It Is What it Is

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It Is What it Is Page 59

by Ivory B.

  “Mia is you fuckin stupid? Why would you make a deal like that without talkin to me first? And you can stop talkin about how much this nigga want you. I saw the bitch he rockin wit trust me he ain’t worried about you.” Mia’s face turned red, if she thought she could get away with it she would’ve spat in Dean’s face for that insult. “He gave you that extra 20 stacks to flex on you, it was an insult. If you was gon sell that lil bitch you coulda got a lot more than a measly as 270 racks. Yo I swear you act so fuckin slow sometimes, damn! Now we ain’t got no eyeballs inside that nigga crib! So when you gon question ya daughter about when ya baby father home and when he not? I’ma tell you when, when hell freezes over! He ain’t letting you nowhere near that lil girl no more. You fucked this whole thing we been workin on up!” “I thought…I thought you would be happy I got him for all this money.” Mia shot back starting to lose her battle with her emotions tears brimming her eyes. “All what money?! This shit right here is a drop in the bucket for him, this chump change. I asked around Philly I know how that nigga holdin. Fuck!” Dean barked swinging his fist in the air at an imaginary opponent. Mia started crying she’d never seen Dean this upset before. “Well what was I supposed to do? They was threatening to arrest me for welfare fraud if I didn’t pay back the money I owed the state. They said I could get up to 3 to 5 years I can’t do no bid I’m too fly for that shit.” Mia began to cry harder. “Mia I woulda paid the fuckin fine like I paid for that family lawyer for ya custody case, Bitch you don’t think sometimes!” Dean suddenly got a dizzy spell, it was as if a curtain of dizziness draped over him. He needed a minute or more and Mia’s cries seemed to be making him feel even sicker. The sound was a constant reminder of the come-up she just fucked up. This wasn’t something random he knew exactly what this sick feeling was he’d been living with these symptoms for years now. Dean rushed into the bathroom slamming the door behind him. He rummaged through the medicine cabinet for the little white pills he had stashed secretly inside his razor kit. After running the water on full blast he splashed his face with water then threw the pills in his mouth swallowing before he cupped his shaky hands under the faucet to take a drink from his hands. C’mon nigga shake this shit off, you been here before, you good. He coached himself. Dean sat down on the toilet placing his head in his hands waiting for what he called his magic pills to kick in. Within 5 minutes the pills started kicking in and he felt much better. Secretly Dean was living with HIV, he’d been diagnosed three years ago and he couldn’t say where or who he contracted it from. At first he was devastated about his diagnosis but after he’d come to terms with his illness he chalked it up as an occupational hazard. Before he knew he was sick he’d never stopped to think about the risk he was putting himself in by fucking all the bad bitches he was fucking as part of setting niggaz up. So basically every time he fucked a chick raw he was fucking all the chicks her man had fucked that was the reality of the situation. Dean was optimistic though, he figured if Magic Johnson could beat this disease so could he. The only difference was he didn’t have Magic’s money but he knew where to get it from and that’s where Mia came into the picture. Mia didn’t know his secret and he wasn’t about to tell her either, the bitch who passed this disease onto him ain’t tell him so it is what it is; was his mindset. A knock came to the door snapping Dean out of his deep thoughts, “Dean you still mad wit me?” Mia asked her voice laced with hurt. Dean stood up and opened the bathroom door staring at Mia’s gorgeous face etched with uncertainty. “What you want me to do call the lawyer and tell her I don’t want the money no more, tell me what to do and I’ll do it.” “Mia “c’mere stop crying shorty. Fuck it ain’t nothing else left to do but spend this niggaz money. You signed the legal papers it’s done. We gon get this money ma if it’s the last thing we do. Let’s get you that Benz truck you been wanting. We’ll strike when them niggaz least expecting it.”

