by Jacklyn Scott Rogers

  "Hey baby, I thought you were still sleeping, so I didn't want to wake you." He greeted her with a childish grin. Her sudden appearance clearly amused him.

  "I was." She purred as she stepped into the shower. "But now I'm famished." A devilish smile spread across Dasha's lips as she slowly knelt in front of him. She eyed his swollen member hungrily, licking her full red lips. "Guess who's on the menu?" She mischievously took hold of his swollen organ and placed it into her welcoming mouth. Her boyfriend was feeling quite enthralled as he gazed down at the bright crimson-haired woman. He watched as she greedily licked and sucked his aching member. He bit down on his lower lip as ecstasy engulfed him. His hands gripped her bright red hair tightly as he closed his eyes, and thrust fervently into her mouth, lost in his fantasies. For a split second, he felt a sense of Déjà vu.

  His wolf stirred again.

  Slade felt it too.

  "Damn, baby." He let out a throaty moan. "Your sweet fucking mouth reminds me of Christmas."

  Chapter 10

  Sammie's POV

  It was Friday night, and I was getting ready for a night on the town with my GFs Astrid and Shay. Ever since my falling out with Dasha a few months ago, I feared that I'd never have a warm connection with another person again. Thankfully, I was wrong; Astrid and Shay turned out to be awesome friends and managed to pull me out of my pity party filled slump.

  It genuinely warmed my heart to have that kind of intimacy again, something I realized had actually been missing from Dasha's and my friendship even before she turned her back on me.

  Looking back now, it was so friggin obvious that mine and Dasha's friendship was already displaying signs of its deterioration in the preceding months. I guess I just didn't want to acknowledge the numerous occasions where Dasha's hostility towards me manifested itself over the most minuscule things, especially whenever we would talk on the phone. She would refuse to video chat or Skype. I just made excuses for Dasha's behavior as a desperate attempt to keep our friendship alive. Hell, I even blamed myself in the beginning for probing into Dasha's personal life. But now I understood that whether I had questioned Dasha or not, the collapse of our relationship was inevitable.

  Dasha made that quite apparent.

  I had already made my mind up that I was no longer going to dwell on my past failures. I was ready to move forward with friends that actually gave a shit about me as I do them. I was finally feeling better about myself and had even pondered the possibility of starting to date again seriously.

  I said pondered people, but no guarantees ... ha hah.

  Who knows, maybe tonight's the night I'd meet my future Mr. Right, but I wasn't holding my breath.

  I mean, not trying to sound conceited but, I knew I was reasonably attractive, and let's face it, the odds of finding Mr. Right at some nightclub were pretty much slim to none. The men that happened to frequent those establishments tend to fall in the category of Mr. Right now. Tonight, I was totally in the mood to strut my stuff by wearing something flirty and daring. I decided on a black suede tie back halter crop-top with skintight silver jeans and my silver Manolo strappy stilettos.

  I loved me some strappy stilettos.

  Before heading out, I grabbed my black leather motorcycle jacket just in case it got chilly after the club. I opted to take an Uber if the girls and I got a little too wild, which we tended to do quite often.

  Better to be safe than sorry.


  When I arrived at Club Fang, a half-hour later, I was immediately greeted with a torrent of loud techno music bursting throughout the entire structure. The place was jam-packed, but the girls and I had a designated meeting area for such occasions, the end of the second bar furthest away from the dance floor.

  I confidentially sauntered towards my two attractive gal pals, who were already being ogled by several men in their nearby vicinity. I felt a sudden prickle along the back of my neck, making the tiny hairs stand on end. It felt as if someone was watching me but, when I stopped and turned around to survey the area, no one appeared to be paying me any mind. I decided to dismiss that awkward discomfort and continue over to Shay and Astrid. Upon arrival, I was greeted with a massive hug from both.

  I admired these two lovelies. Shay, who in my opinion, could have been a model at almost 5'11, had legs for days, flawless caramel-colored skin, deep mocha colored eyes, and long honey blond hair just curled at the ends. Tonight she was wearing a black leather mini and a sheer gold single shoulder crop top that exposed a black strapless bralette beneath it. Astrid was like the total opposite of Shay. She was about my height with very fair skin and dark grey colored eyes, and a short royal blue bobbed hairdo. Astrid was donned in tight ripped blue jeans and a red fitted Lycra cropped tank top. These two were undeniably eye-catching in their own right.

  "Holy Shit, ladies, you look fucking A-ma-zing!" I shouted.

  Shay let out a hearty laugh.

  "Look who's talking bitch," she joked, "some of us would kill to be able to have those abs, girl. You look HOT... tssssssss." Shay emphasized her statement by pretending to burn her finger when she ran it along my bare shoulder, which triggered the three of us to suddenly burst into a massive fit of laughter.

