Greed and Magic (Spells and Sins Book 4)

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Greed and Magic (Spells and Sins Book 4) Page 15

by Melody Raven

  And she didn’t even remember that. Claudia had stolen that memory from her. She felt as though she were being stabbed right through the heart. Knowing she was missing memories had been hard before, but now, knowing that she might never have time to make more memories with Derek….

  As she reached the elevator, her knees felt weak and she had to hold onto the wall to keep from buckling over. She couldn’t do this. She wasn’t strong enough. Derek had been her strength. He’d been her example and now he was gone. Stolen from her mind by Claudia. Stolen from her arms by Claudia.

  The elevator carried her up higher and higher. She should feel wrong being here, but it was impossible for her to feel worse than she already did.

  And when the doors opened, Abigail was there, waiting.

  Sam could feel the emotion right behind the surface, threatening to boil over. She couldn’t let it out. If she gave it time to escape, she’d never be able to rein it back in. And she needed to remain cool. She needed to keep her head on straight. It was the only way to get him back.

  “Hello, Samantha,” said the darkness through her mother’s body.

  “Bring him back,” said Sam through a strangled voice. She held her breath after that. Her grandmother had told her time and time again how impossible it was to raise the dead. She remembered how her own mother, the one standing in front of her now, had begged for Claudia to bring back Sam’s father. But Claudia had soundly refused, not only saying that she wouldn’t but that it wasn’t possible.

  But it had to be possible. Sam couldn’t face the world without Derek. She couldn’t face the darkness alone. She couldn’t do any of this without him. So she held her breath, waiting for the darkness to laugh in her face and tell her how stupid she was being.

  But Abigail didn’t laugh. She simply cocked her head and considered her. “You’re asking for a lot. Are you willing to pay the price?”

  “Price? There is no price. This is Derek. I need him. Can you do it?” She would empty Fort Knox. She’d drain the oil fields. There was nothing she wouldn’t do to get Derek back.

  “You know I have plans, Samantha. You’re going to help me achieve those plans.”

  “Just tell me what to do,” she managed from between clenched teeth.

  All Abigail did was smile.

  The banging on the door was so intense that the entire apartment vibrated. Dante ran to the door while Angela pulled out her gun. He tried not to roll his eyes. What the hell was a gun going to do if the darkness was outside and coming for Claire?

  Besides, he doubted the darkness would be knocking.

  He looked through the peephole and was relieved to see it was just Sam. But before that relief could set in, he realized she had a look in her eyes he’d never seen before. Half crazed, half desperate. Instead of telling Angela to relax, he held up his hand, signaling her to stand by as he opened the door a crack. “What’s wrong, Sam?”

  She stood on her toes to look over his shoulder. “Where’s Claire?”

  “In the back, resting. What’s wrong, Sam?” he repeated, not about to let her in until he got some answers.

  “Something bad happened. I need to see Claire.”

  “What do you need with Claire?”

  She looked him in the eye, and in an eerily calm voice, she said, “I need to kill her.”

  Claire looked at her best friend and tried her best to not freak out. “You want to what?”

  “It’s just temporary. I need you to let me stop your heart, and after I’ve fooled the darkness and she brings Derek back, you’ll be revived and Derek will be alive and we can kick the darkness’s ass.”

  Claire looked to Dante, trying to get a read for what he thought about the situation, but his angry expression made his feelings on the topic more than evident.

  Luckily, Angela was more than willing to ask the questions Claire was too afraid to ask. “How do you fake someone’s death? How likely is the fake death to turn into a real death?”

  “It will be fine,” said Sam, as though she didn’t have a doubt in her mind that it would work. “Dante is an expert and I’m more powerful than ever. We can do this.”

  “You said Claudia has Derek,” said Dante. “Let’s find Claudia then.”

  “And then what?” bit out Sam. “She stole his body, Dante,” she said pointedly. “She took him away from me and hasn’t been taking any of my calls. She hated him when he was alive. Do you think she’d do a damn thing for him now that he’s dead? She wouldn’t save my father and she actually liked him. I’m not going to put my faith in Claudia. She’s let me down too many times.”

