Tainted Bride

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Tainted Bride Page 17

by A. S. Fenichel

  “Very well, then I give my consent.”

  Daniel let out the breath he hadn’t realized he held and stood. “I shall obtain a special license.”

  Daphne stood as well and narrowed her eyes on him. “Why would we need that?”

  “I want to be married in a fortnight.”

  “Out of the question, the gossips would go wild.”

  “I do not give a fig about gossip.”

  “Well, I do. She has been through enough since arriving in London. I’ll not have her ridiculed further. You may marry in six months.”

  He wanted to shake Daphne. “Outrageous. Four weeks.”

  “Four months.”


  “Ten weeks is my final offer. You will not need a special license and I can possibly get her parents here in that time. She is very close with her father and would be unhappy if he was not at her wedding. It will also allow for a proper engagement where you will be seen out in her company and the banns can be read. Do I make myself clear?”

  Sophia would be his. Joy bubbled inside him and he struggled to contain it. “I understand, Lady Collington. You have nothing to worry about. I really am in love with Sophia. I shall not mistreat her or allow anyone to make her the butt of ridicule.”

  “Very well, then we understand each other. I’ll go and speak to Sophia and send a post to Philadelphia. There is much to do. We shall leave for London today, my lord.”

  Daniel hated the idea that Sophie would leave the house earlier than planned, but he said nothing.

  * * * *

  True to her word, Lady Collington bundled them into a carriage by the time the midday meal had finished.

  Daniel saw the carriage off, having only a moment to say good-bye to his fiancée. He promised the betrothal papers would be drawn up and he would arrive in London as soon as they were ready for signing.

  He kissed her hand and helped her up into the carriage. Her cheeks flushed red. Maybe she too thought of their night together. He wanted to wrap her in his arms, take her back into the house and ravage her while Lady Collington waited in the carriage.

  In danger of embarrassing himself, it was with both relief and sadness when he waved them off. Once they were gone from sight, he went to his study. He wrote a note explaining to his man of business what he needed. Then he wrote several to some discreet acquaintances to gain information about Alistair Pundington’s business affairs.

  His quill snapped.

  “Damn!” Daniel sat back in his chair and ran his hand through his hair pulling it free from its queue. His chest tightened to the point of pain at the thought of anyone hurting his Sophie. That Pundington had defiled her, injured her, and tried to use her to gain riches had his fists clenching.

  Crossing the room, he poured himself an early glass of brandy and took it down in one swallow. “Damn.” He hurled the fine crystal at the fireplace.

  * * * *

  The rest of the house were in their beds when Markus, Michael and Thomas joined him in the study for a brandy. They sat reminiscing about their school days and sipping brandy.

  Daniel needed more information and no one was better at gathering evidence than his friends. “I need to ask the three of you a favor and it would be better if you asked little about my motives.”

  “Intriguing.” Markus smirked.

  “What do you need, Dan?” Michael asked.

  Daniel looked at his three friends and asked himself once again if this was the right thing to do. These were his true friends. He would die for any one of them and he trusted them with his life. “I need to know what Alistair Pundington is doing in London and I need to know what exactly he is shipping and where. If Pundington is involved, I want to know about it.”

  Michael nodded. “I’ll see what I can find out at the docs and gaming hells. My father’s reputation makes it easy for me to frequent such places.”

  “Very good, but be discreet, Michael.”


  Markus shrugged. “I know little of the man, but I’ll see what my father knows. I’ll make up some story about why I need to know.”

  “Why?” Thomas continued to lounge in the chair as if he didn’t have a care in the world. It was his ease of manner that had made him valuable when they were in service of the crown together.

  Daniel looked at him a long time. “I’m planning to destroy him.”

  The two of them looked at each other a long time. Neither one spoke. Thomas didn’t know any details. He likely knew enough to surmise it had something to do with Sophia or her family. “I know some people. I’ll see what he’s been up to. It may take a while and depending on your exact intent, you may need more information than can be gathered in a short time. Building a case may require patience.”

