Goddess: A Femme Domme Erotica Novel

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Goddess: A Femme Domme Erotica Novel Page 9

by R. J. Castille

Maggie actually did a beautiful job. Apparently her mirror at home was to blame for that look she had painted on because my makeup looked natural. Light colors with hints of dark browns, matte finish foundation and dark brown eye liner. I was impressed.

  When the magical limo driver finally retrieved us from the Nordstrom’s entrance and we were swept away to return me to my apartment inside, I realized that the warm glow of dusk bathed Glendale in a haze. I quickly brought out my cell phone to look at the time. It was 7:30 already! I had gotten carried away spending such a good day with my mother that we had consumed the entire day and I still had to prepare for this evening’s affair. It would be even later by the time we made it through the concrete maze of the freeway interchanges to my place. My stomach fluttered with nervous energy.

  We reached my building finally, after battling nearly thirty minutes of gridlocked traffic. Good thing we didn’t hit usual weekend traffic into town or it would have been double that. My mother bid me farewell from the car. She was tired and decided to let me see myself inside.

  “Shop until you drop, right mother,” we both laughed at this. I was helped from the car by the magic limo driver and swept past him to the double doors. Punching in my code to enter, I turned and waived as it clicked open and I was allowed entry. I saw her wave from inside the limo as they rolled away. I smiled. That was probably the best time I had had with her in several years. It started out bad, but all together, I enjoyed myself. That was a rare statement when it came to my mother.

  I ran up the stairs quickly and was out of breath by the time I reached my floor. Unlocking the door as quickly as possible, I rushed into my apartment. The clock on the VCR informed me that it was 8:30. My God, I still had to get ready for the Red Velvet Room. I checked my messages on my cell phone as I hadn’t the entire time I spent with my mother. She felt it rude to play on that phone thingy while I was supposed to be spending quality time with her. She was right.

  I had several missed messages from Matthew. Each one more frantic than the rest. He was desperately trying to find out what time he was to meet me and when. I had not disclosed the physical location of the Red Velvet Room to him as was appropriate. It was a by invite only affair and he was my guest.

  I quickly texted him back apologizing for not responding and explaining why. I knew this part was not necessary, as my submissive, he never questioned me, but I still felt bad from the way I had treated him last night and felt I owed him that. I instructed him to come to my apartment at 10:00 PM to pick me up. We would be taking his car, mine would never do for such an occasion. I hit the send button and waited for him to reply.

  “Yes, my Goddess.”

  I began my preparations for the night ahead.


  I spent the next hour and a half cultivating the perfect persona. Fixing my hair back in a tight French braid with random strands of hair falling to the sides of my facing, creating an ideal frame. My usual attire would suffice but I would step it up a notch with long, fingerless, vinyl gloves extending just above the elbow and an ornate choker around my pale neck decorated with lace and rhinestones to match my mask. I wore my favorite and most common mask. Carved leather with elegant swirling around the edges accented with a rhinestone finish.

  Matthew arrived promptly. I had sent him a message while dressing to wait downstairs in his car and advise immediately upon his arrival. The hour was getting late and I was anxious to see Master Jason and his empire. He waited patiently at the curb in his black BMW seven series sedan. When he noticed I had exited the building, he hurriedly exited the driver’s seat and rushed toward my side to open the door for me. I smiled at him as I lowered myself into the passenger seat and he closed the door behind me. Once back in his position, he put the car into drive and carefully pulled out onto the street.

  The Red Velvet Room was actually a mansion in what the locals referred to as “the Hills.” We wound our way up toward the top. Of course Master Jason would house his project here, he would never settle for anything but the best. We arrived at a large wrought-iron security gate with a small guard house situated to the left just before the entry.

  The guard behind the glass wore a crisp white shirt which struck me as it contrasted against the navy blue jacket and matching tie. His hat set perfectly so the brim rested just above his eyebrows. His strong jaw made hard angled lines down the sides of his face and met a neatly trimmed goat tee on his chin. I gave Matthew my invitation to present to the guard.

