STEAMPUNK ROMANCE: An Innovative Clockwork Steampunk World Adventure: The Complete Collection Boxed Set (Mystery Suspense Romance Short Stories)

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STEAMPUNK ROMANCE: An Innovative Clockwork Steampunk World Adventure: The Complete Collection Boxed Set (Mystery Suspense Romance Short Stories) Page 19

by Haven, Rose

  "Harder," she laughed, surprised by the echo of a snarl in her voice. "I'm coming...fuck, I'm comi--!"

  Elizabeth came down around him harder than she ever had, milk squirting even from her untouched breast to stain her gown. His groan was all that warned her of his own emission, bursting within her far more thickly than his semen before traveling very abruptly through her walls further into her body. She at first bloated from its intrusion, though this faded with a breath; she could feel something like cold air swirling inside her, rising around her lungs, out into her arms and down her legs, seeping up into her spine and neck. She was changed, and yet the same.

  "You're mine," he growled.

  She smiled.

  As he left her, she slowly sank back onto her rear, thinking her legs would give out if she even thought to stand. Luthias surprised her by sweeping her up into his arms, carrying her the few paces to lay her upon her mattress. He regarded her differently now, with a touch of possessiveness and...admiration. He kissed her lips, as though she were a sleeping princess. His lips then moved down to her heavy breasts, where he pushed down her gown to lick away the milk that leaked forth. When she touched the top of his head with her new claws, he lifted her hand from his hair with a start, examining it himself.

  " longer dormant," he remarked, touching her sharp nail with one of his own.

  "I guess so," Elizabeth said, breathless.

  He kissed her knuckle, proud. Seeing him for the first time that night, Elizabeth noticed then that he wore only silken harem pants the same white as her gown, with a fold over an opening at the crotch where he could easily access his member.

  "They're like fuck-pants," Elizabeth said, unable to help her laughter. "They look good..."

  Luthias gave her a very odd look. He was still startled by her candidness, which was becoming increasingly common. Even so, he would lay down beside her, wrapping her in his arms.

  "Call them what you will," he murmured.

  His mate. This finally began to sink in for Elizabeth, as she closed her eyes and nestled into him. His arms were the first she would never have to leave.

  Chapter 5: Fate of his Former Love

  News that Luthias had taken Elizabeth for a mate caused more of a stir than she had expected. Most were kind about it, as gifts from Luthias’ subjects arrived daily, mostly from those who wished to stay in their lord’s good graces. Unfortunately, others were irate that after so many years Luthias would choose a mate of an unknown bloodline, picking a nobody over all the eligible daughters of the lesser nobles. For the weeks that followed, Luthias was busy reasserting his power over rebellious fathers, keeping him absent from the castle.

  Elizabeth missed his attention, at first. Then, she realized she had been given an opportunity. Even now no one would tell her what had happened to Emilie; however, her new title gave her access to any records the advisors guarded. Now that she had time, she resolved to find the truth for herself.

  Good luck, Emilie laughed.

  At first, Elizabeth couldn’t find much. She had only the dates on Emilie’s gravestone to start with: born July 12, 1840, died January 1, 1899. She appeared in lineage reports as the daughter of Kieran and “human,” since the Canines apparently didn’t see it proper record the non-important parents of partlings. Snooping in Kieran’s room, she found newspaper clippings of Emilie Cenneth (possibly the humanized name Kieran had had his late wife write on their daughter’s birth certificate) graduating from a previously all-male University in Southern England, September 1863.

  Elizabeth made note that Avery Cennasaí was born in 1895 and assumed that he would have been born within a couple years of Emilie and Luthias’ courtship, meaning that Emilie had been a woman 30 years out of college when the relationship began—longer than Elizabeth herself had been alive. Elizabeth couldn’t understand why an educated, brilliant girl would want to subjugate herself to her demon uncle. Then again, she knew that subjugation was hardly what Emilie had had in mind. Aside from this though, there were no clues about cause of death. There was only a date, and everyone’s quiet shrugs.

