Sea of Love (Bachelor Billionaire #1)

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Sea of Love (Bachelor Billionaire #1) Page 8

by Sharon Cummin

  Becky and Gavin walked off the ship together. She would be riding a bus to the airport. He left his bag with his friends and walked her to her bus. They hugged each other tight. She wanted so badly to switch phone numbers or something. Becky didn't even know his last name. She didn't even know what state he lived in. They had decided not to discuss personal information. That way, when they got back home there would be no temptations. She thought that being with him for a week would be no big deal, when she set down the rules to him. Since he didn't press for anything as they were leaving, she didn't want to bring it up. Becky didn't want him to think she had gone back on what they agreed on. She was sure when he went home, he would go right back to his normal life and forget all about her. She watched him as her bus drove away before she let her feelings out and sobbed.


  Gavin and his friends got into the car that came to drive them to the airport. He was quiet the whole drive. His friends laughed and joked about the trip. They tried to pull Gavin into their conversation, but he did not feel like talking.

  “You okay man?” Heath asked, leaning over so the other guys didn't hear him.

  “I guess,” Gavin answered. “I don't know her last name or anything. I only know she is from Michigan. I never should have let her leave without finding out more.”

  “It was only a week,” Heath replied. “You'll forget about her in no time.”

  “Maybe,” Gavin said.

  Their flight was not until later that night. They went to the first class club to have drinks and watch sports until their flight. Gavin had only slept for three hours the night before. He had a couple of drinks and then leaned back in his chair and fell asleep. Heath woke him up to go board their flight. He slept the whole flight back home.

  Chapter 11

  Becky unpacked her bags and headed to bed. She wanted to get as much rest as she could for her new job. The pictures she bought from the cruise sat on her dresser. She was ready for her fresh start. Her new job was going to be a challenge, but she knew she would prove herself as a loyal and valuable employee. She tried her best not to think about Gavin and what he was doing. Would he even think about her, she wondered? She could not believe they really left without even knowing anything about each other.

  Monday morning, she was up and ready to go. She wore a very nice pair of slacks and a pretty blue sweater. Becky was ready to impress. She made sure to get there early, so she looked serious about her job. All of her interviews were over the phone, so she had not yet met her boss. The receptionist at the front desk seemed very nice and professional. An older woman came out to greet her. She introduced herself as Jennifer. She was the manager in the section Becky would be working in. Becky was a software developer and was very excited about the job and the company. They talked for a few minutes about the job. Jennifer walked her around to meet everyone in their section of the company. The building was large and everything seemed up to date and comfortable. Jennifer took her by the main office area. She introduced her to the CFO and upper management. She took her past the office of Mr. Lucas, who was the owner and CEO of the company. His secretary was very friendly. He was out of town and would be for the next two weeks.

  “Upper management's offices are right by ours. I'm impressed. Does that mean that they associate with the staff often?” Becky asked.

  “Yes, Mr. Lucas is a strict and stern boss, but he believes in treating his employees well and being available when they need him. He would be sitting out here with all of us if he could. We wear casual clothes all week. If a client is coming in, his secretary will send out an email so we know to dress business casual. He buys lunch often and we have several parties throughout the year. This really is a great company. If you like what we do, I think you will love it here. Most of us have been here for years. He treats everyone very well. If you did not know he owned the company, you would think he was just like one of us. He wears jeans to work as well. His door is always open. If you have an idea, feel free to take it to him. You will be surprised when you meet him. He's not bad to look at either,” Jennifer said, laughing. “Many of the ladies around here find him extremely attractive.”

  “He will be gone for two weeks,” Becky said.

  Jennifer showed Becky to her new desk. It looked very comfortable and spacious. Everyone seemed very nice.

  “I am sure you will do just fine here,” Jennifer said. “Mr. Lucas was very impressed with your resume and so was I. We let our employees work at their own pace. We have deadlines, and as long as you meet them, we leave you alone. If you need anything, be sure to ask. We are all a team and we all work together if someone needs assistance.”

  Becky spent the rest of that week and the next getting to know all of the people at work. She spent some time with the people she would be working with and very much enjoyed the laid back atmosphere. Jennifer was right, the ladies in the office all had nice things to say about Mr. Lucas. They said he was very nice, very down to earth, and very nice looking. One of the ladies told her she would be shocked when she met him, and that he was around their age. Becky was shocked that he had built the business from the start and was so young. He couldn't possibly be that good looking, could he? She was surprised by how great the company was. Most companies she worked for seemed that way at first, but slowly added in meetings and micromanagement. She hoped the new company stayed that great.

  She thought that if she threw herself into her work, she would be able to get Gavin out of her mind. No matter what she did, she thought about him. She had his dress shirt in her room and the smell of his cologne was everywhere. She wanted to find him so bad, but had no idea what state he was even from. She looked at the cruise pictures of them and cried. What was she going to do? How could she have met the perfect man, but not be able to be with him? She tried to tell herself that what he was like on the cruise, probably wasn't the real him. Maybe he was more like his friend Ethan in real life. It was possible that he was a real jerk. No matter how many times she told herself those things, it didn't work. She wanted him more each day. The heat between them was amazing. She felt more want for him after one week, than she ever had with her ex after seventeen years. How could she find him? Was there any way?

