It Is What it Is

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It Is What it Is Page 39

by Ivory B.

  “All these changes will go into effect immediately. We’ll have a meeting with the whole fam in attendance soon but we wanted to do this initial meeting before we announced it to everyone else,” Los said. He paused and his facial expression became very serious. “Y’all been given a whole lot of power don’t misuse it. Jah, Real, and Meat when I say this is y’all shit; I mean it. You set the prices and ground rules for the work, as long as the fam get its percentage we could care less what you do. If you raise prices on work my suggestion would be to give customers a heads up not because you have to but because it’s good business. And if you have loyal customers then you wanna keep em happy. Although we gotta monopoly on the game we ain’t the only candy shop out here, so niggaz can easily buy elsewhere if they feel they being mistreated. They definitely won’t be gettin the same quality from these other plugs but some people will sacrifice quality for principal. A’ight I got nothing else this meeting is adjur…” “Carlos!” Lucky yelled angrily. She knew he was in his office she could hear the low rumble of his deep voice as he talked from behind his closed office door. It was kind of funny because every man in that room no matter how gangsta they were slightly jumped when they heard her call his name like a kid who missed curfew. All eyes went to the door as they heard Lucky’s footsteps click clacking closer to the door. I know Lucky ain't bring her ass down to my place of business showin her ass. Los thought while eyeing the door as it began to open slightly. “Lucky not right now I’ll talk to you later,” He said in a stern tone while trying to control his building anger. “No! Carlos fuck that we gon talk right now, I’m not waiting.” Los sat up straight from leaning leisurely in his chair with his thumb and forefinger on his chin. Several eyes throughout the room widened but everyone remained silent. “Lucky you see I’m in the middle of something right? Go wait in the private side of my office and I’ll be there in a minute to talk about whatever it is you wanna talk about.” For a fleeting moment Lucky contemplated pushing back but the look in his eyes stopped her short. She rolled her eyes and stomped off towards the door that lead to the private quarters of Los’ office. The only thing that separated the two spaces was a thick wooden door that adjoined both offices. “And don’t slam my damn doo…” Bam! The sound of the hard wooden door slamming echoed through the connected offices cutting Los off. “I swear she gon make me whoop her muthafuckin…yo you know what I’ma chill.” Los said aloud talking more to himself before leaning back in his chair with a grimace plastered on his face. Nice couldn’t help but to burst out into a light laugh before concluding the meeting. “A’ight meeting adjourned,” Nice said as he gave daps and congratulated Meat and Twin again before they left the room leaving only Real, Jah, Blacka Los and himself.

  The office fell awkwardly quiet before Blacka spoke up to break the ice. “I see ain’t shit changed with Chilly, it’s like he gotta full six pack but he missing that plastic piece that holds all the cans together nah mean? Youngin just a tad bit off. Yo his momz still be out here wildin?” “Hell yeah you know Aunt V has no chill,” Nice confirmed. “I know the rule is to never talk bodies but I’m tight as fuck right now that Chilly pussy ass the one who dropped Mook brother and mother then had the audacity to be sittin here instigating. He ain’t even step up to handle that,” Jah fumed. Blacka raised an eyebrow and looked at Los hoping what he heard wasn’t true and wondering why Los hadn’t demanded Chilly clean up his own mess? “Jah I got a team of shooters but I don’t need anyone to settle my beef. You know I ain’t the typa nigga to be on no hold up let me explain type shit so if he thinks I bodied his peoples that’s fine let him think it. And I betta not catch y’all shadowing me like y’all my security intel neither.” Jah and Real shared a brief look that didn’t go unnoticed by Los. It seemed as if he knew the double trouble due all too well. “Aight fam let me get up outta here, Los I’ll hit you up later,” Jah said before dapping all the men in the room out and leaving. Real and Blacka followed suit shortly after not without Blacka dropping a jewel that coincidently was something Los’ father used to say. “Watch for them niggaz that throw stones then hide they hands,” Blacka said before leaving Nice and Los alone.

