Trusting Tanner (The Collins Brothers)

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Trusting Tanner (The Collins Brothers) Page 11

by Lexi Lawton

  Riley proceeded to read through a list of rules as she and Tanner got into their harnesses, which were awkward and uncomfortable. Riley then handed each of them a square box with a lid, small enough to fit in their pockets. “If you get lost, stuck, or injured, flip open that lid and press the button. One of the staff will come assist you. Any questions?”

  When neither of them said anything, Riley gave a curt nod. “Have fun.” Then he walked away.

  “I have to admit, I’m impressed,” she said.

  His eyes sparked with pride and excitement. “Yeah?”

  She nodded. “When you asked me out, I was expecting dinner. Maybe a movie. But this”—she gestured at the obstacle course—“this is friggin’ awesome.”

  “You’re incredible, you know that?” His tone was serious, no traces of humor, and he had an expression to match. Her heart fluttered at his compliment. “I was worried you’d hate this.”

  “Well, stop worrying. I love it.”

  “Good, then get climbing. It takes a while to get through here, and we’ve only got two hours.”

  Juliana went first, climbing up the ridiculously tall metal ladder. It had to be a good three stories high. She stepped onto the large platform, and a second later, Tanner was beside her. “Have you done this before?” she asked.

  “Once last year when my brothers came to visit.”

  She was oddly relieved he’d never been here with another girl.

  “Hello,” an overly excited girl greeted them. “I’m Mindy.” She grabbed what looked like a metal cord and snapped one end to the eye hook on the front of Juliana’s harness and then affixed the other end to a cable along the ceiling. “Be sure your safety wire is attached to the cables at all times.”

  Juliana swallowed hard and nodded. All that stood between her and death by concrete floor was a metal wire. Sweat beaded on her brow. Maybe she should’ve told Tanner she was afraid of heights. She took a hesitant step out onto the wooden bridge. It didn’t sway or buckle under her weight. That was mildly comforting.

  “Don’t be afraid, I’m right here,” Tanner said from behind her.

  She glanced over her shoulder to see him staring at her, a faint smile on his lips and an unspoken challenge in his gaze. “I’m not afraid.”

  His lips twitched into a bigger smile. “If you say so.”

  Her competitive streak raced through her, kicking into overdrive. She’d show him how not scared she was. Holding tightly to the rope sides, she walked across the bridge without stopping. She stepped onto the circular platform and turned back to Tanner, who was making his way across the bridge as effortlessly as she had. He jumped from the bridge to the platform. “Show-off.” She stuck out her tongue.

  He chuckled. “You haven’t seen anything yet.”

  She dramatically rolled her eyes, which made him laugh harder. “Which way now?” There were two arrows, each pointing in a different direction. One led to a tightrope and the other led to another bridge, but instead of wooden planks, there were stepping stones.

  “You pick. I’ll follow,” he said.

  Juliana moved toward the tightrope, then hesitated. The rope was a lot thinner than she’d originally thought. There was a secondary cable overhead, which she assumed was used for holding on. She took a small step back, deciding to go the other way, but she bumped into Tanner.

  “You grab on here,” he said, reaching over her head and taking hold of the second cable. The action brought his body even closer to hers, and she got a whiff of his cologne. She momentarily closed her eyes and inhaled deeply, leaning into his solid, warm chest. He lowered his head so his mouth was near her ear. “And you turn your body like this.” His breath was warm, his voice soft as he moved his hands to her waist and gently turned her so she was standing sideways. “The trick is to walk across the rope sideways while holding on.”

  She nodded and glanced at him, hoping he couldn’t tell how fast her heart was beating or how hard it was for her to breathe with him so close. He reached up and brushed the hair from her forehead, trailing his fingers down her face and tucking the errant strands behind her ear. She sucked in a breath, waiting for him to close the distance and kiss her.

  But he didn’t. He straightened. “I’ll be right behind you. Promise.”

