It Is What it Is

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It Is What it Is Page 28

by Ivory B.

  From her reaction Los knew he couldn’t tell her the truth about why his grandmother had come and got him out of bed in the middle of the night to pray over him. His grandmother had been praying over him since the day he was born, so this wasn’t anything new to him. Every time he visited Colombia he never left without his grandmother doing so. This time however was different, this was the only time she had someone else pray over him as well. His grandmother had called a man they called High Priest to join the prayer session. And this was the first time his grandmother seemed troubled, so much so she was adamant that he as well as Lucky wear beads of protection.

  GG woke him out of his sleep saying she had a dream and in that dream she saw a black shadow over both him and Lucky. Los tried to put his grandmother at ease. “Go back to bed GG it was just a dream,” was Los’ response until GG admitted that she saw the same thing earlier that day while the couple were sitting on the couch together. GG looked alarmed. She knew what she was talking about someone had evil intent, both her grandson and Lucky’s lives were in danger and their love would be tested. That’s exactly what she told Los. He heeded her warning because he knew his grandmother was usually dead on. He slipped out of bed that instant and went to have his grandmother pray on him.

  “Look my grandmother made this for you. She wanted you to have it and wear it.” Lucky looked down at the matching beaded bracelet identical to the one he had on. She was hesitant to let Los slip it on her wrist. However, she didn’t want to be rude and offend his grandmother by not wearing it either. “I got the same one on, Luck trust me its fine.” He said slipping it on her small wrist. This was just going to take her a little to digest. The more she thought on it, it’s not like she had never heard of people like his grandmother before. Plus GG was good to her. It’s just another practice of religion, she told herself.

  After being held up in the room for half the day embarrassed to come out, knowing half the house had to hear her outburst that morning Lucky got up enough courage to go into the kitchen where everyone else seemed to be. Once she stepped into the kitchen it was apparent everyone had heard the commotion that morning because everyone stopped and stared. Oh man, I hope they ain’t mad. How was I supposed to know about GG? Lucky walked up to GG and kind of shocked the old woman when she leaned in and kissed GG on her soft fragile cheek. “Thank you for the bracelet,” Lucky said. “Your welcomed Mami, now come watch me make rice pudding. You learn make for you soon husband,” GG said in her broken English. Lucky smiled brightly as she thanked God his grandmother wasn’t upset.

  Los watched as Lucky held his cousin’s son. Over the last few days they’d been there you didn’t see Lucky without the little boy. Every time the toddler was ready to go to bed he would wobble around the house looking for her to rock him to sleep and today was no different. Javier, who was almost two, held his bottle to his mouth with one hand and held onto Lucky’s shirt with his other as he drifted in and out of sleep. Sleep wouldn’t come easy for him as screams and laughter from the other kids echoed throughout the house. Lucky knowing the baby wouldn’t get any sleep in the living room decided to take him into the bedroom to lie down.

  Los walked in the bedroom minutes later to see the baby sleeping peacefully cuddled up under Lucky as she ran her fingers through his curly hair looking down at him adoringly. “Hey” Los said. “Hey you,” Lucky replied looking up at Carlos. “Doesn’t he remind you of baby Jah?” Lucky asked. Los shook his head in agreement as he sat down on the edge of the bed. He looked over at Lucky and decided now was the best time to talk to her about what had been plaguing his mind lately.

  “C’mere ma, let me talk to you for a minute.” He held out his arm to support Lucky as she climbed over the baby trying her best not to wake him. Los pulled her onto his lap and stared her deep in the eyes. He took his hand and ran it over his mouth sighing deeply before speaking. Lucky straddled him tucking in her bottom lip feeling a tad bit uneasy as she gazed at him knowing he had something important to say. Los hesitated trying to choose his words wisely knowing this was a very touchy subject, especially for Lucky.

