Alpha Scent (Amber Woods Shifters)

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Alpha Scent (Amber Woods Shifters) Page 4

by Rose, Arabella

  “Baby, you cannot deny the mating call”

  Brianna watched as he withdrew his fingers. Her eyes widened in hope as he unbuttoned his jeans. His huge shaft jutted forward, with her juices still on his fingers he grabbed his flesh, never taking his eyes off her. In two strokes, he came hard with a guttural groan, his warm seed covering his hand. Panting, he wiped their combined scent over his shaft again before, wiping it across her slick folds.

  Brianna had never been so turned on, the smell of their combined scent was heady and musky. Slowly he placed his shaft back in his jeans, staring down at her with intent.

  “Don’t ever run from me baby, we leave at Nine sharp in the morning, I will see you then”

  As he strode down the hall, opening the door he looked back over his shoulder.

  “Oh and Brianna?”


  “Pack all your things, you won’t be coming back here”

  And just like that he was gone. He left her hanging by a thread, in a sexual daze without even having him inside her. Damn the man! She was definitely so screwed. Growling in frustration, she marched back into the bathroom, turning the shower onto cold again.


  Brianna groaned at the banging noise at the door. Rolling over onto her stomach, she grabbed the pillow, covering her head and more importantly her ears. The banging got louder until she was growling in frustration, kicking off the sheets, not that there was much to kick, the amount of tossing and turning she had done last night after that bloody Marcus had left her suspended in sexual torment.

  Crawling out of bed, she wrapped the sheet around her and slowly walked to the front door, noticing on the hall table the clock said seven am. This better be good. Unlocking the door, she was nearly bowled over by Lizzy who had come bounding into the hall.

  “Oh my god, you still in bed sleepy head, well at least your awake now, come on, I hope you are packed, oh and you should have warm clothes because its colder that far north oh and……….”

  “Lizzy slow down, for god’s sake, how the hell are you so perky? Last time I saw your face you were snuggled up against that beta Connor”

  Lizzy smiled, before making coffee, like she always did, right at home. Turning she had a huge grin on her face.

  “I know, I don’t think my feet touched the ground since I left the club”

  “Wait, you were awake the whole time?”

  “Erm, if I say yes will you be angry?”

  “Angry? Lizzy, did you hear the whole conversation in the car?”

  Lizzy pulled some milk out the fridge, pouring just the right amount into two mugs, to taste perfect.

  “Ok fine, yes I did, and that alpha, phew, I thought the windows would steam up honey, oh and congrats by the way on your up and coming mating”

  “I am not being mated, I am going up there for business!”

  Lizzy placed her hands on her hips, sighing.

  “Sure you are, anyway I met Connor this morning and he made me breakfast and we talked for some time”

  “Oh and what did he say?”

  “Only that they could use an admin worker that uses Lunar securities filing systems, so that the case runs smoothly, so he asked me to go. Murdoch nearly had a stroke when I asked him, but Connor dealt with him in that beta way he has”

  Brianna sat at the kitchen table drinking her coffee. Oh it was far too early for this. The caffeine kicked in, sparking some neurones to life in her brain, then the words registered clearly.

  “You’re coming to amber woods?”

  Lizzy practically jumped up and down with excitement.

  “Yes, is that ok? I mean if you feel if I would get in the way, which I wont, well maybe sometimes…….”

  “Lizzy will you please slow down, how much caffeine have you had this morning?”

  “At the last count five espressos”

  “No shit, you could never tell” she yawned.

  “Anyway, I will start packing for you if you like while you grab a shower and pull yourself together, it’s going to be a long drive”

  Brianna trailed back to her bedroom, knowing that yes a long drive was so what she did not need today. The woodpecker constantly pecking her skull could attest to that.