  “Good, because if I fall, I’m taking you with me,” she teased.

  “You’re not going to fall. I won’t let you.” There was a promise in his tone that she wasn’t sure she believed.

  Nodding, she took a deep breath and clutched the overhead cable. She went slowly at first but then picked up speed. “That wasn’t so bad,” she said once she made it to the other side. Her palms were red and sore from holding the cable, and she flexed her fingers to ease some of the pain.

  “I should’ve warned you that the cable raises hell with your hands.” Tanner massaged her palms, letting his fingers roam down to her wrist and then back up to her fingertips.

  She watched, transfixed, as he touched her. Every move he made was self-assured and sexy. Goose bumps broke out on her arms, and she had to fight back a tremor.

  “Better?” he asked, still holding her hands.

  “Yes.” The word was a breathy whisper. God, if he could turn her on this much by simply touching her hands, she was in a lot of trouble. She’d never survive his touch elsewhere.

  “Good.” He pressed his lips to her right palm, then her left. “Which way now?”

  “You pick,” she said. Her brain was mush, and the only thing she could focus on was the tingling in her hands.

  Releasing her, he turned to survey their options. It was either jump across five trampolines of varying sizes or try to maneuver across three seesaw-like bars. “Trampolines it is,” he said with a firm nod.

  “Taking the easy way, huh?” She playfully nudged him.

  “Let me hear you say that once we’re on the other side,” he said.

  “Gladly.” She smiled sweetly, then jumped on the first trampoline. She bounced a little higher than she expected, which was only the start of her problems. Trying to get across the length of the first one was a struggle, but climbing onto the outer ring and then jumping to the next was a test of patience and strength. When she finally made it across, she was panting, and her legs felt like heated rubber. She bent over, clutched her knees, and drew in several deep breaths.

  “Easy way, huh?” Tanner asked, his breath coming as hard as hers.

  “I take it back.”

  An hour and a half later, Juliana stood, hands on her hips, in front of the very last obstacle. Directly in front of her was a steep ladder and to her right was a drop-off with a massive foam pit at the bottom.

  “Well, which is it going to be?” Tanner asked.

  After the hassle of getting across the trampolines, he’d insisted she pick the route, and she hadn’t argued. But she was curious as to what he’d decide. “You choose this time.”

  He took her hand and tugged her toward the foam pit. “We’re going to jump.”

  Her heart stopped then started just as abruptly, knocking the breath from her body. That would not have been her choice, but her legs were tired, and her muscles ached. Climbing down three stories wasn’t very appealing, either.

  “Ready?” he asked.

  She gave his hand a firm squeeze and nodded. “Don’t let go.”

  “Never.” He winked.

  In the next instant, she was falling. She closed her eyes tightly, fear preventing her from looking down. Her stomach dipped, stuck in her throat, then slammed back in place. She screamed seconds before Tanner released her hand. Weightlessness surrounded her as she hit the foam. And then she sunk into the pit, the foamy mats hugging her like a long-lost lover.

  Tanner settled next to her. “That was so much better than climbing down the ladder.”

  “You let go.”

  He rolled onto his side, which caused her to do the same, now facing him. “Not on purpose.”

  Juliana gently pushed him over onto his
back and brought her upper body over his. Her gaze strayed to his lips then back to his dark, enticing eyes. She really wanted that kiss he kept promising her. As if in slow motion, his hand moved to the side of her neck, his fingers weaving into her hair, and then he tugged her face closer. His lips brushed lightly over hers, and her eyes closed. Delicious tension built deep in her stomach, expanding and spreading to her limbs, giving her a euphoric warmth. His tongue grazed her bottom lip before he nipped at it, and her heart thrashed in her chest.

  He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her over on top of him. She gasped with delight, and he gave a cocky grin. His hands coursed down her back, electrifying her entire body. But that was as far as he took it. There was no deep, passionate kiss. Just a torturous tease of what was to come.

