The Hidden Man: A Phineas Starblower Adventure (Phineas Starblower Adventures)

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The Hidden Man: A Phineas Starblower Adventure (Phineas Starblower Adventures) Page 15

by Giles

Howell and Tanner sketched a salute to their Captain and moved off towards a different building. Pruette also excused himself then. “I’ll be off as well Captain. See you at dinner Sir.” He sated saluting crisply.

  “Looking forward to it Mr Pruette” Phillips returned the salute, dismissing the man.

  Randal looked wistful for a moment. “Where you going to dinner then Captain? Hope its someplace good, I must confess,the local ‘cuisine’ hasn’t impressed me as of yet.”

  “Oh we’ll dine aboard ship Fred. We have a first class chef on the Discretion. Mr. Starblower doesn’t do things by halves. Beef Wellington I believe it is tonight.” Inwardly Jerard was wondering if he could get Fred invited aboard as his guest. It would be nice to spend a little more time catching up with him before they got back into the air.

  Randal whistled. “First class chef then? Sounds like you landed upright! He shook his head and grinned again. “So, can an old mate find you a course one more time Captain?” Randal paused and waited for Jerard’s nod before going on. “Where did you want to go exactly?”

  “I just thought it polite to present my credentials to the Station Master as a visiting captain ought to Fred. Whereabouts is his office, if you please? But really, I am sure I can find it if you have other duties to attend to.”

  “Oh don’t worry about that Sir, as I said to your navigator there, I’m at a bit of a loose end til the B97 gets her engine job. I’ll be happy to take you over.”

  “Very well, lead on Mr. Randal.” Phillips said, pleased to no longer be completely among strangers today. “If you’re free then perhaps after I have paid my respects, you can show me where I can get a pot of tea as well?”

  “I can do that Sir, though when you taste what passes for tea here you’ll regret it.”

  “Just as long as its wet ‘n’ warm Fred, it’ll do.” Jerard replied as they set out across the air field.


  “Well...what do you think of that?” Tash said as she straightened up from leaning over the rail of the docking tower.

  “Which that? The captain defending your honor? Carstares waiting patiently to argue with you? or was it that your handsome Captain has friends? No wait, I have it! It’s the fact that you were able to stand stock still for almost twenty minutes without opening your mouth! Bravo!” Constance giggled and stepped lightly aside as Tash attempted a punch at her shoulder. Stepping back in she hugged her friend. “Ok ‘m’lady’, I know that thoughtful look on your face, what are you plotting now?”

  Tash laughed. “Oh dear, am I that obvious?”

  “Only to me dear. But I do know that look, spill it!”

  “Well first I need to get down there and face down that gentleman. I really had no idea that Mac would have waited as well. If I had then I would have been down a lot sooner.”

  Constance rolled her eyes, “I doubt it.” she said.

  “No, I am serious Constance. James McPherson is a an outstanding barrister and a force I would just as soon see moving with me as against me.”

  Tash opened the lift gate and went inside motioning for Constance to hurry up. Closing the gate she moved the lever to start the lift down.

  “But what of Colonel Carstares?”

  “What of him?” Tash replied.

  “What if he won’t agree?”

  “Now really Constance, it’s just a simple request, how could he refuse?”

  Constance chuckled and shot her best friend a look to let her know that she might fool Carstares but she was not fooled a bit. “Honestly, aren’t you afraid this whole affair might get dangerous?”

  “Not really.” Tash shrugged. “We fly to Stavanger with all haste, collect Dr. Nordstrom and come home.”

  “But Tash things are never that simple. I have known you for years now and I can attest that where you are concerned things have a way of becoming quite complicated.” Tash opened her mouth to reply and Constance held up her hand. “No, don’t deny it. Instead tell me what you plan to do next, I don’t think your calculated look had anything to do with Carstares.”

  “No, you’re right, it didn’t. It has everything to do with your husband.”

  “My husband?”

  “Yes, I am going to have to be at my charming best to get him to trade me Randal for Pruette.”

