Mia's Choice: A Reverse Harem Romance Novel (The Heiress's Harem Book 3)

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Mia's Choice: A Reverse Harem Romance Novel (The Heiress's Harem Book 3) Page 4

by Lucy Felthouse

  “Flatterer,” she said, unable to prevent the heat that rose to her cheeks. “But I’m really pleased you’re all getting on so well, and that you’re having a good time. It’s incredibly important to me. So…” her heart lurched uncomfortably as she considered the words that were on the tip of her tongue, then made the decision to let them fly, “you have no regrets, then?”

  His dark eyebrows drew together. “What do you mean? Regrets about what?”

  “About joining in with my crazy whirlwind of a life. I’m incredibly conscious about how difficult it probably is for you guys. It’s all right for me—my parents are gone, so I don’t have to worry about how they would react if they found out, and I have no siblings—”

  “But you do have James and Betty,” he said meaningfully.

  She gave him a sharp glance and nudged him with her elbow. “You don’t have to remind me. I’m painfully aware that I’m going to have to tell them something, and soon, otherwise I’ll be skulking around my own bloody estate, desperately trying to hide the details of my private life and my comings and goings. I know they’re my employees and although they can have an opinion, they don’t have a say, but it’s not that straightforward. They’ve been around for a great deal of my life and are more like family, so the thought of them being horrified or disgusted by our arrangement worries me. I can’t help it. But at the same time, you four mean everything to me and I don’t want anything to get in the way of our lives together.”

  “So what are you going to do?” Concern flickered over his handsome face, creasing his brow.

  “Right now?” She took another sip of her drink, savouring the delicious flavours that danced over her taste buds. “I’m going to forget all about it and enjoy the rest of my holiday. We’re here to relax, get away from it all, so that’s the plan.” She followed her words with a curt nod.

  Arjun chuckled. “I can’t argue with that. And no, to answer your question—I have no regrets whatsoever. With most of my family being in India, they know very little about my private life. Not that there was much to know before I met you, anyway. My parents often ask when I’m going to find a nice girl and settle down, and they keep offering to set up an arranged marriage for me, but I always say no. I tell them I’m far too busy with work to find a wife, but I think they’re beginning to wonder if I might be gay.” He chuckled and shook his head. Then, his expression serious, he continued, “It’s impossible to sum up our situation with a checkbox on a form, but I don’t mind in the slightest. Life is for living, for being happy. That’s what I’m doing, living life, and I’m very happy. It just… works between us all, somehow. I think the complexity actually makes the whole thing much more laid back, so there are no pressures, no expectations. We all have our own ‘things’, but we have each other, too.” He shrugged. “I don’t know how else to explain it, really.”

  “You don’t have to explain it. As long as you’re happy, that’s all that matters to me. I’m glad you took the plunge—it can’t have been easy.” She squeezed his hand again. “I couldn’t imagine my life without you in it. Without any of you in it.”

  He stopped, then tugged her towards him. She let out a gasp as the unexpected movement caused her to spill some of her drink on the sand. Before she could ask what he was doing, he released her hand and wrapped his arms around her waist. “And I feel the same. Every time I see you, I love you more. I can’t help myself. You’re so caring, so supportive. And you’re smart, funny, independent. Everything a man could want.”

  All the compliments were making her cheeks blaze yet again, so much so that she almost missed the most striking part of what he’d said—he loves me? Her heart pounded. “Whoa, back up.” She put her free hand on his chest. “Did you just say what I think you said?”

  He glanced down and to the side, suddenly shy. “If you mean about being in love with you, then yes.” He sunk his teeth into his plump lower lip for a moment, then lifted his head to meet her gaze. “I… yes. I love you, Mia. I know it’s only been a few months, but we’ve spent so much time together recently and—”

  She put a finger to his lips, joy filling her so completely that she thought she might float away like a helium balloon. “You don’t have to quantify it. I was just… surprised, that’s all. But I’m absolutely delighted, because I feel the same, but I didn’t want to scare you away by saying it too soon.”