  “I wanna talk to you about why I said I didn’t want kids.” He felt Lucky’s body tense up a bit. “I’ve always looked at kids as being more of a liability with the life I live. My pop’s taught me one thing that seems to ring true, that the most vulnerable part of a man is the most innocent parts of him and that’s his kids. Meaning the quickest way to bring any man to his knees is through his seeds or his wife. I never wanted to take the risk of letting anyone have that type of leverage over me… by holding something so dear to me over my head. I didn’t want that vulnerability. My whole mind set has changed; with you I’m willing to take that risk. I want us to start a family, I really do. And it’s crazy because I thought you was pregnant while you was gone, well at least I was hoping you was. When you came back to me with a flat stomach…I can’t even put in words how disappointed I was” “I know, I thought I was pregnant too.” Lucky admitted her words coming out low as her lips quivered with emotion. “I want you to stop shooting that bullshit in ya body and whatever happens just happens.” Lucky closed her eyes savoring those words as silent tears rolled down her face and she shook her head in agreement. This is what she wanted had for some time now but she would never force or trick him into becoming a father. Los reached up wiping tears from her eyes with his thumbs “I want that too but wha…what if I get pregnant before I finish school?” Los shrugged his shoulders, “You still gon finish I’ma make sure of that,” he said then pinched her cheek playfully. Lucky smiled brightly before she leaned in kissing him passionately.

  The next day Lucky sat on the porch smiling from ear to ear as she watched Los play soccer with a group of kids in front of his grandmother’s house. The kids had skills; they were bouncing the ball off their heads to their knees and the whole nine. Los was actually okay but this was definitely not a sport he excelled in. He wagered a challenge of taking them all on for 100 American dollars apiece and those little boys were playing their hearts out for that gwap. Los knew he couldn’t win but he put money on himself anyways just to be cocky. What he loved to see is the hunger in their eyes, you could spot a solider from a mile away and those little boys had it in them. Los squared up with a boy who looked to be around 14. The boy went left then psyched Los out and kicked the ball to his right foot scoring and making the point. Game over the boys went wild. Los laughed it off he took his L honorably not without talking a little bit of shit though. “I bet y’all can’t see me in basketball though. Who got a basketball out here? Yeah that’s what I thought.” He handed over the money with a little extra to the boys while still poppin off. Lucky sat on the porch cracking up. She had never seen Los like this, so carefree and relaxed just enjoying himself for a change.

  Los came back over to the porch as the boys continued to play taking a seat beside Lucky. He looked over at her as she watched the kids play with a bright smile on her face. In that moment he felt his heart skip a beat and he knew without a doubt he wasn’t making a mistake with his next move. “Let’s get married,” he blurted out. The comment stole Lucky’s attention from the game as she turned towards Los. Lucky chuckled, “You already proposed and I said yes. Did you forget?” Los shook his head no. “Nah, I mean now.” “Now?!” Lucky asked stunned. “I plan on giving you the wedding you deserve, anything you want. I just…don’t wanna wait. I can understand if you don’t wan…” is all he got out before Lucky hopped up. “No unh, unh I’m down,” Lucky said without hesitation. This was crazy; absolutely impulsive but that’s what made it so much more appealing.

  Within 13 hours they were standing in a small church in front of a Pastor and a handful of Los’ family. Lucky hadn’t even slept the night before she was so excited. The nuptials were very intimate and informal. Lucky stood wearing an Ivory colored Vera Wang sundress she’d packed with the intentions of walking the beaches in, while Los wore a short sleeved white polo shirt and khakis. Lucky looked around the church
stunned at how beautiful it was decorated within the time frame they had. Beautiful pink and purple flowers of all assortments adorned the church. If Lucky didn’t know any better she would’ve sworn Los had planned this ahead of time. Lucky truly felt as if this was one of the happiest days of her life, the only thing missing was her family. She really wished they could be here to share this day with her. Carlos promised her once they got back to the states he would give her the wedding of her dreams no matter the expense and she was going to hold him to that promise. Due to the fact this was so spur of the moment they weren’t able to apply and obtain a marriage license. Their marriage wasn’t recognized legally, however it was recognized by the church and they were provided an unofficial marriage certificate. Even though the marriage was more a ceremonial event Lucky didn’t feel any less married than if it were a legally binding marriage.

