Trusting Tanner (The Collins Brothers)

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Trusting Tanner (The Collins Brothers) Page 9

by Lexi Lawton


  He shook his head, smiling. “Movie starts at dusk. Want me to pick you up? Or is that too much like a date?”

  “I’ll meet you there,” she said, waving as she headed in the opposite direction.


  Tanner stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around his waist. He wiped the steam from the mirror then gathered his razor and shaving cream from the cabinet. He’d texted Jules an hour ago to see if she wanted to hang out, but she hadn’t responded yet. Probably because she was in class.

  He pressed the button to bring his phone screen to life, but before he could check his messages, LMFAO’s “Sexy and I Know It” blared through the bathroom. It was his brother Xander’s ringtone. He’d gotten hold of Tanner’s phone one night and set this song as his unique ringtone, and Tanner hadn’t bothered to change it. He swiped to accept the call and put it on speaker. “Hey, Xan, what’s up?”

  “I missed your voice, you sexy bitch.” He gave an overexaggerated, sexual moan.

  “You’d better not be touching yourself right now or I’m hanging up.”

  Xander’s laugh was loud and boisterous. “Only you would be thinking about my dick. I know it’s miles bigger than yours, but that’s fucking weird, man.”

  “Dude, fuck you.” Tanner laughed. He sprayed shaving cream onto his hands and rubbed it on his face. “I know you didn’t call to sexually harass me, so what’s up?” He turned on the sink and swiped his razor down one side of his face, then rinsed it under the running water.

  “When you bringing your ugly ass over here for a visit?”

  “Don’t know. Hadn’t thought about it.”

  “Ryder’s coming during fall break. Four-day weekend, baby!” He whooped with excitement. “You should visit then, too.”

  Hanging out with his brothers for four days would be fun. Xander went to college in Miami, while Ryder attended a college near Jacksonville, and Tanner was a few miles outside of Tampa. All three of them being in the same state made it easier to stay in touch and hang out during breaks when they didn’t go back home.

  “Yeah, I’ll think about it,” he said.

  “Think about it? What the fuck? You got something better to do?” Xander asked.

  What was Jules doing for fall break? There was no way he could convince her to spend a long weekend at the beach with him, but a sick feeling landed in the pit of his stomach at the thought of not seeing her for that long. On the other hand, if he didn’t visit his brothers during fall break, he wouldn’t get a chance to see them again until Thanksgiving.

  “There might be some things going on around here. I’ll let you know, okay?” Tanner finished shaving and wiped his face with a clean towel.

  “What’s her name?”

  “What makes you think this has anything to do with a girl?” He lifted his phone from the sink and headed to his room to get dressed. For being the youngest Collins brother, Xander was highly perceptive and nothing got past him. He also got his way—all the damn time—so Tanner already knew where he’d be spending his break, no matter what he said to the contrary.

  “Because that’s the only reason you’d try to ditch us. Spill it, Tan. Who is she?”

  He tossed his phone on the bed, removed his towel, and slid on a pair of boxers. “Her name is Juliana, but there’s nothing going on. At least, not yet.”

  Xander laughed. “How long has nothing been going on?”

  “About two weeks.”

  “Show her your dick and get it over with. You know women can’t resist a Collins’ cock.”

  “That’s the shittiest fucking advice you’ve ever given to anyone, and you’ve given a lot of terrible advice in your lifetime.” He zipped his jeans then got a shirt from his dresser, yanking it over his head.

  “I’m telling ya, bro, it works every time.”

  “Whatever. I’ll let you know soon about fall break, okay?” He took the phone off speaker and held it to his ear.

  “Fuck that shit. You’re coming. End of discussion.” And then Xander ended the call, cutting off whatever response Tanner had been prepared to make.

  Chapter Ten

  Saturday night, Juliana sat in the park, surrounded by friends. Three large comforters were spread out on the grass with more blankets and pillows piled on top. Two coolers packed full of drinks and an oversize beach tote filled to the brim with snacks were placed near their feet, and a massive movie screen stood several feet away.

