Take Her to HeVan

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Take Her to HeVan Page 15

by Lucy Kelly

  “Sorry, I’m not trying to make you feel bad. My ass has been sore for days. I’m not blaming you. Millions of people have sex in lots of ways. I’m not going to say never. I’m just saying that for now, having two guys in my bed is as kinky as I’m willing to get. I know there are two of you and that means two cocks and only one vagina. You’ve already said you’re willing to share. You’re also going to have to take turns. I’m not saying you can’t both be in the bed. I’m just saying, for now anyway, that I only want one person actually fucking me at a time,” she said, reaching for her water.

  She really needed to cool down. All her words were putting strong visual images in her head. She could practically feel their hands on her.

  All this sex talk was turning her on. After another drink of wine, she looked down and concentrated on her food.

  Karlo and Charl gave her a moment to collect herself. Then again… “While you only have one vagina, beautiful Marla, you have two beautiful breasts, and they have the prettiest pink nipples. I didn’t get a chance to taste them yet and I’m really looking forward to it. Then there’s all that smooth skin, your shoulders and neck. I have dreamed of kissing my way up your neck to your wonderful soft ears. I am just getting started, you understand. I could spend hours with your body without fucking you. Penetration is the culmination, the end of one journey and the beginning of a new, different one. I can see now how difficult this has been for you. Yes, you are aroused. Arousal comes easily when you care for someone.”

  “What we want to give you is more than fucking. We want to worship you,” said Charl. He turned to his brother, “I think we need to give our Beleti the Kuan Haddis; she is very tense and needs to relax.”

  “The who whaddis?” asked Marla.

  “The Kuan Haddis is the female pleasure massage. Charl and I, as your Ankida, give you a massage to relax and arouse your body. In addition to having every muscle group in your body worked until you are completely pliant, you will also experience multiple orgasms,” said Karlo.

  “When you’ve had so much pleasure you are ready to pass out, then we’ll each take a turn making love to you. If you do happen to pass out, you will have a smile on your face,” added Charl.

  Marla, her head snapping up soon after Charl had started talking, licked at her suddenly dry lips. Her eyes went wide and round as he continued. She let out a small moan when he finished. She didn’t even notice the forkful of food she had been holding in her hand the entire time.

  “Are you going to eat that bite of food? You really should; you’re going to need your strength,” said Karlo with a smile.

  Marla looked down, saw the food, and raised her hand to her mouth. “I think we’ve said enough. At least I don’t have anything else to add. Let’s finish our dinner, have our dessert, and then we can go upstairs. I like the idea of this massage. I’m a bit cynical about the so much pleasure that I’m passing out,” she said, taking another bite.

  They had finished their dinner and were having their dessert when Marla spoke. “Not to put a spanner in the works, but I just had a thought. You said you were worried about my heart. So, I don’t think giving me so many orgasms I pass out is such a good idea. Besides, I would prefer to be awake and aware through all of it.”

  “Never doubt that your health, happiness, and well-being are our greatest priority. Nothing is going to hurt you, not even us. You will be safe at all times,” said Karlo.

  When dinner was over, the brothers sent Marla upstairs while they cleaned up. She was thankful she had a few extra minutes before the guys came upstairs. She went around the room setting out candles and lighting them. She also put on some soft music. She’d programmed a couple hours of music and put it on shuffle.

  Getting the nightgown she’d purchased for her wedding night out of the drawer, along with the matching satin robe, she went into the bathroom to change her clothes and brush her teeth.

  When she came out of the bathroom, she was no longer alone. Karlo and Charl had joined her. Both of them had stripped down to their boxers. Marla was enjoying the sight of all the male landscape in front of her.

  Then to her delight, they proceeded to treat her to the sexual experience they had promised her earlier. It was over three hours later, when they all fell into a blissful and wellsated sleep.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Sunday afternoon, Markus and Tammy arrived as scheduled, with six other Nephilim warriors. After a quick tour of the bunkhouse to drop off their luggage, the six were shown to the hay barn. Markus and Tammy went to the house with Marla and were joined by Karlo and Charl a few minutes later.

