It Is What it Is

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It Is What it Is Page 57

by Ivory B.

  From the reactions in the courtroom it was obvious Nice’s family wasn’t fans of Mia’s. The judge had no choice but to place Ky in a neutral environment although she had a heavy heart in doing so. Call it a hunch the judge could tell the allegations were false and actually felt bad for Nice. Still it was her duty to do what was right in the eyes of the law not emotion. A CPS worker would be at Nice’s house that very afternoon to remove Kynah from the home and place her in a temporary home. Horowitz was outraged; he couldn’t believe this was happening. “So that’s it? They just taking my daughter away from me like that?” Nice said angrily not caring to whisper. He didn’t care he felt as if he had lost just about everything in his life. Tears welled up in his eyes; he was on the verge of shedding a few too. Yeah he was a man but this shit right here hurt like hell, they were taking his daughter.

  Something inside Mia jumped for joy seeing Nice so broken. She didn’t care that Ky was going into a foster home as long as she wasn’t with her father and his live in bitch living happily ever after. She figured if she couldn’t have Ky he wouldn’t either. “Nice take it easy, we’ll be right back in court. I’ll fight this all the way,” Horowitz assured. He tried to put a comforting hand on Nice’s shoulder but Nice gave him an icy glare that could freeze over hell.

  Everyone had left the courthouse looking somber as if someone had died. Los stayed behind and waited to talk to Horowitz who was still in the courtroom talking to the judge along with Mia’s lawyer. When Horowitz stepped out into the hallway and saw Los standing there he nearly swallowed his tongue. He didn’t know what to expect so he spoke first. “Carlos I’m telling you this will all work out. The judge even thinks its bullshit an…” Los put his hand up cutting Horowitz off. “All I wanna know is where they bringing my niece.” “What are you planning to do with that information? Carlos I got this under control. I know this doesn’t look good but tomorrow morning we’ll be right back here for an emergency hear…” “What exactly do you have under control? My niece is gettin ready to stay in a foster home overnight, is that what the fuck I keep you on retainer 365 days a year for?” Los gritted. “Carlos let’s be fair there was no way of me knowing she would lie…” “Man I don’t wanna hear that shit right now, all I wanna know is where they bringing her?” Los repeated this time with more aggression. “The village for children and family,” Horowitz confessed with a stressful sigh. Los turned on his heels and started walking towards the exit. “Carlos please don’t do anything to jeopardize this case. I’ll fix this, I will,” Horowitz called after Los as he watched him leave the courthouse.

  Los pulled up to Nice’s house and took a deep breath. Lucky called him nearly in tears informing him that Cathy thought it would be best Nice not be there when they came to pick Kynah up. Ty was with Nice, Cathy, Jah and Keema had just left to be there for Ty leaving Lucky there alone with Ky who had no idea she was going to be picked up in a couple of hours. Los entered the house and Lucky’s face said it all she looked relieved he was there at the same time sad and scared.

  “Uncle God Daddy!” Kynah screamed running over to get her usual greeting of being thrown up in the air. Los did it without much enthusiasm, no jokes or laughter. “What’s wrong Uncle you sad?” Kynah asked with concern before wrapping her arms around Carlos legs looking up at him. He looked down at Ky patted her pretty head and chuckled. “Nah I’m not sad lil mama I’m just tired,” Los lied. Both Los and Lucky talked and played with Kynah as if nothing was wrong until that fateful knock came. “That’s my Mommy and Daddy” Ky boasted. Los went to answer the door while Lucky began to explain to Ky the best way she could that Ky would be staying the night somewhere other than home. He heard a loud sob from the living room and knew exactly how Kynah was taking the news.