  Some Bones R 2 Big to Bury with the Dead

  Nona! Nona! The phone Toya called with an attitude. The house phone had been ringing off the hook all morning with Nona’s baby father calling back to back. “Who is it? Damn I’m sleepin.” “It’s David again.” “Well tell him to call back.” “I’m not telling him shit, you tell him,” Toya said before pushing Nona’s bedroom door open and throwing the phone at her sister who was hiding away from life it seemed under covers. Nona hadn’t been out of the house except to grab the mail in the lobby ever since Los ran down on her. She’d been paranoid looking out of the blinds periodically throughout the day claiming Los had people trying to get at her, despite Toya assuring her that she’d spoken with Lucky and that wasn’t the case. Toya shook her head in disgust at her sister’s unusually junky room. The lights and TV were off and the curtains were pulled tight creating a sort of darkened cave for Nona to hide away in even though it was the middle of April bright and sunny outside. She wished her sister would hurry up and shake this scary shit off she missed her.

  Nona heard the phone plop on the bed when her sister threw it before slamming the door shut. She ran her hand over the side of the bed with the covers still over her head trying to locate the cordless. “What?” Nona barked once she located the phone and put it to her ear. “Fuck you mean what?” David shot back. “You do know you have a son right and he been asking for you that’s what?” “Listen nigga don’t be calling me on that bullshit, your mother wanted to act like she was more his mother than grandmother so don’t complain now. I’ll come get him in a lil bit.” “Yo what’s a lil bit to you in another month or two? You know what don’t even answer that I’m tired of trying to make you be a good mother to your son. All you do is rip and run the damn streets, I’m about to take ya sorry ass to court and get custody of mine, that’s on my mama.” Nona took the phone away from her ear and looked at it as if she’d heard wrong. Nona started laughing a reaction David hadn’t expected. He expected her to beg him to not go there or at least promise to do better. “You don’t wanna take me to court trust me you won’t get custody.” Nona replied with humor in her voice. “How you figure that? I got a job, my own apartment, and I been taking care of my son.” “A job? Really working at UPS, underpaid slave is what they should call you. I respected you more when niggaz used to call you Fetty out here now you a washed up, broke, square nigga,” Nona ripped into him nastily. “Word I’ma broke nigga now but you wasn’t saying that when I was out here getting paper buying you Prada this and that.” “Yeah but nigga now you got Nada, why you forever talkin about the shit you used to do and have that’s mad corny.” “Nah bitch you’s a corny ass unfit mother and I can’t wait for a judge to give me custody of my son so I won’t ever have to deal wit you no more.” Nona giggled it was apparent she had hurt his feelings by calling him broke cause he was going completely in on her. “Like I said you ain’t gettin custody cause that ain’t ya son.” What?! Fuck you mean he ain’t my son? Fuck outta here wit that bullshit I know he mine. You sayin that shit cause you mad.”

  Nona jumped up from her lying position with frustration, this dude was in so much denial it was pitiful and she was tired of being nice. Maybe it was time for the truth to finally come out. “David really look at that boy you know damn well ain’t nothing that fine and light came from yo ass. Ya mother looks like Wesley Snipes wit a wig on, so she can stop with all the bullshit lies she be on talking about my son look like her father; no the fuck he don’t he look like his father.” Silence was the only reaction she got from him at first. Nona could hear the TV going and sounds of voices in the background but nothing came from him. “Yooo you’s a real cruddy ass bitch, I curse the day I met you. Who? Who the fuck his father is? I swear I’ma body you and that pussy nigga for having me raise his son,” David gritted with venom. Nona laughed hysterically the kind of laugh that would make the hairs stand up on the back of someone’s neck. “You already did that but please believe you won’t be doing shit to me. Remember who you talking to, remember I know where them bones lie don’t have me dig em up,” Nona threatened. “Fuck is yo
u talkin about? I asked you who this lil nigga father was.” “The same nigga you saw me coming out of the Sheraton with and I told yo dumb ass it was my cousin’s man and my cousin was inside the hotel too. No! I lied Lucky wasn’t in that hotel and I had just got finished fuckin the shit outta that nigga Cutty. You remember Cutty right the same dude you and ya cousin Jason popped during that lick. Now Baby Daddy you know its niggaz out here who still till this day lookin for the person who killed Cutty, all it takes is for me to put that shit out in the air and you dead! What’s today Friday? Nigga you’ll be dead by Sunday facts! When ya cousin Jason died your secret ain’t get buried with him because I still know what you did. ” David swallowed hard and closed his eyes as a flashback of that night flashed before his very eyes. The look on Cutty’s face before he pulled that trigger those eyes haunted David for many, many nights.

