Alpha Scent (Amber Woods Shifters)

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Alpha Scent (Amber Woods Shifters) Page 7

by Rose, Arabella

  “I have worked with Luke for two years now. It is company policy that we have to have an established link, if we did not one of us would probably have been dead or injured ten times over. And don’t give me the crap about putting the pack at risk, that’s bullshit, if anything we are helping you guys out!”

  Marcus managed to grab her by the waist this time and pulled her gently back on the bed, pulling her back against his chest, kissing her forehead.

  “I know Brianna, you don’t have to convince me. I understand how things work, even if I do still feel uncomfortable with it”

  Brianna smiled against her pillow.

  “Your jealous!”

  “Yes, I am baby, I don’t have green eyes for nothing you know. You are mine, my mate and any male threat will be dealt with accordingly”

  Brianna was openly laughing now.

  “Oh Marcus, there is no threat from Luke believe me, he is a trusted friend and colleague, nothing more”

  “Good job, or I would have had to kill him” he growled


  “I protect what is mine baby” he growled as he pushed his groin against her.

  Brianna gasped at the sensation.

  “Tonight you sleep, and tomorrow I want you resting. Tomorrow night baby, I am claiming you, I will take what is mine and you will have what is yours, you cannot run anymore from your destined mate Brianna.”

  Her arousal rate just shot through the roof, causing him to press against her again. Her nipples and core were throbbing, aching to be touched, damn the man!

  “I can’t mate with you Marcus” she whispered.

  “We will baby, whatever you are afraid of, I will not let anything happen to you. Did something happen in your past?”

  Brianna curled herself into a tighter ball and Marcus noticed the action. His hands stroked her hair.

  “Ok baby, not tonight. We will talk about it tomorrow. Get some sleep”

  “Are you staying?” she gently asked.

  “Do you want me to?”

  Brianna thought about that. Did she want him to? Her wolf knew that she had found her mate, and deep down she knew they were fated for this new journey together. She could not deny the physical response he brought in her, but on a more psychological level she felt safe and protected by him, which was more security than she had felt in years.

  “Yes, I want you to”

  “I’m not going anywhere baby, now get some sleep”

  Brianna sighed in contentment as he curled his body around her, nuzzling her neck, inhaling her scent. His warm breath across her skin, gently lulled her to sleep.


  The morning rays filtered through the blinds, Brianna blinked against the unwelcome intrusion. She was having the best sleep in ages, looking down she smiled at a large muscular arm draped across her stomach. Marcus pulled her against him, kissing her neck.

  “Good morning, did you sleep?”

  God his voice was husky from sleep and didn’t that do all sorts of funny things to a woman?

  “Yes I did thank you”

  “How do you feel?”

  Brianna stretched her limbs, before pulling her top to the side to look at her side. The red scar was healed and she felt good as new.

  “I feel back to normal. I know this because I am starving” she laughed.

  His kisses intensified and before she knew it she was on her back with his large body framing her. His tongue traced the seam of her lips and she groaned, opening up for him. The heat of his mouth was bliss, as his hands cupped her breast, pinching the nipple. Gasping he nipped her lip.

  “I can’t have my mate starving, maybe if I give you an appetizer it will put the cravings at bay?”

  Pulling back he pulled her vest top off, exposing her bare chest to him. His eyes had flickered to dark amber, the last thing she saw as he kissed her breast, sucking the nipple in between his teeth. Arching of the bed, she moaned at the incredible sensation. His fingers slipped beneath her yoga pants, teasing her clit that was now throbbing so hard, demanding attention. She cried out as he switched to her other breast and gently bit her, marking the skin and god she wanted more.

  “Please Marcus…..”

  “Tell me what you need baby”

  “I need to come, I need you inside of me damn it!”

  He chuckled as he kissed further down her stomach, biting again on her side. Again she arched off the bed.

  “So impatient my little mate” he chuckled.