  Becky had met the woman in her neighboring apartment before her cruise. Her name was Lisa. They talked a few times, but Becky decided that maybe if she got to know her, it would take her mind off of Gavin. She really didn't feel like being alone that weekend. The ladies hit it off right away and spent the evening watching chick flicks and eating popcorn and ice cream. They were close in age and had a lot in common. Lisa had grown up in Pennsylvania and was excited that Becky was new to the area. They decided to make plans to visit some sites together. Lisa was on vacation for a week from her job as a stewardess. She was excited to make plans. Becky was relieved that she would know someone in the new town. Everything was so new to her and she felt good that she had found someone to talk to. The women talked about Becky's cruise and how nice the sites were. She told Lisa about her mystery man.

  “You don't know what state he lives in or even his last name. That sounds like a pretty fun week. Just sex and fun with a mystery man,” Lisa said, as she laughed.

  “I never expected to have feelings for him. I thought for sure when I came home, I would forget all about him. It has been exactly the opposite. I want to find him so badly. He could be from Florida or California for all I know,” Becky said.

  “Did you tell him anything about you?” Lisa asked.

  “I told him I was from Michigan. I figured that way, if he was crazy, he would be looking in the wrong state,” Becky said, as she laughed. “I never wanted to feel this way.”

  “I wonder if he is looking for you,” Lisa said. “Wouldn't that be so romantic?”

  “I don't think so. He was so good looking. I bet he has women falling at his feet,” Becky said, with a tear in her eye. “I think we have been watching to many chick flicks tonight.”

  “Is he that good loo
king?” Lisa asked.

  “Yes,” Becky answered. “Crazy gorgeous. I get to meet the owner of the company that I work at. He comes back from out of town Monday. The women in the office are all into him. They say he is so good looking, sexy, beautiful, and every other good thing you can think of. They talk about how nice and laid back he is. Maybe he'll be super-hot, and then I can think about him instead of my mystery man. These ladies are crazy, funny at work. They talk about him like he's the sweetest, sexiest billionaire to walk the planet. I think they act like that just because he has money. He's probably nerdy.”

  They sat around as they joked and laughed about what her new boss could look like. When Becky went back to her apartment, she was happy that she had gone over to Lisa's. It was nice to relax and have a good time. They got along so well, that Lisa invited her to a party for the following Friday. Lisa's friend was having a house warming party at his new home he had just finished building. She invited Becky. They thought maybe she would meet someone there to get her mind off the mysterious man she would never be able to find. Becky did not want to find a relationship, but a little fun sounded great.


  Gavin spent his first two weeks back from the cruise very busy. When he got home, he didn't have time to unpack his bag. He had to fly out for a technology conference in California. Why did he cut the trips so close together, he asked himself? He was already so tired, and the thought of getting right back on a plane sounded awful. He hurried to pack another suitcase and was gone again. He thought about Becky every day. What was it about her, he thought? He could have his pick of women. Maybe he should meet up with one of the ladies he knew, so he could forget about her. The thought of touching someone else didn't feel right. She was the one whose lips he wanted to kiss and skin he wanted to feel beneath him. Why? He needed to snap out of it and forget her. She was in Michigan, at least he knew that. How could he look for someone in a whole state with only their first name?

  The conference seemed to last forever. Usually, he loved being in California. It was warm and beautiful there. Maybe it was because he had already been away on a cruise for seven days. Seven amazing days, he thought. Maybe that was why California did not seem nearly as nice. He just needed to rest, he told himself.

  The second week he had several meetings out of town. When he was finally home, he decided to check in with his family. Seeing them would help him forget about her. He visited his parents and his sister Julie. She was six years younger than him, and he was very protective of her. He talked to her almost every day, even if it was only a quick text. She was a pediatrician. Her love for kids was amazing. He loved watching her with them. At family gatherings, they both enjoyed playing with all the kids that seemed to go right toward them. Julie was doing very well for herself. Gavin hoped she would find an awesome guy who would treat her like gold. She was a great person and deserved the best.

  He confided in his sister about the mystery woman on the cruise. She told him how crazy he was for letting her leave without any information or way to find her. He told her he couldn't ask her. They agreed it would be a no commitment week and at the end of the week they would both walk away. He knew at the end of the week that he wanted to know more about her, but she was so sure of their agreement. He told his sister that there was no way she would have given up any information. Gavin knew he had to find her. He would hire someone to find her. Maybe by the picture and state she was from, a private investigator could find her. His sister let him know that was a little creepy and that if the investigator did find her, the girl would probably get a restraining order against him. They both laughed, but Gavin knew he was going to find her somehow.

  Gavin went home. He had to be at work early the next morning. He had not been into the office in three weeks. That was the longest he had ever been away. He liked to be there as much as possible, so that his team knew he was one of them. It was very important to him that his employees felt appreciated and knew how important they each were to the company. He couldn't stand people who had companies, but were never around to support the people who did so much for their success.

