How To Break A Cowboy (Savage Shorts)

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How To Break A Cowboy (Savage Shorts) Page 6

by Daire St. Denis

  Before I have a chance to protest the divestment of my bathing suit, strong hands grasp my hips, lifting me and turning me to face the pool lip. It’s got to be Wade, but I can barely think because my hips are out of the water now and I’m pushed forward, bending over, my ass exposed to the open air.

  For no more than a second.

  I cry out in shock and pleasure when someone spreads my ass and their mouth closes in, tonguing me from behind. The hands that grip my hips are strong, but all three men are strong. The tongue sweeping me from clit to ass is wet and warm. Fuck! It could be anyone and I don’t care anymore who it is because their tongue against my pussy feels so goddamned good.

  Without warning, the man moves away and my over-heated pussy pulses with the cool breeze left stroking me from behind. Then he returns, or is it someone else? But instead of his mouth and tongue, his cock butts up against my slick opening, playing with me and teasing me.

  I’m so taken with the sensation of cock against clit that I hardly notice someone sliding their legs between where my hands are propped on the lip of the pool. Someone is sitting right in front of me and whoever it is, takes the back of my head and gently guides me forward until another cock butts up against my lips.

  Oh hell!

  I reach for him with my tongue and graze the tip while someone else’s cock is grazing the tip of my clit. Opening my mouth, and gyrating my hips, I do my best to encourage entrance but both men continue to tease me; running their cocks against my two pairs of moist, inviting lips, dipping into me only to pull out again.

  My brain is a haze of fuzzy reds and purples, the color of the blood pounding desperately through my veins. The fact I have no idea who is doing what to me only elevates my excitement. The fact that there is a third cowboy watching drives me fucking insane.

  Someone grunts, or cries out. It could be me, I don’t know. Whoever it is, it’s the impetus for the man standing behind me to plunge his cock deep. The force of his thrust pushes me forward and the second man’s cock finds a home in my open mouth. It’s like a cord attached from cock to cock runs through me, sending erotic friction all the way through my body from my pussy, up through my abdomen and chest, all the way through my throat.

  I’ve completely given up on Connor’s rules when I blindly reach for the man’s thighs in front of me. I hold on for dear life, working one hand on the base of his cock while I raise and lower my mouth along his length in time to the man plunging in and out of me from behind. With my eyes closed, my imagination takes over. One second it’s Dallas behind me and Wade in front. The next it’s Connor and Dallas with Wade watching.

  It’s the thought of the third cowboy watching the three of us that sends me over the edge. With a firm grip on the cock I’ve been sucking, I raise my head and let out a guttural moan as my pussy clenches and releases in a wondrous pulsing orgasm.

  The man behind me keeps hold of my hips and gives me three more swift-pounding thrusts.

  “Wade,” I say, gasping, pulling off my blindfold and glancing behind me.

  With one more thrust, Wade embeds himself inside of me and then slowly withdraws. By the look of his still-stiff condom-covered cock, he hasn’t come yet.

  Feeling like my legs are jelly, I collapse onto the bench and glance up at Connor who is the man sitting on the ledge. He’s stroking his erection and smiling irreverently at me. “Damn girl, you have quite a set of lungs on you.”

  “Enough to scare off the coyotes,” Dallas says softly as he moves closer. His eyes are heavy lidded and sexy as hell. His hand is beneath the water and by the way his muscles are tensed along his shoulder, I suspect he’s busy stroking himself.

  “Why don’t we take this indoors,” Wade says, moving toward the hanging partition that separates the indoor from the outdoor pool.

  I’m the last to follow, partly to enjoy the fading sunset and partly because my legs don’t seem to want to work. I can’t keep a smile from my face. So far we’ve managed to accomplish the first step in breaking our cowboy. We’ve caught him and lord help me, that part of the process was a pleasure.

  Instead of trusting my legs, I swim through the hanging partition to the indoor pool. We may have caught Wade, but we’re far from done. Oh no, the hardest part is yet to come because Wade—the epitome of control—has to learn how to give it up and it’s a lesson I don’t think he’ll take to so easily.