  Lucas and Mariah were to her left, sharing the comforter with Brittany. Next to them were Jason and Holly, who turned out to be super nice and had apologized the second Juliana had arrived, swearing that there was nothing going on between her and Tanner. Jason had simply laughed and wrapped his arms around Holly. To her right was Devon, who sat in a group with Spencer and Kyle.

  “Got it!” Tanner announced as he walked up behind her.

  She twisted around to see what had sent him running back to his car. He held the largest bean bag chair she’d ever seen. He dropped it on the blanket then flopped his body down. She laughed. “The Mount Everest–sized pile of blankets weren’t enough?”

  “Nope.” He adjusted and scooted over. “C’mon, there’s enough room for both of us.”

  “Nice.” Jason gave Tanner a fist bump.

  “You guys are so weird,” Holly said.

  “What movies are showing tonight?” Kyle asked.

  “It’s a Blast from the Past Back to School Extravaganza,” Jason said, making exaggerated hand gestures.

  Tanner laughed. “Fast Times at Ridgemont High, The Breakfast Club, and Grease.” His gaze landed on her when he named the last movie. “Figured you’d like that one.” He patted the bean bag chair.

  Her heart fluttered as she moved to sit next to him. She’d opted for warmth and comfort over style—her favorite pair of gray yoga pants and a hoodie with the college logo—and she was pleased to see she wasn’t the only one. Even Tanner had worn sweatpants, and damn, he made them look good. He turned his hat so it was backward, and good God, that was the hottest thing ever. She didn’t know what it was about a guy in a backward-facing hat, but she suddenly regretted wearing a sweatshirt because it was hot out here.

  “Is that a Giants hat?” Devon asked.

  “Sure is.” Tanner grinned.

  “Best team in the NFL.” Devon gave him a high five.

  “No shit! You’re a Giants fan?”

  “Yeah.” Devon nodded. “My dad took me to a Giants–Lions game in Detroit for my tenth birthday. It was my first game, and I’ve been watching them ever since.”

  Jules smiled as she listened to her best friend and the guy she liked way more than she was willing to admit bond over football. She settled in the chair and pulled her sleeves over her hands. Tanner wiggled his butt, burrowing deeper into the chair, and then his arm casually landed on her lower back. That alone had her body tensing, but when he started to rub soft, lazy circles on her back? Parts of her body that had been ignored for far too long throbbed.

  “They’re playing the Cowboys tomorrow. You should come over and watch the game with us,” Tanner said, completely oblivious to what his touch was doing to her. He glanced her way, smirking. Okay, maybe he did know what he was doing.

  “Fuck yeah,” Jason hollered louder than necessary. “Everyone’s invited. We’ll have a football party.”

  “I’ll be there,” Devon said.

  “What about you?” Tanner’s full attention was on her now. His hand still rubbed her back, and the heat of his palm seeped through her clothes. “You coming over tomorrow?”

  “Damn right she is,” Devon said before she could answer. “She owes me quesadillas, and there’s no better time for them than during a football game.”

  “Thanks, Dev.” She laughed. “Guess I’ll be there, then.” She’d already planned to say yes anyway.

  “Are you sure I’m invited?” Brittany spoke up, and all eyes turned to her. “I’m a Cowboys fan.”

veryone laughed. “Well, I’m not a football fan at all, so I’ll cheer for the Cowboys with you,” Jules said.

  “Hey now.” Tanner’s hand slid around to her side, and he pulled her closer. “You really should be rooting for my team.”

  “Why?” She snuggled into his side. “Because it’s your house?”

  “No, because the Giants are going to win.”

  “You really need to work on your confidence.” She stuck her tongue out at him. The screen flickered and the opening credits for Grease started. She’d always wanted to watch this movie—or any of her favorites—while cuddled up with a guy who actually wanted to be with her and wasn’t doing it simply because she’d nagged him. It was silly, but after spending so much time with a boyfriend who was selfish, it was the little things that began to matter.

  “We could make it interesting.” His voice was low at her ear, his warm breath a caress against her cheek.