  David known as Fetty back then wasn’t bout that life when it came to gunplay. He was more about the paper and luckily for him his cool and laid back demeanor allowed him to fly under the radar, get money and stay out of beef. On the rare occasions static arose from some jealous dude hating on him all he would do is go and get a young nigga from his block to handle the situation, but he himself avoided getting his hands dirty because he knew he didn’t have it in him. It wasn’t until he found himself with his back against the wall, empty pockets and a kid on the way did he pick up a gun to put in work himself. A raid on his block dried up the leaves on his money tree real quick. He caught a case that day and had to deplete his whole stash and then some to beat the charges. A week before the raid a nigga from his block got caught selling to an undercover and ratted on the whole team to stay out of jail. Fetty hadn’t gotten caught with any work on his personal during the bust but he was still slapped with a conspiracy to run a drug factory and an attempt to distribute an illegal drug. In the end he beat both charges but it was the beginning of the end for his D-Boy days. His plug no longer wanted to fuck with him or anyone from his block for that matter. He’d even been reduced to selling his jewelry and one of his cars to pay off his lawyer. He was broke; but the one thing he still had was his freedom and his chick. Nona rode with him through his whole trial it was only expected of her since she was there when he was on top. David found himself at a crossroad where he had to sit and ask himself what was he going to do with the rest of his life. Here he was 28 years old and had never held a legitimate job. The game had changed snitches was everywhere and he was too scared to catch another case and get locked down for 15 plus. Then one night everything changed for him; that was the night Nona told him she was pregnant with his child. He’d never forget that night, she’d just got finished riding his ass almost to sleep when she whispered she was pregnant. He was happy but he also thought quickly on his current situation. He was fucked up right now in the paper department. The bank had recently slapped his momz with a foreclosure notice on the crib he helped her put a down payment on. He himself was dwindling down to his last couple of racks to keep the roof over his own head. Even getting a 9 to 5 seemed hard being he had a record and no previous work experience, plus the jobs he could land wouldn’t pay half a month’s rent on the luxury condo he lived in. But then right there in the dead of the night while they laid in bed naked Nona whispered she had a way to get them outta the rut they were in and back on their feet. They needed this money for their baby is what she said and like a love sick fool he let her talk him into pulling a lick, something he’d never ever done before. He pulled his cousin into the plan knowing he could never pull a crime like this off on his own. His cousin was down for the caper and this wasn’t his first time at the rodeo, Jason robbed a few heads before and that’s why Fetty called on him. They figured the risk of them getting caught was slim because the dude they were sticking up was a Philly cat and they were from Jersey. No one would ever suspect them and true no one ever had. Nona told him she knew a young Bull that was good for money and work. He did a pickup in North Philly often and was known to flip bricks. Looking back on it now a part of him felt some sort of jealousy about the way Nona seemed to almost brag on the dude. But she assured him that she wasn’t interested in Cutty and barely even knew him she just knew of him.