  Slowly, reality seeped into her mind. They were in a public place. Even though they were the only customers, the staff was still present, more than likely watching. “Tanner,” she whispered.

  Before he could respond, a shrill buzzing noise echoed through the cavernous room. She jerked back, eyes wide. “What the hell was that?” She climbed off him.

  “The buzzer to let us know our time’s up.”

  “Oh.” She sighed with relief.

  “If you roll toward the edge, we can help you out,” Riley called. Two other staff members stood nearby.

  “You go ahead,” Tanner said. “I need a minute.”

  She gave him a questioning look. One quick glance at the bulge between his legs and she understood what he meant. Slightly embarrassed, she lumbered to the edge and let Riley help her out.

  “You can hang all your equipment over there.” Riley nodded to a row of hooks along the far wall.

  She nodded but waited for Tanner, who was moments behind her. “Sorry,” she said.

  “Don’t be.” He grinned. “That’s not the first time that’s happened because of you.”

  She stared after him, completely and totally speechless.

  Chapter Thirteen

  After they’d left Adrenaline Avalanche, Tanner brought her to Noodles & More, an out-of-the-way eatery near downtown. It was a place where they could create their own pasta dishes, complete with salad and breadsticks. She’d been there once before with Devon, but it wasn’t a popular place with the college crowd simply because of the higher prices. She loved it, though, and was thrilled when Tanner suggested it.

  “That obstacle course was so much fun,” Juliana said as she sipped her ice water.

  “It’s one of Florida’s best kept secrets,” he said. “My brother Xander was the one who found it. He and Ryder came to visit because they were bored, and that’s the entertainment he chose.”

  “For someone who has only been there once, you remembered quite a bit.”

  “That’s because we spent an entire day there. My brothers and I are a little competitive. We went through once to get the feel of it, and then the next couple of times it was a race to see who could finish first.”

  “I cannot imagine racing through that.” She took another drink and glanced around at the older couples and families. The place was packed for nine thirty on a Saturday night.

  Tanner reached across the table and took her hand. She watched the way his thumb ran back and forth over her knuckles, the motion smooth and effortless. “It wasn’t so bad, but tonight was definitely a lot better.”

  Her breath caught, and she took another sip of water. “You and your brothers are really close, huh?”

  He nodded. “I’m closer to Ryder than I am to Xander, but I think that’s because we’ve been together longer.”

  “Ryder’s the oldest?”

  “Yeah. He’s the level-headed one. The peacekeeper. He’s in law school a few hours away. Jacksonville. Xander’s in business school down near Miami.”

  “Wow. You’re all in the same state? How did that happen?”

  He shrugged. “I think we wanted to be close even though none of us will admit that to one another.”

  “Do you see them often?”

  “As often as I can.” He trailed his fingers over her wrist and up her arm. “I usually go to them, though, because it gets too crowded at my place if they come here.” He lifted her hand and placed a kiss to her palm and then her wrist, sending tingles through her body. “Your hands feeling better?”

  “Yeah.” She hummed softly, a mixture of content and frustration. Why hadn’t he kissed her earlier when she’d been lying on top of him? She knew he’d wanted to. She’d felt how badly he wanted to.

  “What about you? Do you have any siblings?”

  “No. I’m an only child.” She needed to change the subject fast because her lack of family was not something she wanted to explain. It was a topic she rarely discussed, even with Devon. “Will you be seeing your brothers again soon?”

  “I’m considering heading to Miami for the upcoming four-day weekend.”

  “That’s nice.” And she meant it. But the idea of him being gone for four full days wasn’t so nice.

  “Do you have plans for fall break?” Tanner took both of her hands and held them tight.

  “Not really. I’ll probably stay around campus. Do some studying. Hang out with Devon.” She shrugged. It was the same thing she’d done every year during fall break. Even when she’d been with Zach, he’d go home and never invite her.

  Tanner’s grip tightened, and his shoulders stiffened. Why was he acting so strange every time she mentioned Devon? He’d been doing it all week. He couldn’t be jealous, could he? She’d been very clear about her relationship with Devon.