  He looked closely at the invitation. After a few seconds of inspecting the details, I imagined something to signal him it was authentic had cleverly been imbedded somewhere on the invitation. Finally, he nodded silently and reached out with his left hand and pressed an unseen button. The gates began to slowly swing inward, revealing a cobblestone driveway lined on both sides with large trees that wound its way toward the large building looming in the distance. Matthew drove slowly up the driveway, careful to stay in the center of the path.

  The driveway opened up to a large, circular loop with a gorgeous fountain directly in the center. It was made of dark marble and small cherubs flew from tier to tier to reach the one resting at the top at the feet of a nude woman that permanently played with the falling water as it pooled into each basin that increased in size three times to the bottom where it spilled out, cascading into a pond underneath.

  The house itself was immense. Of course it to was made of cobble stone and had large, rounded towers on either side of the main structure. Jutting out from the towers were extensions of the building in two sections that stepped down in size to the final shorter towers on either side of the entire building. At the top of each tower was a set of glowing windows lit what appeared to be torches lining the hallways behind the glass. Glancing toward the entry, the sidewalk opened up into a large courtyard. Flowers were arranged to grow among several carefully placed statuettes of different figures standing naked, poised in graceful and sensual positions for eternity. The door itself was massive. Made of heavy oak stained dark to add the final touch of a true castle. Masterpiece! I mused to myself.

  A valet approached us as Matthew opened my door for me, allowing me to stand up and regain my poise. It was difficult to balance on four-inch stiletto heels, but they do make the calves look so very sexy. He held out his arm for me to grasp and aid in finding my grace again. Handing the valet, the keys to the BMW, Matthew and I made our way to the entrance. My heart was hammering in my chest and I could feel adrenaline building. I was excited. It was everything I had imagined it would be, and we had not even made it in the door yet.

  As we neared the door, I was able to get a better look at the courtyard and its décor. Several benches were set amongst the flowers and statues. Large clumps of star jasmine butted up against the hedges that separated each section from the outlying property. A wonderful place to just sit and drink in the evening. I looked up and I admired how, from this high up, one could make out the constellations amongst the stars on such a clear, cloudless night. The starts twinkled like diamonds transfixed into a black velvet canvas that wrapped its way across the sky toward the horizon. I breathed in deeply. The scent of the flowers filled my nostrils creating a wonderful perfume mixed with a dark, earthy smell. It was truly mesmerizing.

  I allowed Matthew to reach up and swing the immense, iron knocker that was fixed to the center of the door. One on either side, surely to make sure it was concentric. A short, thin man greeted us as he opened the door and it swung inward slowly. He looked at me expectantly. I had been lost in the magnificence of the place so far and his impatient stare made me realize what he was waiting for. I handed him my invitation. He inspected it as closely as the guard had done. Tipping the parchment side to side slightly so that the soft glow of the torches on the wall behind him lit up a large, gold R centered perfectly on the page. I had not noticed that before, but I suspect I was not intended to.

  “Name?” He inquired, pulling a clipboard from the console table centered on the wall opposite
the door. Its legs carved in detail were nude women, their breasts thrusting forward as the reached over their heads to support the dark, marble top.

  “Goddess Leila,” I probably did not need to give my true name, I rarely did as not many dommes carried the title Goddess. It was an earned honor and I had done my best to maintain the expectations others often had of me.

  His eyes shifted back and forth quickly as he searched a list of hand-scripted names for mine. Looking up at me he motioned toward an open, long hallway and I assumed he meant that I was cleared to enter.

  He stayed by the door but another set of gentlemen, equally well-dressed greeted us within a few steps into the hallway. One offered to take our coats. We handed the man our coats and he disappeared into the darkness beyond the torch light. We were led farther down the hall by the other.

