Nefarion: Embrace of the Keepers Book 2

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Nefarion: Embrace of the Keepers Book 2 Page 9

by Olivia March

  Chapter 10

  Things fell into a pattern after that first fraught day. Nefarion had made good on his word and found them a town to plunder. Annabelle had ended up with some real treasures, everything she’d asked for and more. Her haul had been so large it had required a large new duffel bag, which Nefarion wouldn’t let her carry most of the time. Annabelle never argued the point, he was clearly physically stronger than she was, and usually they were lightstepping anyway. And that lightstepping was much less uncomfortable now that Annabelle was fitted out with appropriate clothing.

  Annabelle never raised the topic of their mutual attraction, and neither did Nefarion. Sometimes when they stopped to eat or look more closely for Mithrain’s trail Annabelle would see Nefarion staring at her with more intensity than usual. She knew what he was thinking then, because usually that’s what she was thinking. If she let her errant sexual thoughts about Nefarion get away with her, it would inevitably lead to a staring contest with the object of her desires. It was a cat and mouse game, except Nefarion was no domesticated cat. He was more along the lines of a vicious panther, eyes aglow, always poised to strike.

  The problem was, Annabelle was increasingly uncertain of her own feelings. Yes, she wanted Nefarion, quite badly in fact. But besides those cravings, she wasn’t entirely sure she even liked him. He didn’t speak much, so she hadn’t been able to get to know him really at all. With a mouth as silent as his feet, how was Annabelle to know what she really wanted? She had to rely on his deeds, which she could find no fault with. He was always courteous, and a gentleman. He made sure she was warm, had food in her belly all day, and plenty to drink. When they stopped to rest for the night, he was somehow able to make her a softer bed than she could imagine with a sleeping bag he’d picked up for her in a store, along with leaves and other supplies from the forest.

  All this had been going on for four days. Annabelle had never imagined their search could take this long, and she’d wager Nefarion hadn’t either. The longer they were out, the broodier he became. And whenever he seemed to find a good trail on Mithrain, it would eventually putter out with no actual sign of the body. After each dead end, Nefarion would leak shadows until he was surrounded by the deadly tendrils, each one writhing with seeming fury. If Annabelle hadn’t been certain that Nefarion would never harm her, she’d have wet her pants on the spot.

  But he wouldn’t hurt her, and Annabelle was sympathetic to his distress. She hadn’t heard from her parents since a few days before the attack, and had to assume they were dead. For the first few weeks after the invasion she’d mourned for them, and her friends. Hell, she’d mourned for every human on the planet who’d died, or had friends and family who died. And she would mourn for Mithrain as well, even though she didn’t know much about him. He was a senseless victim like so many others.

  For the moment Nefarion was allowing her to walk again. He was a few meters ahead, trying to get a better trace on his comrade. It was strange how the scent seemed to come and go, but that’s how it’d been going for a while now. And they were in the deep north presently. She’d once visited the University of Minnesota on a recruitment trip, and she recognized the campus when they’d passed it. In the end, she’d decided not to attend school here. It was too damn cold a lot of the months in a year. Beautiful for sure, but Annabelle hated to be cold. She hated it now, but didn’t utter a complaint. Finding Mithrain was more important than her silly feelings about cold weather, so she trudged on, staring at her feet and focusing on putting one cold foot in front of the other.

  “Do you sense anything Nefarion? Is Mithrain’s scent stronger up here?” He hadn’t spoken in a while, and that tended to make Annabelle nervous. Nefarion wasn’t much of a talker at all, but she liked to hear at least a few words every hour. She was just a passenger on this journey, but she was interested in the outcome. She was also interested in distracting herself from just staring at Nefarion’s hair and ass. Too much of that tended to lead to more of those intense stares from him.

  “All the snow is masking him some, but I do sense him. We’re in the right town finally, I know he’s here somewhere.”

