STEAMPUNK ROMANCE: An Innovative Clockwork Steampunk World Adventure: The Complete Collection Boxed Set (Mystery Suspense Romance Short Stories)

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STEAMPUNK ROMANCE: An Innovative Clockwork Steampunk World Adventure: The Complete Collection Boxed Set (Mystery Suspense Romance Short Stories) Page 73

by Haven, Rose

  “Jade.” He leapt to his feet, and she immediately turned her head to avoid staring at his glorious body.

  “Damien?” She finished snapping her jeans and took a deep breath and she matched his gaze. Her whole body quivered in anticipation of what he would say to her. What was this thing between them that was so intense?

  “You’re welcome to leave,” he said as he swept out his arm.

  His voice was quiet and dangerous, and she felt everything inside her die. Of course she could leave. He didn’t need her anymore now that he knew she didn’t have anything to do with Cresher. She jutted out her chin. “Good luck,” she whispered and then fled for the door.

  It wasn’t until she reached the streets that she looked back. Despair settled in her, and she clutched her abdomen and began trying to find her way back to civilization.

  Chapter Five

  It took two days before Jade could finally open her bookstore. The keys jingled in her hands nervously as she looked around. “This is ridiculous,” she muttered. “Get it together, Jade.”

  She slid the key in the door and opened it. “So there are hybrid demons running around. And one thinks you have something important. And his brother wants to kill him. And his brother gave you the two most intense orgasms of your life. You are not involved anymore. You are just a simple bookstore owner.”

  “Are you now?”

  Jade screamed and dropped her keys. Damian’s brother walked out of the shadows. “I’ve been waiting three days for you. Where have you been?”

  Her head started to pound, and she stumbled back. Unlike when she was with Damien, all Jade felt was fear. “Cresher,” she muttered.

  “Oh.” A large devious smile lit up his face. “I see you’ve been acquainted with my brother. Two intense orgasms you said? You should feel lucky. I don’t think Damien’s been with a woman in quite some time.”

  She flushed. “What are you doing in my bookstore?”

  “I wanted to see if you got a new shipment in with a book I might be interested in,” he muttered.

  “I did, but someone else purchased it,” she said quickly. “I told you to leave your contact info, but since you didn’t, I sold it to someone else. But I’ll make sure to hold on to anything else interesting that comes in. Okay, bye!”

  He closed in quickly, and she cried out in pain when he grabbed her wrists. He bent it back so hard she was afraid it would snap in half. “You may be immune to my powers, wench,” he hissed. “But that doesn’t mean I can’t hurt you.”

  “What do you want,” she cried. True fear gripped her. Damien wasn’t wrong. Cresher was dangerous.

  “I want my brother’s head on a stick,” he said as he twisted her arm behind her. “Have you ever wanted to murder a family member, Jade?”

  She cried out in pain, and tears filled her eyes. He leaned in close and licked her ear. “Tell me his plan, Jade.”

  “I don’t know,” she whispered. “I don’t know his plan. I just know he wants to kill you. He thought I was working with you. He didn’t tell me anything.”

  He ran his hands down her body, and she shuddered in revolt. “Don’t,” she said through clenched teeth.

  “You might not know anything, but that doesn’t mean you won’t be useful,” he muttered in her ear. “You’re his Conquiha. His one true love. And he’ll come for you without the brotherhood. That’s all I need to get rid of him once and for all.”

  “His true love? I barely know him.”

  “No, no, no, baby. Damien wouldn’t fuck you unless he felt a connection with you. You belong to him, and it’s going to be my greatest pleasure to take you from him.”

  Jade struck out with her foot, and while she wrenched herself away, she barely made it two steps before he had her in a hold again. She felt something prick her neck, and for the second time that week, she passed out.

  Damien tapped his finger on his desk. Jade had been gone for three days, but he couldn’t get her out of his head. Her hair wrapped around his fists. The sounds she made when he pleasured her. Her beautiful eyes when she stared at him. The intoxicating aroma of her body. The soft silkiness of her skin.

