Disillusion Meets Delight

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Disillusion Meets Delight Page 4

by Leah Battaglio

  “What? Who in the world is Hamilton Stewart and why did she have a back up fiancé in the first place?” Jenna asked bewildered.

  “He was the guy her parents wanted her to marry. His family had been friends with her family for years. He was a member of the polo team and was prepping to dabble in politics, which is very important in D.C. Politicians equal power and power equals money.” Ian replied.

  “So, I’m assuming you told her to go jump into the Potomac?” Jenna asked.

  “Well, not in so many words, but something like that. I knew that I would never meet the standards her family had expected of her future husband. I also knew that she obviously never loved me so I decided to forfeit and leave the prize to Hamilton. I hear that they are now married and she is a miserable alcoholic.” Ian hadn’t spoken about the event to anyone in a long time. As horrible as his ex was, it was still difficult for him. He lost a lot of faith in love and vowed that he would never let a woman get to him ever again. In fact, no woman has risen his temperature since, except for one, the crazy video store girl. The emotions that she invoked were different though. Unfortunately, Ian could not pinpoint what exactly they were, which drove him mad.

  “Well Ian, I need to end it here. My friends have probably been waiting at my door for the last half hour. It’s time for me to meet my doom. If you don’t see me next weekend, it’s because my friends have either sent me to the funny farm or shot me. See ya later!” With that, Jenna jogged off to her apartment. Ian didn’t really understand what she was referring to but he had a feeling the question about a wedding dress was not hypothetical.

  Chapter Ten

  I was really looking forward to my quiet Saturday morning when the phone rings at 9:15. “Who in the world is calling me at this time of day?” I wonder aloud with a few obscene alterations. Even my cat is still in the fetal position on my bed purring away in peaceful bliss. I reach for the phone, barely opening my eyes because the sun has just begun to peer through the cheap ivory blinds.

  “Hello it’s Saturday morning...” As I begin to utter the words of disgust I am interrupted by Mya’s exclamation.

  “Natalie, get up! We have a major issue. I’m coming over right now!” She speaks with such exacerbation that I cannot help but be alarmed.

  “What happened?!” I am now sat up in bed and have awoken my cat, Sylvester from his slumber.

  “I will tell you when I get there. Don’t worry, no one is dead.” And with that, she hangs up and arrives at my doorstep 25 minutes later, with Starbucks in her hand. Thank goodness because I really was about to strangle her little wiry neck for waking me up so early. Granted, it was my fault for staying up so late watching reruns of the Cosby Show marathon on Nick at Nite but I also planned on staying in bed all morning as well. I am so good at rationalizing the ridiculous.

  “Okay Mya, what is going on?” I ask after a good long sip of my white chocolate mocha full fat with whip. This must be serious.

  “Natalie, you are not going to believe what Jenna did. You know this guy she has been dating that is apparently the most amazing male since Matthew McConaughey? Jenna has decided she wants to marry him!”

  “What? They have only been dating like, two or three weeks! Is she crazy?” I exclaim sipping my rather excellent coffee.

  “Oh no Nat, it gets worse. She bought a wedding dress yesterday!” Mya cries as her green eyes bulge out of her head. I on the other hand have just spit out a whole mouthful of coffee on my recently shampooed carpet.

  “What??!!!” I exclaim in disbelief. “How can she do this? We were supposed to be there when she buys her dress. It was going to be an event. We would go as a group and sip the champagne from the fancy boutique as Jenna tried on numerous dresses that all look phenomenal on her. After she found the chosen gown, we would have a little cry and reminisce on how we knew she would be the first bride. Later, we would go to the Park Tower for drinks and sit by the broad window overlooking the city and forever would share the memory of Jenna’s most important purchase! It was all planned.” I look down, realizing that I have missed an event in my dear friend’s life that I assumed I would always be a part of. A tear begins to creep down my face as I look at a photo of Mya, Jenna and I at last year’s Greek festival.

