It Is What it Is

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It Is What it Is Page 20

by Ivory B.

  “You know the first time that boy came in here talking about Mom I think I found the one; I thought he’d lost his mind for sure. At the time I didn’t think he was ready to settle down and be in a relationship, but then he further surprised me when he started commuter living in CT. Then I said to myself okay Cat this is serious,” Lucky smiled thinking back on how fast her and Los moved and how it alarmed everyone, even Matoo. “So then I started asking him questions like what’s her name? What’s she like? When’s her birthday? When he told me your birthday, I said oh my god! She’s a Leo and you’re a Leo. I told him from the gate that y’all relationship was going to be a roller coaster. That either the both of you would walk away from the relationship having learned life lessons in love or this romance would be something so special it would go down in history, either way it was going to be anything but easy. You see you both have the tendency of wanting to rule things.” Lucky shook her head in disagreement. It was obvious who was trying to do all the ruling in the relationship and it wasn’t her. “Oh you don’t think you try to rule things ha? Then what do you think you’re doing when you cry and throw tantrums, it usually gets you your way with my son right?” Cathy said with a raised eyebrow. Lucky looked away briefly feeling naked and exposed. She couldn’t believe Cathy had read right through her. “I know the whole I’m the king of the jungle hear me roar thing really gets to you Leo’s heads but everyone can’t be king baby, someone has to take the back seat in this relationship and let the other lead otherwise its chaos. See you young girls got the game twisted; y’all done forgot how much power you have just in being a woman. I’ll say this once Lucky so listen good, you don’t have to rule with an iron fist its way easier to rule with a smile and two pairs of wet lips. You’re a smart girl I know you don’t need me to spell that out for you. My Grandmamma taught me that and she ain’t never lied. Men don’t like to be challenged head on especially men of power. So you have to be smart about it and use what you got to get what you want. You can rule effectively from the shadows while you let him take the lead. Behind every successful man you can find a strong woman and that’s because 9 times out of 10 that woman is playing the puppet master. It doesn’t take crying all the time or going out making a scene and getting ya’self arrested, all it takes is two pairs of wet lips.” Cathy grabbed the crème cheese frosting for the cake as she continued to talk.

  “Lucky you gotta stop letting the past sabotage your future. I’m not sayin forget what he’s done in the past but you can’t dwell on it. You need to start trusting in him baby, if you don’t it won’t work. See the problem is you took him back too quickly and you hadn’t gotten over what he’d done. That was a bad move and I know why you took him back, you took him back because you feared if you didn’t at that very moment he would’ve moved on and your heart couldn’t handle him being with someone else.” Lucky’s eyes lit up with shock. “Lucky I told you a long time ago I know; trust me been there done that.” Lucky shook her head up and down trying to hold back tears. She didn’t know how the hell Cathy could be so on point like she was. “See that’s where you were wrong though, that man wasn’t going no damn where because you had something of his he couldn’t survive without; his heart. So he would’ve done anything and I mean anything to prove to you that he’d changed. And you should’ve took the time he was showing and proving he was a changed man to heal and took him back only when you felt you’d forgiven him. But it is what it is; we won’t dwell on what could’ve been done. You have to let his past mistakes stay in the past or the relationship is done and I know neither one of you want that, hell I don’t want that either. I wanna see you two making babies not war. Yes, hurry up and bless me with some beautiful grandbabies. Make sure you have him put a ring on it too. No marriage ain’t never stopped a man from cheatin but it’s one helluva insurance policy just in case he does. At least you get to walk away with that 50% and trust me baby if he fucks up again you would deserve every penny,” Cathy said with a wink. Lucky’s eyes got big as if Cathy said something she shouldn’t have. “What? I maybe his Mama but I’m still a woman. I’m only telling you what I would tell my own daughter.” Both of them burst out into laughter at the same time. “Lucky I never got a chance to tell you this so I’ll tell you now before I forget. Thank you, thank you for loving my son genuinely and unconditionally, you don’t know how much you’ve changed him.” Lucky blinked her eyes rapidly trying to hold back tears, it was of no use. Cathy embraced her warmly as they both shed tears.