  Chapter Seven

  Swimming up to Wade, I wrap my arms around him and kiss him full on the mouth. I’m pleased to see his lips are soft and pliant now, unlike our first kiss of the evening. “That was amazing,” I whisper in his ear. “The pool is definitely a welcome edition.”

  “I’m glad you like it.” He kisses me back and I worm my hand down between us to grip his hard shaft.

  “What are we going to do about this?” I ask. I turn to the other guys who are talking quietly off to the side. “Wade’s turn,” I call.

  As expected, Wade stiffens in my embrace. “Oh no,” he forces a laugh. “I’m good. In fact, I hate to be a killjoy, but it’s been a long day. I’m pretty tired. I think I’ll head in.” He kisses me lightly and swims toward the pool’s edge.

  I glance at Connor. He winks and I notice Dallas’s jaw tighten with resolve. The two men follow Wade out of the pool, Dallas moving to block the door. Oh God! Connor wasn’t lying when he said the man was well-endowed and for just a second I forget our plan because I’m riveted by Dallas’s impressive erection.

  A chair squeaks across the tile floor as Connor moves it to grab a length of rope from a table. Let’s see if he can beat his best calf-roping time. I count in my head as he stalks Wade, who is towelling off with his back to us.

  Once he’s got a towel around his hips, he turns to find Connor standing in front of him, a loop of rope in his fist. “What the hell are you doing?”

  “You’re not going anywhere,” Connor says.

  Wade glances from me to Dallas and back to Connor. “Look, whatever game this is, I’m not interested. Okay? I’m beat. You three stay and have fun. Really.”

  Connor shakes his head. “No.”

  Just then, Dallas starts to approach, walking slowly and carefully toward Wade as if the big man really is an unbroken horse about to rear.

  I come closer too, watching the exchange from the pool’s edge. Connor said if it came to this, he wanted me to stay in the pool because he was afraid it might get rough. From the intensity of the looks flitting between the three men and the tension in their sculpted bodies, I suspect he might be right.

  With a little bounce on the balls of his feet, Connor makes his move. But Wade isn’t just big and strong, he’s quick too. He blocks Connor’s advance and grabs the rope right out of Connor’s hand and tosses it away. After shoving Connor aside, he turns his attention to Dallas and with the force of an angry bull, slams into him, forcing him up against the wall.

  Dallas’s grunt of surprise and pain echoes in the close confines of the pool room and I jump out of the pool and rush toward the grappling men. Connor grabs me about the waist and holds me, keeping me away from the other two.

  “Do something,” I say.

  His grip is firm. “No. They need to work it out.”

  “Work it out? They’re going to kill each other.” At least, that’s how it looks to me. Wade’s got Dallas’s struggling body pinned up against the wall.

  But Dallas is strong too and he gains leverage by pushing back against the wall, giving Wade a forceful push. “What the fuck is your problem?”

  “You. You are my fucking problem.” Wade shoves Dallas right back and the men get into this pushing match that I swear is going to end with someone falling and cracking their head on the tile floor.

  “What do you want from me, huh?” Wade demands, his voice hardened with some angry passion.

  Dallas shoves Wade in one motion and then grabs for him in another. He wraps his hand around Wade’s neck and draws him close. “You know what I fucking want.”

Wade knocks Dallas’s hand away but Dallas is undeterred. They do that a few more times, Dallas grabbing for Wade’s shoulder and Wade pushing him away. But each time, it seems a little more reluctant, like he wants to grab onto Dallas too and pull him close.

  “Kiss me,” Dallas says.

  “Fuck off.”

  “Come on.”

  “No.” Wade’s voice is ragged and breathless but he’s stopped pushing and is holding Dallas at arm’s length, staring deeply into his eyes.

  “If you can walk away after kissing me, I’ll leave you alone. I swear to God. Just fucking do it.”

  Wade roars. In all the time I’ve known him, I’ve never heard anything like this heart wrenching, tortured sound coming from him. He releases Dallas and stalks to the table where we’ve got our shit piled. With the frantic way he goes through the pile, it’s a miracle he finds what he’s looking for. Then he strides over to Dallas, who hasn’t moved except for the rising and falling of his chest—breathing just as hard as both Connor and I are breathing as we watch from the sidelines.

