Goddess: A Femme Domme Erotica Novel

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Goddess: A Femme Domme Erotica Novel Page 11

by R. J. Castille

  I stepped back and watched as Mistress Liliana reached behind his head and, with one hand, skillfully unfastened the ball gag. It fell forward onto the floor directly beneath his face. She ran her fingers into his hair and grasped a handful and pulled his head up. Liliana traced his mouth with the tip of the phallus and worked it slowly into his mouth. She thrust it into his throat several times, his saliva now glistening down its length.

  Liberating his mouth from the device, she moved around behind him. Teasing his anus with the tip, similarly to how she had done his mouth, he eased the large cock-like object into his orifice. I heard him moan out loud as she inserted it nearly to the base. She again grasped his hair in between her fingers and pulled his head toward her, so he could not misinterpret her instruction.

  “Slave, you must hold that in place for the duration of your punishment,” Mistress Liliana hissed into his ear. “Do not allow it to fall from place, or you will reap more lashings.” She pushed his head forward and nodded once firmly. Her eyes then raised to meet mine.

  Stepping back from his form, frozen temporarily in position, she raised her eyes higher, indicating with a glance that he was now at my disposal.

  To support his weight, I tied another series of rope around his waist and thread it through the corresponding eye bolts. This allowed him to rest periodically on the rope, giving his surely aching hamstrings and calves a reprieve from their forcedly straight angle his legs were now forced to assume. I saw him look at me out of the corner of his eye as if to thank me for that consideration.

  I returned to the table and retrieved my most trusted implement, a mid-length riding crop. It was not mine, but I twirled it in my hand and arced it through the air twice to test its balance. I was satisfied that it would suffice. It was strange to be punishing someone other than my pet, as I had not done so in ages, but I held the air of authority in this world to the point that no slave ever questioned me.

  “You must first warm up the skin,” I began to explain verbally as I demonstrated with the crop. Tap…tap…tap, John’s muscles tensed slightly each time the triangle shaped leather touched him. I raised my arm up and struck him squarely in the center of his buttocks, he gasped in response to the sudden onslaught. My motion continued downward as my wrist flicked forward. “The follow through is the most impo rtant part. You will otherwise not provide an effective strike. It will simply stop at its mark.” I finished speaking and looked at Mistress Juliana. She stared on in fascination.

  I implored her to take control of the crop and issue another blow on the opposite side. She wrapped her slender fingers around the handle and attempted to mimic my demonstrative actions. The crop landed on the lower buttocks on the other side, leaving a side-ways welt behind. She did however follow through, the crop almost hitting the ground as it swung around.

  “Very good, you may need to practice a little to improve your aim. Did you feel how the weight of the crop assists in the follow through, your hand must control the aim, but you are not that far off your mark,” she beamed at me triumphantly. John panted quietly in front of us. I could tell he was struggling to keep the phallus in place. His muscles quivering under the strain. To demonstrate her willfulness to practice, she struck John twice more on the same side. I shook my head slightly.

  “No, Mistress, you must strike evenly. That will further prevent true injury,” Her wide- eyed expression met mine and I looked at her sympathetically, assuring her I was simply providing constructive criticism. It would not be appropriate to allow her to continue inappropriate punishment after all. If she was to learn from me, she would learn properly. I smiled at this, knowing this is something Master Jason had told me repeatedly during my training.

  As we continued the lesson, I patiently observed and corrected Liliana as she attempted several more times, obviously bent on pleasing me. I looked up from where we stood in the great hall and my eyes skimmed the dim room yet again. That’s when I saw him. It was impossible, but there he stood, leaning arrogantly against the bar on one elbow, his dark eyes piercing me from across the way. My breath caught in my chest and I closed my eyes hard and opened them again, hoping that I was having a hallucination, unsure if I was actually seeing what the figure that loomed in front of me in the distance. The figure remained.