  Brianna could feel him getting closer to her core, he must have sensed her thoughts, feeling the rush of air he stripped her pants off, before continuing his slow torturous journey to where she really wanted him. His mouth kissed her inner thigh, again a small bite to mark her. Her wolf was panting and growling at being so fuckin sexually frustrated.

  “Open your legs wide baby, I need to see all of you”

  His dominant voice was nectar to her soul, her wolf responded to his demands and before she knew it her thighs fell apart.

  “Wider baby”

  Again she opened as wide as she could. Marcus sat back just looking at her as he plunged two fingers into her core. Crying out she lifted her hips to encourage more pleasure.

  “God Marcus, that feels so good”

  “Baby you are so wet for me, your juices are flowing for me, your mate, I cannot wait to take what is mine tonight”

  Brianna tried to sit up but he pushed her back on the bed.


  “Yes, I will be inside of you tonight many times Brianna, hearing you scream my name as you milk my shaft, over and over. I will fill you with my seed so hard and so many times that every wolf knows you are mated to me”

  Brianna groaned at the thought, her back arched again as he plunged a third finger inside.

  “You are so tight, but you will be able to take all of me baby, It is meant to be, this is just to loosen you up”

  Marcus placed his nose to her wet folds and inhaled deep. Fuck! Her scent was intoxicating, divine and all his. The sweetness of the vanilla and honey pleased his wolf. He wanted to take her hard and fast now but this was about her, her release. Swiping his tongue the full length of the pink tissues had him groaning with need. Unable to hold back he dove in fully, his tongue tracing small circles on her clit, his fingers thrusting into her. Pulling his head up briefly he watched her beautiful face flushed with need, her groans of pleasure music to his ears.

  “You taste fuckin amazing baby, I need to taste all of you, come for me” he growled.

  Brianna felt like she was riding the waves, her whole body was taut, just waiting for that one command. She felt his fingers pick up speed, as he tongue licked every sweet part of her. Every nerve ending seemed to come to life, her core clenched before she had the most amazing euphoric rush of pleasure.

  “Marcus!” she screamed

  Grabbing his hair she clung on and rode out her orgasm, his mouth never left her, he wrung out ever last drop.

  “Give me more baby” he rumbled.

  Twisting his fingers he curved them to that hidden place that send her over the edge again, her hand rode his fingers with wild abandon. Panting she dropped on the bed, sweat beaded on her forehead. Looking down, he placed a kiss to her mound before hungrily watching her licking his fingers. Climbing up her body, she wanted him to just plunge into her, but he stroked her hair and kissed her mouth.

  “That was amazing Brianna, a pleasure for me to witness and taste. Tonight you will have me inside of you, in my bed, feeling my hard cock take you. So rest easy baby. I am going to make you breakfast, I guess you will be starving even more now”

  Brianna stared after him as he got up to leave, noticing the huge bulging erection in his jeans. He caught her gaze.

  “Can I take care of that for you?”

  His eyes blazed as a feral grin spread on his lips.

  “Oh you will get a taste baby later, but not yet”

  “How can you just walk away when it’s
obvious you are in need of some sort of release” she shouted.

  Laughing he turned to the door.

  “Control baby, and lots of it!”

  Brianna laughed hard as she heard the door close. Yep it was going to be an interesting night.

  After showering, she dressed in her work uniform and headed toward the delicious smell of food. She was not just going to sit around all day resting, that would be one day further away to finding the women. Marcus was nowhere I sight but the table was already set with food and coffee. Hearing a noise she turned to see Lizzy setting up her laptop grinning.

  “What are you smirking about?”

  “Nothing, how do you feel? Hell Bri, you scared the crap out of us all last night that was some scary shit”

  “I know tell me about it, I was lucky to have a healer like Michael, he really knows his stuff”

  “Yes, so did Marcus by the sound of it!”

  Brianna picked a cushion up and threw it at her friend, the edge skimmed the top of her chair.