  “You could always go to Miami with me.” His gaze was intense and entrancing.

  Juliana stared back at him. Was he for real? They were literally on their first date and he was asking her to go away with him? She laughed. “Yeah, right.”

  “I know it seems crazy, but I’m serious.”

  “You are?”

  He tugged her hands, forcing her to lean farther across the table. He did the same so his face was inches from hers. Then he gave her that smile, the one that made her lady parts rejoice. “I am,” he said. His gaze radiated truth.

  “I’ll think about it.”

  He nodded and released her hands. “So, are things getting any better with your roommate?”

  Juliana groaned and scrunched up her face. “We worked out a room schedule and set some ground rules. It lasted for about two days. Now she’s back to doing whatever the hell she wants.”

  “You should go to housing and request a room transfer. It’s early enough in the semester; they might be able to help.”

  Devon had told her the same thing. But what if she got stuck with a new roommate who was even worse? Rebecca was difficult, but she wasn’t completely impossible, and she did have some redeeming qualities. “Actually, I’ve been thinking about getting an apartment off-campus.”

  “You know.” Tanner straightened. “If you go to Miami with me, that will be four fewer days you’ll have to spend with the roommate from hell.” He grinned. “Besides, I’d like you to meet my brothers. I think they’d really like you.”

  She smirked. “Whoa, slow down there, Casanova. This is our first date, and you’re already talking about meeting the family. What’s next? A weekend trip to meet your parents?”

  “If you’re up for it…”

  “Uh, yeah, how about we see how the rest of the night goes.” She was cautiously optimistic about the prospect of meeting his family, even if it was so soon in their relationship.

  “Does that mean you’re not planning to go out on a second date with me?”

  “Like I said, we’ll see how this date goes first.” She took a drink of her water and glanced around. She’d worked up a hell of an appetite going through the obstacle course. She’d eaten her salad, but it had done nothing to appease her appetite.

  The waiter arrived with their food, and Juliana’s stomach growled. The savory scent of noodles slathered in alfredo sauce and steak tips made her mouth water. They ate in
silence for a while, but then they filled the rest of the evening with talk about their classes and upcoming social events.

  Two hours later, Tanner pulled into the parking lot adjacent to McKenzie Hall. “Can I walk you to your door?” He killed the engine.

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea. God only knows what my roommate’s doing up there right now.”

  He chuckled. “All right.” He opened his door and got out.

  Juliana watched him walk around the front of the car, every step purposeful and confident. He opened the door and offered her his hand. Her heart jumped into her throat and lodged there. She got out, meeting and holding his gaze. They both knew what was coming next. She’d been waiting all night for him to kiss her, but now that the moment was finally here, she wasn’t sure she was ready. Every nasty thing Zach had ever said to her chose to reappear right then. Kissing you is like trying to French kiss a Saint Bernard. It’s a good thing you’re pretty. God, that last one was the worst.

  “You okay?” he asked.

  “Yes.” She nodded a little too eagerly. “I mean, no.” She sighed. “Can I be honest with you?”

  He took her hand, lacing their fingers. “Always.” But before she could say what was on her mind, he led her toward the back of his car. Grabbing her around the waist, he lifted and set her atop the trunk of his car. Her eyes widened with surprise, and he answered with a smile. “There. Much better.”

  They were now at equal eye level, face-to-face. The perfect position for a kiss. She swallowed hard.

  “Okay.” He put his hands on her legs, and she held her breath. “What did you want to say?” His eyes darkened while at the same time sparking with need. She’d never seen a look quite like that before.

  I want to marry you and have your babies and spend my life staring at your sexy face. Where the hell had that come from? She released the breath she’d been holding. “I’m scared.” There, she’d said it. But her confession did nothing to calm her racing heart.

  “Scared of what?” His gaze was trained on his hands, which were inching their way up her legs.


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