Ayalon, Ami
Aziz, Tariq
Aznar, Jose Maria (Spanish Prime Minister)
Ba’ashat, Major General David Ben
Ba’ath Party
“Bacon, George” (Mossad agent)
Baer, Rob
Bahonar, Mohammed-Reza
Baig, Imtaz
Bainerman, Joel
Baker, Norman
Bank Lambert
Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI)
Barad, Jacob, as Ismail Sowan’s Mossad controller
Barak, Alexander
Umaru Dikko, attempted abduction of
Learjet, Israeli interception of
Barak, Ehud
Barbie, Klaus
Barbouti, Ibsan
Barnaby, Frank
Basson, Dr. Wouter
Batihi, Samih
Bay of Pigs
Bazoft, Farzad
Gerald Bull’s supergun
interrogation and execution of
“Beads, Barry” (Mossad hit man) and the Khalid Meshal assassination attempt
Beardman, Milt
Beckett, Margaret
Begin, Menachem
Jerusalem, plan for internationalizing
as prime minister
as terrorist turned peacemaker
Beirut Airport bombing (U.S. Marine headquarters)
Bename, Kemal
Ben-Ami, Shlomo
Ben-Gurion, David
and the Catholic church
and Adolf Eichmann kidnapping
and Israel’s nuclear capacity
the MiG-21, acquisition of
and the Mossad
as prime minister
Schumacher kidnapping
Ben-Menashe, Ari
Ann-Marie Murphy/Nezar Hindawi affair
attack on
and death of Dr. Kelly
and deaths of Princess Diana and Dodi
Oscar Guerrero’s Dimona exposé
Iran, arms sales to
and Robert Maxwell
and Amiram Nir
ORA (holding company)
Profits of War
and the Promis software program
Ben-Tov, Cheryl,
and sexual entrapment
Mordechai Vanunu’s kidnapping
Bernstein, Carl
Bhutto, Benazir
bin Laden, Mohammed
bin Laden, Osama
in the Afghan war
allegedly distorts the words of the Prophet
and al-Qaeda
and America’s Hiroshima
bombers recruited by
Bush’s personal hunt for
health problems
hero worship of
meets with Khan and associates
and 9/11. see 9/11
personal assets frozen
possibly killed in earthquake
prays for the death of Ariel Sharon
as radical/fanatic
recordings/sightings/ speeches/tapes
relations with China
remains a potent threat
the search for
and the Taliban
wages war against the United States
bin Laden, Othman
bin Laden, Saad
Binnet, Max
biochemical/biowarfare weapons
biochemical espionage
Biopreparat (Soviet Union’s major biological warfare agency)
Birstingi, Dr. Martin
Black September
and assassination of Salameh
and assassination of U.S. ambassador to Sudan
Force 17. see under Arafat, Yasser
and Meir assassination attempt
and Mossad’s kidon
and the Munich Olympics massacre
see also Salameh, Ali Hassen
Black Thursday
Blair, Sir Ian (Britain Police Commissioner)
Blair, Prime Minister Tony
Blair government
infiltrated by Islamic extremists
joins Bush in Iraq War/belief in WMD
Blix, Hans
BND (German intelligence service)
Bolton, John
Bonte, Louis
Boqa’i, Ya’a
BOSS (South African security service)
Botha, P. W.