  “Ok, let’s be mature about this, yes I had the most fantastic orgasm ever this morning, is that what you wanted to hear?”

  Lizzy just nodded enthusiastically.

  “Your mate had to go out to the pack house for a meeting, but he said that you had to eat all of the food so that you get your strength back”

  Brianna looked at the table, how did he know how to cook her eggs exactly how she liked them? Scrambled, with a sprinkling of chives. Looking back at Lizzy she raised an eyebrow.

  “Oh ok, he asked what you liked to eat! Your mate is very attentive”

  Brianna threw her hands up in the air.

  “I am so confused, my wolf recognises her mate and hell, sparks fly every time we touch but you know why I cannot mate”

  Lizzie jumped up and wrapped her arms around her friend.

  “You cannot let the memories of the past haunt you Bri, the wolves that attacked your pack were nothing more than thugs who took an opportunity. Separating a life mate is fatal and I am so sorry for what happened, but that will not happen to you”

  Brianna wiped away a stray tear, a ghost of a smile on her face. Lizzy guided her to the table.

  “Now eat, I will be in trouble if you don’t finish it honey!”

  The food was delicious and Brianna had not realised how hungry she was until she was scraping the plate with her cutlery. Taking a long sip of coffee she stood walking over to Lizzy.

  “Where is Luke?”

  “Over at the meeting as well”

  “Why was I not invited? Is this about the search?”

  Lizzy rolled her eyes.

  “Yes honey, it is but Marcus gave me strict instructions for you to rest today”

  “Oh he did? We will see about that”

  Dominating, fuckin alpha wolf! If there was a meeting she needed to be there. Growling she stormed out the house in search of the pack house.

  Marcus had listened to his enforcers for the past half hour and they were going around in circles. This whole mess needed to be resolved, the pack was on edge and that made his wolf grouchy. Rubbing his neck he tuned in to what Connor was saying.

  “There has to be a clear plan in place, we cannot just keep searching the same areas over and over.”

  “I agree, there should be a clear plan”

  All eyes turned toward the door as Brianna breezed in. Luke looked at her, rolling his eyes at the situation. Marcus jumped out of his seat, walking with a determined stride to get to her. Pulling her into his arms, aware of every one of his enforcers watching, he inhaled her scent to calm his nerves.

  “What are you doing here baby, we agreed that you would rest today”

  Brianna snorted, shaking her head.

  “Oh no you agreed Marcus not me, I am here to work and help you find your female wolves and time is running out”

  Stepping around him he watched in amazement as some of her alpha blood flooded through her system.

  “Ok so from the beginning, these three women, do they have any enemies or did they have any disagreements with anyone before they disappeared?”

  “No none, they are the kindest females, they would never hurt anyone”

  Brianna nodded.

  “What about partners, relationships?”

  “Two were due to be mated, the other had recently joined the pack” Tristan spoke.

  Luke tilted his head, acknowledging her control of the situation.

  Marcus stepped beside her. He wanted to take her back to the safety of the house, let her rest, after what she endured yesterday she needed time to heal fully. But, as he looked down at the determination on her face, he was proud to know he would be mating with her. She was showing true strength, true alpha female status.

  “Did any of the women say anything the day before they vanished, any clue?”

  Rhett stepped forward, planting his hands on the table. His glare was fixed on her.

  “No offense miss, but I have already gone over all of those questions and we came up with nothing, so you might want to listen to your alpha and rest”

  Marcus was on him in a flash, throwing him against the wall.

  “I warned you Rhett, you do not speak to my mate like that ever, she is trying to help, now you will fuckin listen to every damn word she has to say, do I make myself clear?”

  Rhett looked at Brianna then his alpha.

  “Yes my alpha, I apologise to you and your mate”

  Marcus held him pinned against the wall for a while longer, before slowly releasing him. Brianna was impressed that he had fought her corner, but a little angry that he thought she needed defending. Pulling her hand through her hair she paced the room, aware of everyone watching her. There were ten male wolves, which she assumed were all enforcers.