  “How you feeling about today?” Nice asked. “I’m feeling alright, no regrets.” Nice nodded his head in agreement. “So what up you heard back from ole boy in Dubai yet?” “Yeah, things still lookin up but we gotta play this smoother than Mike J doing the moonwalk, work in those parts of the world can get niggaz a death sentence if caught but there’s big money to be made and that soft is in high demand over there.” “Tell me something I don’t know,” Nice said grabbing up his jacket so he could make an exit. “As long as they tryna play by our standards and take the risk of bringing they own shit in we Gucci, Bruh I’m more than ready to get that Arab monaay,” Nice sang. Los chuckled lightly his mind obviously still stuck on the stunt Lucky just pulled as he eyed the door that connected to the other side of his office where Lucky was waiting. “This Mook situation though,” Nice said on a serious note. “What about it?” Los asked in a slight clipped tone, he was getting tired of this subject. “How you wanna handle this?” Nice asked ready to go put in work himself if need be. Naturally he was protective of Los always ready to go into big brother mode at the drop of a dime. “It’s only one way to handle a young ratchet nigga, that’s with a ratchet.” Nice chuckled glad to see his brother was on point. “A'ight Baby Boy I’m out to deal with the two demanding women in my life. They been blowing me up cause its movie night. I gotta pick up pizza before I go home. Ty texting me all typa crazy shit to put on the pizza, I’m like yo that’s goin on your side of the pizza me and Ky ain’t eating that mess. I swear I hope and pray she having a boy cause I don’t think I can take another bossy female in the house.” Los looked over at Nice and couldn’t help but smile; this nigga had turned into a family man over night. Not too long ago Nice would’ve been rushing out to link up with something random to slide in for the night, now he was rushing out to be with his family who would’ve ever thought. “Yo be easy on sister in-law. I guess she hot about that situation that popped off with Nona today. I know I’ma hear about that mess when I get home too but if it wasn’t you it woulda been me.” “Like I said no regrets about anything I did today.” Nice reached over and gave his brother dap before he left the room.

  Once his office was empty Los sat there trying to take a few minutes to calm himself and reflect on what happened today. The more he sat and thought about how Lucky acted the angrier he got. Lucky was a straight firecracker, just what he needed and he loved that about her, she kept him on his toes that’s for sure. The only thing she needed to master was when it was okay to act up and when it was time to shut the fuck up. Los yanked the door open that connected the two office spaces to find Lucky sitting patiently on the plush leather sofa. All the fight and fire in her had obviously extinguished as she sat there looking slightly nervous waiting on him.

  Los came charging into the room like a bull in a china shop, real aggressive knocking over any and everything in his path as he came at Lucky. Feeling as if she were at a serious disadvantage by sitting down she attempted to jump up but by the time she tried it was much too late. Carlos snatched her up off her behind and lifted her in the air effortlessly. Lucky’s body seemed to be suspended in mid-air as she heard the noises of furniture knocking over and glass shattering. Usually Los handled Lucky delicately as if she were a piece of fine china he was too afraid of breaking or cracking but today wasn’t a typical day and this wasn’t the Carlos she was used to. The next thing she knew she was being pinned up against the wall behind her. “Let me tell you something and I’m only gonna tell you this once, don’t you eva in ya whole fuckin life handle me the way you did in front of niggaz who work for me, we good on that shit?” Los gritted angrily with his lips only inches away from her ear. Lucky shook her head vigorously as one blink sent tears cascading down her face. Obviously a head nod wasn’t good enough for Los as he shook the front of her shirt he had crumbled up in h
is fists. “I said are we good on that shit?” he repeated with fire in his eyes. Lucky gave a tearful and shaky “Yes.” Los snatched his hand away from her shirt immediately leaving her to slide down the wall she was against until her butt met the cold bamboo wood floor. That’s when she noticed the mess in the room, the cocktail table that once sat in front of the sofa she was sitting on was turned over and a pretty crystal vase that was filled with fresh flowers was now shattered into pieces. He had really came through his office like a raging bull giving zero fucks about what he tore up in the process. Carlos stood there for a few long uncomfortable moments for Lucky that is glowering down at her. She understood the silent challenge he was posing and frankly she wanted no parts of it. She sat there with her knees pulled up to her chest whimpering. “Lucky it’s a time and place for everything; in the privacy of our home I will be as many muthafucka’s and assholes you want me to be but in public especially, in front of my subordinates you better watch the way you fuckin talk to me,” he advised sternly before stepping away. The lights clicked in Lucky’s head right after those words left his mouth, he wasn’t upset that she wanted to confront him about Nona he was upset because she had challenged him in front of men who took orders from him.

