It Is What it Is

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It Is What it Is Page 11

by Ivory B.

  The image of her father running out of their rented row house with his dirty work jeans on from a hard day of construction work and a white wife beater showing off his muscular arms flashed in the forefront of Ty’s mind. They lived smack dead in the hood of South Philly so the street was bustling with all its usual hood occupants. Kids running around, niggaz standing out on the corner and the gossiping birds who lived in the neighborhood that often gave her mother the stank eye and her father the come fuck me eyes were sitting on their porches getting a front row seat of the ghetto love soap opera.

  “Tee! Let’s talk about this baby. Why you leaving? Don’t leave me like this; you can’t just take the girls and leave. Tee! Tee! I love you baby,” her father screamed as the desperation in his voice became more evident when Tina stepped on the gas of her little Honda Civic. Her father even gave a little chase trying to run alongside the car for a brief minute before he was out of breath. All Ty could think of while looking back at her father in the middle of the street throw his hands up to his head like a man on the verge of going insane is how sad he must’ve been and how awful her mother was being.

  Ty couldn’t remember how long they stayed held up in that cramped, musty Motel room. What she did remember was her mother lying in the bed across from the one her and Lucky shared crying herself to sleep that first night they left. Ty stayed awake nearly the whole night listening to her mother cry, she could remember that so clearly only because it was one of the only times besides her father’s death that she ever witnessed her mother shed tears. Tina woke both Ty and Lucky up the next morning and summoned them to come sit beside her in bed. She told them key advice that Ty would later live by. “Listen and listen good, don’t you ever rely totally on a man, make sure you always have a fuck him stash just in case a man ever acts up you can pack up. Be self reliant, independent and strong, want a man but don’t need him. And if ever he’s not treating you right or taking you for granted, leave; it may hurt you baby but if he loves you it’ll hurt him more.” Ty could remember her and Lucky turning towards each other their young eyes full of puzzlement. Ty didn’t get it then but she did now. Looking back on it she had to give her mother props for picking up and leaving even though Tina was very reliant on Kev because she was a stay at home Mom. She had the courage to leave him when she felt she wasn’t being treated right, while lots of women would put up and shut up to ensure they lived comfortably.

  Tina eventually told Kev where she and the girls were and he came over everyday begging until he was damn near blue in the face for her to return home. Tina finally went back home on her own accord nearly two weeks later. Ty didn’t understand or question her parents brief split, she was just happy to be back home in her own room and sleeping in her own bed. When they returned home everything was marvelous again except for the kids in the neighborhood teasing for a while. “Ayo Ty yo pop’s was outside begging like R. Kelly he was like please baby, please baby, please, please, please,” a little nappy headed bad ass boy named Nard said dropping to his knees making everybody on the playground laugh. Ty was pissed off for a while until the kids found someone else to tease.

  Ty’s mind traveled back to the present day and time as she burst out laughing. “What what’s so funny?” “No I was thinking about how the kids would tease me about Pop’s tryna chase the car up the street and begging you not to leave.” Tina burst out laughing too. “Mom you know you ain’t right for laughing,” Ty said through uncontrollable giggles. “Oh my god is that the time?” Ty asked shocked that it was going on 8:00 PM. “Dag Ma I gotta get outta here and get Ky to bed.” Ty shot to her feet hugging her mom tight trying to steal even the tiniest bit of energy and strength from her. “Ummm.” Tina hummed hugging her only biological child back just as tight. She always said biological because although she didn’t give birth to Lucky, Lucky was every bit her child as Ty was. Tina kissed Ty on the side of the head before letting her go. “Alright y’all head on home, don’t forget to grab this food. And Ty you gon have to tell that damn lady to stop dumping on you at the last minute. You gotta life you need to tend to outside of work, it ain’t ya fault all she got is a damn dog at home. Hmm trust me I used to tell them people down at the bank all the time I got two girls at home I gotta get to.” “I know, I know, I know,” Ty said a little annoyed because her mom was absolutely right.

  Ty threw her papers down and sighed heavily. She didn’t know what exactly was wrong with her but she was feeling anxious and kinda overwhelmed. She had finally put Ky down for the night and was attempting to jump back into her work but was having trouble concentrating. Kynah had gone from staying days at a time to weeks at a time with her and Nice sometimes without a single call from Mia. Ty didn’t mind keeping Ky as a matter of fact she loved it, it did baffle her however how any mother could constantly leave her child in the hands of a woman she claimed mistreated her. Yup you heard right, Mia claimed Ty had mistreated Kynah. The accusations stunned Ty damn near to tears simply because she’d never been anything but good to Ky even before her and Nice were together. Nice assured her that he didn’t believe anything Mia said and true to his words he didn’t seem moved at all by Mia’s false accusations. The funny thing is Mia knew damn well that half the time Nice wasn’t there. He was making moves out of town and Kynah was left there with Ty. One would think if Mia really believed Ky wasn’t being treated right she wouldn’t leave her there. It was clear to everyone that Mia strived on drama and bullshit. The mere thought of Mia was causing Ty’s head to throb more. Ty couldn’t seem to shake this splitting headache she had from the moment she woke up that morning. It was almost as if she felt something squeezing the back of her head and then letting up repeatedly.