  Arjun gently took her wrist and pulled her hand away from his mouth, then shook his head, making some of his shiny black hair flop into his eyes. It looked so dark it was almost blue in this light. He shoved it back impatiently. “You won’t scare me away, Mia. You couldn’t if you tried. What can I say?” he shrugged again, “I’m a man in love.”

  Her smile so wide it almost made her face hurt, she reached up and curved her hand around the back of his neck, then guided his head so it was level with hers. “And I’m a woman in love. With you,” she said against his lips, then kissed him. His goatee pricked her skin, but she didn’t mind. It added a certain extra allure to their embrace, and her mind rapidly supplied a sensual image of her naked on a bed, Arjun settled between her legs and brushing the very same facial hair over the sensitive skin of her inner thighs as he worked his way towards her pussy. She moaned into his mouth and deepened their kiss, aware but utterly uncaring that she was probably tipping her cocktail onto the beach at their feet. Some things were more important—and this was definitely one of them.

  The scorching heat from his body was apparent even through the thin cotton of her dress—as was the erection nudging her belly. She moaned, scarcely able to believe she was horny again, despite having orgasmed within the last hour. Clearly she was well and truly over her jetlag, and her body was up to the task of enjoying the plentiful sun, sea, sand and sex. But could her brain and her emotions keep up? She loved all her men, but the last thing she wanted was for the trip to turn into some kind of meaningless shag-fest, where she’d jump into bed—or wherever—with the guys purely because the opportunity was there. That was just as bad as the whole pass the parcel thing.

  It certainly wouldn’t be meaningless if she made love to Arjun right now, though, considering the game-changing conversation they’d just had, but the timing wasn’t ideal. A fact firmly underlined when a sharp whistle broke through her lust-fogged haze and penetrated her ears, then finally her brain.

  “Mia! Arjun!”

  They broke apart reluctantly and turned towards where they’d left the others to see Alex waving at them.

  “Food’s ready!” he called.

  “Okay,” Arjun yelled back, giving a thumbs-up.

  Mia couldn’t be sure from this distance, but it looked as though Alex was already clutching a burger in a bun. Whatever it was in his hand, he brought it up to his mouth, then, satisfied he’d secured their attention, shifted his own back to their picnic area under the gazebo.

  Glancing at Arjun with a wry smile, Mia said, “I’m sorry we were interrupted, but I can’t say I’m sorry that the food is ready. I’m really hungry.”

  “Me too. Come on.” They linked hands and began walking over to the rest of the group.

  Mia looked down at her other hand, surprised to find she hadn’t lost too much of her delicious pink drink to the sand. If the crabs wanted to get drunk, they’d have to try someplace else. She lifted the glass and took a sip through the straw as they walked, smiling as the flavours swirled around her mouth once more. Sweet as those flavours were, they did little to distract her from the arousal still fizzing through her. Their kiss, abbreviated though it had been, had become hot and heavy fast. As a result, her heart and breath raced, and her pussy and clit ached with need. Bloody hell. It seemed today was going to be one of those days where she’d keep getting revved up for one reason or another, then be denied immediate relief. It was like some kind of weird orgasm deprival torture technique. Not what one would normally expect from a honeymoon. But then, the only remotely normal things about her honeymoon were that she had her husband with
her, and that it featured a gorgeous sandy beach and a beautiful azure ocean.

  She didn’t realise she’d chuckled out loud until Arjun squeezed her hand. “Hey, what are you laughing at?”

  Shaking her head, she replied, “It doesn’t matter. Just my silly sense of humour. So,” she said breezily, eager to change the subject, “what are your plans for after lunch?”

  Arjun shrugged. “I don’t know. Go with the flow, I guess. See what everyone else is doing. What about you?”

  “Hadn’t thought about it, to be honest. I’ll probably be so full after all the barbecue food that I’ll crash out on a lounger, like a beached whale.”