  Los had his back towards Lucky and his shoulders were hunched up making him look even taller in stature but also rigid. He had one hand tucked deep in his pocket while he reached back with his right hand and began rubbing the back of his neck. Lucky knew that was a clear indication a tension headache was on the horizon. She didn’t want to fight with him and looking back on the situation in hindsight she knew she could’ve handled things differently. She got up from the floor and eased over to him placing her forehead on his back while wrapping her arms around his waist. She could feel his body relax almost on contact, his head fell back into his shoulders and he exhaled deeply. “Luck go home,” he said before reaching down and removing her arms from around his waist. “But Carlos we should tal…” “Lucky just go home, we’ll talk when I get home,” Los repeated sounding slightly exhausted and irritated. Lucky took a deep breath as tears threatened to roll down her cheeks. She walked over to her purse snatching it up looking back at Los one last time before she walked out the door. If he really wanted to hurt her he had succeeded because when he made himself emotionally unavailable to her it was the worse punishment ever. Los shut his eyes exhaling hard as he heard the door slam behind Lucky. It took all his strength not to run after Lucky and tell her to stay but he knew he needed his space. You see, Los knew how easy it was to hurt the ones you love the most and he didn’t want to take his frustrations out on her. He needed a little space to think and be in his zone. When Lucky was around it was hard to do that because she had the power to seep deep into the very depths of his soul and calm him when he wanted to be untamed with his mind solely on these streets. Damn why I let her leave like that? I know she gone be on the bullshit when I get home. Carlos wasn’t panicking off the situation between Lucky and himself. He knew his other half well enough to know that if he could talk his way between those pretty browns of hers everything that happened in that office would be long forgotten and they’d be the best of friends again. Los walked over to the chess table in the corner of his office and took a seat on the black side. Whenever he needed a clear mind and to think he played a game of chess against himself. Some may find it odd but he knew he was his own biggest challenge, playing alone made him think more critically, push himself mentally, and weed out his own weaknesses. As he picked up his knight to make the first move he realized he would have to make a couple of power moves to get his kingdom back in order in both this game and in these streets.

  Bundle of Joy

  Jah was sitting in his office when suddenly his cell phone rang. The ringtone alone put a smile on his face. He had a quick flashback of the last two days he spent with Keema; it was almost like their honeymoon all over again. Lil Jah had been spending time with Aunty Lucky and Uncle Los leaving him and Keema to some much needed adult time. It was like heaven getting home every night and not having to fight for a spot in bed near Keema. Usually his little cockblocker would be in bed smack dead between himself and Keema. It seemed as if Lil Jah always knew when his father was plotting on the pussy because those were the nights he would have difficulty sleeping in his own room. If Jah even tried to reach over him and touch Keema Lil Jah would cry and push him away. It was comical and at the same time scary how territorial Lil Jah was over Keema but according to everyone he told it was normal.

  Jah answered his phone with a smile in his voice “Meema wha…” “Jah get ya ass home it’s time!” “Time?!” Jah asked all hyped up a little surprised since Keema had approximately two weeks left till her due date. “Yes, Jah I’m having this baby my contractions gettin closer,” Keema said through pants. Jah jumped up running towards the door. “Meema I’m coming, don’t have the baby I’m on my way now!” “Umm, hmm,” Keema grunted through heavy breaths and a painful sounding moan. “You okay ma?” Jah asked concerned “Yes!” Keema said in an aggravated tone. Keema knew she had to end this conversation soon it was taking too much energy out of her and she was losing concentration on her breathing count. “Baby I gotta hang up, I gotta concentrate on my breathing.” “Meema, I love you, I’m on my way alright,” Jah assured her before Keema hung up. Jah ran out of his office almost running smack dead into Los. “Damn son!” Los said. “Keem having the baby, she in labor right now,” “Oh shit! for real?” Los asked with excitement. “Yeah,” Jah answered while patting his jeans, “Shit where my keys?” Jah said realizing he left his keys at his desk and wasn’t going anywhere without them. Los laughed as he peeped Jah nervous ass running back into his office for his keys. Jah came out of the office blowing right by Los as Los laughed at him.