  “Interesting how?”

  “A friendly wager.” His deep brown eyes danced in the dark, the light from the movie screen highlighting his face in flashes.

  “All right, Collins. What’re your terms?” She didn’t need to ask, but she wanted to hear him say it because she’d die of embarrassment if she assumed incorrectly. “What do you get if your team wins?”

  “You know damn well what I want.”

  “A date,” she whispered.

  His only answer was a raised brow and a smirk that somehow managed to show off his dimple. Her heart raced, and her throat went dry. The more time she spent with him, the more she liked him. He was everything Zach wasn’t, and when she’d mistakenly thought Tanner had moved on, the pain had been worse than finding her ex in bed with someone else. She’d even contemplated changing her entire class schedule so she wouldn’t have to see him with another girl. If she continued to tell him no, he would eventually move on. And, God, she did want to go out with him. She didn’t want to lose him because she was scared of what might happen.

  “Okay.” She nodded. “You’ve got yourself a bet.”


  “Yeah, seriously.” His team had better be as good as he claimed because she needed them to win.

  After packing up all the stuff Tanner had brought, which turned out to be everything except the blankets, and piling it in his car, they headed toward her res hall. He pulled up alongside the curb and killed the engine.

  He got out and opened her car door, extending his hand. She took it and let him help her out. “Thank you for going tonight,” he said, walking beside her.

  “It was fun.” She smiled. “Thanks for inviting me.” Drowsiness clouded her senses, and she yawned.

  “I’m going to see you tomorrow, right?”

  “Mm-hmm.” She wouldn’t dream of missing it.

  “Good.” He rested his butt on the brick banister and crossed his arms. “You know, this would’ve been a hell of a first date.”

  She chuckled. “Probably.”

  Uncrossing his arms, he pinched the front of her sweatshirt, tugging her toward him. She stepped between his parted legs. His hands settled on her waist, and she put hers on the back of his shoulders, as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

  “Friendly good-bye hug?” she asked.

  “I’d be highly disappointed if I didn’t get one.”

  Her heart skipped a beat. Did he really mean that? She slid her hands up his neck and around to his nape, his silky soft hair grazing her fingers. His eyes darkened like the midnight sky, and her breath caught. Before he could say or do anything, she buried her face against his broad shoulder and hugged him. His hands didn’t move at first, but then they trailed slowly up her sides, over her rib cage, and around to her back. She pressed closer, squeezing him a little tighter, and inhaling his woodsy scent. A groan rumbled from deep within his chest and vibrated throughout her body. She’d never physically felt another person’s emotions before, but that’s the only way she could explain what was happening. Tanner’s desire for her poured out of him in waves and crashed into her soul, completely enveloping her.

  She started to pull away, and he flattened his palms to her lower back, keeping her in place. And she didn’t argue because being in his arms…it was so right. Tanner’s fingers curled around the hem of her hoodie, lifting it just enough for his hands to find her bare flesh. Instant goose bumps. Everywhere. Even places she didn’t know she could have them. Just as he’d done earlier in the night, he rubbed her back in a slow, small circular motion, but this time, it was more intense because it was skin-on-skin.

  A full body shudder shook her, and to anyone watching, it probably looked like she was having a seizure. But his hands were warm and confident, and she couldn’t imagine what else he could do with them, if she let him. “Tanner.” She breathed his name as if it were a prayer.

  “I know.” He slipped his hands from under her hoodie and clutched her hips. Then he placed a lingering kiss to her cheek.

  Her eyelids fluttered open and she drew back. “Thought only your dates ended with a good-night kiss?” Her cheek tingled from where his lips had been. “This isn’t a date, remember?”

  “And that wasn’t a good-night kiss.” Without releasing her, he straightened to his full height, and their bodies were now flush with each other. Good Lord, he had a fabulous body. She wanted to climb him like a pole and lick her way down. He cupped her cheek and rubbed his thumb across her bottom lip, his gaze locked on hers. “My persistence is going to outlast your stubbornness, Jules. That’s a promise.”

