STEAMPUNK ROMANCE: An Innovative Clockwork Steampunk World Adventure: The Complete Collection Boxed Set (Mystery Suspense Romance Short Stories)

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STEAMPUNK ROMANCE: An Innovative Clockwork Steampunk World Adventure: The Complete Collection Boxed Set (Mystery Suspense Romance Short Stories) Page 80

by Haven, Rose

  Amber made another promise that night….a promise to Helena, that she’d give her husband the love and happiness that he deserved, she promised her that she’d make him live and laugh again! And also that she’d love and adore her daughter as her own. With these thoughts in mind, Amber fell into a deep sleep.

  Chapter Six

  Next morning, Peter and Amber were joined by Her Grace and little Rose at the breakfast table. Rose was nestled cozily in Amber's arms and she was feeding her little tidbits. They both made an amazing picture.

  Peter felt his chest tighten once again. How happy Rose looked with Amber! Though Mrs. Beatrix took great care of her and Rose adored her too, there was something about the way Amber handled her that made him want to watch them endlessly.

  Lady Bryton looked at Peter, as if telling him that THIS was what Rose was missing. Now he understood why his mother literally compelled him to get married to Amber.

  It was a perfect morning for Amber. She had almost given up all hopes of getting married and still here she was, having breakfast with her husband, her mother-in-law and her daughter. She was the happiest woman on the planet. Now if only she could make Peter fall in love with her!

  She looked at Peter and saw him already looking in her direction. He gave a small smile to her as she looked at him. Amber returned his smile and wondered if it was the right occasion to talk about what she had in mind.

  "Ummm....if you both don't mind, I want Rose's crib and other things to be shifted to my room."

  Peter and Her Grace stopped eating midway and looked at her as if she had suddenly grown two horns!

  "I feel the nursery is a little far from my chamber and I really wish to keep her with me. I know Mrs. Beatrix looks after her in the night but now that she has a mother, I feel it is MY duty to see to her at all times. Of course, Mrs. Beatrix can assist me. Besides, my chamber is so huge that everything can easily fit in," Amber knew she was blabbering.

  "Are you sure, Amber? I mean Rose is still very young and she does sometimes have sleepless nights."

  "I am very sure, I call you mother now?"

  "Of course, sweetheart," laughed Lady Bryton. "I am as much your mother as Peter's!" Lady Bryton's face beamed with joy.

  "Amber, you don't need to go through all that trouble. Rose is doing just fine in the nursery," said Peter.

  Amber's face fell a little.

  "Peter, I think Amber is right. Mrs. Beatrix has also aged with time and I feel sometimes managing Rose and the household becomes too much for her, though the poor lady would never admit it."

  "Alright then, as you both deem fit! Mother, are you staying back for tonight?"

  "As much as I would love to spend more time with Amber and Rose, I can't, my dear. I have to get back to the townhouse to oversee the repair work that's being done. But I will pay you both a visit very soon," she smiled.


  Amber soon got Rose's belongings shifted to her chamber with Mrs. Beatrix and the servants' help. Peter had left soon after Lady Bryton departed and Amber decided to explore the manor now that Rose was peacefully asleep in her room.

  Though she had visited the manor innumerable times in the past, she had never really looked at it properly. Now that she was the lady of the house, she had to make sure that everything in her home was perfect.

  After a quick tour of the manor, Amber realized that Mrs. Beatrix had most definitely managed everything pretty nicely. Amber complimented her for the same. She also discovered that Peter's chamber was the one right next to hers. She didn't know why this knowledge made her heart flutter, but it did.

  She also asked Mrs. Beatrix what Peter liked to eat. He used to love raspberry tarts as a kid but tastes did change with age.

  "Not with him! He still loves them," informed Mrs. Beatrix. "And how ironic it is that our Rose is allergic to raspberries.....just like her mother."

  Mrs. Beatrix told Amber that Helena was extremely allergic to raspberries and the same was the case with Rose. She had once consumed a small portion of the fruit and her little body had developed rashes all over! After that incident, Peter had totally banned raspberries in the manor.