  Cathy pulled away and walked over to the fridge to grab both of them bottled water. She handed Lucky hers while wiping at her own eyes. “Oh goodness Lucky look at what you and Carlos got me doing, you two better stop this madness and get it together. I mean it; no more fighting, keep ya hands to ya’self and I mean that for the both of you, I told him the same thing.” Cathy said locking eyes with Lucky giving her a knowing look. Lucky sucked in her bottom lip and looked down at the counter in shame, she didn’t miss the chastising tone in Cathy’s voice and it wasn’t like this was her first time hearing this today, Matoo had already went in on her for damn near an hour.

  Cathy loved Lucky to pieces but imagine a mother’s horror when she saw Carlos a couple of days after Lucky and his blow up with scratches on the side of his face like he had gotten into a fight with a pussy cat. Yes Carlos was a grown man standing a little over 6’1 and physically imposing to many but he was still Cathy’s baby boy. The fact that Los hadn’t laid Lucky on her back for scratching and hitting him like that showed Cathy how much he really loved and cared for Lucky. He showed a tremendous amount of self restraint in that situation especially since it’s a known fact he had a bad temper.

  Cathy went silent as she let her last statement marinate for a few minutes. She could see that Lucky looked truly remorseful. “I’m not going to sugarcoat it though you know that man hot with you right? By you leaving you know you hurt his heart and big ego,” Cathy said with a chuckle. “It’s nothing you can’t fix, you’re gonna have to do a whole lot of stroking his ego to get him to start playin like a nice kitty instead of a big ole mean lion.” Both women made eye contact and burst out laughing. Cathy really knew her son for sure.

  “You ready to face the music?” Cathy asked while looking over at Lucky. “No not really. I guess I have to do it sooner than later though,” With that being said Cathy picked up her cell phone and dialed Los’ number. “Hey baby what you up to? Oh, well I want you to come out here and see me for a minute. I wanna talk to you about something. No, no, it’s not an emergency so take your time. Well I’ll see you then, love you.” Cathy hung up and looked over at Lucky. “You got about two hours before the Boogeyman himself shows up.” Cathy said jokingly.

  As each passing minute went by Lucky became more and more of a nervous wreck. She felt literally sick to her stomach as the clock ticked closer and closer to Carlos’s arrival. Cathy watched on as Lucky bit her bottom lip nervously and wrung her wrist. Lucky’s heart felt as if it would beat out of her chest when she heard the chirp, chirp of Los’ car alarm. “Mom!” She heard that familiar voice that sent her heart into double beats. “I’m in here!” Cathy called back all awhile looking at Lucky. Lucky’s palms started to sweat as she heard his footsteps nearing; she wiped her palms on her jeans and looked up just in time to lock eyes with his.

  Carlos looked over at Lucky and he couldn’t remember her looking any prettier. Her eyes looked unsure and afraid; she looked so innocent and the 3 1/2 Carat diamond stud earrings he bought her years ago only further added to the look of innocence although Los knew better. She definitely didn’t look anything like the woman who came out to the restaurant that day showed her ass and got them both bagged.

  Lucky saw his eyes go from surprise to anger within a few seconds. “Yo where the fuck you been Lucky?!” Carlos boomed charging towards Lucky causing her to jump from her seat in fright and run around the island in the opposite direction. “Pa wait! I…I” Lucky stammered frightened at his reaction. “C
arlos!” Cathy screamed a little shocked at her son’s reaction. She knew he would be upset but here he was cursing and acting a fool in her presence. The audacity of Lucky to reappear and act as if nothing was wrong had him tight. “Luck you heard me, where the fuck you been ha?” Lucky stood there speechless with her chest heaving and tears clouding her vision. Carlos tried to psych her out by rushing towards her again from the opposite direction. Either it was adrenaline or pure luck that she saw him coming and ran in the opposite direction of the island seeming to piss him off even more. His jaw clenched in anger that she had the drop on him and got away. “Luck don’t fuckin move, you hear me? Don’t move!” Los demanded pointing his finger at her from across the island. Lucky didn’t care what he said she was prepared to play ring around the rosie with his crazy ass all night long if need be. Carlos was going to have to calm down before she let him come near her. “You out here running around like you ain’t got no fuckin sense. Do you know niggaz out here gettin kidnapped and murked?! Ha? Fuck wrong wit you? Is you stupid or somethin?” Carlos stopped suddenly and stood still glaring at Lucky from across the island as if the sight of her sickened him. He ran his hand over his face and bobbed his head up and down seeming to calm down after a few moments. “Yo I don’t even know why I’m wildin, I’m not into handcuffin or tryna keep a chick that don’t wanna be kept, it ain’t ever that serious. On that note Ma I did you a favor by packin ya shit up. Now I suggest you find a way to come get it before it’s out on the curb. I’m done.”

