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The Hot One

Page 20

by Lauren Blakely

She nods, then shakes her head, then laughs. “I do, but I don’t.”

  “Dude, I’m confused now.”

  More laughter comes from Delaney. “As I was walking over here, thinking about calling him and emailing him, something hit me. I don’t need to know what he’s doing in order to put that bit of the past behind me. Some pieces of the past just need to stay there. And some pieces can become your future.” She runs her fingers along my stubbled jaw. “Like you.”

  I swallow roughly, absorbing the enormity of her words. “You and me, angel,” I scratch out, then I press a kiss to her forehead because words fucking fail me sometimes.

  She swipes her finger across her phone screen triumphantly. “It’s archived. I don’t need to save his info, but it’ll be there if I need it.”

  “It will be there. And I’ll be here for you.”

  “I know that. I believe that.”

  I raise a hand and run my fingers across her silky hair. “Hey. I’m proud of you for this. What you did—tracking him down, then deciding you didn’t need it. You did all that on your own. That takes serious cojones.”

  She wriggles her eyebrows. “Sort of like showing up naked at your ex-girlfriend’s place of work to show how much you want her back.”

  I laugh deeply. “She’s not my ex-girlfriend anymore.”

  Delaney moves in even closer. “No, she’s not your ex at all.”

  I hold up a finger. “And since she’s not my ex, and since I want to prove to her I listened, I got her a gift.”

  My lovely, sexy once-and-present girlfriend arches an eyebrow. “Oh, you did now?”

  I straighten my shoulders. “I sure did. To show you I want us to move together at a normal pace.”

  I take a beat, making her wait for it. She bounces a bit on the cushion. “What is it?” she asks.

  I buff my nails on my shirt then blow on them. “You said you wanted a cat, and that I should start with a cat.”

  Her jaw crashes to the ground. “You got a cat?”

  I shift my palm like a seesaw. “That would be impulsive, and I’m trying to take my time and not cut corners. So rather than getting you a cat, I found you one. And I put money down to adopt him from a cat rescue.” I hold up both hands, a gesture of surrender should I need to. “If you’re not ready for him, the money can go to the rescue in your name. But I do think you’ll like him.”

  A grin spreads across her face as I grab my phone, swipe it open, and find a picture. “I believe this pussycat fits your specs.” I clear my throat and read his description. “They call me Mr. Cuddles. I will curl up next to you, snuggle on the pillow, and sleep in your arms. I’ll also rub against you, purr, and even open the door.”

  She shoves my chest. “Get out of here.”

  I pretend she slammed me into the armrest. “Polydactyl, baby. Mr. Cuddles has six toes.”

  She jumps up from the couch and presses her palms together plaintively. “I want him. I want him now.”

  The woman is literally buzzing with glee. It’s amazing to watch her excitement. “You don’t want to see him first before you decide?”

  She shakes her head. “I’m committing to him. Just like I’m committing to you.” She stands up and heads to the door then glances back at me. “Funny. Even though you don’t have six toes, I like you just fine.”

  I raise my right hand, wiggle my fingers, and then stick out my tongue.

  Her Epilogue

  The cat we renamed Mr. Crazypants was no liar in his ad.

  The fluff ball wedges himself between my boyfriend and me that night.

  I stare at the orange feline, then at Tyler, and I shrug. “He likes us.”

  The cat stretches out his right leg then presses his paw to my chest as he purrs.

  “I’d say he likes you,” Tyler says as the pussycat stretches all six toes then inches even closer to me. “Damn, Mr. Cuddles was an appropriate name if I ever heard one.”

  I laugh as my new rescued polydactyl kitty snuggles next to me under the covers. “But I like Mr. Crazypants better.”

  “He was meant to be yours.”

  “Same for you,” I whisper, and Tyler grins, his brown eyes sparkling.