  A twinkle in his eye, Arjun raked his gaze up and down her. “You’ll be the sexiest beached whale I’ve ever seen.”

  “And how many have you seen?” she shot back, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips.

  Knowing perfectly well she’d called his bluff, he sighed and dropped his gaze to the sand. “Well… none.” Then he brightened and met her gaze again. “But I’m very much looking forward to setting eyes on my first one. I’m willing to bet it will be stunning.” He gave a smug smile.

  Mia rolled her eyes. “All right, all right. I see what you did there—very clever.”

  “I try my best.” He nodded at her now almost-empty glass. “Can I get you another one of those? Or something else, perhaps?”

  They were now within a few metres of the others, and the mouth-watering scent of cooking meat assaulted Mia’s senses. “Mmm, that smells delicious. Er, you know what, Arjun, can I get something simple to go with my meal? Do we have any lemonade or flavoured water?”

  He shrugged and released her hand. “I don’t know, I’ll check.”

  “Great. Thanks.” She smiled, then jerked her head towards where Elias was still busily cooking over the flames. “Want me to grab some food for you?”

  “Yes, please. One of each meat, no buns, and just enough salad to make it seem less unhealthy?”

  “Coming right up.” She stretched onto tiptoes and kissed his cheek, then made her way over to her husband and did the same to him. “Hello, gorgeous.”

  “Hello, gorgeous, yourself,” he replied with a smile, then gestured with the metal tongs at the array of food before him. “What can I get you, madam?”

  “It looks and smells so good I want to eat all of it. But I really ought to share with the rest of you, so I’ll stick with a burger and a couple of pieces of chicken, please.” She reached for two paper plates from the stack on the lightweight table set to one side, then grabbed a couple of napkins. Handing one of the plates to Elias, she added, “And Arjun would like one of each, please.”

  “Coming right up.” Without hesitation, he added the items Mia had requested to her plate before passing it back. “Next, please.”

  Mia gave him the second plate, and he went through the motions once more.


  “Thank you. You know, you look very comfortable and confident there. Do you harbour a secret yearning to throw in the towel at the bank and move into the catering business?”

  Elias didn’t reply for a moment as he carefully turned over a couple of chicken portions. Then he peered at her through narrowed eyes. “Are you mocking me, my beloved wife?”

  Mia’s eyes went as wide as her husband’s were narrow. She shook her head. “No, not at all! I meant it. You look so… well, like I said, comfortable. Relaxed. And don’t tell me that’s all down to being on honeymoon.” She recalled the times when he’d jumped in to help out with cooking at her place, and the solitary occasion when he’d cooked for her at his apartment. “Come to think of it, you’re always incredibly competent in the kitchen. Or at the beach barbecue, in this case.” She shrugged. “I was just asking, that’s all.” She decided to stop talking, then, since he always got prickly when his job became the topic of conversation. At some point she really had to bite the bullet and see it through—they were married now, for heaven’s sake, she should be able to talk to him about anything—but not now.

  Elias sagged a little, and raked his teeth over his bottom lip. “Sorry, darling. Didn’t mean to be so defensive. I guess you hit the nail squarely on the head. About throwing in the towel at the bank, that is, not the going into the catering business. There’s precisely zero chance of that happening. I’m more than happy to cook on an amateur basis for friends and family, but I have no wish or aspirations to do it professionally. I’d end up working hours almost as horrendous as Alex’s but for much less money.”

  “Fair enough,” she replied. Then his words sunk in. She gaped at him for a second, then said, “Sorry, what was that? You’re actually thinking of leaving the bank? Seriously?”

  He gave a tight smile and inclined his head. “I am. I was going to talk it through with you when we got home, get your opinion.”