  Much to Tash’s surprise Constance howled in laughter. “I think my friend, this will be the first time Will had managed to get one off on you!”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You heard them talking. When Will found out that there was an experienced navigator out there we snapped him up before Vickers could get him. My darling had it in his mind to trade navigators all along, he misses Pruette and needs him here; that man has an eye for design as well as being a top navigator. We just did not know how we were going to get Archie away from you and Mather.” Constance paused seeming to realize that her words and come out a bit crude. “Tash, you know we all deeply mourn Captain Mather? He was a fine man and an outstanding officer. Our budding industry will not be the same without him.” Constance closed her eyes tightly fighting back tears.

  “I know.” Tash murmured, engaging in the same struggle. “Archie tendered his resignation. Said he did not want to fly any more without Daniel. We had a long talk about it this afternoon. I am grateful that Will had the foresight to hire Mr. Randal. I believe this will work out well for everyone involved.” Tash reached out and put her hand on Constance’s arm. “Don’t cry now, or I may have to join you and I will not face this Carstares fellow with red eyes and a weepy face.”

  “You’re right.” Constance said as she straightened her spine and assumed an air of nonchalance.

  Tash nodded as the lift touched the ground, she pulled back the lever and opened the gate. Both ladies moved gracefully toward the waiting men. Tash noted that Carstares was now standing, the newspaper folded neatly on the chair. Quickening her step Tash moved forward and extended her hand. “Mr. Carstares! Thank you so much for agreeing to see me!”

  Constance ducked her head to keep from laughing out loud. She shot Mr. McPherson a look and discovered the man was doing much the same thing.

  Carstares however was so taken aback that his mouth fell open and he gaped like a fish. “I...I...” he began, fighting for composure and recovering quickly. “It is my pleasure Miss Smythe-Harris.” He took her hand and bowed over it with a flourish. “And the lovely Mrs. Beardmore! We are truly graced today, don’t you agree McPherson?”

  “Oh I do indeed Colonel Carstares! These are my two favorite ladies, outside of my dear wife of course.” McPherson stepped forward and took the hand that Carstares released. “Moira did so want to be here to see you again Tash, she asked me to extend her regards.”

  “Thank you, you will send my own in return?” Tash asked sweetly.

  “Of course!” McPherson replied and bowed over her hand. He turned to Constance and took her hand. “And of you, M’lady, I am required to make an inquiry, why have you not come to dinner lately?”

  Constance laughed and hugged the big bear of a man. As she leaned close she whispered, “I’m so glad you are here, thank you for coming.”

  “Wouldn’t have missed this show for the world.” McPherson whispered back as he released Constance.

  Out loud Constance said, “Well you tell your lady wife that I admit that I am remiss in my duties as a hostess as it is my turn to have the pair of you over.”

  “Hm...” McPherson said in mock contemplation. “I believe you are correct Mrs. Beardmore, we shall expect our invitation shortly.”

  “Wait! I’ve a lovely idea! Why don’t we do it tonight? Do you think Moira will be available? We could make it a party! Tash, Colonel Carstares? What do you say then?

  “I think it is a wonderful idea Constance!” Tash piped up and turned to look directly at Carstares. She was only slightly disappointed at the man’s look of delight. Either he was a superb actor or she and Constance had not succeeded in putting him off his game or maybe... he’s just
dumb as a stump? Either way she could work with this.

  “That’s a capitol idea Mrs. Beardmore, but please, I would not put you out. Why don’t I send a message to my hotel and host the party there?”

  “No, no, I insist Colonel! You are our guest! Besides, I happen to know that cook purchased a quantity of fresh salmon this morning and she really does out-do her self when it comes to salmon.”

  Tash watched Carstares closely and noted the slight raised eyebrow at the ‘you are our guest’ comment. Ah ha! We did get him she thought and moved in for the kill.

  “Oh she’s right Colonel Carstares, her cook makes the most divine poached salmon with dill sauce. Paulo has been trying to get that sauce recipe away from Mrs. Murphy for ever!”

  “Paulo?” Carstares questioned.

  “My chef, or rather I should say the Discretion’s chef. You will be meeting him and hopefully enjoying his marvelous talent. Oh, and I hope you don’t mind, I’ve sent my steward Mr. Howell to collect your bags and settle your things in one of the ship’s guest suites. Mr. Starblower has spared no expense in outfitting the airship. I hope you will be quite comfortable.”