  “Now, I know Mr. Crazypants is a grade-A snuggler, but there’s something I’ve got that he doesn’t have,” Tyler says, as he slinks his hand under my camisole, feathering his fingers across my belly.

  “A magic cock?” I ask.

  He rolls his eyes. “I don’t want to think about a cat’s hardware, please.”

  “Then, whatever did you mean?” I ask, batting my eyelashes innocently.

  “What did you call it?” Tyler asks, staring thoughtfully at the ceiling. “I just can’t seem to remember the word. Let me see if this reminds you.”

  He slides under the covers, tugs down my panties, and reminds me why he alone sets my world on fire. His tongue is an instrument of absolute pleasure, and that’s what he brings me in mere minutes.

  I cry out in bliss, and the new addition even meows in chorus, too.

  We both laugh, then Tyler pops his head out. “I believe it’s called an enchanted tongue.”

  “Well, now that you’ve reminded me, why don’t you remind me what that other part does, too.”

  He makes love to me, and it is magic.

  Later, I tell him I have a gift for him, too, and I’ll give it to him the next day.

  “I can’t wait.”

  Then Mr. Crazypants drapes his feline body over my head, and the three of us drift off like that, a strange new threesome moving well beyond the past, and into a whole new future.

  “Are we there yet?”


  My hands cover his eyes for the final few feet to the store. When we reach the entrance, I remove my makeshift blindfold. “Ta-da.”

  We’re at Blue Suede.

  He peers at the door, then back at me. “We’re going shoe shopping?” Things don’t quite compute at first, but a second later, his face transforms. The expression in his eyes is dirty, and his lips twitch up in a naughty grin. “We’re going shoe shopping.”

  “Yes.” I tap-dance my fingernails along his chest. “And you get to pick the shoes you want me to wear.”

  “In bed?”

  “Wherever you want. My treat.”

  “I’ll say that’s my treat.”

  He opens the door for me, and we head into the boutique.

  “I should warn you, though, it can be hard to find my size. There might not be too many options.”

  He grabs my waist and pulls me in closer, pressing his hard body against mine. “Then we will keep on shopping. We will soldier on. We will find you the perfect shoes for your gorgeous feet.” He brings his mouth to my ear. “Because I love the way you look when you’re wearing nothing but heels.”

  Twenty minutes later, he’s picked out a pair of purple stilettos, some black fuck-me ankle boots, and a pair of red suede pumps.

  I swear the man is aroused the entire time we’re shopping. I’m convinced at one point he’s going to hump me against some shelves of flats.

  Then hump me he does.

  Later. Back at his house, when I put on the black stilettos and then don his favorite outfit.

  When we’re done, sweaty, elated and sated, he whispers in my ear. “This whole take-it-day-by-day sure is turning out to be a whole lot of fun.”

  Yes. Yes, it is. Even though we don’t know what tomorrow holds, I love all our todays.

  His Epilogue

  A flash of orange hits my line of sight, then a gorgeous face, a smile, and the beautiful blonde the grin belongs to. With her two best friends by her side, Delaney crosses the finish line of the 10K run. The women thrust their arms high.

  I shout. I hoot. And I holler.

  So does Carly, her little voice not quite so little as she happily cheers. The kid has one hell of a set of lungs on her.

  As Delaney, Nicole, and Penny slow to a jog, we meet them at the end of the finish line, handing them waters an
d high-fives. Today’s run was to raise money for some of the local animal rescues in Manhattan.

  “You ladies are amazing,” I say, giving Delaney a quick kiss then congratulating her friends, too.

  “And you’re amazing for handing us this most delicious bottled water,” Nicole says, chiming in as she takes a long and hearty swig in between breaths.

  “We beat our time from last year,” Penny points out, and Delaney smacks her friend’s palm.

  “Next year, you’re going to join us, right?” Delaney says to Carly.

  My niece laughs and shakes her head. “Only if I can do it on rollerblades.”

  Delaney shrugs. “You drive a hard bargain.”