  The social worker and police escort stepped into the foyer as Lucky emerged from the living room holding Ky’s hand. Ky hung her head holding onto Lucky’s hand tight. “Hiii aren’t you the prettiest little thing my name is…” was all the social worker got out before Ky started bawling uncontrollably. She threw a complete fit screaming and clinging onto Lucky’s leg. Carlos walked over and picked Ky up shushing her while whispering something in her ear. Ky seemed to have gotten her composure quickly as Los wiped her eyes gently. He whispered one last thing in her ear then held out his pinky and she did the same. They wrapped their fingers around each other’s obviously pinky swearing something to one another. He kissed her on the forehead then eased her down to her feet, “A'ight remember be a good girl.” Kynah shook her head still hiccupping and trying to bite back tears. The social worker held out her hand while finishing introducing herself to Kynah as she walked out the front door. Kynah gave one last look over her shoulder with teary eyes before she left out the door. Los walked onto the front porch and watched the car until he couldn’t see it anymore in the distance. When he got back into the house he had to deal with Lucky crying herself a river. This whole situation was crazy and he took for granted how nasty this custody battle could get.

  Lucky watched as Los slipped on a pair of sneakers and got ready to leave the house. They hadn’t even been home for an hour tops and he was leaving already. He hovered over her his chain lying carelessly on her breasts as he leaned in to kiss her. “Princess I’ll see you in a lil bit.” He said placing a tender kiss on her lips then tip of her nose. She didn’t want him to leave, all she really wanted to do was fall asleep cradled in his arms. Today was draining both emotionally and physically but she shook her head in agreement not wanting to be too clingy. Lucky knew him well enough to know that at times he just needed his space to think.

  Two hours later Los was pulling up to a two family house in a quiet bedroom community. It was hard to believe this was actually where they were keeping state children it was a far cry from the stereotypical state foster home facilities people often heard about. Checking the address to make sure he had the right house he pulled over to the side of the road and cut the engine. Not long after he parked he looked up at the house and saw a little figure pushing the blinds to the side and perching up in the window. Los flashed his lights and caught Ky’s attention. He watched as a huge smile spread across her face, she waved quickly then dropped her hand. He smiled back at his niece and watched on as she stood in that window until night fell. Los reclined his seat and lifted his snapback to readjust it on his head getting as comfortable as he could because he intended on being out there all night like he’d promised. That was the only way he was able to calm Ky down when the social worker came to pick her up that afternoon. Los promised she wouldn’t be alone because he would be there and that’s exactly what he was going to do. He was only hoping none of the neighbors got suspicious and called the cops reporting a suspicious black man in a vehicle. Los watched on as someone came to finally take Ky from the window around 10pm. Ky gave one last longing look and waved her hand discreetly before disappearing behind the blinds.

  Lucky fell off to sleep from her crazy day only to wake up without being wrapped in Los’ arms. She sat up in bed before calling his name getting no response. The house was completely still so she knew he wasn’t there. She grabbed her cell phone off the bed and called him. Los picked up mid second ring. “Baby girl what’s good?” Los asked through a yawn. “Nothin Pa I woke up and you wasn’t beside me where you at?” “Out here where they got Ky,” Los answered nonchalantly. “What?! Baby how do you know where she is? What are you doing out there? Carlos don’t do anything crazy.” “Ma calm down. I been out here for a few hours already, I’m posted up out here like I promised Ky. That’s the only reason she calmed down and went with that social worker today.” Lucky sat all the way up in bed looking over at the clock on the nightstand it was a little after 1 am. “Did you see her?” “Yeah lil mama was in the window for hours before someone came and got her.” “So you gonna pull a all-nighter, you want me to stay on the line and keep you company?” “Sure why not.” Lucky smiled hard it had been ages since they actually stayed up for hours on the phone toget
her. That was something they used to do when they first started dating. She thought about what Los was doing sitting out in a car all night to be there for his niece. It was things like this that reminded Lucky why she was so in love with this man. “Ma let me ask you a question though what type of panties you got on?” Lucky paused for a second as Carlos question interrupted her thoughts. She burst out into laughter shaking her head back and forth at him. “Pa oh my god that is why I love you so much,” Lucky said through laughter. “Why? Cause a nigga asked you what typa panties you got on?” Los asked with a hint of humor in his voice. “No silly because your just you, simply cause your you. Carlos you’re it for me, you’re the one, my soul mate, my everything.” “And you just now figuring this shit out cause a nigga asked you what typa panties you wearing?” Los asked with a light chuckle. “No! Fool I’ve been known this from the first time we kissed.” “Vice versa Princess, vice versa but back to the matter at hand don’t try and change the subject. What typa panties you got on?” Lucky fell out with laughter before answering. “Uhh some thongs,” Lucky lied. “Awe shit that’s what’s up, what color?” “That lavender color you love against my skin tone with the matching see through cami.” “Hell yeah that’s what I’m talkin bout. You got a nigga over here rubbing his hands together like Birdman,” Los said sounding appreciative. “Luck send ya man a few pics of that ass and them bitties,” Lucky burst out laughing and so did Los. “You so nasty, you have enough pictures of me, Boy you betta not never lose that phone.” Both Los and Lucky stayed on the phone together laughing and talking about any and everything until the sun started to come up. Los could hear the sleepiness in Lucky’s voice. “Princess get a little bit of shut eye, I’m on my way home to shower and get ready for court I’ll see you when I get there.” Lucky yawned long and hard before responding. “Okay Pa I’ll see you then, love you.”