  Chapter Seven

  It had been almost two weeks since their marriage. Amber was playing her role of a Duchess to perfection. Everyone seemed to love her. The entire staff at the manor had become very fond of her too. She liked talking to everyone, from the chambermaids to the stable boy. A simple "Hello, how are you doing today" seemed to work wonders for her as it kept increasing her fan following.

  Peter didn't know if this was his imagination or reality, but even Rose had become prettier and healthier in these two weeks. He often came home to find Amber playing with Rose or feeding her or making her learn new words. They did share cozy meals together but apart from that, they barely communicated. Peter tried talking to her about the fact that he would never be able to love her as he loved Helena, but somehow, he never got a chance.

  The one change that Peter felt in himself was that he had started 'noticing' Amber. Not as a friend, but as a woman. Amber had a way of putting everyone at ease. This quality of hers had won the hearts of many a people in Suffolk. She also didn't mind getting her hands dirty. In fact one day he saw her helping one of the servants in cleaning the cobwebs! Mrs. Beatrix informed him that she was an amazing cook too. He was seeing a part of Amber that he'd never seen before.

  And she was amazingly beautiful too! Peter had been too much in love with Helena when she was alive to notice how Amber had grown up to be a gorgeous young lady too. Of course he had always found her pleasant to look at, but now that he was noticing her minutely, he realized that she was a rare beauty. She had a wonderful sun kissed complexion as she loved to be outdoors. She often took Rose for small picnics in their garden where the mother daughter duo had loads of fun.

  Peter was finding this new Amber extremely likeable.


  Amber had assumed her responsibilities pretty well in the past few weeks and she was pleased with herself. She was loving each day spent in her new home with Rose and Peter. Though her relation with Peter was purely platonic, she knew that Peter had started caring for her….as a husband cares for his wife. She often caught him looking at her during meals and even when she was busy doing her work or playing with Rose.

  One afternoon, Peter had to leave urgently to attend some important meeting in the neighboring county. He asked Michael to inform Amber that he would perhaps be gone for a day or two. That night, after putting Rose to sleep, Amber decided to explore Peter’s room. She had seen a secret door in her chamber and she was sure that it led to the adjoining chamber that was Peter’s. She had never been in his room and was plain curious to see it.

  Everyone at the manor was asleep and even Amber had changed into her night dress giving up the thought of sneaking into Peter’s chamber. But sleep eluded her. It was almost midnight when she gathered the courage to try to open it. To her surprise, it wasn’t locked as she had expected. It opened easily with a slight click.

  As Amber entered the chamber, she first noticed the huge mahogany bed that lay right in front of her. She was surprised to notice a small candle burning in the far end of the room and then assumed the servants must have left it burning by mistake. She decided she would discuss this with the servants in the morning as a burning candle in a vacant room was a potential fire hazard.

  In the dim light, she could see that the room had been very tastefully decorated. Everything screamed elegance and sophistication. She sat on the plush bed thinking that it was where Peter spent his nights.

  Suddenly Amber heard a small click behind her. Alarmed, she got up and turned around to see Peter coming in from what she assumed was the bathroom, dressed in nothing but a towel tied low on his waist and his entire body glistening with droplets of water. He also appeared startled to see her in his room at this hour.

  “Oh! Peter… are back!” She
sounded stupid to her own ears!

  “Yes, apparently so!” The initial look of shock on his face had now been replaced with an amused grin and something else that she could not understand. She was sure her face was crimson by this time.

  “I…uhhh…I was just curious where that door led to…ummm….you see that door there! It actually connects our chambers, I just found out.” Amber was trying hard to focus on his face as Peter was slowly coming closer. He was half naked, for God’s sake! And what a gorgeous body he had!

  “You came back early.” Her voice was a mere whisper now that Peter stood less than a few inches from her.

  “Yes. The roads were closed due to a landslide and so I had to come back,” he said in a husky tone.