  Daniel nodded.

  Michael poured another brandy. “I’m guessing you have been investigating him yourself.”

  “I have.”

  “What can you tell us that might be useful?”

  Daniel would have to supply them with some detail. Sophia had already shed enough tears because of Pundington. His throat was tight when he spoke. “Since his business arrangement ended with Braighton Shipping, he has opened his own shipping company, AP Shipping. He has been moderately successful, but in the last year, his coffers have increased substantially. Recently, he obtained some lucrative contracts in London though there is some secrecy over what exactly AP Shipping is importing. Whatever the cargo, it seemed to be in high demand. He just purchased an enormous townhouse and two more ships.”

  * * * *

  “Thank you for the walk, Daniel.”

  Everything about her brought joy to his heart and he likely wore a stupid grin. He took Sophia’s elbow to assist her up the steps to Collington House as he’d done almost every day since their engagement two months earlier.

  Her warmth touched him even through his gloved hand.

  It had been his decision not to repeat their lovemaking. He often cursed himself for that decision. It took every bit of his will to keep physical contact to a stolen kiss or the touch of a hand. Sophia might have been willing to give more, but he took no chances. In fact, he made certain they were never alone together. Even when they walked together, Sophia’s maid followed close behind. “It is my pleasure, sweetheart.”

  On the days when the London rain forbade going to the park they would take tea with her Aunt Daphne. He made sure he showed up at two events per week. He never told Sophia which balls or dinner parties he would be attending. It was a little game they played and even he enjoyed giving her the surprise. The courtship had been wonderful. He genuinely enjoyed being in Sophia’s company. They spoke of politics, flowers, the wedding, and about their respective childhoods. The only subject that was never again broached was Alistair Pundington. She didn’t bring it up and Daniel was happy not to discuss it since thoughts of Pundington sent him into a rage. He hadn’t disclosed his plans to his future bride. She knew nothing of what Markus, Thomas, and Michael were doing, and Daniel intended to keep it that way.

  Wells opened the door before they had made it all the way up the steps of the townhouse. “Miss Braighton, Mr. and Mrs. Braighton, young Mr. Braighton, and Lady Collington await you in the parlor.”

  Sophia rushed into the house and threw her gloves and hat at Wells. “Papa?”

  Wells was unaffected by her behavior and merely caught the outerwear without a word.

  Daniel stood in the doorway and watched her curiously. His heart leapt at the sight of her excitement. There was a rift between her and her family, at least that was what he believed, but perhaps he’d been mistaken.

  “The family has asked that you also join them, my lord,” Wells continued in the same stoic monotone.

  Daniel gave over his hat in a much more courteous manner and followed Sophia to the parlor.

  Sophia threw open the parlor door and flew into the open arms of a man with blue eyes and brown hair
that had gone gray at the temples. She cried, “Papa.”

  He shushed her and petted her hair.

  Staying in the doorway, Daniel waited. He didn’t want to intrude. Sadness bubbled up from his gut. She’d been all his until now. After two months of her undivided attention, he would have to share her. He pushed away the childish notion.

  Lady Collington sat on the couch with a dark-haired woman with eyes the same color as Sophia’s. She was perhaps forty, and except for the fact that Mrs. Braighton’s skin was darker, Sophia was the image of her mother.

  A young man with dark hair and the same golden eyes focused solely on Daniel.

  Daniel entered the room and extended his hand, but said nothing. Sophia’s brother was little more than a boy and had every right to look him over.

  Their eyes met and for several beats, Daniel thought Anthony Braighton wouldn’t take his hand, but then his eyes changed from wariness to acceptance. Anthony extended his hand. “Anthony Braighton.”

  “Daniel Fallon.”

  Daphne continued the introductions.