  She was in the library, skimming handwritten journals of advisors from the years around Emilie’s death, when she was approached by the one person she had been too hesitant to ask.

  “You’re not going to find anything,” Avery said, cool.

  Elizabeth dropped the book with a gasp, accidentally bumping her stomach under the table. She bit back pain as she regarded him, half wanting to compliment how nice his hair looked freshly cut, but knowing that Avery probably wouldn’t take it well.

  “I was just—”

  He held up his hand, stopping her. He pulled out a chair, sitting across from her, arms folded over his chest while his gaze burned through her.

  “You piss me off, you know,” he said. He rarely spoke so curtly, usually polite even when his face read spite. “You show up one day with your Malibu Barbie smile and Father dotes on you like you’ve got a cunt made of gold. I don’t care how much you look like her—if he thinks pampering you will make up for what he did to my mother, he’s more pathetic than I took him for.”

  She fought the urge to defend herself. For now, she just wanted to know what he knew.

  “What did Luthias do?”

  Avery recrossed his arms, unable to look at her as he spoke.

  “He wouldn’t mate her, officially,” he said. “She was only one-fourth demon, so doing so would have been a mark on the Cennasaí name, apparently. Nevermind that everyone knew his father had been porking human girls until the day he died, it’s what’s on the record that counts. But Father claimed Mother, with the ceremony, and promised that between them she would be his mate. To everyone else though, a woman with a claim her partner won’t acknowledge is what’s called a ‘mistress.’ A lord’s whore, if you will.”


  Elizabeth paled—she felt a distant anger stirring within her, not quite her own, though not far removed.

  “Mother was usually better at sticking to her guns, but I guess he had worn her down,” Avery said, shrugging. “I was only five, but I remember her telling me that being Father’s mistress was the only way she could get him to confess that he loved her, and me. But part of the condition of his claim was that she had to let him take a public mate. So, in comes Miyako, a foreign pureblood who Father mated in the name of public opinion. She was perfect. Except for that she hated me, and Mother.”

  Elizabeth’s head throbbed with the sudden memory of a black-haired woman, tall and formidable, whose nails were kept filed to points.

  “Mom was pregnant. It usually happens after a claim, though it looks like you beat it to the punch. She and Miyako antagonized each other until it started to make Mother ill; she complained to Father about the way Miyako treated us, but Father thought she was just oversensitive, because of the baby. If he had listened and disciplined his ‘proper mate,’ Miyako might not have had to courage to push my mother down a flight of stairs when no one was looking.”

  Elizabeth choked with horror, her hand pressing to her mouth. Her own baby felt too still in her womb.

  “She survived,” Avery said, as if to soothe her. “Damaged her back, but she might have walked away if she wasn’t six months along. She went into labor, birthed my stillborn sister, and despite Father’s healers she died of blood loss. Miyako tried to pretend that the fall had been Mother’s clumsiness, but Father was in such a state that he ripped her to pieces while I watched. I don’t know if he knew for sure what she had done. I guess it didn’t matter. He tossed her remains outside to rot, struck her existence from public record, and proclaimed that Emilie, not Miyako, would be buried as his mate. It was a scandal, but Father weathered it. Honestly, that was the least he owed her.”

  Elizabeth glimpsed hot tears brimming in his eyes, before he simply blinked them back.

  “I had lost my mother, my sister, and all I was left with was a father who couldn’t stand my presence for more than a handful of minutes. H
e was always gone, searching for the next version of her, like he could hit the reset button on the life he fucked up. No one wanted to know how I felt about that. I was stupidly thanking God when he finally gave up on it all, but then suddenly he packs up and leaves again—and he comes back with you.”

  As Elizabeth saw now the tension in his body, the hatred in his eyes, she finally understood. Luthias had told her at the beginning that his providing for her was some sort of penance. Clearly, this was what he had meant.

  She didn’t realize she was crying until she felt the tears on her hand. She couldn’t help it. She was overcome by hopelessness she couldn’t explain, sorrow for Avery and for the woman she had been, subjected to fates they didn’t deserve. Avery was taken aback by her reaction; this wasn’t what he had expected.