  Carstares narrowed his eyes and studied the smiling woman in front of him. “Thank you Miss Smythe-Harris I am sure I will but, uh...wasn’t there something more we were to discuss?”

  “Something more Colonel?” Tash tilted her head and looked for all the world as if she did not understand the man’s question. After a moment she smiled. “Oh that. Well it’s nothing really. I was just a bit put out by you trying to have me arrested.”

  “Yes, well...” Carstares cleared his throat. “About that, please understand that it was not my idea, I was only following orders.”

  “I understand, I truly do especially after having met you. I cannot express to you how much I am looking forward to traveling together. Having a gentleman of the old school on board will be quite refreshing. Do you play chess Colonel?”

  “I play a passable game Miss Smythe-Harris. I take it you also play?”

  “I do Colonel, I do. Perhaps you will join me in a game?”

  “It would be my pleasure.” Carstares smiled.

  “Wonderful! Now gentlemen I must ask you to excuse Constance and myself. I need to speak with Mr. Beardmore about a pressing matter and I believe Constance and I have a party to prepare for. Good day!”

  Carstares watched the two ladies stride briskly across the airfield. “Harrumph”

  McPherson laughed. “I take it she was not what you were expecting?”

  “Now that is an understatement Sir! Miss Smythe-Harris is quite a charming young lady. But I do wonder what the point was in all this build up of supposed negotiations?”

  “Do ya now? It looks to me that she got exactly what she wanted.”

  “How so Sir?” Carstares looked genuinely confused.

  “You agreed to having her along on your little trip to Stravanger.”

  “I agreed to no such thing Sir!” Carstares blustered. “I am on government business and this might get dangerous, it is certainly no place for a woman!”

  “Perhaps, but you did not object when she clearly stated her intentions, as I recall you actually accepted her invitation to a game of chess as you’ll be traveling together.”

  Carstares opened his mouth to further object and then closed it, a thoughtful expression on his face. He shook his head and smiled at McPherson. “She’s really good isn't she?

  “The best I’ve ever seen Sir. I’ve often wondered if Starblower knows what a gem he has there. I can only assume so as the gentleman had the foresight to hire her and put her in charge.”

  “In charge? How do you mean?”

  “Well I am sure you have come across Starblower’s reputation if not the man himself. He appears to be a playboy type, traveling the world and having adventures. As best I can tell Miss Smythe-Harris handles ALL of his business dealings.”

  “Is that prudent? I mean...a woman?”

  “Normally I would have said no but in this case I can assure you that Miss Smythe-Harris is well suited for the task. In fact I must admit that it is a great deal more pleasant to be on her side of the table this time.” McPherson chuckled.

  “So she wrung concessions out of you as well?”

  “I’ll say! But please Sir, as an officer and a gentleman, I beg you, never reveal that fact. It would completely ruin my reputation as a hard-arse if anyone found out how easily she foiled me. Used my own game against me she did. And charmed me to my toes to boot. No Sir, Colonel Carstares, I offer you my advice. When the lady speaks, do not dismiss what she says, one of the finest minds I have ever seen lies behind those enchanting blue eyes.”

  Carstares turned and offered his hand to McPherson. “I shall take your advice to heart Sir, and thank you.”

  Mac took the offered hand. “You’re welcome Sir. I make it my business to take the measure of people, I think you, Tash and the new Captain Phillips are going to make a fine team.”

  Carstares did not look convinced but nodded ascent all the same. “I expect I will see you later Sir.”

  “Indeed, until then.” McPherson doffed his hat and strode off.

  Carstares looked around and realized he was left all alone in the landing field, he still hadn’t gotten permission to board the ship and he had already checked out of his hotel...with a shrug he picked up his paper and sat back down to finish reading it. No point in letting a beautiful day like this go to waste, the camp chair was rather comfortable and who knew how long it was going to take the steward to get back here with his bags? This is going to prove a very interesting trip he mused, hopefully more interesting than this Scottish paper.