  “First things first—Markus needs to examine Marla. We had asked her to stay in bed.”

  “I wasn’t about to do that with guests coming,” Marla interrupted. “We’ve prepared the downstairs bedroom for you to use. Karlo will show you the room. They still won’t let me in there. So you’ll let me know if there’s anything you need?”

  “I’m sure it will be fine,” said Markus.

  Tammy smiled at Marla. “One thing you’ll notice about these guys. Having a Join is more important than anything else in their life. As a result, their protective instincts will be over the top. It’s just something you have to learn to deal with.”

  “Looks like my life keeps getting more interesting,” said Marla. “First, there is no guy. Then it’s a guy with no memory. Then it’s two guys; then it is two guys with wings. Please tell me I’m done with all the drama.”

  “Oh, there’s always drama. But it’s also worth it, you’ll see,” said Tammy.

  The men had returned from dropping the luggage in the bedroom and Karlo was back to insisting Marla be examined. She relented and led Markus up to her bedroom. Karlo and Charl followed.

  “Do I need to change or undress or anything?” she asked him.

  “No, that won’t be necessary. Just lie down on the bed, please,” he said as he gestured with one arm.

  Marla did as he asked, and Karlo walked around to sit on the opposite edge. Charl stood at the foot of the bed. Markus put down what looked like a briefcase on the dresser and after opening it, pulled out a gadget. Marla thought it looked like a cross between a hand-held game and something she might see in a sci-fi movie.

  Markus started scanning at her head. He didn’t look at the screen. He concentrated on passing the scanning wand about three inches over her body. He passed over her head and down the left shoulder and down her arm.

  “That’s right, just hold still and take deep breaths,” he said as he passed the wand down her torso on the left side, down to her foot and then up the right side, and down her right shoulder and arm, ending at the fingers in her right hand.

  “Okay, roll over and I’ll scan your back,” Markus instructed.

  When he was finished waving his wand over her, he let her sit up.

  “The diagnostic scans will take an hour or so to compile all the data. Then I’ll get the report and let you know the results. In the meantime, was that some kind of stew I smelled in your kitchen?”

  “Actually, it’s a crockpot of barbeque pulled pork. The other crockpot is baked beans. There are also rolls, corn on the cob, and Greek salad. Karlo, would you invite your other friends in to eat?”

  Karlo pulled Marla into his arms for a quick hug and a kiss. “Sure thing, beautiful; I’ll be right back. Don’t eat all the food, Markus,” he joked.

  “Why don’t you give Tammy a tour of the house? Markus and I will take care of putting out the plates and stuff,” said Charl.

  Marla walked over to Charl and put her hands on either side of his head. “I feel fine. Stop worrying. You can go ahead and do all the work, I don’t mind. It’ll be nice to have some female company for a change.”

  Charl smiled, happy that he got his way, and the two men left the room. After the men left, Tammy waited a moment and looked out the window. Then she turned to Marla. “Okay, you made that really easy for him. So, what’s up?”

  Marla laughed. “Bust
ed. I guess I just wanted to talk to someone who’d been there. I mean, I’ve noticed you only have one of them and they made such a big deal about how it’s always multiple men for each woman. Then there’s the whole wings thing and aliens from another planet thing. This is the first chance I’ve had to talk to another woman about this. I mean, you are human, right?”

  “Born and raised right here in the good old US of A. Well, I am a descendant, though.” She lowered her voice. “Markus had two brothers. They were killed on the voyage here from HeVan. It’s one of the reasons he looks so much older. He stopped the gene therapy treatments to lengthen his life.”

  “Whoa, hold on. What do you mean lengthen his life? How old are these guys anyway? Sorry, sorry, the fact that Markus lost his brothers is a much bigger deal. Is he okay now?” Marla asked, lowering her voice too.