  He sighed, standing.

  “…I’m sorry,” he said. “You didn’t do anything wrong. Mom would have raised me better than to dump all my angst on a pregnant woman. Just…seeing how easy you have it…it’s hard to take.”

  She shook her head, slowly coming to her feet as well. She managed to wipe away her tears.

  “No, you’re right.”

  She had taken it all for granted. Her life was the spoils Emilie had earned, and now it was time to acknowledge the cost.

  “I’ll talk to Luthias, when he comes home tonight,” she promised. “I’ll tell him I know.”

  It seemed as though a weight had been lifted from Avery. For the first time, he bowed to her, acknowledging her status in the palace.

  “Thank you, my lady.”

  Though Luthias wouldn’t arrive for hours, Elizabeth awaited him in his chambers. She still wore her day dress, though the sun had set hours before; she had felt such anxiety about the meeting that she couldn’t bring herself to change. She sat at the edge of his bed, cradling her heavy stomach—it had been causing her pain, but she refused to acknowledge it now.

  What do you think is going to happen? Emilie taunted, a trace of true irritation in the tone. Is he going to fall to his knees and beg for your love? You’re already his fuck toy. He’ll do what he pleases.

  She didn’t care what he did. She wanted closure.

  Luthias entered the room shortly before midnight. His hair was slightly tangled, his collar rumpled, both signs that he hadn’t given himself much time to think from morning to dusk. Obviously, he hadn’t expected to see her. He regarded her flatly at first, processing her presence as though he had just woken from sleep.

  “…you should be resting,” he said at last, shedding his coat on the ground.

  “You didn’t tell me Emilie died in childbirth.”

  He froze. She thought she saw his heart seize behind eyes that stilled to glass.

  “Who told you?” he asked.

  “Does it matter?” she asked. “Why were you keeping it from me?”

  “You didn’t remember,” he said, slumping back against the door, vacant. “I hoped you would…but you didn’t. I didn’t want to burden you with what happened if you didn’t have to know.”

  “What happened, like it wasn’t your fault?!” she said, foreign anger rising in her. She stood from the bed, gripping the nightstand for support. “You couldn’t pay your pregnant lover any attention while a crazy woman abused her, a woman you let into our home to take my place, because I wasn’t worthy?!”

  She remembered, then. Her fury. Her fear. Her broken heart. For all her fighting, she had ended up bloody and abandoned, forced to birth a child already killed by neglect. She had thought before she closed her eyes what a different life she might have had if she hadn’t tried to fight. If she had quietly bowed to her oppressors, and let them have their way. Death had finally broken her spirit—the spirit that would become Elizabeth.

  For the first time, Luthias was brought to his knees. He stared at the floor, bent with the gravity of his grief, utterly expressionless. She felt that still-uncomfortable sensation of her fangs extending behind her lips, claws pricking into her palm—yet before she could snarl at him anew, he quieted her with a word.

  “Forgive me.”

  He closed his eyes, bowing his head to her in disgrace.

  “Please…forgive me.”

  The fire burning in her heart faded. She stared at him, shocked silent.

  “I cannot take back the wrong I’ve done you,” he said. “All I can do is try again. Your new body is nearly pure, but I would have mated you now as the most diluted partling, the moment you asked. I will tear apart any who threaten you. I will nurture any child you bear. I will do everything I should have done for you when you were Emilie, though you are now my Elizabeth. So please…”

  His head hung lower, as he touched a hand to the floor.

  “I beg your forgiveness.”

  Her claws had already retracted. His apology had struck her numb. All along, Emilie had been trying to punish Luthias for replacing her with a passive replica, when all along Luthias had known that her passivity was the damage he had wrought. He nurtured her, loved her, both for what she had been and what she had become, because they were one in the same.


  Elizabeth stood before him, her hand trembling as she touched the crown of his black hair. She choked back a sob; she tugged his roots as her hand tangled in his locks, but he didn’t complain. He just looked up at her, silent, but far from emotionless.