  As promised Horowitz fought long and hard that day to have Ky placed with a family member until the investigation was over. The request was granted on the terms that first the family members would have to pass a background check and go through a family visit/walk through at the residence Ky would be staying. Damn near the whole family stepped up to take Ky and since she was old enough to say where she wanted to go. It was a no brainer or surprise to anyone she chose to stay with Auntie Lucky and Uncle Carlos.

  Facing Fears

  Lucky had been running through the house like a mad woman all morning long preparing for the home visit CPS was conducting. She was getting frustrated with Los’ lack of urgency he was acting as if it were any other day. Los watched as Lucky left their bedroom to clean up god knows what else, maybe imaginary dust on the chandelier or some shit. The house had been cleaned by the housekeepers and Lucky who had joined in the cleaning as if she were getting paid for it the day before. Lucky’s nitpicking was driving him up the wall, she even insisted well actually demanded he change out of the designer t-shirt and jeans he had on to a button up, slacks and tie. He did it to avoid any arguments. Now he was busying himself with a quick game or two on his PlayStation to get away from Lucky and ease his nerves since he couldn’t blaze something up.

  Lucky eyed him as she walked into the separate sitting area in their master bedroom. She went to walk across the room to put his games back neatly into one of his game towers when she stumbled over one of Los’ Balmain sneakers he took off earlier. “Carlos! You just left your sneakers all over the damn floor!” Los looked up from his game and gave Lucky a look, that one look that brought her back to reality of who she was talking to. “Look, Bae can you please put your sneakers up? And please don’t just kick them under the bed,” Lucky said in a snappy tone. “Luck c’mon now who the fuck gon be lookin under the bed anyways?” Los snapped back at her. He caught himself, took a deep breath and reached out pulling her into his arms. This whole ordeal was stressful enough and he and Lucky shouldn’t be snapping on one another. He placed a kiss on her forehead and let her go. “I’ll put them up in the closet,” he said picking up his sneakers and leaving out of the room.

  From the moment the social worker stepped in the house you could see the awestruck expression on her face. “Oh wow! What a beautiful home you have here.” “Thanks,” Lucky said but Los remained quiet and stone faced. “Well can you show me where the child will be sleeping?” “Sure follow me.” Lucky showed her Kynah’s room. “Okay, well wow! This is definitely to the department’s standards and a whole lot more.” Lucky watched as the social worker scribbled something on the notepad she had with her. “Can you show me around the rest of the house? All part of procedure we need to look around and see where the child will be staying.” The longer the tour went the more annoyed Los seemed to be getting. Especially, when the worker asked to see the kitchen and requested their refrigerator actually be opened so she could see if there was any food in the house. Carlos jaw tightened and Lucky elbowed him discreetly while smiling with her Stepford wife steez on overload. After the woman looked in the freezer, fridge and pantry to see there was food stocked enough to feed a small army she checked off something on her notepad and requested Los and Lucky have a quick sit down so that she could explain the process.