  And to think we weren't even drunk yet.

  After the three of us slammed a round of Tequila shots at the bar, we decided to order a round of cocktails to accompany us as we made our way over to a black high-top table not too far from the dance floor.

  Once we finished our first round of drinks, I grabbed the attention of one of the club's cocktail waitresses and ordered us another round for later.

  I pretty much already decided that I'd switch to water after the next round. I was absolutely not in the mood to get too tipsy tonight, so I was pacing myself. Astrid and Shay, who happened to be roomies, were lucky enough to take an Uber here as I did. Unfortunately, though, because I was solo, I didn't want to take any chances; so sober it is.

  "Time to hit the dance floor, ladies!" Astrid directed. "Let's show these bitches what we got." Clutching each other's hands to prevent us from separating, the three of us glided our way through the sea of people that were wriggling and moving their bodies to the thumping rhythm of the music that was pulsating from the gigantic speakers situated underneath the DJ's booth.

  My friends and I enjoyed dancing in the middle of the dance floor. Something about being at the epicenter of all the dancing and grinding that encircled us tended to intensify my sexual cognizance. I loved the way it felt whenever my cohorts and I danced seductively with each other. Occasionally, we would taunt our male spectators by provocatively caressing or grinding each other in time with whatever song happened to be playing.

  Men were such suckers for this kind of shit.


  After an hour of dancing, Shay, Astrid, and I conceded that it was positively time to hydrate and take a breather. As we began making our way back towards our high top, I felt the hairs behind my neck stand on end once again. I stopped and looked all around me. Just as before, other than the sporadic gawking from a few men here and there, nothing seemed out of the ordinary.

  Shay was the first to notice the shift in my attention. "What's up, girl? You feeling OK cuz you look like you spaced out there for a sec?"

  "Sorry, hon," I replied as I reached up and gave the back of my neck a brief squeeze. "I'm fine, just felt like someone was watching me, and it kinda creeped me out."

  Shay glanced over at Astrid, and the two women burst into sudden laughter.

  "What's so funny? Are you guys fucking with me? What're you two up to? Is this a trick or something? Do I have a booger on my face? What is it?"

  I knew I was completely rambling like a paranoid lunatic.

  Shay stopped laughing, catching her breath before she answered me, "girlfriend, you're fucking hot. I'm quite sure there are several someones watching you. And no, there's no
booger on your face, dorkus."

  Shay and Astrid laughed again.

  I could tell I was blushing at my silly paranoia as I felt the heat increase in my cheeks. With a soft sigh, I shook my head and laughed at myself.


  Astrid reached over and placed her arm around my shoulder to give me a quick hug.

  Fairly sure she felt bad for teasing me.

  Shay, on the other hand, gave me a gentle slap on the ass and joked. "Oh, baby girl, sometimes you fail to grasp the obvious boo-boo. Someone must have certainly done a number on you in the past. Don't worry, sweetpea, you've got us now, and we got your back!"

  I loved these girls; they always made me feel better.

  We went ahead and decided to order another round of drinks. Since we couldn't spot a waitress, the place was super-packed, so not too surprising, Shay opted to go and grab the next round herself.


  "Time for a BLOW JOB!" Shay jubilantly exclaimed when she returned. She carefully set down the three shots that were topped with whipped cream on the table.

  Yum, who doesn't love a good blow job, am I right?

  A couple of shots and a tall glass of ice water later, the girls and I were once again rejuvenated; so we readily decided to have another go-around on the dance floor.

  The DJ was spinning some awesome tunes, keeping the entire area immensely crowded. Once again, we sauntered over to the center of the floor and began dancing, losing ourselves in the rhythmic melodies thrumming through our bodies. After a few minutes, I found myself swaying to the beat on my own, while Shay and Astrid were off grinding with each other a few feet away. I felt a small prickle on the back of my neck again, which made me pause. As if in a trance, I stared straight ahead as the appearance of a tall, gorgeous man emerged from amongst the throng of individuals that automatically made way for him.

  It kind of reminded me of the whole parting of the red sea thingy.

  Wild ...

  Never taking his piercing eyes off me, the magnificent creature advanced towards me, stopping mere inches from my proximity. I couldn't even recall his movements as he approached me. It was almost as if I blinked, and he was suddenly fixed before me with the most captivating smirk that pervaded his sultry lips.

  I was absolutely dumbfounded as I gawked at him. He resembled a scorching hot model from one of those Ralph Loren cologne ads with his tall, slender body, straight nose, and aristocratic chiseled jaw. Despite the obviously expensive tailored all-black suit, which fitted his perfect form like a glove, I might add, I could tell that his majestic body was lean but still muscular.