  Wow! Was all Cathy could think. Carlos was just as cold and callous with his words as his father used to be. Lucky looked stunned. You could’ve literally knocked her over with a leaf. Hearing from Ty and Keema he was throwing her out was one thing but to hear him actually utter those words stung hard. Tears ran down her face and the expression of hurt in her eyes spoke volumes.

  “Carlos I’m sorry. I love you so much, I just wanna come back home and work things out,” Lucky cried. “What is it you not gettin? I already told you I’m done! I ain’t fuckin wit you no more.” “Well where am I supposed to go?!” Lucky shouted with slight anger and hurt in her voice causing her words to come out shaky. “I don’t know where you going, I really don’t care neither but you gotta get the fuck up outta my crib.” “Just like that it’s over? It doesn’t matter that I love you…that I love you so much, that you’re my soul-mate, you could just end things like this?” Lucky cried in disbelief. “Basically,” Los retorted nastily. Lucky literally felt her heart break into a million pieces and she broke down bawling. She didn’t care she had no pride or shame to hide her emotions her heart was so broken. Cathy felt a huge lump form in her throat hearing Lucky cry so hard. Lucky was trembling and her cries came out shaky, “Carlos please don’t do this, please, please,” Lucky uttered through sobs.

  Cathy was trying to stay out of it and let them work through their own issues like adults but she couldn’t hold her tongue any longer. Her son was being a plain ole bully. “Carlos that’s fine. You want her out she’ll get out. It’s not a problem,” Cathy said with sass. Lucky shot Cathy a panicked look like what are you doing? Nooo. “Lucky you can come stay with me.” The expression on Carlos’s face was priceless. “Hell no she ain’t” It was clear Carlos didn’t think that one through and he was reacting off emotion. Cathy turned her full attention on her son; the look alone could’ve stopped his heart. “Excuse me; I pay the cost to be the boss up in here. I suggest you go back outside and read the address this ain’t Scottsdale Estates. If I say she stayin then she stayin and you ain’t gon do a damn thing about it.” Cathy stopped herself, she was cursing and carrying on and that wasn’t her at all but Carlos had pushed her buttons. Los was just as pissed off as his mother, he felt as if she should’ve stayed out of it and not given Lucky the option of staying with her. Cathy turned to Lucky, “If he wants you out then leave; don’t you ever beg no man not even my son. Baby go get as much of your things you can take now and we’ll send a moving company to get the rest later.” Lucky continued to shed silent tears and sniffle uncontrollably. “I don’t have a car to go and get my things.” “My car keys are on the key holder on the wall over there, take any one you want,” Cathy said nudging her head towards the key holder by the door. “Is that alright with you? Can she go and get her things?” Carlos didn’t answer his mother instead he had his eyes fixated on Lucky like a crazed stalker with his eyes squinted and jaw clenched. It was evident he wasn’t going to answer. “Lucky go ahead go get your things. Carlos you stay right here and let her grab her things in peace.” Lucky looked over at Carlos who was standing only feet away from the kitchen doorway. She was hesitant to walk out the door past him afraid he might grab her. Just as she thought, once she attempted to speed walk through the doorway Carlos made a quick move towards her from her side view she could see him coming and she nearly swallowed her tongue. “Carlos!” Cathy screamed stopping him dead in his tracks. Lucky damn near ran to the front door. She heard footsteps behind her and turned around to see Cathy rushing over to her. “Now listen, you hurry over to that house while I keep him here for as long as I can. The rest is up to you. You said you didn’t want to lose him then you know what you gotta do to keep him,” Cathy said in a hushed tone. She hugged and kissed Lucky on the cheek one last time before locking the door behind her.