  Wade holds up a condom package. “Is this what you want?”

  Dallas’s eyes flick from the package down to Wade’s impressive erection.

  My eyes follow. For some reason my gaze is then drawn to Dallas’s equally impressive cock before returning to his face.

  “Kiss me,” Dallas repeats.

  With an angry jerk of his head, Wade rips the package open and rolls the condom over his length. “You want me to fuck you? I’ll fuck you.”

  “I want you to kiss me.”

  Wade ignores him and with a grunt forces Dallas around and pushes him down over the table. There is no fight in Dallas as he bends, widening his stance for Wade, holding onto the table with one hand and gripping his cock with the other.

  “Is this what you want?” Wade asks, rubbing himself hard behind Dallas.

  Although his response is quiet, I hear him say, “You know what I want.”

  Does Dallas also know how his answers are inciting Wade into a lust-filled rage? I keep trying to move out of Connor’s arms. I’m desperate to go up to these men and soothe the anger out of them, make it all better. But Connor holds me tight.

  “You can’t fix this,” he whispers close to my ear. “Only they can.”

  I don’t know how Connor can stand it. But he’s right and I stay locked in his embrace, glued to the scene unfolding in front of us.

  Dallas’s gasp indicates penetration. Watching them is like nothing I’ve ever seen before. The fierceness of Wade’s thrusts met with the wild reaction of Dallas’s hips. The men cry out and grunt like they’re engaged in a fistfight, not sex.

  “Have you ever seen Wade like this before?” I ask quietly, finding comfort in Connor’s strong arms.

  “Only once,” he says softly.

  Glancing behind me, I look into his eyes. They’re flashing with some burning intensity as he watches his lovers. It might be desire, I don’t know, but it’s sure as hell potent.

  “Is this how he was the last time he was with Dallas?”

  Connor nods, never taking his eyes off the men grunting and copulating like crazed animals.

  When Wade shouts out long and loud, I turn back to them. He’s flush against Dallas’s hips, every muscle in his back and ass rock hard with the tension of his orgasm. I can see Dallas’s hand moving rapidly and then he grunts his release.

  “Holy fuck,” I whisper, rubbing my bare ass against Connor, suddenly needing him inside of me.

  The need is soon forgotten, however, because Wade pulls away from Dallas, grabs a towel from the floor and storms out of the room.

  I slide out of Connor’s arms, scoop my robe from a chair and race barefoot after Wade. I don’t catch him until the Big House.

  “Leave me alone, Tess,” he says, trying to shut his bedroom door in my face.

  “No way,” I say, stupidly shoving my bare foot between the open door and the doorframe.

  Wade doesn’t see it and closes the door, slamming my foot in the process.

  “Oh shit!” he cries when I shout out in pain and fall to the floor, my bruised foot cradled in my hands.

  Wade scoops me up and carries me into his room, setting me down on a chair beside the fireplace. He kneels in front of me and gently takes my injured foot. “I’m so sorry, Tess.”

  I thread my fingers in his damp hair. “What are you sorry for? This was an accident.”

  Without looking up at me, he rubs the instep of my foot. “I’m sorry for everything. This weekend has been one big cluster-fuck.”

  “Hey,” I reach for his chin and tilt his head up. “I’ve enjoyed the weekend so far.” I smooth the dent between his brows. “It’s you I’m worried about.”

  “Me? You don’t need to worry about—”

  “Wade.” My voice is sharp. By the way his brows lift, I know he’s surprised by my commanding tone. “You’re being an idiot. Don’t tell me not to worry. Tell me why you’re being a jerk.”

  He shakes his head out from my grasp and stands. The way he paces across the room confirms all the conflict he’s stored up inside.

  “Tell me why you’re torturing yourself.”

  With his hand wedged in his hair, he groans. “Did you see me just now? Did you?”

  “Yes,” I say softly.