  Annabelle looked up at that, but before she could utter a word she had to take a moment to just appreciate the beauty in front of her. Not the stars, where her eyes usually sought beauty, but right in front of her. The snow on the ground and in the trees provided a backdrop of unrelenting white, and standing in the middle of it all was Nefarion. He was a lone dark shadow isolated in the brilliant white, but somehow, he shone brighter than everything else around him. And while he seemed just as cold as the snow he stood on, Annabelle saw heat. She’d felt his heat, and she wanted more.

  The time for dithering was slipping by her. If Mithrain really was here, in Minneapolis, then her time was running out. Annabelle had had a few days now to think and overthink and then think some more. At this point, there were as many cons to taking Nefarion as a lover as pros. She had to embrace courage now, while she had a chance, if she really wanted to go all the way and have Nefarion as her first lover.

  “In that case, can you find us somewhere warm to stay for a while?” Annabelle didn’t stop to reconsider, if she did he would know she wasn’t confident of her course. Which of course she wasn’t, but she’d made the decision finally after days of internal debate that she needed to live for the moment. And if their journey was ending, her moment to be with Nefarion had to be now, no matter how nervous or hesitant she felt.

  “There’s a little time left to continue the search before we call it for the day, little human,” Nefarion replied. He was looking over his shoulder now though, his look questioning, his body tense.

  “I realize that,” Annabelle croaked, then stopped to clear her throat. Nervousness was threatening to kill her courage, but she forged on. “But if Mithrain is nearby, and we will find him here in this town, our time is just about up. And I want you.”

  “You want me…” came his reply, his tone even, his face expressionless. “Despite all my warnings, you’ve come to this decision?”

  Annabelle swallowed hard, sensing a gathering energy inside Nefarion. Nothing showed on the outside, but whatever was happening under the skin was making her hair stand on end. She thought back on his warnings, about how he’d take her like an animal, and had to fight for calm. This is what she wanted, she’d thought about nothing else for four days. Nefarion was her choice. After almost having choice completely stripped from her, making the choice of who she wanted to be intimate with was hugely important to her. She could be dead tomorrow, or raped and then dead. At the end of this day, Annabelle was determined that no matter what happened, her first experience would be one of her choosing. And Nefarion, her savior and total badass, was her choice.

  “Yes Nefarion. If you’re willing, I want you to be my first. Will you postpone the search for the night and take me somewhere?”

  Annabelle waited in suspense. Nefarion didn’t answer her immediately, he just stared in that unnerving way he had. His stare was even more unnerving in the daytime, when the black of his eyes shrunk down to pinpoints, leaving behind nothing but white. In those times his eyes seemed so eerie and strange, completely alien. Annabelle couldn’t tell what he was thinking at all, but the hair on her arms started to stand up, further indication of the electricity Nefarion seemed to give off when he was feeling strong emotions.

  “If you’re sure that is what you want, come take my hand. I will find us somewhere warm and private for the coming day.”

  And then he extended one long-fingered, elegant hand in her direction. His body was completely still, waiting for her to come to him and prove she had the nerve to do what she said. Even now he’d probably let her back out of it if she wanted to. But she didn’t want that. Annabelle wanted Nefarion for her first lover. She wiped her palms on her jeans and took one step forward. Then another, and another. And when she was close enough, she lifted a hand and placed it in Nefarion’s.

  There was a moment when she cou
ld observe how much larger Nefarion’s hands were than her own, making her once again feel small and delicate. And then there was no more time to think and observe. Nefarion simply dragged her forward and into his arms and before Annabelle could even gasp in surprise he was lightstepping away through the forest. Everything else became a blur, and all Annabelle could see was Nefarion, like he was the center of her world and nothing else happening around them mattered one little bit.