  Randal led Jerard across the landing field and up to the side of what looked like some kind of factory warehouse. Attached to its side was a grey stone and blue painted steel block building.

  “Here we are Captain, this is the admin block.” Randal said as he ushered Philips up the steps

  Jerard entered the building and looked about. The foyer of the office was a spartan affair, a single plain looking door lay almost directly across from him. The words ‘Private no admittance’ were painted in a dark red upon its facing side. To his right a service counter was cut into the thin partition wall with a an aspidistra plant standing lorn in the far corner as the only concession to decoration. Across from him the sounds of typing ceased as a petite looking woman looked up from her desk set behind the counter.

  "Can I help you Sir?" she asked. Her Scott's burr noticeable but pleasant.

  "Good afternoon madam. I am captain Phillips of the Soul of Discretion. I was wondering if I needed to introduce myself to the station master?"

  The receptionist smiled prettily at him but shook her head. "Na Sir, were all good here. Miss Smythe-Harris’ comings and goings are pretty common place here at the factory.” After a moments pause she added, “Mr Beardmore is on site captain, if you have a specific question but he is in a meeting as of now I am afraid.”

  That was interesting to Jerard. It was 'Miss Smythe-Harris' comings' and goings not Mr. Starblower’s, but further speculation was interrupted as he was nearly bowled over by a group of distinguished looking individuals suddenly exiting the inner office.

  “...Mr. Beardmore I admit your argument is interesting but I feel that... Oh! I do beg your pardon!” Stated the most prominent voice in a distinctly colonial accent.

  Phillips studied the small group of men. The polite fellow was about his own age immaculately dresses and from the quality of the clothes a most affluent individual as well. Behind him was a very distinguished older man in conservative Scottish tweeds. His craggy features tentatively identified him as Mr. William Beardmore, Senior the owner of this whole magnificent operation. The other two had the looks of clerks or assistants of some sort.

  “Don’t mention it Sir” Jerard said politely in return with a small bow of his head to the assembly. “It seems I was done here after all.”

p; The American was also eying him keenly he noted, to Jerard’s surprise instead of resuming whatever it was he was discussing with Mr Beardmore the fellow stuck out his hand.

  “Always pleased to meet a military man!” he declaimed. “Though I confess I do not recognize your unit uniform.”

  Jerard returned the handshake and fingered the gold edged lapel of his uniform. “Ah, Sir you have me at a disadvantage. I am Captain Jerard Phillips of the Soul Of Discretion, Mr. Phineas Starblower’s private Airship. I am no longer with her majesties armed forces.”

  William Beardmore Senior, looked a little surprised when Jerard declared himself. Up until then the old man seemed to content to let his guest exercise his curiosity without comment. But now he too extended his hand to the young Captain. “Pleased to meet you captain. You have some large shoes to fill assuming Captain Mather’s position.” Turning to the suddenly silent Fred Randal the Scottish Industrialist eyed the impious man critically. “Making yourself useful today, I see, Mr. Randal?”

  “Yes Mr. Beardmore, Sir” Fred nearly stammered.

  That was interesting Jerard thought. Beardmore had obviously cowed Fred to some degree at least, but given the elder man’s commanding presence, keen eye and gruff voice it wasn’t so unbelievable either.

  “Captain Phillips may I present Mr. John Rockefeller of the United States Standard Oil Company, his assistant Mr. Haworth and this is my associate Mr. Richard Threlfall.” Beardmore said, making a round of formal introductions.

  “Well this is an unexpected honor gentlemen.” Phillips stated inclining his head respectfully to the group.

  “Best get used to it Sir. If your Phineas' private captain now then you will be often meeting powerful men.” Threlfall observed wryly.

  Jerard didn’t doubt it. Haworth was an unknown but even he had heard of Mr Rockefeller’s astute consolidation of the Ohio petroleum refineries in America in the last few years. While Threlfall’s name had come up once or twice to him, as being a wealthy patron of the sciences.

  “Speaking of meetings,” Rockefeller began smoothly. “Perhaps Captain you can tell your boss that he’s still welcome to come and see me as I have asked several times now. Tell him I have some ideas for the derivatives of petroleum spirit that might interest him.”


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