  His presence was unmistakable now. I could make out his tall frame outlined by the glow of the bar lights behind him. A scotch glass gripped in his hand was still nearly full. The light gleamed off of his bald head, shaved clean down to the scalp. Somehow he had gained access to my world and there he stood, staring at us from across the room. I had not noticed Gordon Roth lurking in the darkened hall until now and I was taken aback by his presence. It was too surreal and I suddenly felt sick to my stomach.

  Mistress Liliana looked at me with genuine concern. I could tell she was trying to discern if she should ask if I was alright. The room started to sway and I could feel my chest tightening. Suddenly unable to breath, I felt the need to break free and run far away. Liliana reached out her hand and placed it on my arm. The weight of her hand only served to steady the room slightly.

  “Goddess, are you ok?” Liliana looked on as I began to feel like I was suffocating. If I did not find somewhere to sit down quickly, I feared I would fall flat on my face. “You look as though you have seen a ghost,” her tone reflected her sincerity in knowing that I was well.

  “I think I just did,” I whispered in reply. “Excuse me, Mistress, I need to find a restroom and splash some cold water on my face.” She pointed toward the other side of the hall near the entry in which we had originally emerged.

  “Second door to the right of the way you came in,” my gaze followed her finger as I looked in the direction she was pointing. I could barely make out the shape of the doorway there. I needed to get there STAT, before I lost my composure and made a fool of myself in front of everyone who was there. Instead of going all the way around, I cut through the other side of the play areas, nearly disrupting a scene in the midst of being fulfilled. I apologized for intruding and they bowed slightly at the waist as I made my way by. I had almost forgotten who I was here, who I was to these people. No time for revelry, I needed to escape.

  I entered the women’s restroom and rushed quickly to the sink. Looking around to ensure no one else was there, I removed my mask and laid it carefully on the counter to the right of the sink. Cupping my hands under the cool, running water, I splashed several handfuls onto my face. The temperature of the water felt good on my flushed skin. I could feel my hands shaking as I pondered the sight I had seen in my mind.

  It was not feasible that Mr. Roth was somehow intruding into my kingdom. How dare he disrupt the flow of my energy and cause me to appear off guard to the patrons. I was livid and horrified. He surely has recognized you, why do you think he was staring at you so? This thought brought a new wave of fear. I began to gulp for air and found it necessary to force myself to breathe slowly. In through the nose, out through the mouth. My heart was pounding in my temples and in my neck. Adrenaline flowed freely, giving me that slightly intoxicated feeling.


  I found it difficult to concentrate. The music in the distance pounded in my head, with each beat my head hurt and I started to see flashing behind my eyes.


  As I breathed slowly I began to feel the waves of calm wash over me. I closed my eyes and allowed the feeling to grow. I maintained my breathing pattern and did my best to stuff down the scared child that wanted to run screaming from the room and out the huge doors at the entry of the Red Velvet Room. He had tainted it for me anyway.

  I took one final deep breath in through the nose and out through the mouth and carefully tied my mask back into its place. If Mr. Roth hadn’t recognized me, I could surely hide behind my disguise long enough to get far away from him. I peered out the exit to the restroom, squinting my eyes in attempt to see the far side of the hall. To my dismay, Mr. Roth still stood by the bar e
xcept he had stood up and was scanning the room, no doubt seeking me out.

  Slipping out of the doorway, careful to remain as much in the shadows as possible, I made my way back toward the thrones. I had to leave, and I felt I had to leave right then. When I approached from the side, I found a column to stand behind in attempt to hide myself from Mr. Roth’s piercing gaze. Peering around the column, I attempted to get the attention of Matthew, who was still crouched obediently to the right of my empty seat. I snapped my fingers and made a quick whistling sound with my mouth. He finally looked my way and I motioned for him to stand and come to me. Matthew did so right away, he must have sensed the urgency in my motions. That or I looked like a crazy person stalking the King and Queen as I bent over sideways so I could see him without the likelihood of being seen…at least by that monstrosity.

  When Matthew reached me, bounding over quickly, his cock bobbing back and forth comically. He looked concerned. I knew my fear was written all over my face.