  He groaned. God, he couldn’t get her out of his head. He barely knew her, but there something about her that spoke to him.

  His phone rang, and he picked it up. “What?” he growled.


  He gripped the edge of his desk. “Jade. Are you okay? How did you get this number?”

  “I’m fine. Actually, I’m not so fine.” Her voice shook, and Damien pressed his head against the wood.

  He’d hurt her. But to be honest, she hurt him first. She jumped and ran out while he was still naked. What was he supposed to do? Stop her? “Jade,” he muttered, and he heard the pain in his voice. “I’m sorry.”

  “I’m sorry too, brother.”

  Damien froze. “Cresher.” Oh God. What had his brother done with her?

  “I don’t know what your plan is, but you’re going to have to change it. I have your Conquiah.”

  His Conquiha? His heart dropped. Of course she was. Nothing else explained the connection that he had with her. She belonged to him. And now Cresher had her.

  “What do you want?” he muttered. Rage filled him. He would kill Cresher.

  “I just want to see you, brother. Tonight.”


  “I think you know where,” he said silkily.

  Of course. The riverbanks where he’d first shown his brother mercy. “Don’t hurt her,” he said through gritted teeth.

  “I’ll keep her alive as long as you get here,” Cresher hissed. “But you’ve taken everything from me. I suggest you be prompt, Damien.”

  The phone went dead, and Cresher threw it across the room. “Damn it,” he roared.

  He got up and started to pace. He barely knew Jade. If he went alone, he risked blowing it altogether, but if he didn’t go, Jade would die.

  His Conquiha.

  It wasn’t possible. After every mistake he had made, he didn’t deserve a mate. He didn’t deserve a true love. He didn’t deserve Jade.

  And Jade didn’t deserve to be in the middle of this mess. But he’d dragged her into this. And he’d do everything he could to save her.

  Even if it meant his life.

  And Cresher was older and stronger. So it really might mean his life.

  The quarter moon barely lit the path to the banks, but Damien would never forget how to get there. Every step of that night was imprinted on his mind. The march to kill his brother. The fight. The moment he realized he couldn’t it. And the pain he felt after he realized what he’d done. He’d picked his blood brother over his brotherhood, and he’d lived with his guilt every minute of every day.

  The ghost of his past slid through him, but there was no way that he would let Cresher go this time. Not with Jade’s life hanging in the balance.

  Only one of them would walk away this riverbank alive tonight.

  Jade was lying in the sand with her wrists and ankles bound. She was awake, and he could see her eyes dart around in fear. “Damien!” she screamed. “It’s a trap! Run!”

  He tensed, but no one jumped out of the shadows. He ran to her and tried to unbind her. “You need to run, baby. You need to run in case this doesn’t work out.”

  “Damian.” She grabbed his arm. “It’s a trap. What are you doing?”

  He cupped her chin. “Run. Be safe. For me,” he whispered.

  The shadow flew at him in top speed, and they both tumbled on the bank. When they separated, Cresher crouched down in the sand. “Brother. So nice of you to join us. Unfortunately, your girl isn’t going anywhere. I’ve already started the ritual.”

  Damian swiveled his head and stared at Jade. She was on all fours, and he saw her dry heaving on the banks. “What have you done to her?” he whispered.

  “You took my demon. I can’t raise another one. But she’s immune to powers. And so she can host one.”

” He ran to her side, and tilted her chin. He could see the shadows battling inside her. “Jade. You have to fight this.”

  “She is mine, hybrid. And you cannot stop me.” Damien gripped her arms as the being spoke through her mouth. His raspy voice sent shivers down Damien’s spine, but he wouldn’t let go.

  “Jade. A demon can’t take your body unless you let it. Fight it. Whatever Cresher did to you doesn’t matter. You have to fight this, baby.”

  “Damien,” she said faintly.

  “No,” Cresher roared. He launched himself at Damien, and they sent sand flying as their bodies tore across the banks. Strength battled strength as they dug into each other’s flesh. Something glinted into the moonlight, and Damien roared when a blade pierced his arm.