  The 3rd of May is when it all went down, David would never ever forget that day because that’s the day he caught his first and only body. Things weren’t supposed to go down like they had, they were supposed to get the paper and go but when Cutty looked into Fetty’s exposed eyes in the ski-mask he wore, you could say he saw right through him. It’s like the old saying goes real recognized real and Cutty knew he was dealing with an amateur. Fetty was scared shitless even though he was the one holding a burner to Cutty’s face demanding the bricks he knew he had on him. Cutty obliged he reached for the bricks and handed them over with no problem. Jason eyed a book bag he had a feeling was filled with money sitting on the passenger seat so he demanded Cutty pass Fetty the bag too. Cutty went to grab the book bag at the same time the glock that was wedged on the side of his seat and gear shift. In that split moment Fetty knew it was either kill or be killed. So he let it go; pulling the trigger and putting three shots into Cutty, one bullet striking him on the side of the head. Fetty watched in mere shock as Cutty’s brain matter splattered the windshield and his lifeless body fell forward leaving him slumped over his steering wheel with his eyes wide open. Jason scrambled over to the car mouth wide open in disbelief before he sprung into action pushing Fetty out of the way to coldly lean over Cutty’s corpse and grab the book bag out of the car. He figured fuck it why leave the money behind? He was already dead they had to finish what they started. “Ayo c’mon mah nigga ain’t shit we can do, he went reachin, he shouldn’t have reached,” Jason said with urgency while pulling his cousin prompting him to run towards the backyard they had come from. Somehow Fetty found his feet and ran like a runaway slave taking the fence in the backyard in one hop. Once they scaled the fence they ran to his car that was parked on the street over and pulled off leaving their crime behind but obviously not for good.

  “You set that up, you set that nigga up,” David repeated in disbelief, “Yeah but you pulled the trigger not me,” Nona taunted. “You a evil, evil, sick bitch. You knowingly got me raising the dude I bodied son. Cruddy bitch you gon get yours I swear to god you is.” Nona chuckled “Yeah, yeah ain’t a nigga alive that can check me, don’t end up like the last one who tried,” Nona boasted thinking of Cutty. David pressed end on the phone disconnecting the call. He wanted to believe Nona was lying, that she was being plain callous and evil with her words but when his son walked into the living room asking for a juice box he was met with those eyes, the same eyes that haunted him in the past for many nights.

  Nona’s mind was stuck in a time warp; it had been for the last few weeks. When Los spit in her face and threatened her it brought her back to a time in her life she’d buried deep within. She had fallen bat shit crazy in love with Cutty. Nona always a woman drawn to status, power and money was attracted to the young Boss on the come up at first sight. Cutty was more than attractive he was fine as hell without being too pretty. He had a smooth caramel complexion, pretty smile and stood tall with broad shoulders. Even at the age of 19 he was naturally built better than some grown men. Although, she was a few years older than him she was infatuated with him and his hood notoriety. The Youngin had already graduated from flipping ounces to bricks and he wasn’t even 21 years of age yet. So imagine Nona’s shock when Toya ran into the house one day all hyped telling her that Cutty was dating their cousin Lucky. Nona couldn’t figure out how Lucky’s straight laced ass pulled a nigga like Cutty and she didn’t believe it at first. But apparently it was true and he was even out here publically claiming Lucky. Nona was pissed but it wasn’t going to deter her from getting what she wanted and what she wanted was Cutty. A not so chance meeting with him one day while accompanying a friend of hers to his block to cop some sour diesel turned into her flirting with him. Nona stopped by his block daily after that meeting always we
aring something little and tight. At first he ignored her advances but the more she threw the pussy at him the weaker his resolve got, till one day it just happened in his apartment stairwell. The little affair lasted a couple of weeks and in that time he opened up to her telling her intricate details about his and Lucky’s relationship. That’s how she knew Lucky wasn’t putting out; neither was she willing to give him head. Nona thought for sure her and Cutty were on their way to being the new hood power couple everyone talked about, especially when Cutty called Lucky one night while Nona was with him and told her he was ending their relationship because she acted too much like a child and he was a grown ass man with needs. Nona didn’t even feel the slightest bit guilty as she heard the faint echo of Lucky’s cries through the phone. Instead she slithered between his legs and went for his belt buckle, her plan was to fuck Cutty senseless and get him strung out to keep him. Fuck Lucky, lil bitch think she can pull any nigga she want cause she got green eyes and long hair sorry this time you lose. Nona knew she was winning she was his personal freak doing everything Lucky wouldn’t do and more but in the end it wasn’t enough to keep him because he went crawling back to Lucky begging her to take him back. Nona’s breathing quickened and her heart rate jumped as she thought back on that fateful day she realized Cutty was only using her and had never planned on leaving Lucky alone. That day she decided that he would have to pay the ultimate price for breaking her heart.


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