  I point a thumb at my chest. “She learned all her negotiation skills from me. And speaking of negotiation, how about I take you all out for breakfast at The Charming Breakfast Spot?”

  Four pairs of eyes light up. “Yes, but where’s the negotiation in that?” Delaney teases.

  I shrug and smile. “Got me. Turns out there’s none. But I figured you all earned it with the way you ran for the dogs today.”

  “And we are looking forward to eggs and toast,” Nicole says, then she narrows her eyes. “But don’t think you’re going to get any details out of me that I wouldn’t give up last time.”

  In unison, Delaney and Penny zip their lips.

  The first time I went out with her and her friends last week, the girls had been chatting about a new guy Nicole’s interested in, but they clammed up when I joined them. Delaney had asked me to meet up with them for cocktails at Speakeasy. I’ll admit it—I was a tad bit nervous meeting her friends. Knowing how close she is to them, I wasn’t sure if they’d welcome me with open arms.

  I had nothing to worry about. Penny and Nicole love Delaney like a sister, so they grilled me as any family member would do. I can honestly say I enjoyed every second of their cross-examination, especially since I passed it. Nicole even pretended to tap me with a magic wand at the end, declaring, “We like you. Now, be good to our girl always.”

  I nodded solemnly. “That’s a promise.”

  And as I head to the café, holding Carly’s little hand in mine so we can scout out a table in advance, that’s exactly what I intend to do.

  Another Epilogue

  Someday, maybe someday soon

  * * *


  * * *

  I groan when I wake up.

  I wish I were making this sound because Delaney’s lips were wrapped around my dick.

  That would be my favorite kind of alarm clock.

  Though, in her defense, she does, indeed, provide cock-a-doodle-doo services on a fairly regular basis.

  I am one lucky bastard.

  The only part of me that isn’t so lucky is the neck.

  This damn cat.

  Mr. Crazypants is wrapped around my neck, motherfucking purring in my ear. Don’t get me wrong. This cat is cool as hell. But his cuddly tendencies have put a crook in my spine.

  I’ve never been so sore in my life.

  Fortunately, I’m involved with the best damn masseuse in all of New York City. She insisted on scheduling a massage for me today. Sure, she rubs my neck at home, too, and last night, she gave me one fantastic massage. But she told me I needed to get my behind into Nirvana at nine a.m. sharp so she could work on me properly. It’s Saturday, and she’s already at work. I gently remove the cat from his scarf pose, swing my legs over the bed, and stretch, trying to work out the kinks.

  I hit the shower, get dressed in jeans and a T-shirt, grab my wallet, phone, and shades, and head for the door. The orange fluff ball rubs against my leg.


  Mr. Crazypants rises up on his back legs and paws me with his twelve front toes. Delaney was right—six-toed cats are the bomb. Even though his zealous cuddling is a pain in the neck, he’s a badass dude otherwise. Delaney loves him, and he makes her happy, so that’s a big win-win in my book.

  “Be back soon, little dude,” I say, then scratch him between the ears.

  He rewards me with a loud rumble, and then I take off.

  Fifteen minutes later, I reach the front door of Nirvana. Inside, Felipe greets me with a smile and a waggle of his fingers.

  “Delaney is almost ready for you. Let me show you back. And I know you’re still a no-robe man,” he says as he escorts me to the Rainfall Room.

  “No robes forever. That’s my mantra.”

  Felipe opens the door, shoots me a smile, and shuts it as he leaves. I strip down to nothing, thinking back briefly to when I did this many months ago. I smile privately, loving that it set the two of us in motion.

  I fold my clothes, place them on top of a stool, and climb onto the table. I know the routine well by now, since Delaney schedules regular massages for me.

  We moved in together after a few months of dating. “The cat wants it, and so do I,” she said one Sunday afternoon following another epic session of walking and kissing—in Greenwich Village that particular day, wandering in and out of shops and cafés.