  It was times like this she wished her man was home to hold her, encourage her, and let her know everything would be alright. She couldn’t lie this life wasn’t easy. It somewhat bothered her that he was gone away from home at times when she felt she needed him most. Ty threw her pen down giving up for the night, taking accurate notes on this business account was damn near impossible. Tears started welling up in her eyes as her hands shook with anxiousness and the feeling of doom loomed over her with the thought of not being able to meet this deadline. This feeling wasn’t anything new, she’d felt this many times before even once back in college when she had a panic attack during finals. Some may call her an overachiever however she wouldn’t say that was the case. Ty strived to put her best in anything she did, especially when she thought back on her past and how fortunate she was to have escaped it to be where she was today. Looking down at her notes then back at her laptop screen displaying an incomplete Excel spreadsheet she couldn’t do anything but shake her head with disappointment. The work she’d done so far on this account was far from her best. Ty let go of an exasperated sigh before grabbing her cell phone to call Nice.

  “Baby girl what up? You miss me?” Nice asked as soon as he picked up. Ty could envision that arrogant, sexy, grin on his face as she listened to his voice. Ty sniffled and the phone went silent. Nice knitted his eyebrows trying to get a better listen to Ty as she tried to stop herself from doing what at this point seemed inevitable, cry. “Ty what’s wrong?” Nice asked with slight alarm. Hearing Ty getting all choked up on the other end of the line had him a little unnerved. Ty shook her head with silent tears streaming down her face. “Ty what happened? Something wrong with Ky?” Ty knew she had to put him at ease because it was obvious from his tone he was starting to panic. “No.” Ty uttered through tears. “I don’t know…what’s wrong with me.” “Shushh ma don’t cry.” That only seemed to make Ty cry more after hearing Nice’s voice and the sincerity in it. “Ty c’mon don’t do that, you don’t know how that shit got me feelin right now when I can’t reach out and hold you.” Ty sucked it up and tried desperately to stop crying. “Ty you gon have to let me know what’s good wit you. Fuck it I’m on my way home.” “No! I have this project due in two days and I just…I’m feeling a little overwhelmed and I miss you a lot that’s al
l.” Ty felt slightly guilty; she didn’t want to take him away from his grind and make him drop everything to run back home. Ty’s voice was enough to break the hardest nigga; Nice was feeling it now more than ever. Damn what was going on with his other half? Ty was like one of the strongest chicks he knew. At times she really had a hard time showing vulnerability, so for her to call and breakdown like that was scary. “I’m okay I was having a moment, I’m okay now,” Ty tried to reassure Nice. She wiped away her tears with the back of her hand gaining a little composure. “Nah but you ain’t Ty.” “I am trust me. I’m going to bed now, it’s late and I’m pushing myself way too hard. Once I catch up on some sleep I’ll be fine.” Nice ran his hand over his face and let out a hard sigh before reluctantly agreeing. “A’ight Ty catch some shut eye, I’ll be home in a few, I love you.” “Love you too baby,” Ty said before hanging up.

  The next morning Ty yawned hard and stretched out. Her eyes popped open once she smelt the aroma of food. That could only mean one thing her baby was home. She lived for days like this. The days when Nice was home from making moves and he spoiled his girls rotten. He did it all; he cooked breakfast, ironed Ky’s school uniforms and Ty’s work clothes, even played chauffeur. Yup, Ty didn’t even have to fight through stressful morning traffic if she didn’t want to because he would drive. On the days he drove both Ty and Ky to work and school, Ty would take the time she usually spent cursing and honking at distracted drivers to either get some extra sleep or get a jump start on some of her work. Ty turned her head to see Ky sitting up in bed with her little food tray pulled up on her lap watching Sid the Science Kid.

  “Was’sup Sleepy Head?” Nice asked walking into their bedroom. He hovered over Ty and gave her a sensual peck kiss on her soft lips. Ty’s lips and eyes smiled up at him as he backed away. “What you doing here?” “Damn ma that’s how you really feelin? That’s how I’m greeted when I come home.” Ty chuckled “No, you know I didn’t mean it like that. I was just expecting you later on in the week.” “So I gotta check in before I come home now? Why? What nigga you got hiding up in here? Where he at?” Nice asked lifting the covers and pinching Ty’s leg. “He under here?” Nice asked again pinching Ty’s bare thighs repeatedly. “Stooooop! Nice you play too much!” Ty giggled. “Hey Ky do Mommy got a boyfriend hiding in here?” Kynah broke out into a huge smile and shook her head no. “Where he at Ty?” Nice continued to play even bending down and looking underneath the bed which sent both Ty and Ky into a giggling frenzy.