  He broke away and grabbed his wound. Panting, he knew that Cresher was stronger than him. “Why are you doing this?”

  “I don’t have to, Damien. You are my blood. Join me. We’ll rule the city together.”

  “I’ve heard those words before,” Damien muttered. “All it did was prolong your life. Tonight, I will end it.”

  “Damien.” Cresher looked at his brother with pain in his eyes. “I don’t want to kill you.”

  “Only one of us is leaving this place alive,” Damien said. “This ends tonight.” He spared one more glance at Jade and saw the shadows overtaking her pupils. She was losing.

  With a roar, he launched himself at Cresher. His brother’s speed and strength overpowered him, but Damien had one last trick up his sleeve. Just as his brother reached up to twist his neck, Damien pulled out the letter opener. He shoved it into his brother’s chest.

  Cresher roared and stumbled back, but they both knew what had happened. “No,” he muttered.

  “Saved a little demon poison just for you,” Damien muttered.

  Cresher clutched at his chest and stumbled. “What have you done, brother?” he gasped.

  Damien shook his head. “I thought this would hurt, Cresher. I thought losing you was worse than anything you could do, but now I just feel sorry for you. You had a powerful sector of the brotherhood under your thumb, and you could have done so much. But you chose this instead. There’s nothing left for you here, Cresher. I’m sorry that it’s come to this.”

  “Save me,” Cresher pleaded. “Please.”

  Damien stepped over him to let him die. Jade had fallen on the sand and was convulsing. He immediately pulled her into his arms. “Fight this,” he whispered. “You are stronger than this.”

  “She’s mine,” the demon hissed. “Worship me, and I’ll give you the world.”

  “I don’t want the world,” Damien said. “I want her. She’s my tether. I’ve never felt this bond with anyone. I love her, and I won’t let you take her. She won’t let you take her. She’s so much more powerful than you.”

  She gasped, and her body twisted at an odd angle. “Damien,” she whispered.

  “Hold on, baby,” he whispered. “Fight this.” He bent down. “I love you, and I’m not going to lose you now.” Then he touched her lips with his and melted into her. She fought him at first, but after a moment, she started responding to him. He opened his eyes and saw the shadows retreating. Finally, she gasped and he felt the fighting energy leave him. “Jade?” he muttered.

  “I’m fine,” she whispered. She pushed at him, and he helped her sit up. “God, I feel like I haven’t slept in weeks.”

  “Jade, I’m so sorry. I should never have let you leave. I should have kept you safe. This is all my fault.”

  She reached up and touched his face. “Stop. Stop blaming yourself for everything. I was confused and freaked out. I left on my own accord.”

  He rested his forehead on hers, and for a moment, everything was right with the world. “I knew I loved you from the first moment I saw you. You were my responsibility.”

  “You love me? You don’t even know me,” she whispered.

  “I know that were ready to sacrifice yourself for me. I know that you are the strongest person I have ever known. I know that you are beautiful inside and out. There is nothing else that’s important.”

  She smiled, and his heart melted. “I freaked out after we…well, you know. I’ve never felt anything like that. It was intense and terrifying. And I’m just a simple girl. I don’t do intense and terrifying. I sell old books.”

  “You do so much more than that,” he murmured.

  She laughed. “I do love you. I’m just a little scared.”

  He kissed her. “You take all the time you need, little one. I’m not going anywhere.”

  “And Cresher?”

  “He’s dead, baby. You don’t have to worry about him anymore. And you don’t have to worry ever again. I’ll take care of you.”

  He held her until she regained her energy, and then he walked her back to his place. His Conquiha would never be alone again.

  Chapter Six

  Damien stood at the table of his brothers with Jade in the shadows. “Brothers,” he murmured. “We’ve had an amazing six months. We’ve disbanded the demon’s nest. We’ve destroyed the demon. And last week, we destroyed Cresher. It should have been done years ago, and for that, I can only beg your forgiveness. But we’ve proven that we can protect this city.” He looked at Jade, and she came out to take is hand. “With your permission, I’d like to continue running this sector with my queen by my side. Jade is my Conquiha, and I’m going to marry her.”