  “Oh… okay.” The food momentarily forgotten, she continued, “Well, you’ve started now…”

  “Uh-uh. Not now, darling.” He gestured at the plates in her hands. “Go and eat, and give poor Arjun his, too. He looks famished. We’ll discuss this after the honeymoon, all right? I promise you. I want this trip to be all about the five of us. No dull or awkward conversations—just rest and relaxation. Besides,” he added, giving her a significant look, “giving my brain some time off might allow it to come up with some solutions as to what I might do next. I might have a few quid in the bank, but I’m not cut out to be a man of leisure. I’d be bored out of my mind.” He grinned. “Who knows, by the time we land on British soil again my subconscious could have some genius plan figured out. Now go—eat your lunch before it goes cold.”

  Nodding dazedly, Mia turned and headed for the table holding the other accoutrements to their meal. She opened a Tupperware box and loaded a small amount of salad on to hers and Arjun’s plates, closed the lid, then continued towards where the others sat waiting for her at the table. What on earth just happened? I mean, I know he’s always complained about or belittled his job; but giving it all up—that’s one hell of a big step. Where will he work? Where will he live? He won’t be able to keep up mortgage payments on his flat unless he’s got an incredibly well-paying job. I bet they’re extortionate.

  In amongst all the thoughts, questions and worries whizzing through her mind, one stood out: I just hope whatever he decides doesn’t take him further away from me.

  Now things for her and her men were settling into a routine, she was thoroughly enjoying her new life. It wasn’t always ideal—like when Alex’s job made it impossible to see each other, or when Arjun’s took him to the other side of the country, or even out of it—but for the most part, it worked. It might be selfish, but did she really want the boat to be rocked now?

  As she handed Arjun his lunch with what she hoped was a convincing smile, then took a seat next to him, she scolded herself. You’re supposed to have stopped the whole control-freak thing, remember? Besides, it’s not about you, it’s about him. He has every right to be as happy in his professional life as he hopefully is in his personal life. He loves you, so he’s not going to do anything that will have a negative impact on your relationship. Don’t panic. He said he’s going to talk to you about it when you get home, so you’ll have to wait until then. And when the time comes, you must be supportive and encouraging.

  With a gargantuan effort, Mia pulled herself from her thoughts of the future, and plopped herself back into the present. She picked up one of the chicken portions and nibbled at it. Her mouth full of tender, delicious meat, she chewed, taking the opportunity to check out her surroundings. She, Arjun, Alex and Thomas might be in the shade, but the sun continued to shine relentlessly, the sea lapped endlessly against the sand, the tropical birds still called to one another constantly. And Elias—handsome, smart, kind Elias—finally satisfied that everyone else had been fed, was making his way over to them, carrying a plate laden with food for himself.

  Elation suddenly filled her up, and she looked at each of her men in turn, then a
t their surroundings once again. She had all the people who mattered to her the most right here, right now, and they were in what had to be one of the most stunningly beautiful places on earth. She settled back in her chair with a deep, contented sigh. If this isn’t heaven, then it’s the next best thing.

  Chapter Five

  A couple of days later, Mia woke from a blissful night’s sleep which had been undisturbed and full of vague but pleasant dreams. Rolling over, she opened her eyes, not at all surprised to see Thomas beside her, given he’d spent the night with her. What was a little surprising, though, was that he was sitting up, the bedsheets draped over his waist, reading a book. In all the time she’d known him, he’d never been much of a reader, but on arrival in their island paradise, Alex had announced he’d finished the book he’d been reading on the plane and asked if anyone wanted to borrow it. She’d been taken aback when Thomas had expressed an interest. And he was clearly hooked, since he’d already got almost two thirds of the way through the weighty tome of a crime thriller. At this rate, he’d be able to pass it on to one of the others before their holiday was over.

  “Hey,” she said thickly, placing her hand on the bare skin of his abdomen. It was deliciously warm. “What time is it?”

  He slipped a bookmark in between the pages, then put the book down on the bedside table. He shuffled down on the mattress so his head was on the pillow and his face level with Mia’s, then smiled and said, “Good morning, beautiful. And shouldn’t you be asking what day it is, rather than what time?”


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