  “If Mr. Crazypants wants me full-time, then so be it,” I’d said.

  “And me,” she’d reminded me.

  We moved into my apartment, and she quickly added her feminine touches, including setting some lovely lilacs by the window. I did my part by making sure she had all the closet space she needed. For her clothes, and for all those new shoes.

  As I linger on a recent memory of her wearing silver pumps while waiting for me in the kitchen, holding a glass of chardonnay, the door opens. I peer up from the face cradle to see a blond beauty wearing yoga pants and a sweet smile just for me.

  “Hey, angel.”

  “Hey, handsome.” She comes to my side and drops a soft kiss on my cheek. Her hair brushes against my skin.

  “Mmm,” I murmur, and I’m about to tug her onto the table with me, even though she has a strict no-screwing-at-work policy.

  But then, she drops to her knees.

  Startled, I prop myself up on my elbow. “What’s up?”

  She’s not just on her knees. She’s on one knee. She holds a black jewelry box. “This is where we started again. Where you showed up and made a grand gesture to win my heart. And you won it big time. Now I’m asking if you’re ready for the next big gesture, because I know I am.”

  I blink as it registers. As the sheer enormity of this moment hits me. She’s ready. She’s fucking ready.

  I part my lips to speak, but she’s faster.

  “Ask me again,” she says, her voice soft but sure.

  And I suppose it couldn’t be more fitting that I’m naked. I slide out from under the sheet, yank her up to the table so she’s perched right next to me on the edge, then take the box in my hand. “Will you marry me?”

  She grins like the happiest person in the world, and she nods and nods and keeps on nodding. “Yes, yes, yes.”

  I slide the ring on her finger, where it belongs. She holds up her hand and the diamond sparkles in the dimly lit room.

  At last.

  It took me nearly a decade to find my way back to her. But when the love of your life slips through your fingers, then you’re lucky enough to stumble into her life again, you do everything you can to win her back, even if you have to wait until she’s ready.

  I waited. I did it step by step. I didn’t cut corners. I took my time.

  She’s no longer the one who got away.

  She’s the one I’m keeping close to my heart for all time.

  * * *


  * * *

  Curious about Nicole? Find out who she falls for in THE WILD ONE, releasing in summer 2017!Sign up for my newsletter to receive an alert when these sexy new books are available! Here’s the sexy cover for THE WILD ONE and the blurb follows!

  There are four words every guy wants to hear on the first date — “your place or mine?”

  * * *

  That’s why when my hot-as-sin co-worker makes me a no-strings-atta
ched offer that involves her place, my place, any place — as well as any position — I can’t refuse.

  * * *

  After all, my job is like a coach and my goal is to help my fellow man figure out how to score a woman. My latest assignment for the good of mankind? Create a fail-safe, 100% battle tested, proven list of what to do or say to get a woman to fall into your bed — I mean, fall for you. So when Nicole says she’s game to work through my list in a hands-on way, I take her up on her deal even with her one condition.

  * * *

  There’s no way I’ll want more from one woman than any position, any where, any night?

  * * *

  Except . . . what if I do?

  * * *


  * * *

  There are three little words most guys don’t want to hear on the first date.

  * * *

  Not those…

  * * *

  I mean these… “knock me up.”

  * * *

  This single gal has had enough of the games, the BS and the endless chase. I know what I want most, and it’s not true love. It’s a bun in the oven, and I’m not afraid to hit up my sex-on-a-stick co-worker to do the job. Ryder is gorgeous, witty and wild — and he’s also a notorious commitment-phobe. That makes him the perfect candidate to make a deposit in the bank of me.

  * * *

  I won’t fall for him, he won’t fall for me, and there’s no way baby will make three.

  * * *


  * * *

  Stay tuned for THE WILD ONE, coming this summer!

  * * *

  My next all-guy POV romantic comedy is JOY STICK and it releases in May! Turn the page for a sneak peek!


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