  God, I really wanted to see what was hidden under that suit.

  My eyes slowly took inventory of his captivating presence. He had dark, almost black, cobalt blue eyes, dark sculpted eyebrows, short pale blond hair with just a hint of caramel low-lights that was stylishly swept back, and the palest skin I'd ever seen.

  Can I just say - Damn!

  This guy was one of the most attractive men I had ever witnessed in my life.

  Despite being in the middle of a super crowded dance floor, it felt as if the world around me slowly drifted off into the background. The mystery man took my hand in his own and gently brushed his soft lips along my inner wrist, which made it extremely difficult to suppress the moan that was threatening to emerge from my glossed lips. With one quick fluid motion, he cocked his head close enough to my ear that I could feel his long eyelashes flutter against my cheeks. He then proceeded to whisper his introduction in the sexiest damn British accent seductively.

  "Hello, Samantha. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Jareth, and I've eagerly anticipated your acquaintance for quite some time. May I say it is quite enchanting to meet you, love."

  Fuck me ... quite sure I just died and went to heaven.

  Chapter 11

  Sammie's POV

  It's Official, I have died and gone to heaven, folks.

  At least that's what I was thinking as I gawked at the enigmatic Jareth, like a kid at a candy store. "H- Hi Jareth," I finally managed to stammer out of my tongue-tied mouth.

  What the hell was wrong with me? I have never had this much trouble talking to a hot looking guy in my life. Ish. Tres Awkward.

  Evidently, Jareth visibly considered my ineptness entertaining as he continued to watch me intently. He appeared to be grinning at me with gratification as if my behavior were ... dare I say cute?

  One can only hope.

  "Do I know you?" I questioned. "I mean, please don't be offended. It's just that I'm quite sure I'd remember someone as hot ... I mean gorg - interesting... as you."

  Insert foot in mouth here, please.

  Jareth let out a small chuckle in amusement. I guess I was the comedienne in this scenario, my friends.

  "I apologize, Samantha. I promise you; I am certainly not laughing at your expense, love. I'm merely charmed by the endearing uneasiness that you seem to be experiencing at my impropriety. I find your demeanor quite enthralling, my dear."

  WOW, this man was making me weak in the knees with every syllable that escapes those kissable lips. Focus Sammie... Focus

  As if on cue, the music suddenly changed to a slow rock song with a haunting melody, If I was your Vampire by Marilyn Manson.

  One of my favorite songs.

  I was about to ask if he wanted to dance with me but was nervous that I would seem like a desperate idiot, so instead, I stood there fidgeting like an idiot.

  Yeah, totally better choice.

  As if he could read my mind, or maybe just felt bad for my display of awkwardness, Jareth let out a soft chuckle and presented me with his outstretched hand.

  "I hope you don't think me to forward; however, may I have the pleasure of this dance Samantha?"

  His actions were so contradictory, almost antiquated, in comparison to the modern-day decadence of the atmosphere surrounding us. And yet, this chivalrous air that encompassed his demeanor suited him perfectly, almost as if he were from an era in which certain conducts were natural and expected. I'm assuming that must be why it didn't even bother me that he referred to me by my full name, rather than what I usually prefer to go by. When Jareth said my full name, it sent sweet shivers all over me.

  So, as if there was no other plausible answer to his invitation, I simply returned his smile, took his hand, and we danced. It was as if we were the only two people in the room. Our intertwined bodies swayed to a melody that resonated solely within our linked cognition.


  I couldn't tell you how long we danced, but it felt like forever, and yet not long enough, as I was transfixed on his dark iridescent eyes that seemed only to hold my own in their regard. It wasn't until Shay and Astrid's precipitous interruption that I suddenly remembered where I was.

  "Ahem, excuse me, miss thing ... what you got going on overhear boo?" Shay inquired jovially.

  "Shay, Astrid," I quickly swirled to face them and cleared my throat, "I was wondering where you two disappeared to."

  My friends eyed me, sporting a now flushed face, and my esteemed dance partner suspiciously. They then turned to each other, letting loose the most animated fit of laughter.

  Why am I so damn funny to people today?

  "Somehow, we doubt that bitch." Shay joked. "It looked like you and your friend here weren't too concerned with anyone else up in this place, girlfriend."

  Shay gave me a knowing wink and nudged Astrid causing the two to begin laughing again.

  "That is sooo not true, Shay!" I retorted. I could tell I was wholly blushing from embarrassment right now. "You guys left me, first - "

  Just as I was about to continue defending myself to my way too observant GFs, the sound of Jareth anxiously clearing his throat drew my attention back to the man standing behind me. His long arms were still encircling my waist.

  Yep, I was definitely blushing now.


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