  Nefarion kept going for some time, letting Annabelle’s anxiety build. She wasn’t regretting her decision already, but she was anxious to get things started so there was no chance of cold feet. But Nefarion continued for several minutes, until finally he came to an abrupt stop. Annabelle looked around, and gaped. It was…a cave? He’d brought her to a cave? She’d been hoping for an abandoned house or apartment, possibly one with a fireplace they could get a small blaze going in to warm them up, possibly even a bed they could lay on together. She certainly hadn’t been thinking of a damp, smelly cave that was probably infested with insects or rodents and other vermin.

  “Um, Nefarion? A cave isn’t exactly what I had in mind…”

  “You said take you someplace warm. This cave will be plenty warm once I set up the fire stones. And it is concealed and far from populated areas where the Scourge will be patrolling. I have no intention of being disturbed once I begin my possession of you.”

  Annabelle paused to digest the idea of being possessed the way Nefarion had said it. It had sounded so…proprietary. She’d intended to give him, and them, just the one night together. After that she imaged they’d have very little chance for physical contact, because they’d have Mithrain’s body and be headed back for the Keeper encampment. Maybe she was imagining the tone of ownership she thought she’d heard.

  “I get that, and it’s a good idea. But I don’t know that I’d enjoy having relations on a cave floor with insects or rodents watching me.”

  Annabelle found little comfort in the slight smirk that popped up on Nefarion’s face then. And despite her protests he continued into the cave anyway. Annabelle despised herself for it, but she found herself clutching Nefarion tighter as they slipped into the dark entrance of the cave. She half expected spiders to start falling on her head and to hear the sound of rats skittering across the stone floor.

  Neither of those things happened though, much to her relief. The cave was quite deep though, Nefarion walked through a long way before finally stopping. Annabelle couldn’t see a thing, but she knew now that Nefarion had excellent night vision. The discovery had caused her no little embarrassment when she remembered that first night they’d met, but it came in handy considering they did most of their moving and searching at night.

  Nefarion lowered her to the floor then, and moved away from her. Annabelle stayed very still, half expecting him to do what he said and push her to the floor for a bout of rough sex. The idea of being taken in the pitch dark by her shadow lover held a certain titillating appeal, but she’d much rather have some light the first time. This might be her only chance to finally see Nefarion bared to her gaze, she didn’t want to miss it. And thankfully after a few more moments Annabelle saw a light flare, illuminating the room.

  Nefarion had pulled his strange stones from his pack, and Annabelle was endlessly fascinated by them. They glowed in a muted way, providing enough light to see by, and gave off a tremendous amount of heat. But in hand they were cool to the touch, and you could increase or decrease the amount of light they gave off with a touch. They were absolutely fascinating, but Nefarion had been very close-mouthed on how the things worked when she’d asked. Humanity could use stones like these, especially since electricity and power had been sporadic since the invasion. But when Annabelle had suggested the Keepers give some of these stones to humans, Nefarion had given her a curt no.

  Annabelle watched Nefarion place the stones in the center of the room, and immediately began to feel the delicious heat they emitted. No one could say Nefarion hadn’t given her what she’d asked for. She would indeed have a warm place to lose her virginity. It lacked other comforts, but being warm and safe from Scourge attack were the most important ones anyway. First, she removed her pack and then started shedding some of her layers. She wasn’t brave enough to get full on naked yet, but now that the room was warming up she could shed her heavy coat and sweaters.

  “Stay in this room Annabelle. I must go get a few things, and will be gone around twenty minutes. Do not leave this space, you’ll be safe here until I return.”

  With that Nefarion turned and walked away, leaving Annabelle gaping behind him. What the hell, she wondered, stunned. Nefarion rarely left her side for long. They hadn’t been separated for twenty minutes since that first night they met. Now he was abandoning her in this cave and going off on a jaunt like it was the most natural thing in the world. Without even a backwards glance! So much for the guy’s animal urges. He seemed pretty in control of himself all things considered.