  When he was done being silly he sat down on the edge of the bed beside Ty. Ty gave him a once over and got immediately upset when she noticed he was in his sleep attire. Polo sweats, wife beater and socks. “When did you get in?” “This morning around 4AM, I caught a red eye straight home after I hung up with you last night.” Ty poked her bottom lip out “And you didn’t come to bed?” Ty asked sounding disappointed. “I came in here as soon as I got in and saw Kynah snuggled all up under you. I didn’t wanna wake y’all so I crashed in one of the guest rooms,” Nice explained stroking the side of Ty’s face gently. As much as Ty and Nice told Kynah she had to sleep in her own room Ty often broke the rules and let Ky sleep in the room with her when Nice was away. “Yo you know you starting big shit with this right here.” Nice said discreetly pointing his thumb towards Ky who had her pillow and blanket in their bed lying down real comfortable as if it were her own bed. Nice didn’t have this issue when it was only he and Kynah there, she knew her room was her room and his was his but Ky knew she could pull the okie doke with Ty. Ty pursed her lips together trying desperately to contain a guilty smile while flashing him a look of innocence. “But Bae when you not here I swear I be hearing things in this big house. I feel more comfortable when she’s in here with me.” “Ty this house locked down like Fort Knox as long as you set the alarm system ain’t no one gettin in here. Plus, its three big ass dogs in the backyard, you think they gon let anyone in here? For real start making her go back to her room when she run in here talkin bout she scared, she playin you,” Nice assured knowing his daughter. “Okay, okay I’ll make her sleep in her own room from now on,” Ty pouted folding her arms across her chest trying to hold back a smile. “Fix ya face,” Nice teased pinching her cheek making her giggle.

  Nice gazed at Ty with concerned filled eyes. “You scared me last night calling me like you did. As soon as I got off the phone with you I was trying to figure out who I could call to come over here and check on you, possibly scoop Ky so you could get a break. I started to call Lucky and remembered she ain’t even here.” Ty sighed heavily “Yeah, that’s another thing that’s been stressin me, I’m so worried about my little sis,” Ty admitted. “Ya momz still ain’t tell you nothing?” “Nope, and I know she knows where she at. There is no way Lucky stayed away this long without talking to her Matoo.” “Let me find out I’ma have to send some goons to run up on Mrs. Tina on a late night. I betchu she start talkin then,” Nice said with a chuckle. The mental imagery of some goons running up on her mother and how Tina would react was funny as hell because Tina was nobodies push over or punk that was for sure, Ty burst out into laughter. “Please you can’t do nothing to my mother without going through Ky first, you already know she think Grandma Tina is the shii,” Ty said with a smile. That comment made Nice stare at Ty for a brief moment, it actually made him a little nervous. He took for granted sometimes how close his daughter had gotten to Ty’s mother. It made him nervous because he didn’t want his daughter getting hurt if things didn’t work out between Ty and himself.

  “Here ma eat something.” Nice said wanting to change the subject quick. He grabbed the food tray off the nightstand placing it in front of Ty. Ty sat up and adjusted herself so she could dig right in. “Lil mama I see you done with ya breakfast so come get ready for school.” “Kay Daddy.” Kynah said before crawling across the big bed and jumping down to run behind her father. Ty ate a little before placing her tray back on the nightstand deciding to take this extra time to lie down a little longer. She was more tired than hungry, she only intended to lie down and relax with her eyes closed for five minutes but here she was jumping up nearly 15 minutes later rushing to the master bath to shower and get ready for work.

  Ty emerged from the bathroom to find Nice sitting on the edge of the bed. His eyes roamed her towel clad body as she approached the bed with water still dripping from her skin. “Is my baby all ready for school?” “Yeah she straight, she dressed and her hair done.” Ty chuckled Poor Ky right now she was rocking one ponytail with lots of flyaways that was Nice’s definition of doing Kynah’s hair. “Come here let me help you dry off.” Ty gave him the side eye, help dry off my ass, nigga you ain’t slick. She knew what he wanted she could see it in his eyes. She stood directly in front of him and let him undo the knot in her towel that was holding it up. Nice stared at her body intensely as if he were studying it. Ty’s body was sick! Thick thighs, hips, a fat ass and a flat stomach, it wasn’t six pack hard but it was tight and what man could resist them perfectly shaped 38C’s that fit her body to a tee. Ty wasn’t a stick figure, she was all woman grown ass woman that is; all the way down to the cellulite and stretch marks on her thighs and ass she always tried so hard to hide. Even though Ty was bad Nice could still look in her eyes at times and see remnants of insecurities there. He knew it was nothing more than baggage left from past failed relationships. Niggaz who sought to tear her self-esteem down in order to keep her, some dude’s couldn’t deal with chicks like Ty. A chick that was successful in her own rights, beautiful, educated and had her own. Insecure niggaz were the worst because they could make the baddest chick in the world feel ugly or unworthy. Every time he looked in Ty’s eyes and saw a hint of uncertainty he wanted to hunt each and every nigga down who told her she wasn’t pretty enough, small enough or good enough and fuck him up. Ty wasn’t lacking anything, the dudes she chose before him was lacking everything, including big enough balls to deal with a chick like her.


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