing faces. He grinned and took a small bow, then sat back down quickly. He slid his chair out a bit while the conversation around the table started up. He wasn't able to understand a lot of what was said, so he just sat and sipped from the goblet of wine.

  Megaera leaned against him and put her head on his shoulder. It felt as if the moment would last for an eternity. Megaera kissed him lightly on the cheek.

  "I don't care what Tisiphone said," Megaera said, "you are a hero."

  Dan just nodded.

  Hades looked over at them and smiled.

  "Tell me, Dan. Do you bring any news?" Hades asked.

  "When I left, Gaia was in pretty bad shape," Dan said. "That demon attacked her in her garden. That's when Gaia insisted I was the only one who could get here and help release Megaera."

  "How bad is she?" Megaera asked.

  "There was an old woman with her, I never got her name, but she was tending to her. Told me that Gaia's only hope was for me to get you back, so she could be healed."

  Megaera looked at Dan, her eyes wide. "Didn't you tell her I am powerless?"

  "She said she knew," Dan explained.

  "How bad is it? I heard some pretty bad news while I was being interrogated by that green demon," Megaera said.

  "The guy with a goatee and attitude?" Dan asked.

  "Yes," Megaera said.

  Hades chose that time to rise and dismiss his guests. As the guests departed, they each stopped to talk with Hades. After the small talk, it was just Hades, Dan, and Megaera. Persephone took the puppy outside for a quick walk.

  "Let's talk in here," Hades said as he led them across a large room and to a smaller door set beside a cavernous fireplace. "My private office."

  Dan walked into what could be anyone's study; Dark paneling lined with books, a library ladder attached to some tall bookshelves, a cluttered desk, scrolls of papyri and bound volumes. Hades led them to a small seating area, one large lounge and two arm chairs all facing each other.

  "Which portal did you enter?" Hades asked.

  "Alecto took me to a set of ruins she called the Necromanteion. From there I was given directions to enter a set of caves, which eventually led me here," Dan told Hades.

  "Did she or Tisiphone have any plans to recover you?" Hades asked, then looked at Megaera. "She can come and go as she pleases. She is a citizen of the Underworld. But, for you? There are no pathways to allow a living human to leave. Only spirits may leave and then only by crossing the Lathe on their way back to a life on the surface, by being reborn."

  "You can't just send me back like Megaera did when we went on a tour?" Dan asked.

  "Megaera could escort you back out, if she had her powers. But without those, she could still walk out the way you came, but the portal will block you, as you're not an immortal."

  "I checked before I left and there're stories of many men entering and then getting out. Hercules, for example," Dan insisted.

  "Herakles was a demi-god," Hades pointed out. "You're not!"

  "Why don't we send for one of the guys I met, the tall skinny guy who escorted me from here to the Tartarus portal?"

  "Thanatos. Didn't he warn you as well?" Hades asked, sitting back in his chair.

  "I don't recall," Dan admitted.

  "I suggest both of you stay here, while I build my army. You'll be safe enough if Sorath attacks," Hades suggested.

  "No. We're getting out so I can join my sisters," Megaera said firmly.

  "Perhaps on a boat and out the Gate of Ivory," Hades suggested. "I'll see if we have any news about what areas Sorath controls." He stood and went to the door. He opened it and whispered to someone and shut the door.

  "I've ordered a briefing. I'll allow you both in on this. There may be news about your sisters and Gaia," Hades said, taking his seat again.

  Megaera reached out and grasped Dan's hand. She said: "You saw her before you left. How was she?"

  "Sick. She was really hurt by that demon. As I was leaving, your sisters were preparing for another attack," Dan told her.

  "I heard from Bune that they had attacked again, and the news wasn't good," Megaera said.

  Hades stood and went to the side door and let in a small demon clad in a purple waist coat and leggings. He carried a scroll, and he bowed to Hades and then to Megaera as he entered. Hades waved him to a wall and then took his seat.