  “But you’re going to trust the evil entity who is possessing your mother,” said Angela.

  “I’m going to try!” she screamed. Her voice echoed off the apartment walls. “Do I trust her? No. I’m not a fucking idiot, but I don’t have any other options!”

  Claire was quiet as Sam stared them all down, as though willing someone to fight with her. It was obvious that Dante was against the plan. He barely knew Derek. But Claire couldn’t say that.

  Derek had saved her. She remembered when he’d talked to her after Tommy Collins had taken her. How Derek had protected her when the sentries had come after her. The friendly ear he’d been once they’d become neighbors. Even though he had sworn war on witches, he’d never cut her out of his life. Which was good because she’d needed as many friends as she could get at that point in her life.

  It was hard to even comprehend that Derek was gone. She’d been in so many life-and-death situations lately, but she’d always assumed she was going to be the one to die. It seemed like fate had it out for her anyway. Derek, who had been so self-sacrificing and heroic every time he needed to be, was gone. It didn’t seem fair that someone so willing to give of himself was the one who had to pay such a high price. It was supposed to be her. She was the one who the darkness was after. She should’ve died when the darkness came for her the first time in the form of Tommy Collins. “I’ll do it.”

  Everyone looked to her and there was a moment of quiet. Sam still looked shell-shocked from what had happened with Derek, and Angela looked as if she was just unprepared to deal with any of this.

  But Dante had one emotion painted clearly on his face. Rage. “This is bullshit.”

  “Dante.” Claire stood.

  “No. You have to die because Sam wants her boyfriend back? I don’t think so.”

  “I’m not going to die,” said Claire calmly. “Sam said herself it’s only temporary.”

  “Derek is dead,” he said simply. “Once you die, you’re supposed to stay dead.”

  “But I’m not going to stay dead.”

  “What about Derek? You think the darkness is going to bring him back in gently used condition? It wants Derek. It’s always wanted Derek.”

  Sam looked away and Claire could tell that he’d hit home a bit with that point.

  “This isn’t up to you,” said Claire. “If I can help bring Derek back, I will.”

  Dante let out a bitter laugh. “You might die, but you’ll do it. That has to be a plus at this point, doesn’t it? It’s like that’s what you want. Is life really so bad that you’re going to run for the nearest exit?”

  “That’s not true!”

  “Of course it is. You have nothing at all that you want to live for?”

  She knew what he was really asking, but there was nothing she could say. He wanted her to stay for him. He wanted her to fight for him. He wanted his love to be enough to keep her there.

  But she couldn’t promise him anything. She couldn’t value her relationship with him over Derek’s life. She couldn’t put her relationship with him over her desire for the darkness to be stopped forever.

  Suddenly she was struck with the difference between her relationship with Dante, and Sam and Derek. Sam was putting everything to the side to bring Derek back. She was working with the darkness and even delivering Claire right to her. Sam was willing to move hell and earth to get Derek back.
Claire happened to agree since she loved Derek too, but would she do the same for Dante?

  She couldn’t think about this right now. “What do we need to do?”

  “The spell is easy. We just need supplies.” Sam stood.

  “What kind of supplies? I don’t need to kill anything, do I?” Angela moved to stand between Claire and Dante.

  Claire didn’t know whether the woman was doing it to lessen the tension, but it didn’t work. Dante glared at Claire as though this were all her fault, and because there was nothing she could say to make him feel better, she kept quiet.

  “I have the spell at my apartment. Once I know all the ingredients, I’ll message you. But until then, there are a few herbs I know off the top of my head. Valerian, thyme, Yggdrasil tree leaves, ashes from a sacrifice….”

  “Whoa, I thought you said we didn’t have to kill anything,” said Angela.

  “We don’t. We get ashes from the local animal shelter,” said Sam. “That will count as a sacrifice.”