  “It’s ok, Luthias,” she managed, though her throat was tight. “You killed that bitch…and you stopped me from selling myself…so…it’s ok, you son of a bitch…”

  He touched her hand, slowly rising to his feet. Unable to speak, he brought her into his arms, holding her shoulder against his chest so he could hold her and all of her baby. She cried against him, as he held her tight. Elizabeth could feel the separateness of Emilie’s voice fade, until there was nothing but her own thoughts.

  “You stupid…stupid dog,” she sobbed, and he only held her closer.

  When she thought things had finally settled down for her, she was crippled by horrifying pain. She doubled over in his arms, though he gripped her quickly

  “Elizabeth—what is it?”

  She could only gasp, a burst of water between her legs answering his question. The baby was coming.

  Chapter 6: Birth

  Elizabeth had expected to be rushed off to a cold room where the child would be pried out with tongs or some other archaic equipment; she was startled when Luthias helped her onto his own bed, loosing the buttons on her dress and removing her undergarments, letting her press herself back against the familiar headboard as the was ravaged by pain. He left only to bellow out into the hall, demanding assistance.

  “It’s going to be all right,” he told her, and she believed him.

  Two midwives would arrive soon enough to help her out of her clothes, claiming she would be more comfortable if she were naked during labor. Luthias kicked off his shoes so he could join her on the bed, holding her against his chest when she wished it, or holding her hand as she pressed back on all fours, sobbing. The child was bigger than they had expected. Soon she could feel its head wedged in her pelvis, like a boulder trying to squeeze out the mouth of a very small cave.

  “I can’t,” she sobbed.

  Luthias kissed the hand he held, then her wrist. He pulled her back against his chest once more, where he could let her spread her legs for the midwives, and she could push by bearing down on his knees. She groaned as tears brimmed, but it became a faint pleasure when he softly caressed her massive breasts to soothe her, while gentle lips pressed to her neck.

  "Ah, my, that is...quite a head," a midwife said, agape as she looked now at the cavern opening up between Elizabeth's thighs.

  When Luthias glared, the other midwife quickly changed her tune. "Our lady bears such healthy children!" she said instead.

  Elizabeth was less than amused by her praise. She gripped Luthias' knees again as she spread herself as far as she could go, screaming through
clenched teeth.


  She couldn't see a thing over her monstrous womb, though she felt more than clearly how stubbornly the large baby slid down her passage, inch by inch, squeezing between hips that could barely manage its size. Elizabeth pressed on her own stomach, as though that might help--she regretted her haste when her cunt burned with the bulge of an infant's skull, while the rest of his body continued to clog her passage far tighter than nature's intent. She moaned, and screamed, until Luthias himself helped hold her thighs apart.

  "Almost there, my lady," the younger midwife soothed, her hand stroking softly around the unholy bulge that threatened to split her in two.

  It seemed an eternity before more of a skull emerged, and then an ear, and when the little nose finally poked out over her lips she cried with relief. Still there was more to come, but the baby refused to move any further in that position. Worried, the midwives had her shift again onto her hands and knees, and asked that Luthias come behind her to guide the baby. Elizabeth ended up pressing her forehead into the headboard, arm hooked under her still-bulging belly as she pressed down and squeezed out the rest of the cantaloupe of a head, and struggled against broad shoulders.

  "Just a little more, please," her midwives urged. "You're doing so well..."

  She thought she was going to rupture. Teeth clenched hard, she gave it a last push, and the baby burst free with such force that she didn't know whether it was its screams or hers that were loudest. She collapsed onto the bed, half realizing that it was Luthias who had caught the child, who was still tied to her by its cord.

  "Of course it's a boy," the older midwife laughed. "Robust and handsome, for a newborn."

  The baby shrieked, his lungs more than healthy, but Luthias didn't seem perturbed. He was frozen, spellbound by the wriggling infant, whose hair was as dark as his own.

  Elizabeth managed to sit up, touching Luthias' arm, hardly enough energy left to ask him what she wanted to. Yet when she looked at her son for the first time, seeing how his shapely nose crinkled as he screamed, how lovely his cheekbones were already, how black the little tufts of hair were on his head, she knew who his father was.


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