  Dan and Megaera turned around as the demon tacked the scroll to the wall and let it drop. The scroll was full of odd writing that Dan didn't recognize.

  "Your highness," the demon said. He turned to Megaera and Dan and bowed in their direction. "I am Arth, I specialize in gathering data on the surface, especially when it concerns the movements of immortals among mortals. I have followed the movements of you and your sisters as part of my data collection."

  Arth then turned his attention to Hades. "After your disappearance, your Highness, we stepped up data collection on the surface. Once Sorath had escaped, he possessed the body of a young man, and went on a killing spree, using the energy released by the fear of his victims to regain strength."

  "The man who killed my niece," Dan whispered to Megaera.

  Arth nodded, and continued, "It took him fifteen earth years to gain sufficient strength to arrange for the death of his human host, and once released, we tracked him back to Tartarus. In a matter of days, he returned and attacked the Furies – but only engaging in battle with Gaia. Hermes tells us that she suffered multiple wounds, most of which are infected with Sorath's blood."

  He paused and indicated a block of writing. "One spy managed to get word back that Sorath arrived wounded as well. That's when we tracked this mortal on his journey here as well. Only a day ago, a messenger from Hermes did indicate that Sorath had returned to attack the surface and engaged the Furies." He made eye contact with Megaera. "Word is, they're alive, but gravely wounded. I'm sorry, madam."

  "Then it's settled, you have to stay below, Megaera. It's safest for you and the child you are carrying," Hades said. He looked at the intelligence demon and nodded. "Continue."

  "Your Highness," Arth said. "Sorath has total control of Tartarus and now his air patrols are ranging close to the Palace. One was spotted just an hour ago, close enough for one of the guards to get a good description. The barrier over Tartarus has been breached. As of right now, until Sorath is defeated, he controls the air over all but Elysian."

  "What is his army up to right now?" Hades asked.

  "Training. They're conducting mock attacks in the plains near the Phlegethon. A majority of the souls in Asphodel have asked for permission to enter Elysian," the demon told the group.

  Hades laughed and said, "Oh, that'd really upset the heroes. I should allow it. Just to be a thorn in Agamemnon's side."

  "Which rivers are safe for travel?" Megaera asked.

  "With the dragons overhead, I'd say none, my Lady," Arth replied.

  "Ok, send word to muster as many troops as we have available. The least we can do right now is be prepared to hold the palace and surrounding areas. You're dismissed," Hades ordered.

  As the demon left, Megaera stood and glared at Hades. "I will not stay as long as my sisters need me."

  "What would you do? Sorath intends to trigger an apocalyptic war on the surface," Dan said.

  "Not even your domain will survive that type of war, my dear," Hades said in soothing tones. "Both of you will have to remain, it's far too dangerous to attempt a return to the portal your mortal used to gain entrance, and trying to travel by the river on the Lethe is too risky for Dan, as even the briefest touch would render him with amnesia,
as if he'd been reborn as an infant. The distance to Styx is even further. You'd never make it."

  "I intend to try, dammit!" Megaera glared at Hades, who exchanged a glance with Dan. It was no use trying to argue this point. Hades sighed and stood.

  "At least rest a while, then I'll see about arranging with Charon for a boat on the Styx. I hope you're good at navigating the swamps, as Charon will not be ordered to help in any other way. And it still might not work. Dan would be blocked from exiting along the Archon, so you'd be on your own, Megaera," Hades argued.

  "I'm willing to try," Dan said, also standing.

  Hades held up his hand and smiled. "Alright. It's late and I have a busy day tomorrow." He stood and led them out of the office and into a hallway. "We'll talk after a long sleep."

  Megaera turned and led Dan down the hallways and up some stairs, walking in silence. As they entered the bedroom, Megaera pulled Dan into an embrace.

  "I hope you've rested enough already," she said as she shut the door.


  The Black Palace

  The R'gier guard marched smartly into the throne room and stopped. He bowed to Sorath, who simply waved him forward. Bune was lounging next to the elevated throne and watched as the guard marched forward, then stopped with a precision usually reserved for mechanical devices.