  “Great. Might as well take advantage of a dead homeless dog,” muttered Angela.

  “That’s what bothers you about this?” snapped Dante.

  “I’ll adopt a damn dog after this!” yelled Sam. “But we’re going to get this done as fast as possible before Abigail gets suspicious, okay?”

  “I’ll go with you, Sam,” said Claire. She couldn’t stay with Dante. She was too worried that they’d have to talk about their relationship. Would he be able to talk her out of helping? Would she not care about his feelings? Which option was worse?

  “Angela and I will go to the shop,” said Dante. “It’s closed, but I can call in a favor.”

  Knowing that he was willing to help even though he so obviously disagreed with what was happening gave Claire an extra shot of guilt.

  But Sam wasn’t going to give her any time to wallow in it. “Let’s get going. We’re going to meet back here in an hour.”

  Angela stood close to Sam as she stirred the contents of the pot. The smell coming from the boiling liquid was something straight out of hell, but Angela decided it would be better to not complain. “So this is going to stop Claire’s heart?”

  “Just for a little bit. We have to make sure she doesn’t drink too much, though.” Sam didn’t look up from the pot and her voice was the low, even tone that she’d been speaking in all night. A sign that she was still in shock.

  In general, Angela knew people in shock shouldn’t be making decisions. When victims were interviewed at a crime scene, she told them to avoid simple things like driving. Here Sam was, about to start playing God.

  On the other hand, this decision could bring Pierce back. Angela knew what she was getting into when she agreed to help Pierce with the magic problem New York seemed to have. Pierce also knew the risks he was taking. But knowing that didn’t make her feel better now that he was gone. So for the time being, she pushed aside her better judgment and went with this. Besides, she had a feeling Sam wouldn’t be open to hearing her opinion on the matter.

  If you can’t beat ’em….

  “So what would happen if I was doing this? Could I make a play dead potion?”

  “It’s called a dead ringer,” said Sam hollowly. “And no. It’s why I have to stir. Making this is draining my energy. There is magic going into it….”

  Well, that sucked. She thought she might at least be able to mix up a potion. But at least she still had her gun. She wasn’t completely defenseless.

  Dante and Claire were in the living room on the couches, but neither was speaking. So Angela had to choose between sitting in the middle of that failing romance or with the rather scary numb Sam. But Sam didn’t feel the need to talk or fill the silence, so it was easier to be with her. And Angela could admit that she had a bit of curiosity about how the potion thing worked.

  Sam leaned over the warm stove and took in a deep breath before she added in a few more of the dog ashes. Angela shuddered at the thought of drinking that. Sam had better be serious about adopting a dog after this. An old, disabled dog no one else wants. Angela was going to hold her to it.

  Angela was determined to not get in Sam’s way, but she felt the need to ask at least one more question. “Sam,” she said quiet enough so Claire and Dante wouldn’t hear.

  “What?” asked Sam with no emotion.

  “Have you considered that the darkness, Abigail, is lying to you? What if you give her Claire and she doesn’t bring Derek back?”

  “I’ve considered it.”

  Okay then. She couldn’t say she didn’t warn Sam. She was going to leave it at that, but unexpectedly, Sam continued.

  “I’m going to give her Claire. If she betrays me, I’m going to go after Abigail with everything I have. By the end of the night, one of us will be joining Derek.”

  Claire had to hold back the need to gag as she took a whiff of the potion Sam handed her. “That was a bad idea,” she muttered as she moved the glass away from her face.

  “I know,” said Sam sympathetically. “I’ve never had a potion that tasted good. It’s one of the ways you know it’s been mixed right.”

  Claire thought for a moment that Sam was telling a joke, but there was no change to her expression at all. Claire stared at the purple liquid and tried to figure out what gave it that color. Maybe the mixture of herbs? Maybe magic. What if she never woke up? What if this was it? What if she drank this and then she’d never see anyone again? Never see Sam. Never see Dante. Never see her parents. Her little sister.