  “Yes, I just wouldn’t make a big deal about me only having one guy. It reminds him. As for you being fully human, I wouldn’t worry about it. All the original Nephilim who came here ten thousand years ago married humans, so you’re in good company.”

  “Yeah, but I don’t have the same physiology as the descendants have. I don’t really want to have sex with both of them at the same time. Maybe I’m just not kinky enough. The research I did on the ancient Sumerians—while it is true that polyamorous marriages were common, there were good reasons for it. One husband would be doing his mandatory service in the army, while the other was working the farm. The wives didn’t have multiple men in their beds at the same time. They were able to maintain their homes. Add a third husband, and one could be on a caravan selling farm goods while leaving the farm protected,” said Marla.

  “Are you trying to talk yourself out of having a relationship with these two men?” asked Tammy.

  She was worried; this was the first time any of the warriors had Joined with a woman who wasn’t a Nephilim descendant.

  “There’s something you need to be aware of. Since they have so few women on HeVan, the care and protection of women is paramount to them. We’ve already discussed this. What you don’t know is they’ve spent millions of dollars building and funding shelters for abused women, and for stopping criminals who traffic in women and children. Since we’ve started Sanctuary, hundreds of women have been saved. We give them an education and then set them up with new identities so their abusers can’t find them. The Nephilim didn’t have to do this if all they were interested in was finding women to go to HeVan and Join with them. Karlo was in a crash while trying to pilot his shuttle to HeVan. The fact that he fell in love with you…that’s icing on the cake. None of you were looking for this, it just worked out. I can tell you if they didn’t love you, their wings would not have erupted,” said Tammy.

  “I guess I’m just looking for guarantees. This is a small town. If I’m going to jump into this relationship, I need to know they aren’t going to leave me. Even knowing them both for just a short time, I know how crazy that sounds. I don’t really think they would ever leave me and there aren’t any guarantees in life,” said Marla.

  “I think I can safely give you a guarantee that these men will never leave you. You have nothing to worry about. However, if you want to talk to another female with more than one Ankida, I recommend you talk to Becky. She’s got two guys, like you,” said Tammy.

  The two of them had left the upstairs and were making their way down to the kitchen where the men were. Joining them, they sat around the kitchen table. With Karlo’s help, Marla had added all the extra leaves to open the table out to its full length, so there was room for everyone. The six Nephilim who were going to be staying in the bunk house came in and joined them for lunch. Marla found out they were two sets of brothers. Two lucky women were going to get three men each.

  Karlo and Charl made sure Marla was sitting between them. She didn’t have to ask for anything. They anticipated her every need. She barely had to feed herself. Luckily, they didn’t act all possessive in front of the other men—which was nice, she had no desire to feel like a bone some dogs were fighting over. Instead, the men were very respectful of her and she could tell they were also slightly envious of her guys.

  By the time lunch was over and the kitchen cleaned up, Markus was ready to give them the results of her scan.

  “I’ve checked over all the scan reports, and there is some damage to your heart. The good news is we can repair it and you’ll be good as new,” he said quickly, when Marla gasped and started to tear up.

  “What’s the treatment? How do you repair it?” Marla asked.

  “Well, how do you feel about a two or three week vacation? We need to use some Nephilim technology to repair your heart and we don’t have it here on Earth. Karlo and Charl will have to take you up to our space station. The medicals there can make the repair,” answered Markus.

  “I’ll be in your hospital for a couple of weeks? It’s that serious?” she asked worriedly.

  “Oh, no, most of that time will be spent traveling. The actual medical procedure will only take a couple of hours. Based on the Earth’s orbit around the sun, the space station is nearly at its most distant. That’s what will eat up the time,” said Markus.

  “So long as I’m back in time to prevent my ranch from being auctioned off, then I wouldn’t mind taking a trip into space. We’ve got to wait twenty days after Jim Tucker serves Jake the snake before I can get the annulment and we can get married. We have time for a pre-wedding honeymoon. We’re not going to crash, right, it’ll be safe?”