  "Report," Sorath growled. "And be truthful. Your story must match what the others have reported."

  The R'gier bowed again. "I was with a small group of regular guards, responding to the alarm that some prisoners had escaped. I was about to lead them in a search of the prison when one of the men shouted an alarm. There, I spotted three people leaving the prison by the main entrance, one of which was the woman, the Fury. As soon as they were spotted, we charged. They simply vanished."

  "It cannot have been that Fury. She is powerless, your Highness," Bune added. "They might have utilized a stone like the one I took off her would-be rescuer."

  "Is it possible more than one exists?" Sorath looked at his advisor.

  Themis cleared his throat and shook his head. "Unlikely, your Highness. Only one was known to have survived the cataclysm, the one that we now have in our possession. It is being studied as we speak."

  "Your Highness," the R'gier said. "I witnessed them vanish. I ordered the men to spread out, link hands and walk towards the building. We encountered no one."

  "Linking of hands is how they captured that mortal man earlier," Themis pointed out.

  "They had inside help. Since the only prisoners we know who escaped was that Fury and her mortal man, then who was that third person?" Bune asked.

  "Melinoe," Sorath said, quietly.

  "I agree, your Highness. She is the only one who had access to the possessions that the mortal had brought with him, which includes the stone. Themis, are you certain the stone is still in our possession?" Bune turned to the adviser and arched one eyebrow.

  "Yes, I am certain," Themis said, then vanished.

  Sorath leaned back and looked around. Themis reappeared and held up the crystal. Sorath shook his head and stood. "Continue searching the area, lock Tartarus down. Only ones allowed outside the area are the search parties. It's a three-day march to the perimeter, so they're still in Tartarus."

  His eyes leveled on the R'gier trooper. "Round up all the guards who were on duty inside the prison block. Have them assemble in the courtyard." He watched the demon salute and march out of the throne room.

  Sorath and Bune walked out onto the balcony that overlooked the courtyard. A group of ten guards were standing in a line in the center, with the R'gier out front, in the center. He saluted as Sorath appeared.

  "All assembled as ordered, your Highness!" He shouted.

  "Very good. Thank you," Sorath said quietly. He looked up as a huge shape passed overhead. It was the copper dragon, Mabel, leading a flight of three dragons.

  Sorath raised his hand, then dropped it to his side. Upon his signal, the three dragons wheeled and turned, flying down to the courtyard. Flames erupted, immolating the assembled guards. The R'gier tried to run, but was caught in a jet of fire from Mable.

  The dragons landed near the smoldering shapes and hopped towards the bodies. They began tearing into the guards, ripping flesh from bones, and gulping down the meat.

  "Look at them! Food really does taste better when it's cooked outdoors!" Sorath said, turning around and going back inside.


  Dan had the map Thanatos had given him open and was studying the layout of the rivers. He and Megaera had been hiking towards the Styx for the last two hours. Megaera was in her armor and had replaced several of the arrows, so she was keeping an eye on the skies.

  Dan was back in his own clothing; the Palace staff had laundered his clothing and gave Megaera several gowns.

  Prior to leaving, Hades had gotten word that the dragon air patrols had expanded and were now covering all the Underworld west of the Palace, not just Tartarus. Spies had spotted large numbers of men and demons training for battle, and it was believed that Sorath would strike out against the Palace, then turn towards Elysian.

  Feeling a sense of urgency, Megaera was pushing to get to the river. There was still no word from the surface about her sisters. Between her anxiety for her sisters and her pregnancy, few wanted to get in her way.

  "Well?" Megaera demanded.

  "We continue south. There's a small trail marked on the map, but no indication of it now that we're out hiking," Dan explained.

  "I used to just fly it. I'd head away from the red glow and in minutes I was at the entrance." Megaera glowered at the crimson glow on the horizon. "Have you rested enough?"

  "Only if you have," Dan replied. "The map doesn't show where the Lethe flows from, just shows it looping around the north edges."