  Marcus paced the foyer of the accommodation block, he had been ready hours ago, his body had been burning with need all night. Thankfully, there were two separate bedrooms in the suite so he could keep his private erotic thoughts about Brianna to himself whilst he released the pent up sexuality that was proving more and more difficult to subdue. Connor was relaxed, very relaxed.

  “Ok, so what happened with you and Lizzy?”

  The flash of the wolf in Connors eyes was noticeable at the mention of her name.

  “I made sure she got home, made sure she was safe for the night then made her breakfast this morning. How would you feel about her coming back with us to deal with the admin side of the case, Murdoch can spare her?”

  “Ah ha, for the case?”

  “Yes Marcus, and so I can keep an eye on her”

  “You know I don’t like too many outsiders in the pack, but I sense your genuine need of the girl and she is Brianna’s best friend so it would make sense to make my mate happy and have some familiarity with her until she settles in”

  “Thank you my Alpha”

  Marcus nodded in acknowledgement. Where the hell was she? Glancing at the clock on his phone it was only 8.45. He knew his impatience was not just to get going but he really needed to see her again, to calm him. Right on cue, he saw her walking down the hall with Lizzy and Luke, bags on each arm. He suppressed a grin when he saw she was wearing sunglasses. Her delicious scent wafted over him again, and his wolf panted in anticipation. Stopping in front of him, he wished she would remove the damn shades, he could smell her arousal and knew right now her pupils would be dilated.

  “Have you got everything?”

  Brianna noted the hidden meaning after his parting comment last night. She had packed everything she had as requested, but she told herself that the case might take longer than necessary, not for the reasons of a mating kind.

  “Yes, I travel light in life, makes things easier”

  Marcus looked to the two bags that apparently held all her belongings, he scowled down at her.

  “And why would it be easier?” he asked.

  “Because I can move on quickly if needed”

  Then the little minx threw him a haughty look before marching outside loading up the firms SUV. Brianna could sense his presence behind her as she threw her bags in the boot of the vehicle. She shivered as he nuzzled her neck before kissing her ear, the words quickly followed.

  “Baby, like I told you last night you are mine, so there will be no moving on quickly”

  Closing her eyes behind her shades she wished her life was so much easier.


  “Oh great, Murdoch, just adds to my morning” she huffed.

  Marcus laughed gently behind her just as she felt his presence step back a little. Turning to face her boss for the last time, what was she saying? Would it be the last time? She put on her sweetest smile.

  “Yes Murdoch”

  “Here are the papers on the case, I’ve also sent copies to Lizzy via the encryption software. Have you charged you phone? I want regular updates from Luke and yourself”

  Brianna took the brown file out of his hands, shaking her head at him

  “Honestly you would think I was twelve years old, going on a school trip Murdoch, I know how to look after myself, which by the way I seem to recall there was no comment in there about be safe and be careful!”

  “I know you can look after yourself bri, but you have the reputation of lunar security to uphold, I pay your wages”

  Luke and Lizzy averted their eyes, in fact she swore she could see Luke wince, he knew she would not be able to resist one last comment. But it never came.

  “Not anymore Murdoch, I pay her wages now. I will be in touch” Marcu
s spoke.

  And just like that the bloody infuriating alpha took charge again. Brianna jumped into the passenger seat before she would say something she would regret. She had never been in a pack for years and the whole bloody hierarchy system was still archaic to her. But as she watched everyone settle into their transport she wondered if the reasons she felt that way was because her lone lifestyle was so normal for her now that she had forgotten her roots.

  Lizzy dumped her bags in the back seat and jumped in next to them. It had been agreed that the lunar security team would follow Marcus and Connor in their own vehicle. Luke opened the driver door, settling himself in the seat, he leaned across to shut the door but Marcus stopped him.

  “We will drive ahead, you have our numbers in case of any emergency. It’s a long drive but that does not mean to put pedal to the metal, I want her safe”

  His eyes shot to hers and those green eyes flashed amber. Shutting the door he climbed into the packs SUV passenger side.