  As we walked behind him, I noticed several large paintings spaced perfectly apart along each side of the hallway. Each one matching in size, but had different characters on them. Detailed works of naked men piled up on each other worshipping at the feet of a naked woman who wore a crown of flowers in her long, red hair. Another was a man stroking the naked flesh of a bound female who was fixed to an x- shaped crucifix. I nodded to myself. Of course. Master Jason has found every piece of art portraying acts of domination and submission he could find. My thoughts were interrupted as the faint sound of music throbbed rhythmically in the distance in the direction we were headed.

  At the end of the hall, a large room opened up past a columned entryway into an even larger hall. Several plush couches were in clusters, scattered about in a circular pattern around the room that echoed the shape of the walls. I could see people were seated here and there, the murmur of mixed chatter and the classic dominating sound of Nine Inch Nails spilled forth from speakers mounted in intervals around the ceiling of the room. The ceiling itself domed upward like the top of a cathedral and several naked figures were painted in clustered patterns around the top.

  Matthew and I walked slowly around to the side of the room by a set of lounge chairs set against the wall just to the right of the entry. I took a moment to let my eyes adjust to the light in the hall. The torchlight seemed dimmer in here somehow. My eyes were drawn to the center of the room where several areas were staged and ready for play.

  There were five areas set out on top tile set in the shape of black flower petals. Inside each area was an upright contraption made of strong steel that arched over the petal to either side. I could see eye bolts screwed into the steel in incremental distances all along the double bars that ran parallel to each other. Set next to each arch was a long table made of dark wood and topped with leather stretched across the top and fixed to the edges with metal tacks. I smiled as the tables were the larger version of the one that claimed its space in my bedroom.

  Laid out in parallel rows along the tables were instruments of domination and pleasure. Leather straps, flogs of different sizes, crops of varying length. I saw several wooden paddles of multiple thicknesses laid out next to each other next to clamping devices designed to punish dearly. On the other side of area, another long table with a variety of phallic shaped pleasure devices in every size and color imaginable. I stared in wonder at the detail to which Master Jason had gone to. He really had thought of everything.

  Several naked men and women were mulling about the sitting areas holding small serving trays. Short aprons, designed to allow the servers to carry things yet still expose their genitals for the viewing pleasure of the patrons that had already gathered there, were tied securely around their waists. A perfectly formed bow resting just above where their round buttocks began. Some of the patrons would spank them as the rushed by, or landed a firm pinch as they leaned over to serve a drink.

  On the far side of the hall, another entry way opened up into a smaller, yet equally impressive hall. I could make out figures dancing on a polished floor as the strobe lights pulsed behind them to the music. It almost appeared as if they were dancing in slow motion.

  Two smaller darkened hallways cut off from the other side of the great hall and disappeared into nowhere. As I looked on, a tastefully dressed man emerged from one of them with a tall, slender woman three paces behind him. She was naked except for a pair of thigh-high stockings and stiletto boots. A leash was fixed to a collar around her neck by a large ring fixed to the front of it. As he paraded her past several sitting areas, I saw the welting on her perk buttocks. Angry red lashings crisscrossed up and down to the tender flesh behind the knee. Her eyes were cast down slightly as the onlookers nodded and gestured their approval.

  My eyes continued to travel the room, attempting to take in everything, when I saw a figure approaching us in my peripheral vision. I turned my head and saw a shapely woman with dark raven waves cascading down her shoulders to her waist. Her dark eyes looked at us curiously with a hint of excitement. The woman wore a black satin corset tightened enough to accentuate her small waist and perfectly curved hips. A short black skirt rested just above her thigh highs, yet short enough to show the last several inches of her long, shapely legs. She stopped just short of where we were standing allowing me to motion for her to approach us fully.

  “Goddess?” I nodded and watched her reach out her hand in attempt to shake mine. Obviously a domme or she would never have offered her hand to me. I took her hand and shook it twice before I withdrew. “I am Mistress Liliana, I have been sent by Master Jason to greet you and show you to the VIP area.” She finished speaking and her gaze found Matthew. She smiled and nodded with her obvious approval.

  As I followed Mistress Liliana around the hall to the far side, I continued to marvel in the vastness of the room. My anticipation grew, I was elated to finally see my great mentor once again.