  Cathy walked back into the kitchen to see Carlos pacing the floor like a caged animal. She wanted to laugh; Lucky had her son open like a window. “You want something to eat?” Cathy asked. Los looked up at her as if she were crazy. How could his mother ask him anything about food at a time like this? Cathy read his facial expression and shrugged her shoulders. For nearly 20 minutes Cathy had a one sided conversation mainly because Carlos sat and fidgeted in his seat looking at his watch every so often. He reminded her of an addict who was feenin for a hit and that hit was right there in arms reach but yet so far away.

  “Carlos!” Cathy snapped her fingers to get his attention. “You know you have to own up and take some responsibility for this mess. Stop handling Lucky with kid gloves. She’s a grown woman Carlos not your little porcelain doll you can play with dress up then put back on a shelf because you’re too afraid she might get broken. You need to let her know how real things can get out here and stop putting blinders on her to the type of business you are involved in. She needs to know how serious things could’ve gotten with you and the Don after that mess at the restaurant. Let her in a little, she needs to be prepared enough to hold you down when things go wrong,” Los snickered nastily and made a waving motion with his hand. “Oh Carlos what you just went through is nothing baby it gets much more realer than this. A lot of people will surprise you when it comes to loyalty but I would put my last dollar on what I’m about to say. That girl right there that loves you probably more than the air she breathes will be there when it’s all said and done, she’ll be there,” Cathy said tapping her index finger into the countertop to add emphasis to her words.

  “And it’s high time Carlos, that girl has been with you for some time now and you need to let her know where she stands. Your mouth says one thing but your actions say another. You probably telling her you love her can’t live without her but she ain’t got nothing sparkly on her finger to confirm that. That’s one of the biggest problems y’all got, she don’t know her place with you, that’s why she out here running around aimless acting a damn fool! So what’s it gonna be Carlos? You either shit on the pot or get the fuck off. And don’t put on the tough guy act talkin bout it’s over, you and I both know better than that. You ain’t invest time, work, and money, lots of money may I add on that woman to walk away now. When all its gonna take is for the next man to roll up and give a broken hearted Lucky an open ear and a shoulder to cry on, you better know boy a shoulder to cry on will quickly turn into a dick to ride on. Cause trust and believe me there’s another man waiting in the shadows ready to spring into action the moment things are done with you and Lucky. He won’t hesitate to be there to comfort Lu
cky once you leave her out here broken hearted and lost. And he ain’t gotta do a damn thing but tell her one simple phrase ‘I will never do to you what he did’ that simple thing right there will seal the deal and Lucky will be out there teaching the next man all the things you taught her and you lose. That other man got his prize handed to him on a silver platter cause you done already put in all the hard work. That’s how I know you ain’t hardly trying to let her go.” Cathy had to hold back a laugh because her son looked damn near frantic and crazed with the thought of another man with his Lucky. There was a few things Carlos would looove to say to his mother after she aired him out like this but the love and respect he had for her outweighed his anger. His mother kept that shit nothing but real with him always had. She told him the things he needed to hear not what he wanted to hear.

  When she couldn’t take the pitiful look on his face any longer she let him go. “Alright go ahead, go get your woman.” Carlos was up out of his seat heading towards the front door before she could give him a second look. “Carlos you better not do nothing to my lil China Doll either.” Cathy called after him before hearing the front door slam close. Cathy shook her head as she heard him leave her driveway with a screech of his tires.

  When Carlos pulled into the driveway of his house he noticed that his mother’s car was still there. He was relieved, despite the fact he told Lucky to leave he didn’t know what he would do had she not been there. He entered the house and took the grand staircase two steps at a time rushing to his bedroom. When he pushed the double doors of his bedroom open there stood Lucky looking breathtaking. For a moment, he was caught in the matrix forgetting all about how Lucky had just up and left him. The Vicky Secret lingerie she was wearing had him on 10 immediately. He had rarely seen her wear her hair as she did now and it was definitely a good look for her. Carlos stared her in her eyes those eyes that always seemed to put him under a spell. It angered him that she still had that type of affect on him even after he tried to convince his heart to get over her.


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