  “Jaaahh!” Keema screamed like a mad woman once she heard him unlocking the door. Jah ran up the three flights of stairs in the apartment taking them two and three at a time. “Keem you had it, you had it!” He asked bursting through the bedroom door all out of breath and hyped. “No! My contractions,” Keema said breathing hard and rubbing her belly. “C’mon, Ma I gotta get you to the hospital,” Jah said while snatching Keema a pair of sweats out of the closet. “No! Unh, unh wait. I gotta take a shower first.” “A shower?! Keema what the fuck?” “Baby yes come help me take a shower first.” “Keem we need to get to the hospital. You about to have my daughter and you sittin here talkin about a shower.” “Jah listen, I’ve been in the house lying around all day. I didn’t take a shower earlier because I wasn’t feeling good. I’m not gonna have all them people all in my cooch and not take no damn shower. Now help me get in the shower!” Jah sucked his teeth and surrendered it was apparent there was no arguing with Keema. “Keem I swear nothing better not happen to my daughter.” Keema rolled her eyes as she grimaced in pain and concentrated on breathing through a contraction.

  Jah picked Keema up and brought her into the bathroom stripping her naked before sitting her on the bench in the large shower. He washed her body paying close attention to wash between her legs as she sat and held them open. After giving his wife a good speedy scrub down and getting completely wet himself he carried her back into the bedroom where he dried her off and clothed her with her help as her contractions came and went. “You alright Meema?” “Umm hmm,” Keema moaned not wanting to waste her breath talking. Jah looked over at her and smiled. “You ready to meet our daughter ma?” Keema cracked a smile through her pain “I sure am.”

  Keema was in active labor by the time Los, Lucky and baby Jah made it to the hospital. Lucky went into the delivery room with Jah while Los waited in the waiting room with Lil Jah who was fast asleep. Lucky was a nervous wreck when they announced the baby was coming. Panic set in and she was thinking about sliding out when Keema called to her. “Lucky hold my hand!” Keema demanded all out of breath. People weren’t lying when they said second babies usually come a lot quicker than the first. Keema had went through most of her labor at home and now t
hat she was in the hospital it was time to get down to the business of having this baby.

  Lucky and Jah gave Keema words of encouragement to push and keep it going as she pushed through her pain. Keema was grunting and giving it her all as the veins on the sides of her forehead protruded and sweat covered her face. Lucky couldn’t lie this part of pregnancy was literally putting fear in her heart and she was praying the pain Keema was in ended sooner than later. The doctor suddenly demanded Keema stop pushing and Jah left her side to stand by the doctor’s side. Keema was ordered to give a hard push the best she had and shortly after Lucky could see the baby being pulled from between Keema’s legs as she held her hand. The baby’s cries filled the room and Lucky caught a quick glimpse of Jah cutting the umbilical cord. Jahzera Amaya Evans was the prettiest little thing ever. At this point Keema was boohooing and Lucky was willing herself not to cry. One look at Jah did it for Lucky, to see a thug nigga like Jah humbled to tears at the sight of his baby girl was heartfelt and Lucky got all choked up and started crying. Poor Keema couldn’t catch a break yet again the baby came out looking just like Jah. It looked as if that man literally spit that baby out. Keema held her daughter briefly before the nurses took her away to tend to her. The nurses rushed Jahzera off to clean her up and weigh her as Jah followed and stood close by as if he were guarding the president. Keema was drained but right after Jahzera was cleaned up she held her arms out to hold her baby girl once again. Lucky stood by the bed and scooped her niece up out of Keema’s arms once she noticed Keema’s arms start to shake. Keema was one helluva woman she had went all natural no epidural or anything and now she was weak to the touch.


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