  The ceremony was short and sweet and there wasn’t a dry eye in God’s house. When the pastor asked for the ring Carlos looked stumped and Lucky had to tuck her lips in to keep herself from laughing. It was clear neither one of them thought this through and he hadn’t purchased her a ring for this spontaneous wedding. He looked down at his hand and without hesitation began to remove his pinky ring, the ring that Lucky had teased him about on many occasions calling it gaudy. It was a ring that belonged to his late father, a ring that had sentimental value to him and he only wore on special occasions. Lucky shook her head in protest “No baby you don’t have to do tha…” Lucky’s words were cut short when he took her hand and slipped it on her ring finger. It dangled off her finger clearly too big. Lucky’s eyes started to water up. She knew how much the ring meant to him. “But baby it’s your good luck ring.” A slight smile played on Los’ lips before he leaned in close to her ear and whispered. “I got all the luck I need in this world right here in front of me. When we get back home I’ll get it fitted,” he said with sincerity. Lucky boo hoo’d silently as she looked down at her hand.

  The rest of the ceremony was surreal. It was as if everything around Lucky went mute. She couldn’t hear anything or see anyone but Carlos. His eyes watered and he became chocked up when he said “I do.” then it was Lucky’s turn and she wasted no time saying a tearful “I do.” “Now you may kiss the bride.” They shared an emotional short but intense kiss. They were announced man and wife and it was official. Lucky was now Louchanna Bria Johnson, she liked the sound of it. “Mrs. Johnson you ready for our honeymoon?” “Honeymoon, isn’t this our Honeymoon?” Carlos looked at Lucky as if she’d lost her mind “Hell nah!”

  That was two days ago and now Lucky was on a beach in clear blue waters and white sand in Margarita, Venezuela. She had traveled to many places with Los but this place by far was one of the prettiest. Lucky made her way out to the man made bar in the sea just below a palm tree to grab another Flirtini. The splashing sound in the water caught Los’ attention as he looked up at Lucky. “Ayo Lucky you might wanna slow down on them drinks in the water. You gon fuck around and kill the both of us. You know a nigga can’t swim but I’ll die tryna save you.” Lucky looked over at him and laughed. “Daddy I’m good, and we won’t drown I’ll save the both of us.” Lucky made her way over to him looking down at her feet through the water kicking up white sand with each step she took. Maybe it was the drinks but she was truly intrigued at how clear the water was. Lucky made it over to their private cabana with the beautiful white sheer canopy drapes covering it.

  She pulled the sheer drapes back looking at Los who was lying down stretched out on a comfortable bed. His chocolate, chiseled chest and athletic physique made her feel all tingly inside. Lucky pulled the curtains closed and climbed on top of him. The ceiling fan blowing above the cabana was on low blowing a light breeze on her skin. Los looked up at Lucky and his dick jumped to salute her immediately. Lucky felt that anaconda rise under her; she had intentions of getting nasty when she noticed one of the resort workers approaching the cabana with a food tray. Los sat up smelling the aroma of food from feet away, he was starving. “There you are Sir,” the worker said as he lifted the top of a silver food dish exposing a plate heaped high full of mouth watering food. Grilled lobster tails, shrimp skewers, scallops, steak and veggies. He sat the food on the table beside Carlos and proceeded to leave not before Los hit him off with a 20 dollar tip. The man smiled so hard you could see all 32 of his teeth.