  “You must gather your clothing right away and take me away from here at once!” I looked at his earnestly. He cocked his head slightly to the side curiously. I watched him go around me and disappear down a hallway that we had seen John take his belongings to earlier that evening. My eyes darted quickly toward the bar, thankfully, Gordon Roth had not seen me emerge from the restroom. His eyes still fixed in that general direction.

  Matthew returned fully dressed and looked alarmed. He was standing up straight in a defensive position. I suppose he felt he must be on guard in case someone had dared bother me or said something to me that had me so emotional. I motioned for him to follow me the long way around the hall to the exit. We slipped out toward the long hallway with the carefully selected paintings along it and found our way to the door. The elderly butler was still attending to the door and glanced over at us when we approached. He stepped forward quickly, opening the door with one hard push of his hand.

  “Thank you for the pleasure of your presence, Goddess,” he said as we slid by him and out into the courtyard. “Do come again, if you please. Have a good evening.” He stopped speaking and I looked over my shoulder as he closed the opening behind us. Relieved, we waited at the curb for the valet to return with Matthew’s BMW.

  I was still shaky and I felt a big lump in the pit of my stomach. My legs felt all wobbly like I was swimming rather than walking. Once inside the BMW, safely away from the stare of Gordon Roth, I started to relax. I watched in the rearview mirror as the Red Velvet Room grew smaller and sighed out loud. So close to a perfect kingdom. Now that I wasn’t so afraid, I became agitated.

  “How dare he!” I finally said. Matthew breathed out hard as though he were relieved I finally had said something.

  “Goddess, are you ok? You are very pale, I mean paler than normal,” he snickered at this comment until he saw me look at him sharply. “I am very concerned, my Goddess, you were hiding behind that pillar like you did not want someone to see you.” He looked at me shortly then turned his attention back to the driveway. It was narrow and curved in a few places so it was better that he kept his eyes there.

  “No, my pet, I am horrified.” I stopped speaking briefly having a brief argument in my mind whether or not to tell him the truth. I decided that if I could trust anyone, it was my pet. “I saw the vilest individual on the planet Earth. Here, in my Kingdom!” I felt the sting of tears that threatened to break free and show weakness in front of my beloved slave. I fought them back and wiped the palm of my hand against my eyes, pretending to rub them as though I had a headache.

  “And who would this nightmare walking be, my Goddess?” Matthew implored. He was truly concerned with my well-being, as he always was.

  I sighed heavily, my chest heaving with the effort.

  “My boss, Gordon Roth,” I shot him a disgusted look. He met my eyes and immediately understood my angst.

  “Oh, Goddess, I am so sorry. Sorry mostly that he ruined your evening. You were just warming the flesh of that meaty slave when you caught sight of him. I was wondering what you had been staring at.”

  “This is horrible, my pet. I work for that man every day. We work very closely. What if he somehow recognized me! I will never work in law again!” Now the tears came, despite my efforts to squelch them. He saw me sniffling and reached into his coat pocket. Handing me a Kleenex, he allowed his hand to touch mine when I reached for it. I smiled at him. “Always so concerned for me. Thank you for caring.” I stroked the side of his face with the back of my fingers. I was truly thankful to find someone who I could connect with. He looked at me always with such love and compassion. And when he gave his body unto me, offered up for me to have my way with, he meant it with all of his soul.

  I drifted off to sleep as Matthew found our way back to my apartment building. Since I was so sleepy, probably exhausted from a combination of the experience of the Red Velvet Room itself, the punishing of Mistress Liliana’s slave, John, and the deflating moment I had seen my nemesis, Gordon Roth standing so proudly in the middle of my world. I was not sure when I would return, if ever and that made me angry. He had taken that away from me too. It wasn’t enough to invoke utter misery upon me in my reality, he found it necessary to pierce my fantasy world and throw a monkey wrench into my perfect existence there. I resented Gordon Roth for yet one more thing.