  “I know Nat, it breaks my heart too. What I don’t understand is why she did it in the first place.” Mya states as she walks to the kitchen.

  “What do you mean? Hasn’t Rob, hasn’t Rob proposed?” At this point my mood has shifted from melancholy to flabbergast.

  “Bingo. The guy hasn’t even asked her to marry him, Natalie. I don’t know what to do. I think she has really lost it this time and to make matters worse, she is really mad at me. She feels like I am not being supportive.”

  “Are you kidding me? How can we support such a ludicrous idea as someone buying a wedding dress before the guy has even proposed and without the two most supportive people in her life?” I have come unglued at this point and proposed that we make a morning visit to our dear friend Jenna. Mya concurs and off we go to find some sort of rationale in someone that seems to have lost it all.

  As we drove down to Jenna’s apartment I tried to gain composure. I wasn’t exactly sure how to approach her. I knew she would be defensive because marriage was a subject that Jenna took very seriously, surprisingly. If Mya and I came at her like bulldogs, Jenna would run away and we wouldn’t see the white of her eyes. I was nervous. Would my emotions get the best of me? Would Jenna understand our feelings of hurt? It all seemed so petty in the long run of things, but sometimes it is the little things that make a difference and cause the most pain.

  “Mya what are we going to say to her?” I ask in desperation as we walk up the flight of stairs to Jenna’s apartment.

  “I think we should be casual, you know, like act normal. Maybe let her bring up the conversation with us. Once Jenna has initiated it, then we can express our side of the story and let her have it!”

  “Mya you know how defensive Jenna can be. This could be disastrous and furthermore, we could drive her to run off to Vegas the first chance she gets.”

  “You are forgetting one important detail my dear. Real Estate Rob hasn’t even proposed yet. For all we or Jenna knows, he could have no intentions whatsoever of marrying her. Just because a guy talks about the future with you doesn’t mean he is sincere about it. A man will do anything to get you to give him a blow job.”

  So, there we were, outside Jenna’s door. Actually, we had been out there for several minutes and not a soul had responded to the annoying ring of the doorbell.

  “Well, this is rather anti-climactic. Here we are, ready to read Jenna the riot act and she isn’t even here to get it. Did she know we were coming and make an early morning exit?” I ask realizing that Jenna was probably on to what we were going to do and did not want to bear witness.

  “Let’s wait a few minutes more. Maybe she went out for a run. She has been doing that quite a bit lately. I think since she has been dating Rob, she has felt inspired to become perky fitness girl. Who is this guy anyway Nat? We haven’t even met him and she has already cut us out of her life and is acting completely different. So far, I am not impressed.” Mya is starting to get steamed up again and I wonder if maybe it would be better for us to confront Jenna at a different time. But it is too late. As Mya continues her tirade, Jenna strides through the parking lot and up the stairs to her apartment. When Mya sees her, she instantly stops talking and we just stare at each other. What was said two minutes ago has now just floated away and Mya, Jenna and I are at a loss for words.

  Chapter Eleven

  After his run, Ian decided that maybe he and Maggie should spend some quality time together. The past couple of weeks had been very busy at the office and he knew that his social butterfly sister was suffering from major cabin fever. Maybe they could get lunch or he could take her to finish her school shopping. It was quite difficult for Ian to get used to the fact that he was now mom, dad and brother rolled into one.
Luckily, there was never a dull moment with Maggie around and he had to admit that perhaps it was he who needed to be entertained. God, he was really beginning to feel like a loser.

  “Maggie! Hey Maggie where are you?” Ian bellowed through the hallway. Maybe she was still sleeping. It was almost 11 A.M. though and she usually did not sleep in that late. As he walked into the kitchen he noticed a piece of paper on the bare stainless steel refrigerator. It was a note from Maggie. Ian, went to the mall with Becky Johnson. Be back later. I have my cell. Maggie. Even Maggie, throughout her social drought was able to have a social life. That was it. He was going to have to call Jake and have serious drinks tonight.