  They both just kept looking at each other, unable to move, unable to say anything. The entire room seemed charged with their unspoken chemistry.

  At last, Amber broke this spell and said, “I…uh…I think I should go back.”

  “Yes, you should.”

  But still both of them remained glued to their places. Peter finally raised his hand and cupped her face. He bent down and gently kissed her on the lips.

  Chapter Eight

  It had been a long day for Peter. After travelling for nearly twenty miles, he found that the roads were blocked due to a landslide and had to return to the manor. By the time he reached back, he was exhausted. He asked Michael to wake up one of the servants and prepare a hot bath for him.

  He was feeling refreshed after the bath and planned to catch a good night’s sleep when he saw Amber…in his room…sitting on his bed...wearing a flimsy night dress! She looked adorable with that deep blush on her cheeks. And when she started blabbering as she usually did when she was embarrassed, Peter could not resist himself.

  He just had to kiss her…taste those beautiful luscious lips to see if they actually were as soft as he had imagined in his dreams. And when he actually did taste them, he felt as if he had tasted nectar from Heaven above.

  When Amber responded favorably to his touch, he felt encouraged to take their passion to another level. He knew that she wanted him as badly as he did. He intended to show her how beautiful their union would be.

  Peter carried her in her arms and gently laid her down on his bed. She looked like a Goddess in the dim light. When Amber looked at him with her huge brown eyes, Peter lost the little self-control he had. He began kissing her neck as she tightly held him closer with her hands at the nape of his neck.

  Slowly, Peter unzipped her gown as if waiting for her to stop him. When she said nothing, he let it fall down her shoulders. Thankfully, she was not wearing anything beneath.

  Her gown fell to her waist revealing her lush, full breasts. Peter looked at them with unrestrained hunger in his eyes and gently moved his hands up to cup them. Amber closed her eyes and reveled in the sensations of his touch.

  “Peter,” Amber was breathless. Every inch of her body was on fire. When Peter circled her nipples with his tongue and then gently sucked them, she felt as if her body would explode with pleasure.

  Usually Peter thought himself to be a man of great restraint. But that night, he wanted to devour Amber. She was so responsive to his touch! He felt himself harden like a rock when he looked at her arching her back for his touch, with half closed eyelids and swollen lips. He had to have her. Right now!

  Peter pulled up Amber's gown and slipped his hand under it. His fingers gently brushed her thighs. Amber shuddered at the touch. He then reached the place where he desperately wanted to be - her wet womanhood. He heard her moan as he inserted one of his fingers into her wet folds.

  This sweet torture was too much to bear for Amber. She desperately wanted something, but didn't know what. When Peter touched her in the most intimate way, she literally cried with pleasure. She could feel something hard pressing against her thighs as Peter lay on top of her kissing her passionately once again.

  Peter loved how responsive Amber was to his touch. So unlike Helena, he thought. Helena considered it unladylike to respond too much in bed. Hell, he felt guilt washing over him again. But before it could affect him, he squashed the feeling. This night was all about Amber. He would consider the consequences of his actions tomorrow.

  Peter could no longer control himself. When he found Amber wet and ready for him, he thrusted into her in one swift motion. Amber loudly cried out his name. She felt a little pain initially but it was soon replaced with a pleasure so intense that she almost cried with joy. As Peter kept moving inside her, she felt a sweet pressure building inside her. When that pressure reached its peak, Amber felt that she could take it no more! She shut her eyes tightly and could see a million stars as she finally climaxed. Good Lord! It felt like she'd just been to the Heaven and back!

  Peter knew when Amber reached her climax. He reveled in the fact that he could give her so much pleasure. Her cries of ecstasy rang loud in his ears and a few thrusts later, he found his release too.

  They both lay breathless on his huge bed. Finally, their marriage was consummated. All of a sudden, Amber felt shy of her nakedness and pulled a blanket to cover herself. Peter looked at her. How beautiful she looked with her face flushed, her hair sprawled on the pillow and her eyes dreamy!