  Sophia, now seated with her mother, Angelica, continued to cry. It took about ten minutes for her tears to play out. She looked up from Angelica’s shoulder and saw her brother, Anthony for the first time. “Hello.”

  “Hello, Sophie.”

  Charles Braighton appeared to be amiable. The Braighton men were extraordinarily tall. Both stood several inches above Daniel’s six feet.

  Mrs. Braighton spoke with a thick Italian accent, which made English sound romantic and mysterious.

  Mr. Braighton said, “Lord Marlton. I want a word with you in private, if you wouldn’t mind.”

  “Father, whatever for?” Sophia asked.

  He ignored his daughter.

  Daniel nodded, and followed Sophia’s father across the hall. He didn’t look back, but he heard his fiancée’s trepidation.


  Angelica’s richly accented voice followed. “Eet will be fine, my dear. Just something a father must do.”

  They entered a masculine study with a small desk and several groups of chairs for easy conversation. Dark wood paneling covered the walls and a chessboard was set up in the corner. Charles Braighton poured a brandy and lifted the decanter toward Daniel.

  “No, thank you,” Daniel said.

  Standing stiffly, Braighton sipped brandy and acted as if he was reading the titles of books on the shelf. “My daughter.”

  Daniel was unaccustomed to being nervous, but if the butterflies in his stomach were any indication, anxiety had definitely made its way into his life. He fisted his hands. No one would stop him from marrying Sophia, not even Charles Braighton.

  “She has been through a lot. I’ll expect if I allow this marriage, you will always treat her kindly.” He put the glass down on the desk.

  Daniel’s gut twisted. Every muscle clenched. “Of course, sir.”

  Braighton turned. “I knew your father. We were in school together. He was a good and fair man. Devastated when your mother passed.”

  Daniel just watched and waited.

  “I want her happy.” It was an accusation.

  Daniel pulled his shoulders back. “I want the same.”

  Charles Braighton’s face grew red. His eyes narrowed.

  Daniel thought the man might be ill, but he said nothing. It took all of Daniel’s will to remain quiet while Sophia’s father made some internal decision.

  “She may be afraid on the wedding night. She has good reason to be.” A father’s struggle between protecting his daughter and keeping her secrets.

  “Your daughter has done me the honor of telling me of her past troubles.”

  Braighton’s eyes widened. He sat behind the desk and leaned forward on his elbows. “Has she?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “That surprises me. You want to marry her even though you know she’s not a virgin?”

  Daniel’s rage erupted as if he were a volcano. He bit his tongue. “I proposed after Miss Braighton had entrusted me with the information.”

  Braighton smiled and leaned back. “No need to get offended. It is unusual to find a man who does not mind his bride being tainted.”

  “She is not tainted. She is perfect and any taint is on that bastard.” If any other man had said those words, Daniel would have challenged him at dawn. As it was, he had to grip the back of a chair to keep from rushing at Charles Braighton.

  Braighton’s face was still ruddy as he moved to the chair next to Daniel. “You need not convince me, Marlton.” He rubbed his face, which seemed to have aged since he entered the study. “I didn’t do my duty. I failed to protect her. I pray you will do a better job.”

  Daniel debated what to say next. “I shall do all in my power to keep her safe, Sir. I feel I should tell you Pundington is in London.”

  Braighton’s face reddened even more.

  Daniel returned his voice to its usual calm. “I wonder if you would be willing to share information with me, Sir?”

  “Information about that blackguard?”

  “Yes, Sir.” Here was a man who had all the information to further Daniel’s goals. It was too important to let pass regardless of Braighton’s obvious distress.

  It was over an hour before they left the study.

  Chapter 15

  Daniel waited on top of the steps at St. George’s as Sophia’s carriage rumbled to a stop. Delight shone in her eyes and she took his breath away. Wrapped in white silk and lace she might have been an angel. His angel, with dark curls situated atop her head and tiny pearls entwined throughout.