  The newlyweds had been treated like royalty and Lucky could only guess some of it had to do with the tips Los would give the staff for any little thing. Shit they had to shoo away service at times. It’s like the staff at this luxury resort wanted to do everything short of wiping their ass’s after they used the bathroom. “Come eat some of this, put something on your stomach other than them fruity ass drinks you’ve been drinkin. You keep it up Luck, them fruity drinks gon sneak up on you. Nothing on ya stomach and you in this hot ass sun.” Lucky smiled and rolled her eyes. “Yes Daddy,” Lucky said sarcastically. She ate a little bit of food to appease Los even though food was the last thing on her mind. She watched as Los’ muscles flexed naturally with each move he made while eating.

  Once she had enough food she took it upon herself to determine he had enough as well as she mounted him. Los looked at her with the same want in his eyes. He slapped her on the ass hard and she purred like a little sex kitten. They were on a secluded part of the beach Carlos had rented out for just them. Besides the bartender who was a ways from the shore manning the swim up bar there was no one in sight. She bent down kissing him deeply and grinding on him. In response she was rewarded by the feel of Los’ strong hands running down her back gently then settling on her ass where he palmed it. Suddenly Los’ cell phone rung causing him to break their kiss and look over at it. “Don’t you dare,” Lucky warned with attitude. This was their honeymoon and she would be damned if he got on a business call that would take half hour plus. “It ain’t for me anyways, that’s you right there.” “For me?” Lucky asked confused. He reached over handing her the phone where she looked at the caller ID bracing herself, it was Matoo. She had been so caught up with Los she had forgotten to call her Aunt in nearly a week since she’d been gone. Los pursed his lips together trying his hardest not to laugh at Lucky’s ‘Oh shit!’ expression.

  “Hel…hello Matoo?” Lucky asked as if she didn’t know it was her. “Where are you?! Why haven’t I heard from you? I’ve been worried sick, I’ve been calling your phone and I’m not gettin through, what the hell is going on? For a minute I thought that damn man done killed you or somethin, you know better than to scare me like that!” “Matoo I’m fine, I’m with Carlos. My phone isn’t getting service out here.” Lucky paused before she continued. “In Colombia.” “Colombia?! Oh my god. What the hell are you doing way out there? Lucky it’s dangerous over there. I’ve watched a special on MSNBC and they showed how the guerrillas who work for the drug cartels kidnap Americans and hold them for ransom!” “Ha?…guerrillas kidnapping people and holding them for ransom?” Lucky said with bewilderment etched on her face. Carlos knitted his eyebrows and shook his head. He hated that people made presumptions about places they’ve never been to themselves. Colombia was a good country with good people that had a lot to offer. He wasn’t denying at all that Colombia had its share of crime and was heavy into drug trafficking but it didn’t account for the whole damn country.

  “Put Carlos on the phone,” Tina demanded. And Lucky was more than happy to oblige, she couldn’t wait to get her screaming Aunt out of her ear. “Hi Matoo how you?” “I’m fine Carlos. I don’t understand why you had to take Lucky way out there it’s dangerous,” Carlos took a deep breath before responding. “We came out here because my family is out here. Lucky is fine, she’s safer here than she is back home I guarantee you that,” Los said with firmness. He wasn’t trying to be disrespectful but Matoo was acting as if the country he had ties to was some anarchy. “Well alright Carlos just make sure you take care of my baby.” “Will do.” “And make sure she picks up a phone sometimes and let som
eone know she still breathing. I understand you both need some alone time but Lucky disappearing without saying anything to anyone in nearly a week is unacceptable.” Hmm, well I guess her running off and getting married and actually being on her honeymoon right now is going to be double unacceptable. Both Lucky and Los had agreed to tell their families back home about the nuptials face to face. It wasn’t something you sprung on someone over the phone. “I’ll make sure she calls,” Los reassured her. “Okay I’ll talk to you guys later.” Los looked over at Lucky in disbelief. “Oh my god it’s dangerous!” Carlos said imitating Matoo. Both of them burst out into hard laughter shaking their heads at Matoo’s reaction.


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