  “Ok, I agree with Connor you cannot keep searching the same area. We are missing something”

  “What about the time of the incidents?” Luke asked.

  “All three disappeared on the same day, they were noted to be missing after lunch” Marcus said

  “It was two months ago right?” Brianna questioned.

  “Yes in July” Tristan offered.

  Marcus watched as his mate paced the room, he could practically hear the cogs turning in her head. Finally she turned to Luke.

  “You thinking ritual?” he spoke quietly.

  “Maybe, what if it is linked with the lunar cycle of a blood moon at the end of September?”

  “Excuse me but can we be in on this, what has the lunar cycle got to do with this?” Tristan asked.

  Brianna turned around to speak to the group. Felling an ache in her side she rubbed her skin, before feeling Marcus pull out a chair for her, standing behind her, placing his hands on her shoulders for support.

  “It’s just a theory, but the blood moon will be upon us on the last day of September, which is one week away. There is an ancient branch of wolf shifters that have used this event to perform certain rituals. A blood moon was sometimes seen as the end of days, but the night watchers believe they can harness its energy on this night to make a male wolf very powerful and virile. The last ritual was over hundred years ago, where a gathering of male wolves took unmated females from their packs and forced them to breed with them, creating a super breed of wolf”

  “You fuckin what?” Marcus yelled.

  Brianna winced at his tone.

  “Look I know it sounds crazy but we have to consider the possibility. I am sure Anna has told you that the man that chased her tried to inject her with a loaded syringe. The smell is toxic and so unusual but laced with chemicals. The women disappeared without a trail right? What if the syringe is designed to somehow mask their scent so that they could not be followed?”

  “Shit, that’s fucking messed up” Connor shouted.

  Brianna pushed away from the table, being pulled back against Marcus chest,

  “I want the guard doubled on the women in the pack house and the perimeter, send out enforcers beyond the pac
k boundaries and into town, see if anyone has heard anything. Nobody gets in or out of here without my permission, do I make myself clear”

  Brianna turned in his arms.

  “That protects the women here, but we only have one week to find where the others are being held”

  “So what do you suggest baby?”

  “We need to lure them out, give them the bait”

  The roar of his enforcers behind deafened her ears, she heard alpha female and theirs to protect but right now her gaze was fixed on Marcus.

  “Not a fuckin chance baby, no way, forget it, not happening”

  “Marcus, I am the only one that can do this. I am alpha in blood Marcus, your women in the pack house are submissive, we need someone who can fight when the time comes. The fact that they have took women from this pack means they are watching, so they are closer than you think”

  She pulled out of his arms to address the group again.

  “As I said, the last recorded was over a hundred years ago, but it failed when the packs of the surrounding area ambushed them killing all the perpetrators. What we do know from archive records is that the women began to disappear about two-three months before the ritual was due to take place. The reason unclear.”

  Luke walked away from his position against the wall, where he had been silently standing, arms crossed.

  “Holy shit Brianna, you think the Mckenzie case is linked?”

  “It’s possible Luke, but we need to check in with headquarters to see if they are any further forward”.

  “What is the Mckenzie case?” Connor asked.

  “The case we were working on before we were relocated to this one. Similar circumstances but only one female taken, again no trace. The only difference is that there was no toxic scent on any of the trails, they may be linked or not but it’s worth checking in”

  Marcus walked amongst his enforcers, his mind reeling with information. It was sickening to think that may be dealing with a bunch of sadistic wolves that had reinvented an ancient cult.

  “I want every possible resource used on this guys, I want our women found and bring the bastards that did this to justice”

  The room filled with testosterone, snarling and tension prominent and deadly. Brianna wrinkled her nose at the scent, one thing about a tracker, your sense of smell was ten times more powerful.


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