  Matthew pulled up the curb in front of my apartment building, parking in the twenty- minute parking zone indicated by the large green sign. He helped me from my car and up the stairs to my floor. Taking my keys from me, he turned the locks that kept strangers out of my domicile when they were not invited and opened my door. Closing the door behind us and turning the deadbolt with one hand, he put his arm around me and escorted me to my bedroom. He carefully removed all of my clothing as I stood completely still for him. All of my limbs felt heavy and I wanted nothing more than to sink into the soft mattress.

  A red satin night gown was chosen for me to wear and Matthew dressed me like he was putting the gown on a fragile, porcelain doll. Afraid to break me, he helped me into my bed, turning back the comforter, yet leaving it within reach in case I grew chilly in my sleep and needed access to a heavier cover than the silk sheets. I was glad to fall into the comfort of my own bed. Matthew placed his hand on my head as I started to fall asleep. He stroked my hair lovingly a few times and then exited my room. I barely heard a sound as he crept out, leaving me to fall asleep and enjoy a much-needed rest. He hoped anyway.


  When I awoke the next morning I felt much better. My head hurt a little and I decided to lay off the Gin and Tonics, I had been noticing more hangovers when I drink and exert a lot of energy. I went in and started the coffee pot, always prepared before Matthew departed, no matter what the circumstances. It gurgled to life and started to create the brew of life.

  Inside the microwave, as always was my breakfast, carefully prepared and stored for my discovery in a tight layer of Saran Wrap. I was actually starving. I poked a few holes in the cellophane with a knife from the butcher block and started the microwave. The coffee brewing smelled delightful. I filled a cup before the entire pot had finished brewing, halting the process momentarily.

  Sitting down at my dining table, I devoured the meal. I almost inhaled the coffee as well, had it not been piping hot, I would have. The food felt good in my belly and I was glad that he always thought to serve me with such fervor. When Matthew gave, he gave his all. Nothing came before his Goddess.

  Reality check, Gordon Roth had been there. His villainous face casting an evil spell on my place of solace. Where was I to escape now if not to that world? He had once again sabotaged me. I was still confused how he was able to gain access in the first place. The affair was by invitation only. Plus one if you have one. So either Mr. Roth had somehow gained an invite to the Red Velvet Room, or he came as the guest as some other ticketed individual.

  In either case, he had interrupted my flow, my whole world was thrown out of whack. I could not stop thinking that he had
somehow recognized me beneath my disguise and knew I was the masked vixen that tied such beautiful knots and bore the crop like a professional horse jockey winning the race. God I hoped not.

  Suddenly struck by a horrible thought, I froze. I would have to face him tomorrow. I would look at him and he would somehow know, I was sure of it. In a panic I began to think of ailments I could report in order to call off sick. This was impossible of course, as there was no one to take my place, no substitute Leila to pick up the reins and carry on. It was in the middle of conjuring up some story to tell my boss in order to avoid facing him, I saw my cell phone on the kitchen counter, the green light on the side was flashing, indicating that had some sort of communication waiting for me. I picked it up gingerly and touched the dark screen.

  I had received two text messages. The first was from Matthew. I opened it and read its contents. He wanted to know if I was feeling better. He also wanted to know what had happened. I would tell him in time, I owed him that much. Matthew was one of very few people I know in that world that are aware of my true identity. I trusted him with my life and knew he would never betray my confidence.

  The second message was from Master Jason. I hesitated then clicked on it. It was a very concerned message asking why I had left so suddenly, just when things were getting interesting. He of course could not resist to add that last part. He was sad to notice I had left and would love very much to see me again soon. Master Jason wished me well and indicated I should reply when I am ready. I nodded my head. I would certainly oblige.

  Sitting down on the couch in my living room area, I sighed out loud. I was in big trouble. If Gordon Roth did indeed recognize me I was, toast. He would surely fire me and I would have to leave quietly or risk him revealing my deepest secrets. It seemed like a hopeless situation. I inevitably would have to stop kidding myself and just go in. I would just pretend like nothing happened. Like Gordon Roth did not somehow violate my world and spread his darkness into my kingdom.


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