  Jake Miles was a colleague from work. He was everything Ian wasn’t: confident, outgoing and a total man-whore. Every Monday morning for the past 6 weeks, Jake has come into the office with a weekend tale of sex and debauchery. Granted, it wasn’t the finest trait a guy could have, but Jake’s life seemed far more interesting and Ian was becoming rather tired of playing mother goose. It was time he began living the life of a single man, at least a bit. Maybe he could talk Maggie into staying the night at this Becky’s house just in case he got lucky. For crying out loud, he was already anticipating a one night stand from the mere thought of going out and getting drunk. It was that moment Ian decided he really needed to focus on an active social life so he didn’t become Jake Miles in a matter of two tequila shots.

  After digging through all of his pants pockets, he finally found Jake’s cell number and decided to call to see what was going on tonight.

  “Jake? Hey man, it’s Ian.”

  “Ian! What’s up? So, are you gonna go out tonight or what?” Jake asked with enthusiasm.

  “Yeah, I think maybe I will. What’s the plan?” Ian asks, still with a sense of hesitation. He seriously needed to chill out. It’s not like Jake picks up prostitutes and plays back alley poker. There was once a time when Ian himself was a lot like Jake. It was no big deal.

  “How about you meet me down at Rocky’s, say 9 o’clock? We can get a couple beers there and then head up to the City Grill or maybe The Blue Room. There are always hot chicks in skimpy clothes wandering around there. I’m on a mission tonight man! We are getting you laid! See you tonight!” And with that, Jake was gone and Ian was already wondering what he had gotten himself into. He was actually a little excited.

  “Hey Maggie it’s Ian.” He was surprised she actually answered her phone. “Listen, why don’t you and Becky go to a movie tonight? It’s on me. Then you can stay at Becky’s house tonight.” Maggie would have no idea what his true intentions were, he would just look like a cool, generous big brother.

  “Ooh Ian! Do you have a hot date tonight? Cheeka bow wow bow bow.” Was Maggie doing 70’s porn music?

  “Excuse me, but where did you hear that music? Never mind, I don’t want to know. Anyway, no but I am going out with the guys and I don’t think you should be home all night alone.” Ian replied, flustered.

  “Whatever Ian you seriously think I’m still ten. But you are in luck because I had already intended to call and ask if I could stay over at Becky’s anyway. Her parent’s just bought her a mini fridge for her bedroom and she has a total entertainment system and everything in there. It’s so cool Ian.” Maggie says excitedly.

  “So it sounds like they aren’t running a crack house and mom isn’t a prostitute?” This is where Ian tries to sound parental.

  “Uh, no, not quite. Her dad is an attorney and her mom works in an art gallery in the Pearl District. They are not crack dealers Ian. So, I will stop by home today to get some stuff and then I will head over to Becky’s house. You, my dear brother are in great need of fun. Take a cab, don’t get in a bar fight and bring a condom. Bye!”

  “Maggie! Mags!” But she had hung up before he could even respond. He seriously had to start monitoring her television viewing and apparently have the “talk” before he ended up taking care of two kids.

  Chapter Twelve

  There was an awkward silence for a moment as Mya, Jenna and I stood outside of the apartment. That soon subsided as Jenna brushed past us and opened her door.

  “Well, are you going to stand there or are you coming in? I’m assuming you are here for a reason.” Jenna’s tone was different than normal. It was cold and direct, which was completely unlike her. Whenever you spoke to Jenna, she was always about two octaves louder than everyone else and it was usually with a high pitch that if you were not used to, could send you over the edge. In fact, Mya has known Jenna for five years now and I believe will never get used to it. This proves to be troublesome in rare occasions when Jenna is drunk and Mya is sober.

  “So really girls, to what do I owe this morning visit to?” Jenna asks as she opens a bottle of water. “I need to get in the shower soon so we need to make it fast. I’m meeting Rob for lunch in about an hour.”