Boucharin, Captain Christophe
Bouchiki, Ahmed
Boutrab, Abbas
Bremmer, Paul
Brenneke, Richard
Brenner, Mila
Brian, Earl
British intelligence service
and central Africa
IRA team assassination
MI5. see MI5
MI6. see MI6
scandals of
Special Branch
Brown, Des
Brzezinski, Zbigniew
Buckley, William “Bill,”
Buhari, Muhammad, and attempted abduction of Umaru Dikko
Buhler, Gregory
Bulgarians, and the John Paul II assassination attempt
Bull, Gerald
assassination of
and Iraq’s supergun
see also Space Research Corporation
Bull, Michael
Bundesamt Fur Verfassungschatz (BFV) (German intelligence service)
Bundes Nachriten Dienst. see BND
Bureau of Scientific Liaison (LAKAM)
economic, scientific & technological espionage
and Israel’s nuclear capacity
and Jonathan Pollard
Burrell, Paul
Burgess, Guy
Burgess, Dr. Michael
Burns, Nicholas
agreement to spy on Aznar
endorsement of interrogation centers
justification for going to war
suffer defeat in aligning with Israel in war in Lebanon
Bush (George W.) administration
division over attacking the Damascus region
“Mega” (Mossad agent), FBI hunt for
and Pakistan as alleged ally
reveals details of terrorist threats
supports Saudi Arabia
Bush, George Herbert Walker
and meeting with Nir
and Scud missile attacks on Israel
Bush, George Walker
and bin Laden
ignored security threat by
and Iraq War
preoccupied with killing Saddam Hussein
proposed using nuclear weapons in Iran
and War on Terror
and WMD agreement with Gadhafi
and WMD, stockpiling of by Saddam Hussein
Business Age magazine
Butler-Sloss, Baroness Elizabeth
By Way of Deception (Ostrovsky)
caliphate, abolition of
Calvi, Roberto
Cameron, Carl (Fox News Channel reporter)
Campbell, Alastair
Camp David agreement/Peace Accords
Canada, and relations with Israel
“Carlos the Jackal” (Ilich Ramirez Sanchez)
Carmen, George
Casaroli, Agostino (Cardinal)
Casey, William
as CIA director
and Israel
Castro, Fidel
CIA assassination attempts
Cubanization of Africa
and espionage tactics
Catholic church. see Vatican
Chalabi, Ahmad
Chantiers de Construction Mécanique de Normandie (CCM), and French-built Israeli gunboats
Charles, Prince of Wales
Chebrikov, Viktor Iran, arms sales to
Cheney, Richard
Che-Woo, Dr. Ri
arms sales to Iran
arms sales to Iraq
arms sales to Saudi Arabia
and biological weapons/ WMD
and central Africa
explosive manufacture by
KGB andr />
Mossad and
Jonathan Pollard’s thefts to
Public Security
relations with Hezbollah
Chinese Secret Intelligence Service (CSIS)
Chirac, Jacques
and Murphy/Hindawi affair
and UN sanctions regarding WMD
Christopher, Warren
“alleged” overdependence on electronic surveillance by
assassination attempts
and bin Laden
and biochemicals
Casey as director of
Hillary Clinton’s interest in
Counterterrorist Intelligence Centers (CTIC)
and covert diplomacy
evaluates intelligence
and G8 summit
Goss as director of
and Israel’s economic, scientific, and technological espionage
interrogation tactics and torture
Israel, espionage against
and justification for going to war
and Kusa
and mind control
MK-ULTRA program
and Mossad
and Mughniyeh
and Pakistan intelligence relations
protects President Bush at summit
reputation of the
and relationship with Syria
Salameh as liaison to
Tenet as director of
turf war with FBI
Vatican, partnership with
See also United States intelligence service
Cibin, Camillo
“Cindy” (Mossad agent)
Clarke, Peter
Clarke, Richard (Clinton’s counterterrorism “czar”)
Class War (anarchist group)
Clinton, Bill
ignored security threat by
the Mossad and the Monica Lewinsky liaison
PLO/Israeli agreement (Oslo accord)
sexual activities of
Clinton, Hillary
and Bill Clinton’s sexual activities
and the presidential campaign of 2008
and Vince Foster
Clinton administration
creates CIA CTIC
and FBI hunt for “Mega” (Mossad agent)
and potential murder conspiracy
Cohen, Eli
Cohen, Haim
restaging the trial of Christ
“Cohen, Leah,” Abdullah Zein, attempted assassination of
Cohen, Nadia
Cohen, Yaakov
Colby, William
Colombia Intelligence Service (DAS)
Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America (CAMERA)
communism, collapse of
Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations
Continuity Irish Republican Army (CIRA)
Cooke, Alistair
Cook, Robin
Copeland, Miles
Cruchet, Pedro
Cubanization of Africa
DGI (security service)
Cuban missile crisis
Dagan, Meir
and Abdul Khan/associates
and advice to Olmert
and assassinations
and bioweapons
chairs crisis meeting regarding WMD in Iran
chooses not to get involved in Princess Diana inquest
confronts dangers of terrorists/terrorism
and death of Ariel Sharon
goes after Khatami
in IDF
and Iranian WMD
knowledge of true identity of Mega
leads Mossad into the future
as Mossad director
negotiates in London with others regarding Gadhafi’s weapons
and Operation Overt. see Operation Overt
and operation “Sunburst,”
and opinion of DST evaluations
questions outcome of Palestinian elections
relationship with Goss (CIA director)
travels to China for diplomacy
suggestion for Bush administration
stunned by Hamas victory
relations with MI5 and MI6
reports on Dr. Kelly’s death
and the war in Lebanon
Daley, Janet
Davies, Janet
Davies, Nicholas
ORA (holding company)
Davis, Dr. Christopher
Dayan, Moshe
de Borchgrave, Arnaud
de Gaulle, Charles
Israel, arms embargo against
and Mehdi Ben-Barka’s assassination
Dearlove, Richard Billing
Defense Systems Limited (DSL)
Dekel, Ofer
del Ponte, Carla and Abdullah Zein, attempted assassination of
de Menezes, Jean Charles
Department of Homeland Security
Department 12
Dershowitz, Alan M.