  He decided to unpack his bag and then go to bed. Maybe it would get easier each day to forget about Becky, but he couldn't imagine how. He threw his suitcase on the bed and started pulling things out of it. When he got to the bags with the stuff he bought for Chris' new baby, he put it to the side. He took out his clothes and put them in a pile in the corner. In the bottom of the bag, he noticed a small bag. He had not bought anything else. Where did the bag come from, he wondered? He hoped that he did not accidentally pack something of Becky's in his bag. That would be awful. Quickly, he pulled out the bag and opened it up. His mouth dropped and he sunk down onto the bed. It was the tie he found in St. Thomas. He had the tie in his hand and was going to buy it, but put it back at the last second. In the corner of the bag were matching cufflinks. He had never seen those. How did he miss them? How did she get them into his luggage without him noticing? He held the tie and cufflinks in his hand as a tear ran from his eye. He really did miss her. There was something about her. He had never had those feelings before, not even close. It was sweetest thing anyone had ever done for him. He was used to women always wanting things from him. Not one of them had ever done something for him, just because. He felt so special. There was no way he was letting one more day go, without looking for her. He had never even thought she noticed the tie, but she really was paying attention. When did she have the chance to buy it?

  Gavin tossed and turned all night long. He knew he had to be rested in the morning, but he could not fall asleep. The last time he looked at the clock it said four o'clock and he had to be up at six o'clock. He was going to pick up donuts, muffins, and bagels for the employees, as a thank you for all of their hard work while he was away.

  Chapter 12

  Monday morning, Becky was up and ready for work. Her weekend evening with Lisa had her feeling better. She was excited to get to work. The new company was really nice and she loved her job. She put on a pair of jeans that Gavin said were his favorite on the cruise. It made her feel good. She would be meeting the owner of the company she was working for and wanted to look her best. It was very important that the people she worked for knew she was the perfect balance of laid back yet serious when it came to her job. She put on a very nice sweater and her nicest sneakers. The company dress was casual. She didn't want to dress up and look like she was trying too hard, but she didn't want to look to casual either. She didn't know why it was so important to her to give a great impression, but she had always been that way. She put her hair up, added some makeup, and grabbed something quick to eat on the way out the door.

  When she got to work, everyone seemed a little quieter than they had the previous two weeks. When she looked up at the CEO's office, she saw the light on. She leaned back to Steve, the developer that sat behind her, and shrugged.

  “Why is everyone so quiet?” she whispered.

  “Mr. Lucas was already in his office when we got here,” Steve said. “While he is super laid back, we all try to be on our best behavior and keep it down a bit. We want him to think we are working hard.”

  Becky let out a small laugh.

  “Okay, I get it,” she said.

  Becky could have heard a pin drop it was so quiet. She could hear someone on the phone as she leaned back in her chair and went through her email. There was an email from Mr. Lucas, letting them know there were donuts, muffins, bagels, and coffee in the kitchen. He was thanking them for all of their hard work while he was away. Then she heard a unique laugh and looked up. There was no one there. Knock it off, she told herself. It was really starting to make her upset that she was still thinking about Gavin. There was no way she would ever be able to find him. Get your head out of your ass and concentrate, she told herself.

  People talked back and forth about what they were working on or to ask questions. Slowly the noise level rose a bit. Becky was already working on a project with Steve, so she
kept her nose on her computer screen. She looked up and saw Mr. Lucas' secretary walk into his office. They were chatting back and forth. She heard the woman ask about his vacation, conference, and business meetings. He told her the vacation was amazing and that for some reason the conference wasn't as good as usual. She asked him about the tie he was wearing and he told her someone special had bought it for him. Becky chuckled as she thought, I'm sure it was someone special. If he was half as good looking as the ladies in the office made him sound, women were probably giving him all sorts of gifts. Back to work, she told herself. She heard some movement around the office and heard different voices saying Good morning Mr. Lucas.

  Becky minimized her email, put on her headphones, and was ready to get to work. She was engrossed in what was on her computer screen, and hadn't noticed Steve trying to get her attention. She didn't have the headphones to loud and could hear Jennifer behind her talking.

  “I want to introduce you to our newest developer.”

  Oh shit, not now, Becky thought. She was in the middle of something and did not want to ruin the flow she had going. She pulled her headphones out of her ears and sat them on the desk, knowing that they were talking about her.

  “She's working on the project Steve is working on right now. This is the start of her third week and she is doing amazing,” Jennifer said, as they walked up behind Becky. “Mr. Lucas, this is Rebecca.”

  Becky turned her chair, stood, and extended her hand.

  “Nice to,” she began, as she looked up and their eyes met. “Uh, nice to meet you.”

  Becky knew she had to have lost any color she had in her face. She had no idea how she got the words out of her mouth. Suddenly, her mouth was dry and she felt dizzy. Not sure just how bad the shock looked on the outside, she needed to recover. Standing in front of her, was her mystery man. Gavin looked so hot. He had a full, black pinstripe suit on and she could smell the amazing, familiar smell she loved so much. She noticed his tie right away. Their hands were still connected as she pulled hers away. His mouth was open and he just stood there. Say something, she told herself. Anything at all, just say something.


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