  Annabelle shrugged, trying to shake off her annoyance. At the least she could get her sleeping bag ready and clean up a little. Shaving her legs was a lost cause but she’d clean up as well as she could by using some of her precious wet naps. How she longed for a real bath, with steaming hot water and scented bubbles. Before the invasion, she’d tried to take at least one relaxing bath a week. Now she had to save all her fresh water for drinking, and constantly felt grungy and disgusting.

  She had to remind herself that she was quite fortunate. She had her life, and thanks to Nefarion she had her health, with a warm place to stay and a protector. For the time being anyway. It was a lot to be thankful for, and Annabelle didn’t want to waste anytime regretting the way things weren’t anymore. The only way to survive was to move forward, and be a better person with more realistic priorities and expectations than she’d had before.

  * * * *

  Nefarion didn’t look back as he walked out of the room. He knew if he did he wouldn’t end up leaving at all, and he was determined to make this occasion at least a bit more comfortable for Annabelle. Contrary to what he’d told her, he was capable of some self-control in his lust. He wanted Annabelle, and badly. If she hadn’t been a virgin, he wouldn’t have waited to possess her even this long. But even a Balruin Keeper could practice some restraint when it was called for, and now it was clearly called for.

  He hurried away and as soon as he cleared the entry he immediately lightstepped back towards the town they’d skirted on their way here. Once there he found a shopping center and quickly went through it, picking up a soft pillow and a plush blanket that felt soothing on the skin. Then he found a shop that sold spirits and grabbed a couple likely looking bottles from what was left on the ransacked shelves. After that he found a place that offered what he’d heard Lady Gwen once refer to as a woman’s best friend, otherwise known as chocolate. He stocked up on that as well, along with bottles of clean water. Then he left and started lightstepping back to Annabelle.

  His eagerness to get back to her disturbed him. He should be looking for Mithrain. Indeed, now that he was certain that Mithrain was nearby, finding him should be the only thing on his mind. That was his duty, that was his mission. But from the moment Annabelle had given him her consent, Nefarion hadn’t even questioned what he should do. He’d known that taking Annabelle was now at the top of his priority list, above duty and his mission. And he didn’t even have the grace to feel bad about it. All he could feel was the beat of his heart urging him to lightstep faster, to get back to the cave, and get inside the girl who’d become his obsession before she changed her mind.

  Not touching Annabelle for four days had driven Nefarion to the brink. The small touches he’d allowed himself before had been keeping the savage at bay, just barely. Swearing off touching her entirely except for the impersonal touches during lightstepping had been a true test of willpower. Annabelle had tried not to scent of desire, but her success had been marginal at best. Instead of a tsunami of heated scent he’d gotten more of a gentl
e wave most of the time. He’d look at her and see a concentrated expression on her face and she wouldn’t look at him. Nefarion had been in equals measures amused and frustrated. Amused because the human could barely hide her feelings, and also frustrated because her lack of self-control made it even harder for him to maintain his own.

  But no matter. She had offered herself to him, and he wouldn’t allow her to renege. He would possess every inch of that lush body and make it his. Annabelle wasn’t aware yet of just how possessive Balruin Keepers were. Once they decided to stake a mate claim, they’d fight to the death to keep their chosen one. And many did often die in Balruin. Females of age were limited, and the competition for those that were available was fierce and often bloody. Nefarion would gladly shed blood to make Annabelle his own. He’d fight his people, his father, and anyone else who tried to deny his claim. Because after tonight, Annabelle would belong to him, and he to her. Not just for the night, but for always.

  Chapter 11

  Annabelle was sitting on her palette when Nefarion finally returned. He hadn’t been gone long in truth, but every second and every minute had felt like hours. She’d worried he would get attacked and never return, and she wouldn’t know what had happened to him. And then she’d worried that he would return, and decide not to have sex with her after all. Finally, she’d worried that he would return, and would lay with her, but that she’d find it painful and disappointing. Worry had been a constant companion of Annabelle’s since she was a small child, and her lifelong companion certainly wasn’t slacking on the job tonight.


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