DGSE (French intelligence service)
Diana, Princess of Wales
death of
Mossad and
see also Charles, Prince of Wales; al-Fayed, Dodi
Dichter, Avi
Dikko, Umaru, attempted abduction of
Directorate for Surveillance of the Territory, (DST)
Djerejian, Edward P.
Doron, Alex
“Dov” (Mossad agent)
Downing, Wayne
Dromi, Uri
Duba, Ali Issa
Dulles, Allen
Dumont, Lionel
Dzwisz, Stanislaw
economic espionage. see under Bureau of Scientific Liaison; Mossad
Edelist, Ran
the Mossad and
the Muslim Brotherhood and
and the Yom Kippur War
Eichmann, Adolf, and kidnapping, trial & execution
Eiland, Giora
Eilat (Israeli destroyer), sinking of
Eilts, Hermann
Eitan, Rafael “Rafi,”
and Arafat
as Begin’s adviser on terrorism
as Bureau of Scientific Liaison director
and Castro
and Dimona, inspection of
and the Adolf Eichmann kidnapping
and the Hezbollah/Irish terror groups link
and Israel’s nuclear capacity
as Mossad’s deputy of operations
and Munich Olympics massacre retaliation
as Pensioners’ Minister
and Jonathan Pollard
and the Promis software program
Ali Hassen Salameh’s assassination
and recruitment/training of kidon
and the United States
Ekwella, Yves
electronic dead letter box (EDLB)
“Eli” (Mossad agent), and Archbishop Luigi Poggi
Erb, Irit
Ehrman, William
Eshkol, Levi
French-built gunboats
ETA (Spanish terrorist group)
“ethnic bomb,”
European anarchist groups
European Transuranium Institute
Even, Professor Uzi
explosively formed projectiles (EFPs)
External Relations Department (ERD)
Foreign Liaison Department
Intelligence Twelve (liaise with Mossad)
RESH (inter-intelligence services relationships branch)
SIM (special assistance branch)
Fadlallah, Sheikh, Muhammad Hussein
and Israeli espionage
and “Mega” (Mossad agent in the Clinton/Bush administration)
and Numec
and turf war with CIA
Facial-Analysis Comparison and Elimination (FACES)
Falconer, Lord
FARC (Colombian terrorist group)
Farrell, Mairead, ass
assination of
Feith, Douglas, J.
Feinstein, Moshe (Mossad katsa)
Fetzer, James H.
“Finklestein, Matti,” and attempted assassination of Abdullah Zein
Fletcher, Kim
Ford, Dr. Larry
Foster, Vince
and Arafat’s death in
and Mehdi Ben-Barka’s assassination
DGSE. see DGSE (French intelligence service)
and Iraq’s nuclear capacity
and Israel, arms embargo against
and Israel, arms supplies to
and Israel, relations with
and Israel’s economic, scientific & technological espionage
and Israel’s nuclear capacity
Operation Noah’s Ark
SDECE (intelligence service)
Franklin, Larry
Freeh, Director
Frei, Madeleine
Freyer, Shai
Frontline (PBS), Pan Am Flight 103 explosion, investigative report on
Frost, Dr. Stephen
Fuchs, Klaus
Gadhafi, Mu’ammar
relationship with North Korea
sanity of
sexual activities of
switches sides
as target of assassination by Mossad
voluntarily gives up WMD
Gadhafi, Saif ul-Islam
Galloway, George
Gannon, Matthew
Gardiner, Nicholas
Gaylord, James E.
Gaza strip
G8 summit
Gemayel, Bashir
Geneva Convention
Genscher, Hans-Dietrich
Ann-Marie Murphy/Nezar Hindawi affair
German Democratic Republic (GDR)
Bundesamt Fur Verfassungschatz (BFD) (intelligence service)
Bundesksriminal Amt (BKA) (intelligence service)
BundesNachrichtenDienst (BND) (intelligence service)
forged British passports
kriminalamt (German equivalent of FBI)
and nuclear material trafficking
Red Army Faction
Gideon's Spies: The Secret History of the Mossad Page 84