  "They all connect in a wide loop near Elysian. We can ride the Styx west, and hopefully exit just south of Tartarus, or we can sail east, and connect to the Lethe and ride out the Ivory gate," Megaera said. "We'll decide when we find the boat."

  Megaera began walking down the small footpath, keeping her back to the red glow. Dan followed, distracted by her legs, the muscles flexing under the ancient bronze plates of armor that formed her battle skirt. It was a good thing he was distracted; Otherwise he'd be worried about getting themselves out of the situation without being spotted by those dragons. His hand found its way to his pocket, searching for the crystal that he'd used to cross Tartarus without being seen. All he found now was lint.

  "Keep up, sweetie," Megaera said as she quickened her pace. "The faster we find that boat, the faster I can check on my sisters."

  "Yes," Dan sighed. "Do you really think I can't pass through any of the portals to get out?"

  "I have no idea until we try. It might be enough that I hold on to you, and my aura will allow you to pass when I pass." Megaera stopped to allow Dan to catch up. "Dan, sweetie, I love you to death, but you just have to walk faster."

  "I don't want you walking so fast, you were still sick this morning," Dan reminded her.

  "That's only my stomach. It doesn't affect my ability to walk, now please keep up!" Megaera started off at a fast clip. Dan sighed and followed along.

  It was at least another hour before Megaera relented and decided to pause for a brief rest. She spotted some overturned blocks of marble, near the ruins of a city. She sat heavily on a block and turned her eyes skyward. Dan offered her a hunk of bread and some jerky, the jerky that he had left over from his hike into Tartarus.

  As she chewed, she gazed at the soft blue glow coming from Elysian. Then she saw Dan scanning the sky with his binoculars.

  "What is that thing?" she asked.

  Dan blinked. He took the binoculars away from his eyes and looked at Megaera, then at the binoculars.


  "Yes, what are they? You keep looking through them."

  "They're binoculars. Haven't you seen something like this before?"

  "No, never." She held out
her hand. "Give."

  As Dan handed her the binoculars, he said: "You look through the small end and aim them where you want to look. The center knob focuses them."

  She looked them over, then looked at the large objective lenses, then turned them around and peered at the eye-pieces. Then she held them to her eyes and frowned.

  "This knob?" She asked. Dan nodded. She held them up to her eyes again and twisted the focusing ring. She stood and began turning in a slow circle. "These are fucking amazing!"

  Dan watched her turn in a circle, then she stopped and frowned. She pulled the binoculars from her eyes and handed them back to Dan.

  "Let's beat feet, amigo. Dragons in a search grid," Megaera said, picking up her bow. Dan stood and stuffed the binoculars into his backpack, then hurried to join Megaera.

  "How far away?" Dan said, nervously glancing behind him.

  "Very close. I could see the man on the beast's back," Megaera answered as she doubled her stride.

  Dan paused and looked back. Then he stopped and pulled the binoculars out. He searched the horizon and spotted the dragon. Dan estimated the dragon was a good half-mile away. He turned and ran to pull alongside Megaera.

  "You see it?" Megaera said, breathlessly.

  "Yes, but they're a mile away, easy," Dan said. "But, the speed a dragon flies, they could be on us in a few minutes."

  "How much further?"

  "I'm not sure. The map doesn't have a scale or a way to determine distances," Dan said.

  They quickly hiked down the small trail, trying to put distance between themselves and the dragon patrol.

  It was another tense hour before they spotted the river in the distance. They had crested a small rise, and a valley spread out below them. Dan stopped only to view the river through the binoculars. He scanned the shore and shook his head.

  "No sign of a boat," Dan sighed.

  "It'll be there. We may have to walk along the river to find it," Megaera said as she started down the hill.

  "Hopefully before the dragons spot us," Dan said, trotting after her.

  They were jogging as they hit the valley and headed towards a pair of marble pillars. When they arrived, Dan walked around the pillars, touching the marble.


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