  “Why do I feel like I have just been lectured by my father?” Luke asked.

  “Get used to it, the sooner we clear this case the better” Bri responded.

  They were not kidding when they said it would be a long drive. Two hours in and everyone was starting to get twitched, it was not in the animalistic nature of wolves to be cooped up in a confined space for long. Bri scrubbed her hands across her face, taking in the other two friends with her.

  “I think we should stop for a break, I really could use the caffeine, I for one am going crazy in here”

  “Caffeine? I vote yes” Lizzy yelled.

  Luke glanced at the pair of him, wincing at Lizzy’s over enthusiastic tone.

  “I think a break is what is needed, but we should phone Marcus”

  Brianna looked to the vehicle in front of them, rolling her eyes.

  “Fine, but I will text, I really don’t want to hear his voice right now”

  “Why not?” Luke asked.

  She really did not know how to answer that. Was it because he turned her insides into a puddle of need? Or was it because his dominating alpha vibes were so alien to her? She opted not to answer, so shrugged her shoulders instead.

  “There is a service station at the next junction, we can stop there”

  Sending a quick text, Luke turned off at the junction, pulling into the empty bay. Brianna practically groaned when she got out the vehicle, her muscles were aching and her headache had still not eased, making her even more grumpy. The dark shades she wore where a god send right now.

  “Come on Lizzy we will get take out, I need to use the bathroom as well. You want anything Luke?”

  “Does a bear shit in the woods?”

  Laughing she dragged Lizzy into the building. The place was busy, mainly truckers and business executives on route to some mundane meeting. Bypassing the main restaurant, they circled past to the rest-rooms. Passing the men’s, her sensitive nose crinkled at the testosterone practically pouring out of the door. Lizzy marched ahead, the mega volume of espressos finally landing in her bladder. A bulky shifter came out the men’s, causing her to bump into him.


  “No problem she wolf”

  His eyes roamed her body and right now she wanted to claw them out of their sockets, sleazy bastard. As he walked away her nose had identified a very unique scent, so out of place to the usual peppery scent of male wolf. Inhaling again, she almost gagged at the acrid almost sulphur odour flowing down her nasal cavity. It was so toxic, her wolf paced restlessly, hackles raised.


  She heard Lizziy’s voice, having to blink to bring herself under control again.

  “Lizzy, what do you smell?”

  “Ewwww, why do you want me to smell the men’s room?”

  “Apart from the usual masculine scent, inhale deeper and tell me what you find”

  Lizzy took a sharp breath in, her nose wrinkling in disgust.

  “Nope, just the usual male wolves marking their territory. Come on, the sooner you get caffeine the better, but bathroom break first, I swear I’m going to pop!”

  Brianna felt uneasy, if Lizzy did not pick up that toxic stench, it could only mean that her tracker instinct had kicked in, but for what purpose she did not know. Walking back to the SUV, she noticed the bulking shifter getting into a blacked out van. As always curiosity got the better of her.

  “Lizzy take the coffees back will you, I will only be a moment”

  “Where you off to?”

  “Just need to check something out”

  Lizzy nodded heading back to a parched Luke. Brianna casually strode over to the line of cars parked, the van at the end. After slow deep breaths and filtering out the unnecessary car fumes, sweat and environment, she slowly walked to the back of the van, making sure she was out of sight of the mirrors. Inhaling deep, her senses quickly picked up on the same pungent smell, stronger at the back. Again it almost made her want to gag. Hearing the sound of the engine turning over, she made quick work of making herself disappear, to behind some waste bins, to disguise herself and any scent. Watching the van drive away she noted the type of vehicle and registration. It was probably nothing, but when her wolf paced she knew she had to be alert.

  Once out of sight, she stepped out of her hiding place, turned the corner and walked into a large chest of muscle. Crap.

  “Do you always like to go off alone?” Marcus questioned.

  “Do you always follow people around?” she returned.