  “Did you see how fucking out of control I was?” He halts his pacing right in front of me. “I can’t stand it, Tess.” Shaking his head slowly from one side to the other he goes on raggedly, “I can’t stand losing it like that.” He squeezes his eyes shut and holds his forehead. “I practically forced him…”

  I push myself to my feet and limp right up to him. “If Dallas didn’t want it, he would have stopped you.”

  “I don’t know, Tess. I don’t know.”

  “He loves you.”

  Wade throws his head back and groans.

  “You love him too.”

  His gaze is fierce and tortured and filled with misery and I know I’m right. “Why are you making everyone, including yourself, suffer?” I step closer and sweep my hands up his bare chest, rubbing him just above his heart. “Just give in.”

  “I can’t.”

  Quietly, I say, “You can.”

  “You don’t know what it’s like.”

  “Yes,” I say, planting a gentle kiss between his pectoral muscles, “I do. And if you don’t stop being stupid, you’re going to lose Connor and Dallas both.”

  Something catches in Wade’s throat and he turns away, his breathing ragged. I stand close behind him but don’t touch him. Something tells me he needs to get his emotions under control before he’ll allow me to touch him again.

  “Do you know,” he says quietly, “the day we slept with Dallas, I was going to ask Con to move in with me.”

  Holy shit. Doesn’t that just add a new dimension to the whole situation? I reach out and stroke his back. “So, why didn’t you?”

  Slowly, Wade turns to face me. “How could I when I had these intense feelings for someone else?”

  “So you’ve been pushing the two of them together as a way to alleviate your guilt about your feelings for Dallas?” I ask.

  “Hell, I don’t know. I just know everything changed and I…I don’t trust myself. Not around Dallas.” He leans down to me and grazes my cheekbone with his thumb. “I barely trust myself with you.”

  Finally, everything clicks. “It’s not just that you like to be in control, it’s that you’re afraid of losing control.”

  “I don’t know, hell…maybe.” He starts pacing again. “Dammit, Tess. You saw me. If I let myself go, I’d end up hurting the people I love.”

  “You’re already hurting them.” I catch his hand and hold on. “Yeah, I saw you with Dallas and yes, it scared me a little because I’d never seen you like that. But it didn’t scare Dallas and it sure-as-hell didn’t scare Connor.”

  He stares deep into my eyes, searching out the truth of my statement.

  “It’s true.

  Both Wade and I spin toward the door. Connor is standing there. Behind him is Dallas. The two men enter slowly and I glance up at Wade. He’s got a look of panic in his eyes.

  Chapter Eight

  There’s only one thing to be done. I undo the sash at the waist of my robe and slowly pull it through the loops. Without a word, I walk up to Wade and gently nudge him backwards to the bed. From the corner of my eye, I can see the other two following me, but keeping their distance. Wade’s gaze flicks from me to Connor then to Dallas.

  “Don’t,” Wade whispers. But his voice lacks conviction and I know what I’m doing is right.

  “Get on the bed,” I say. My tone is soft but commanding. I may be small, I may be a woman, I may not know how to break a horse, but I know how to take a business, cut through the bullshit and make it work, no matter if it’s a small operation or a multi-national. If I can do that, I can cut through Wade’s bullshit and make this thing work for the three of them.

  “Get on the bed,” I repeat.

  Wade’s got this look of surprise on his face, but he obeys me. I crawl up onto the bed beside him and tug his right arm up above his head. With the sash from my robe, I tie it around his wrist and then wrap it once around the slotted headboard. He doesn’t fight me when I grab his other wrist and do the same, securing his hands up above his head.

  I let my robe fall open, leaving my chest bare. Leaning down, I graze the tips of my breasts across his chest. With my head hanging low, I swish my damp hair over his pectoral muscles and down, moving lower and lower until I reach his towel.

  “Sometimes,” I say softly, “you have to give up control.” I tug at the place where the towel is tucked in on itself and flip it open. Wade’s got the beginnings of a beautiful erection and I swing my hair up and down his hardening length. “Right now, I’m in control and you’re going to do everything I say.” I look up to meet his fiery stare. “Is that clear?”


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