  “You know Jenna, it’s funny that you mention him.” I reply. “A little bird told me that you, um, purchased a dress recently. Is that true?” I ask trying to breathe in the good, take out the bad.

  “By the little bird, do you mean Mya? Jesus Mya, nothing like disclosure.” Jenna replies as she begins to wipe her kitchen countertops. When things get tense, she either cleans or leaves the room. So far, it’s a good start.

  “What the hell did you think I was going to do Jenna? You bought a wedding dress for Christ’s sake! You are completely off your rocker and you have the nerve to give me attitude?!” Oh dear, so much for normal and casual.

  “Okay, hold up. This is not the way to talk about this. Mya, do your yoga breaths. Jenna, we just don’t understand what is going on. You have to look at it from our point of view. First of all, neither Mya nor I have even been able to meet this guy and out of nowhere you are buying a wedding dress. It hurts because you have left us out of a really groundbreaking time in your life.” I think I put that quite eloquently.

  “You know what girls, get over it. I’m sorry that you weren’t there but it was just meant to be. I didn’t plan on buying it but when I tried it on, it was just so beautiful. When I looked at it, all I could think of was being Mrs. Robert Alexander.” Jenna replies as she looks up to the ceiling. With her head being up in the clouds, it makes sense really.

  “Hey, blondie, down here.” Mya snaps back, literally.

  “I’m going to give you a reality check. You have completely hurt two of the most important people in your life. You have spent eighteen hundred dollars on a dress when the only person that has asked you to wear it is the uptight boutique lady that works on commission! Jenna how can you be surprised that we are a bit worried about your behavior?”

  At this point, I think Mya is just exhausted over the whole ordeal. As she shakes her head back and forth, I just sit there. There is nothing more that I can say. Jenna’s attitude toward us is complete and utter denial. She is not apologetic and has a myriad of excuses to justify her actions. Yet, none of them satisfy either Mya or me.

  “Mya, I think it’s time we left. I have some errands that I need to get done today. Jenna, I can’t talk to you about this anymore. I know you think that we are being selfish, but you have no idea. I don’t know you right now.” As I speak, my voice begins to tremble and my eyes begin to swell as a tear glistens and falls down my cheek.

  “Please, Natalie, don’t be so self-righteous. You would have done the same thing if you were in my position. You both act as if you are so great. If you were really the amazing friends that you claim to be, you would be supporting me right now. You would be asking me what Rob will think, or when I think we should get married…”

  “Or, how about when you think Rob will propose! We are leaving. Call us when you’re not being a complete crack head!” I reply and with that, Mya and I slam the door behind us. I am so mad that I practically trip and fall down the stairs. Luckily, I recover and the dramatic moment remains.

  As we drive back to my place, Mya and I go back and forth over the encounter in complete and utter amazem
ent. We have had disagreements in the past, but nothing on this level. I really don’t even know when Jenna will care to talk to us again and to be honest; I don’t know that I care to talk to her anytime soon. I think that is what hurts so much. In the time that I have been friends with Jenna, there has never been a moment when I didn’t imagine her in my future. I always pictured the three of us having babies together, going through menopause together and laughing about our crazy college stories while eating early bird dinners. It was my plan. Of course, I also planned to be present when Jenna bought her wedding dress. That didn’t work out so well.

  “You know what Nat, we need to go out tonight. Let’s get dressed up and go somewhere fabulous. I can wear my new sassy ensemble because Kyle is out of town and you can wear your new sassy shoes that you got the other day. It will be great!” Mya exclaims.

  “I don’t know Mya. I have to get up tomorrow for brunch with my mother. I can’t get drunk because a Sunday morning with my mother, Jan and Mallory Wellington and a hangover is absolute suicide. I have no tolerance for pain. You were at the ER with me when I had the earache. The guy with blood shooting out of his arm had more composure.” It was true. I am a bit of a crybaby when it comes to uncomfortable situations.


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