  The table of men stood and clapped their hands, and he squeezed hers gently. His life was full of darkness, but she was his light. And although there would always be dangers around, he knew that his brothers would always be there for him.

  The Slavante Brotherhood protected humanity. Preston protected Sierra. Cole protected Lana.

  And now he would love and protect Jade for the rest of her life. And he knew that she would do the same for him.


  Regency Romance

  The Heartless Rake

  Defiant Lords Series

  Rose Haven

  Regency Romance: The Heartless Rake

  Chapter One

  “There you are! Where have you been all day?” Lady Elizabeth Sonhurst, the Marchioness of Norfolk asked her only son, Lord Adam Sonhurst. “I’ve been waiting for you the entire afternoon.”

  “Good evening to you too, Mother” said Lord Sonhurst in an agitated tone. He had spent the entire day looking into the matters of the estate and was too tired to pretend to be happy about his mother visiting him. “When did you get back from Essex?”

  “I returned this morning and decided to pay you a visit. And I am not going to waste your time and my time in exchanging pleasantries. I am sure you know the reason behind my visit.”

  “Like Hell, I do!” muttered Adam.

  “I’ve raised you better than this Lord Sonhurst! Swearing in front of a lady is as improper as it gets!” shouted Lady Sonhurst.

  “Thanks for reminding me that YOU’VE raised me. Because all I can remember is Mrs. Hopkins waking me up, helping me get ready, cuddling me when I got scared at night, singing lullabies to me when I couldn’t go to sleep…” Adam replied bitterly.

  “Lady Eleanor Rothert is the perfect match for you. Her father is the famous Earl of Dunkirk and being the only daughter, she’ll bring a sizeable dowry too. Besides, she is extremely pleasant to look at and will make a perfect Marchioness. By now you should be thinking of settling down and producing an heir. It is your duty towards your family and the estate. And it is high time you realize your responsibilities.” Lady Sonhurst continued, completely ignoring what her son had just said.

  His mother had a way of making him feel small and irrelevant. Like he wasn’t doing enough for the estate, wasn’t realizing his responsibilities as a Marquess. He didn’t want his mother to see how her words had affected him. Deep inside, he knew that his mother was right. Time was running fast and he had to produce an heir soon who would take over this vast estate after him. But for that, he’d have to get ma
rried. And that was a risk he just wasn’t willing to take!

  Marriage, love…these were the words he absolutely loathed. His father had been foolish to fall in love. That too with a woman who just wasn’t worth it. His mother was an extremely self-centered woman who didn’t know the meaning of fidelity. His father, the erstwhile Marquess of Norfolk had been a famous and influential man in his days. The people of his estate loved him and he was quite popular. But his downfall started when he fell in love with Elizabeth Nesbitt, the minister’s daughter. No doubt she was absolutely gorgeous, she looked charming even to this day! But her heart, well that was a different matter altogether.

  Not only had his mother been unfaithful towards her husband, she’d also not cared much for him, her only son. He had grown up without the warmth of a mother’s love and that had made him even more bitter. Although Mrs. Hopkins, his governess, had filled that void to some extent, he had always craved for his mother’s love and affection. His father had been too blind in love to notice all this and eventually when he did realize, it was already too late. He drowned himself in liquor and the few times he was sober, he confined himself to his study.

  It had cost him a lot of his fortune too and Adam had promised himself long ago that he would never repeat his father’s mistakes. He knew he had to get married sooner or later to produce an heir. But he would NEVER marry the girl that his mother had chosen for him. He wouldn’t give his mother that kind of satisfaction. Besides, who knows she might have chosen a woman just like herself-cold and empty hearted.

  His mother’s words forced him back into reality. “I’ve already talked to Lord Rothert and he is agreeable to the match. It would do you good to meet Lady Eleanor in person and see for yourself how charming a lady she is! I am sure….”


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