  Claire reached over and grabbed Sam’s hand. She jerked and met Claire’s eyes. In some ways, it felt as if this was the first time Sam had truly looked at her all night.

  “I trust you,” said Claire. And she meant every word. Even in Sam’s altered state, she believed a hundred percent in Sam’s abilities.

  Sam didn’t say anything. She just stared at Claire’s wide eyes. Claire figured Sam didn’t know what to say. Thanks wasn’t really adequate. And saying I’m sorry before the fact was pointless.

  So Sam stayed silent. Dante stepped in and took one of Claire’s hands in his. “You know you don’t have to do this.”

  She let out a little laugh. Of course he’d say that. One last chance for her to back out. For her to choose him.

  Before she could tell him no, he continued, “No matter what, I know you’re going to come back to me. And I’m going to be here waiting for you. Always. I love you, Claire.”

  Claire had managed to keep her shit together that entire night, but hearing Dante say it out loud was too much and the tears started to flow. Her life had been so unfair in so many ways, but, damn it, she didn’t deserve him. “I’m so sorry,” she said between breaths.

  Dante leaned forward and pressed his forehead against hers. “Don’t be.”

  She didn’t know what exactly she was apologizing for. Maybe everything. But the fact that Dante sat there, holding her hand, when she’d done nothing but hurt him, was too much for her and she pulled back. Then, without looking at any of her friends who surrounded her, she tilted her head back and took a deep drink.

  She expected it to taste bad, the smell had clearly signaled that, but she wasn’t expecting the burning. Half of the contents were down when she started to cough, a reflex as her throat felt as if it were dissolving away.

  She held a hand over her mouth, trying to stop the potion from escaping, but the coughing turned into convulsing. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw everyone jump up around her, but then she tumbled out of her chair and onto the ground. She tried to get one last look at Dante, but she couldn’t manage to turn her head. No, she was turning her head, but her vision was narrowing. Soon all she could see was one little pinprick of light and then even that was gone.

  Dante cradled Claire against his chest before he looked up at Sam with a look of anger and rage she was all too familiar with. “Well? You have what you want. What do we do now?”

  Sam stared down at Claire's lifeless body. But she wasn’t dead. She was ju
st in a temporary deep sleep.

  “We have until the sun sets.” A tremble crept into her voice. “We need to get her to Abigail as soon as possible and make sure she’s with us when she wakes up.” Because if she was with Abigail when she came out of this coma, she would be dead again, this time permanently.

  “How do we make sure Abigail doesn’t keep the body?” asked Angela, the only one of them who remained calm at the moment.

  “We have no idea what’s going to happen,” said Dante bitterly. “We just have to hope.”

  “We’re playing it by ear,” said Sam, ignoring Dante’s bites. “Let’s go.”

  Sam reached for Claire, but Dante stood with her in his arms before she could even offer to help.

  She bit the inside of her cheek and worked on opening doors for him as they went down to the street where Angela’s Charger was waiting. Dante got into the back with Claire, and Sam got into the front so she could direct Angela.

  While they were driving, Sam tried Claudia’s phone once more, but, like the other hundred times she called, there was no answer. “Derek….” She said his name out loud as she closed her eyes and pictured him in her mind.

  She imagined he was the one driving the car. She would reach over and set her hand on his thigh and he’d take a hand off the wheel to intertwine his fingers with hers. His hand would be warm and strong and pulsing with life. She opened her eyes, confronted with her cold reality.

  Damn it. This was going to work. This had to work. She’d never seen anything as powerful as this darkness. It even had Claudia running scared. If anyone could bring Derek back, it would be Abigail.

  The sun was rising higher between the buildings, the ticking clock on the potion she’d given Claire. It only took a few minutes for them to get to the building Abigail had taken over.

  “Stop right in front of the entrance.” Sam leaned forward, not sure what to expect once they got there.

  It was illegal to park in front, but Angela didn’t mention that as she did as Sam said. “What now?” Angela brought the car to a stop.


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