  Out of sight of the main car park, he pushed her against the wall, using his frame and build. Staring down at her, his face was stern.

  “Only when it involves my mate, you were supposed to stay with the group, be in contact, in sight at all times, I need to know you are safe baby”

  “Yeah well, I don’t follow rules, it’s what makes me a good tracker”

  The moment Marcus had received the text from Brianna he had recognised that they probably did need a break, his mate would need to eat and drink. They had followed them into the service station, but as soon as they had got near the teams SUV he noticed that the women were missing. He knew that they would not be far and in a public place but his protective instincts were in overdrive. After growling at Luke for not keeping them in line of sight he had gone searching for them. Seeing Lizzy walking with a tray of refreshments he had asked her where Brianna was. She was carrying a bag of sweets in between her teeth, so had generally nodded in the general vicinity of where his mate was. Following her sweet scent, he watched her as she was in obvious alert mode. The alpha in him took over.

  Staring down into her beautiful blue eyes, he was mad and intrigued all at the same time. Swooping down he crushed his lips to hers, her hands grabbed onto his shirt and her sweet moans had him plunging his tongue inside. The fire that she ignited in him was burning intensely. He needed to get control, he was not going to take her against the wall like some young pup eager to make his mark. Reluctantly he stepped back.

  “Some rules are meant to be broken, and there will be many baby, especially in our bedroom, but out here you are mine to protect, now what were you tracking?”

  Brianna blinked rapidly, her lips tingling from that one kiss.


  “Bri, as my mate I expect no lies and you are trying to mask your scent right now, so what the hell were you tracking”

  Huffing, she stepped away, but his arms pulled her back, again caging her against the wall. What the hell is it with alpha males and the need to dominate?

  “I’m not sure”

  Cupping her face, he stroked the line of her jaw with the pad of his thumb.

  “Tell me baby” his words soft and encouraging.

  “It was just a scent that was toxic, very unusual, after I accidently collided with a shifter on my way to the rest rooms. I saw him get in his van and wanted to get a closer look, it’s the tracker in me, but don’t ask me what I found, I can’t explain it, at least not yet”

Marcus stepped back, scanning the lot, he inhaled deep but nothing seemed to register as unusual.

  “You are sure?”

  “Very, It is part of my tracker instinct, if no one else can smell it, then it can only spell trouble”

  Marcus wrapped his arms around her shoulders, eyes constantly scanning the area, alert for any threat that could harm his mate. The sooner he got her back to pack territory the happier he would be.


  Brianna almost breathed a sigh of relief as the landscape changed and the rolling hills and rugged mountains became permanent. Winding down the window, she took long deep breaths, inhaling the purity of the air. The smell of the grass, trees, and stream’s overloaded her senses. Luke followed the pack SUV for another hour, the roads more uneven, landscape dense and unforgiving. Finally, they came to a clearing in the woods. The pack SUV stopped and they waited. Two huge wolves sauntered out of the tree line. Gracefully they approached there alpha, once in front of the SUV they bowed their heads in submission, before shifting. Brianna matched the audible gasp of Lizzy.

  “Oh dear Lord they are naked” she shouted.

  “Bri, for god’s sake I know you have not been in a pack for many years but I am sure you have seen many naked shifters before” Luke laughed.

  Yes many years ago she thought, but now she was more private when she shifted, even going on a case with Luke they changed and shifted in different areas. Her eyes could not seem to tear away from the males. It was a common fact that all male shifters were very well endowed in their anatomy, but even as she looked at them she had no feeling of arousal, just curiosity. Her mind wandered, wondering how big Marcus was, the feel of him against her last night had gave her some indication and she was sure it would more than meet her expectations. Feeling her cheeks flame, she grabbed a bottle of water, now warm from the journey and chugged it back.

  Luke obviously found the whole thing amusing.

  “Well she wolf, you are in pack territory now so get used to seeing many naked bodies, even mine”


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