  "You don't need to hide anything from me, my sweet. I love the way you look when you are free from all those layers of clothing." Peter pulled down the blanket and admired her glorious body. He felt himself go hard again! Hell, what was wrong with him!

  "Ummmm....I think I should go back to my chamber. Rose sometimes does wake up at night and I don't want her to get scared," she said huskily.

  "As you wish, sweetheart! But before leaving, let me just taste you once more." Peter bent down and kissed her hard this time. "Please go Amber. Quickly. Leave before I am unable to stop myself from making love to you once again."

  Amber got up unwillingly and put on her nightdress. With one last look at Peter, she hurried back to her chamber.

  Chapter Nine

  Amber woke up with a sweet ache in the place where her legs met. It reminded her of the passionate night that she’d shared with Peter…her husband. Yes, he was now her husband in the truest sense of the word. She blushed profusely when she remembered all the wicked things he’d done to her.

  At last, she had succeeded in making Peter fall for her. The way he had kissed her, held her close in his strong arms….it proved that he had finally accepted her as his wife. Amber was ecstatic. She woke up Rose with a big smile on her face. Today, she would please him with her culinary skills, she thought. She planned on making his favorite raspberry tarts. After all, it had been rightly said that the way to a man’s heart was through his stomach!

  When both Amber and Rose were ready, they proceeded towards the dining room for breakfast. She didn’t know why, but Amber had half expected Peter to not be there. But when she saw him already seated at the table, her heart leapt with joy. So, he didn’t feel guilty about what they had shared last night!


  Peter could not sleep after Amber left his chamber. He felt a strange restlessness in his heart. There was no doubt that he had fallen for Amber. She had aroused unmatched passion in his heart. But how could it be possible when he still loved Helena?

  After a few hours of tossing and turning, he finally got up and went down to the study. There in a corner lay Helena’s portrait. He had felt that he would not be able to look at Helena ever again after what he had just done. He had shared THEIR marriage bed with another woman!

  But to his surprise, there were no feelings of guilt in his heart. In fact, he felt at peace with himself. At least, his feelings for Amber were out in the open now. He looked at Helena once more. It seemed as if she was smiling at him.

  “I love you so much Helena, you know that. But another truth is that I’ve fallen in love with Amber too. You’ve seen how beautifully she is managing YOUR house and YOUR daughter. I know that wherever you are, yo
u would wish to see me and Rose happy. And our happiness lies with Amber! Is it so wrong to love her back after all that she’s done for us?” Peter asked the portrait of Helena in front of him.

  There were tears rolling down his eyes. But he knew in his heart that those were not tears of repentance. Rather they were tears of goodbye…he was finally letting Helena go. He closed his eyes and waited for an answer.

  He thought he heard a low whisper…. “I am so happy for you, Peter. Amber is a good girl. Always keep her happy. I wish you both all the best…. Goodbye!” He opened his eyes and again looked at the portrait. He knew his Helena had been here. And she was happy for him!

  Peter felt a sense of relief washing over his entire body. He was finally completely relaxed. He lifted Helena’s portrait and put it back into the cupboard. Lord Peter Bryton had finally found the closure that he badly needed. He promised Helena that he’d always keep Amber happy, come what may!

  Chapter Ten

  Amber was ecstatic to see Peter at the dining table, smiling at her.

  “Hope you slept well, sweetheart,” Peter said, grinning.

  Amber felt herself blush to the roots of her hair. She wanted to pinch herself to make sure it wasn’t a dream! Peter calling her sweetheart! Yes, he had addressed her thus last night too, but the circumstances then were so different. Finally, she saw in him the husband that she longed for.

  “I slept pretty well, thank you,” she smiled back. It seemed as if Rose too sensed the happiness around her and started clapping her hands with joy.

  “Good morning to you too, my love,” Peter held out his hands for Rose. She immediately ran to him and both father and daughter shared a kiss.

  Amber felt tears of happiness forming in her eyes. She blinked rapidly and joined her husband and daughter for breakfast.


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