  He was both right and wrong. He was right about his persistence. Hell, he’d already achieved that goal. But he was wrong about her. She wasn’t being stubborn. She was being cautious.

  “Now get your sexy little ass inside before I do more than just kiss your cheek.”

  She swallowed hard. “Good night.” Her hand shook as she fumbled to get the door unlocked.


  “You’ve never been here before?” Devon asked.

  “No.” Since meeting Tanner, a flock of butterflies had taken up permanent residence in her stomach, and they were now busy trying to make her throw up.

  “Damn, these are some nice apartments.” He whistled with appreciation.

  His commentary on Tanner’s living arrangements weren’t helping Juliana’s nerves. At all. She took a deep breath and glanced up at the expensive-looking homes. Each building had two sets of steps and two doors, indicating two separate apartments. Or houses. Or whatever the hell they were.

  “Which one is Tanner’s?” Devon shifted the plate of quesadillas into his other hand. Jules had made them this morning, so all she had to do was cook them once they arrived for the football party.

  “Number forty-two.” The ornate brass numbers were bright against the hunter green door. This was it. Thankfully, her first visit to Tanner’s house was with a group of people and not alone. She pressed the doorbell and waited.

  Moments later, the door swung open. Juliana’s jaw hit the ground. Tanner stood there—shirtless—a living, breathing testament to perfection. Well-defined pecs gave way to the most gorgeous abs she’d ever seen. Every chiseled line looked like it had been hand carved into his body. Even his nipples were sexy. How was that possible? Gym shorts hung low on his hips, and her gaze was drawn to the muscular indentations that were a roadmap to his…goods.

  “Come on in.” Tanner stepped aside and held the door. “Jason and Holly made a beer run, but they should be back any minute.” His eyes lingered on her. She was staring, and she knew that he knew it, but it was hard to care when the view was so amazing.

  “We brought quesadillas.” Devon held up the plate. “Where can I put them?”

  “Kitchen is through there.” He pointed at an eight-foot archway. “You can put them on the counter.”

  “Thanks.” Devon disappeared into the kitchen.

  “Make yourselves comfortable. I’m going to go put a shirt on.” Tanner hooked his thumb over his shoulder, then turned
and walked down the hallway.

  “Who the hell answers the door half naked like that?” Devon grumbled as he came back from the kitchen and sat on the edge of the large, leather sectional.

  “You.” She laughed. “And he wasn’t half naked.”

  He narrowed his eyes. “Whatever. I do not.”

  “Bull. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve shown up at the frat house to find you wandering around in nothing more than a pair of boxers.”

  Tanner walked back into the room, and his expression fell. Shit.

  Chapter Eleven

  Tanner sat on the edge of his seat, eyes glued to the screen. It was the end of the fourth quarter, and the Cowboys were leading by seven points. The Giants had the ball and were on the ten-yard line. If they made this play and the subsequent field goal, the score would tie. Then all they had to do was stop the Cowboys from scoring again until they could bring back their offensive line. He had way too much riding on this game to lose by one damn touchdown.

  “Come on,” Devon said, scooting closer to the edge of the couch.

  The ball launched in the air, and Tanner held his breath. A perfect pass that ended with the receiver in the end zone. “Touchdown!” He jumped up and pumped his fists in the air. “Yes!” He gave Devon a high five then grabbed Jules, lifting her off her feet and spinning her around.

  She laughed and wrapped her arms around his neck. “I’m rooting for the other team, remember?”

  He set her on her feet, but she didn’t let go of him, so he didn’t let go of her, either. And he didn’t give a shit that Devon was shooting daggers from his eyes. Although he had no idea why. They’d been getting along fine all day.

  “Don’t start your victory dance just yet,” Brittany said. “There’s a flag on the play.”

  Tanner’s gaze snapped back to the TV.

  Devon cursed. “I need another beer. Anyone else?” He glanced around.

  “Yeah, I’ll take one more,” Jason said.

  “Hey.” Jules’s hands were on Tanner’s face, cupping his cheeks and turning his attention back to her. “Can we talk for a sec?”


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