  They were seated in the great room in the house, the social worker on one sofa and Los and Lucky on the other. “Again your house is absolutely amazing,” she repeated. “I just have a couple of questions for you two.” Los shifted and Lucky squeezed his hand that was already interlocked with hers. She knew this was hard for him. First off many people didn’t even know where he laid his head let alone walked around his home inspecting it. Then he was angry with the false allegations against Nice and mad they even had to go through this. “Are you the only two that reside here?” “Yes,” Lucky answered. “Are these your kids here?” The social worker asked pointing to the pictures of baby Jah, and Jahzera on the mantle. “No niece and nephew.” “Oh, okay well, I noticed the kid themed room upstairs so I assumed you had kids of your own. I know this isn’t any of my business but um…can you have kids of your own?” The air in Lucky stopped circulating momentarily as she looked at the social worker as if she had lost her gotdamn mind. What type of question is that? The social worker seeing both Los and Lucky giving her an appalled look quickly tried to save face. “I uh. I really didn’t mean any harm in my question. I just think you two come off as great parents and I was wondering why you didn’t have any of your own. Because we have lots of kids in the system that are looking for hom…” “We don’t want any kids in the system. Can we get back to the matter at hand,” Los spoke up for the first time since introducing himself. “Sure why not,” the social worker responded looking partially relieved. “Well we can have her here as early as the morning. I’ll go back to the office submit my report and have her here tomorrow.” “That sounds good. Is there anything else you need from us?” Los asked. “No nothing at all thanks for having me,” the social worker said getting the hint. The look in Los’ eyes told her he wasn’t exactly happy with her being there.

  When the social worker finally left Los took a long and hard sigh of relief. “Nosey bitch!” he fumed snatching the tie off his neck. He looked over at Lucky who had been unusually quiet for awhile. The look on her face told him immediately something was wrong. “Mami what’s wrong?” Lucky hesitated before she answered. “What she said about…about us not being able to conceive do you think there’s some truth to it?” Lucky asked with lots of emotion in her voice. “Lucky there’s nothing wrong,” was Los’ short answer as he started to make an exit out of the room. Lucky hated this; she hated how he constantly avoided the subject every time it was brought up. “But…Carlos maybe there is some truth to it. I mean I’ve been off birth control for a while now and still nothing. Maybe we should get a professional opinion and if there’s something wrong its better we know now so we can be proactive about it. There’s countless procedures out there for fertility and…” “Lucky! Damn what the fuck? I already told you I’m not for going to no doctor about that shit. It’ll happen w
hen it happens why we gotta keep going over the same ole bullshit!” Los snapped. “Maybe because you’re always avoiding the subject! Carlos I know what it is you don’t really want to have kids in the first place that’s why you’re avoiding it!” Los chuckled and waved his hand dismissively pissing Lucky off to no end. “What the hell is so funny?” “You are, listen to ya’self I don’t really want to have kids? If that was the case I wouldn’t be running up in you raw all the time. Yo I don’t know why the fuck you keep acting so thirsty about this shit! Just let it happen naturally. I’m not wit having some fuckin laboratory baby.” “Thirsty! Really? Me wanting to have my husband’s baby is thirsty?!” Lucky choked back tears. “The hell with you Carlos you can kiss my ass! You are truly an immature jerk and I’m starting to wonder why I’m even considering legally marrying ya ass.” Los scoffed “Word that’s how you really feelin? Yo let me get the fuck up outta here before I say some shit I’ma regret.” Carlos fumed grabbing his keys making a quick exit out the door. “Go ahead run from our issues like you always do pussy nigga!” Lucky screamed after him. Carlos stopped mid stride and whipped his head around when Lucky called him that, he had to mentally urge himself to keep walking. Lucky was so mad at him she was calling him all types of shit. Bitches and muthafuckas was flying out of her mouth as he made a fast getaway

  After Lucky cried herself a river, she took a shower and got ready for bed even though it was only a little after 6pm. Carlos had done more than pissed her off today he had hurt her deeply with his words. The argument took a lot of energy out of her being it was so heated and they hadn’t argued in the longest time. Lucky ended up falling off to sleep with tears wetting up her pillow.


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