  Karlo put a hand on her shoulder. “My shuttle had been compromised by a criminal. You’ll be perfectly safe, we would never risk you.”

  “Now that that’s all cleared up, I want to hear the story about Jake the snake and the annulment,” said Tammy.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Marla started telling Tammy all about Jake O’Brien and how he’d plotted to steal her land for the water rights. It was so nice to have another woman to talk to. She was embarrassed when she heard Charl ask if it was safe for her to have sex. She felt her face heat and worked to ignore the two men. It was when she overheard them making plans to leave right away, that she turned from Tammy to interrupt.

  “Markus, if it’s safe enough for me to have sex,” she said, glaring at Karlo and Charl, “then it must be safe to wait a few days before leaving. I don’t want to go anywhere until the papers have been served, and we know Jake hasn’t filed to stop the annulment.”

  Through all of their protestations, Marla remained firm. Normally, Karlo and even Charl, ceded to her wishes without argument. This was the first time they attempted to override her. She realized it was because they were concerned about protecting her. Still, she wasn’t going to let them simply dictate to her.

  Charl came around the table in the kitchen and went down on one knee in front of her. He reached out and took her hands in his. “I know Markus says waiting won’t hurt. I understand why you want to wait until your plans are in place. Please, won’t you see this from our point of view for a moment? It’s our fault your heart is damaged. Your health and well-being is the single most important thing in our lives.”

  “What about my happiness?” she broke in to ask. She knew if he kept looking at her that way, she’d give in. “You can’t keep blaming yourself for this. As soon as you thought there was a problem, you did something about it. I’m going to get angry with you if you let this hang over us. Yes, I need some medical care. Just remember, I’m going to be fine, good as new. I’m not dying or anything.” She looked over at Karlo and the others. “Right, Markus? I’m not going to keel over if I wait? My condition isn’t going to get worse?”

  “Right now, the damage to your heart is minor. However, any heart disease isn’t something to disregard. Both Karlo and Charl are concerned for your well-being. My opinion is that four days won’t make a negligible difference in your health. I will be restricting your activities until you reach Far Star Station,” Markus explained again.

  Chastised, Marla turned back to Ch
arl. She leaned forward and kissed him lightly on the lips. “If it’s that important to you, we can leave right away,” she told him softly.

  “Thank you. I’m being selfish and you’re generous to pander to my worries. We’ll wait and leave on Thursday. If you left sooner, you would only spend the time worrying and the additional stress would negate the benefit,” Charl said.

  He gave her a kiss, and the three men left to check on the work on the shuttle. Marla turned to Tammy. “I will never, in a hundred years, understand men.”

  “You’re going to have lots of practice,” said Tammy with a giggle.

  Thursday, after spending four days training the warriors how to care for her alpacas, they were ready to leave. Markus convinced Tammy to stay for the weekend since they would have the house to themselves. Marla left with Karlo and Charl after introducing everyone as a friend to her dog, Rusty.

  In addition to fixing the shuttle, the warriors would also fix the barn. That way, Marla could start harvesting the hay when she got back.

  Going along with the plan, Mr. Edwards told his secretary that Marla was on her honeymoon, knowing the gossip would soon be all over town. Of course, the honeymoon was taking place before the wedding. They needed to keep Jake O’Brien from finding out about the annulment. If he believed Marla was already married, a marriage he knew to be invalid, he would sit back and wait to pounce. Then Marla would pounce back.

  They drove to Boulder and then took a plane to Chicago, where Becky and her Ankida picked them up. When Marla met Becky, another vertically challenged blond with curves, she made another instant best friend. She was happy to be spending a day there before they drove up to Wisconsin. It gave her the opportunity to observe another polyamorous couple together. She also planned on a little woman-to-woman chat with Becky about sex and how she made it work being with two men.


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