  When we reached the opposite side of the hall that we had entered, two throne-like chairs sat side-by-side up against the wall. Fixed to the wall above them were lengths of dark red velvet held to the side by golden drapery ties finished with tassels detailed with ruby red jewels. It had the appearance of a window above the thrones. Placed directly in the center of the draperies was a large insignia that matched the one that had been set in wax on my invitation, formed out of twisted, dark metal layers.

  Curving out on either side of the thrones were pairs of luxurious couches upholstered in the same velvet that hung on the walls. The furnishings formed a semi-circle that faced the center of the room.

  Several accent tables with naked women holding up marble tops, similar to the console table in the foyer were placed on either side of each couch. In the center, a dark-red area rug accented with gold, green and dark blue repeating designs. Centered on the rug was an oversized coffee table with a wrought-iron base and clear-glass top.

  Seated proudly on the throne on the right was my mentor, Master Jason. I caught my breath at the sight of him lounging casually scanning the room with his eyes. A triumphant smile fixed upon his face. When his gaze came my way, his smile widened. Like a child receiving his first bicycle, Master Jason’s face beamed with delight. He stood immediately upon my arrival to the VIP area that he sat in charge of.

  Master Jason wrapped his strong arms around me in a long embrace. I squeezed him back in response to his abnormal display of affection. He breathed in deeply, a sigh of relief that I had come. Placing a hand on either of my shoulders, he pulled me back to look at my face.

  “Goddess, I am so pleased that you have made it! I was beginning to think you were not going to oblige my formal invitation.” His face had a sudden brightness and his eyes appeared to twinkle with delight. “Please, Goddess, you must come and take your place.” Master Jason grasped my hand in his and gently guided me toward the thrones. With one hand, he removed the golden ribbon that was fixed across the dark red velvet cushion. Reserved. The ribbon proclaimed, in the off chance someone was brave enough to attempt to sit there. He motioned toward the throne with his right hand as though he were ushering me into a higher position than I had ever

  I was touched. I had thought perhaps the other throne would be reserved for a highly cultivated mistress of his choosing, but he had set that place aside for me. My hand found its way to my chest in a silent gesture of my appreciation and heartfelt emotion.

  “Please, Goddess,” he implored, “this is as much your vision as it is mine.”

  I obliged, lowering myself gracefully onto the throne. Suddenly a loud gong sounded and everyone stopped all their festivities and faced our direction. Master Jason remained standing and addressed the crowd proudly.

  “Lords and Ladies. Masters and Mistresses. I proudly announce the arrival of the co-conspirator to this divine display of delights. Envisioned years ago by she and I, this haven for the “devious”,” he jokingly put his fingers up in air quotes, soliciting a wave of laughter throughout the crowd. “I am pleased to present to you, Goddess!” He stepped aside as to reveal my presence to the entire room. I felt myself blush with the sudden attention.

  The room filled with applause. It filled my ears with its jovial sound in waves. I smiled proudly and waved to the masses. Much like the Rose Parade Queen in the Tournament of Roses Parade in Pasadena every New Year’s Day. Everyone’s eyes were on me. I held my breath.

  Master Jason interrupted the applause with three loud claps. The music commenced. The conversations continued. Naked servants scurried about the room like mice in a science lab maze. I sat at the most revered location in the room and in one of the seats of highest honor. It was something I was not accustomed to in reality and I was relieved to be there. Enveloped in the warm, amber energy of the souls of those I was surrounded by. I was truly loved and revered here.

  “Jason!” I exclaimed when his attentions turned back to me. He murmured some inaudible orders to one of the servants standing nearing the roped off entry to the VIP area. The server disappeared immediately to retrieve his desire. He rushed over to me and clasped my hand in his own. Pressing my knuckles to his lips gently, he planted a light kiss on my hand. I put a hand to my lips and giggled. Playing the part of course. He looked up at me from his bowed position and wriggled his eyebrows up and down quickly. I couldn’t hold back and the laughter burst forth until I could settle, my shoulders occasionally lifting with another laugh.


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