  She touched the rich blue stones of the sapphire necklace he had sent as a wedding gift and smiled up at him.

  It was the greatest day of his life. Nothing could compare to standing at the altar with Sophia and hearing the vicar pronounce them husband and wife. It took a force of will to keep his tears of joy at bay.

  He longed to pull her into his arms and kiss her breathless, but settled for a kiss on her knuckles when they exited the church. “I’m very happy, Sophie.”

  “Oh, Daniel, I’ve never been happier in my life.”

  He handed her into the carriage and climbed in after her. As the horses pulled away from St. George’s, he scooped her up and settled her on his lap.

  “Daniel.” His name floated on a gasp.

  It was a sound he could listen to forever. He covered her lips with his and she melted against him. All the weeks of behaving like a gentleman and waiting culminated in this kiss. He ached for her, all of her.

  Sophia clung to his neck and back. She opened for him and their tongues danced and swirled together until he was ravenous to have her naked and beneath him. Pressing her chest against him, she wiggled her bottom in the most maddening way.

  He broke the kiss. “If we arrive at your aunt’s house naked, we will make quite a stir, my love.”

  Gulping down air, she settled back on the cushioned bench and patted her hair. “I’m sure you’re right.”

  The carriage stopped too soon for Daniel’s liking. He closed his eyes, willing the effects of their intimacy to dissipate enough to step down and hand her out of the carriage. Damn his driver for efficiency, the door swung open and the step pulled down far too soon.

  Aunt Daphne hosted a wedding breakfast following the service. In the late afternoon, the bride and groom escaped into a carriage and started their journey to Marlton Hall. They didn’t stop, as would have been expected at such a late hour and so they arrived in the middle of the night. Sophia was so tired her husband carried her up to the master’s rooms.

  Daniel sent Marie away, saying he would attend his wife.

  Sophia stood in the middle of the room, her eyes half closed and swayed slightly with exhaustion. Gently, Daniel undid the ties crisscrossing her back. The dress pooled at her feet. The corset followed. Dozens of pins and the pearls spilled from her hair.

  He cursed at the quan
tity of pins, but finally her hair fell into loose curls around her shoulders.

  He lifted her in his arms and carried her to the bed. The bedding had already been pulled back and he positioned her on the soft sheets and covered her before removing his own clothes and climbing in next to her.

  “Do you want me to remove my chemise?” She yawned.

  He’d scarcely stopped grinning since the pastor declared them man and wife. “Sleep.”

  “But it’s our wedding night.” Her protest came on yet another gaping yawn.

  “My penance for not staying in London. It was foolish to drag you up here on your wedding day. I’ll see you in the morning, my love.” He kissed her cheek and watched her.

  A protest built behind her eyes, but then they closed. An instant later, she slept. Whatever argument she was about to make would keep until morning.

  Amazed the exquisite woman in his bed was his wife, he struggled to close his eyes. He watched her long into the morning hours. He wanted to kiss her pert little nose, adoring the way it tipped slightly up at the end. Her skin was as rich as warm cream and he longed to stroke her cheek. He let out the breath he’d been holding. Taking one of her luscious dark curls between his fingers, he allowed the silky tresses to slide back to the pillow where her hair fanned out like black flames.

  “Mine.” He had to push away thoughts of Pundington lest his rage get the better of him. He must keep calm with regard to that bit of business. Nothing must get in the way of avenging Sophia and keeping her happy.

  The corners of her lips tipped up while she slept.

  “No one will ever harm you again.” He made the vow so softly even he didn’t really hear the words and yet they vibrated in the air.

  Sophia rolled to her side away from him.

  Daniel wrapped his arms around her and she snuggled back until her bottom was nestled against his manhood. She had no idea what she was doing to him.

  He didn’t know when he fell asleep, but he woke with the sun streaming into the room and his wife still nestled against him. His reaction was immediate. He pressed forward, rubbing himself against her bottom.


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