Misguided Trust

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by Jamie Ott

  Misguided Trust

  By Jamie Ott

  Misguided Trust. Copyright 2011 by Passionate Prose Independent Publisher. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  All rights reserved.

  For more information:


  [email protected]

  Little Rock, AR, 72201

  First Edition

  ISBN 10: 0615496458

  ISBN 13: 9780615496450

  Printed in the United States

  Weekend Away

  Chapter 1

  This was the week she would reignite the passion in their marriage. She spent hours as well as hundreds of dollars at the Hot Body Lingerie Boutique.

  Joe loved to see her in white gauze nighties, of which she bought several. He was a true romantic who loved candlelit dinners and impulsive, lusty lovemaking. This weekend, she was going to help him indulge.

  Madeleine “Maddie” Engelard was a branch executive of a famous furniture manufacturing company. Over the years, she’d become increasingly responsible for more aspects of her company, such as advertising, sales, marketing, and every aspect of publication. She was proud of her success, but there was no denying that her busy schedule took a toll on her marriage.

  Her husband wasn’t any better. He worked in the building next to hers as the Chief Financial Officer; it was an insurance agency. Some nights, he was lucky to make it home before 10 pm.

  To outsiders, they were a power couple: Joe was tall and handsome, yet he wasn’t arrogant. Maddie was of average looks, but she was fit and fortunate as well as successful.

  As she roamed the aisles of the boutique, the memory of their first meeting came to mind. It was a classic incident of romance: Maddie bumped into Joe and spilled her tomato soup all over the concrete patio, where they commonly took lunch. Joe was kind enough to help her wash it off into the bushes by pouring his bottle of water over it, and swishing it across the concrete with the bottom of his foot. After, her lunch gone, he insisted on sharing his sandwich with her. Maddie accepted, and as they sat together, he teased her about being responsible for a murder; that was the reason the concrete was stained. He was going to tell everyone about her murdering ways. One may call it a cliché, but from then on she knew that Joe was the one.

  They had a lot in common, like they were both the product of upper class families with high expectations. Joe was the well bred son of a recently deceased Joe Williamson III. His father was a Los Angeles Banker known for possessing killer instincts as well as owning half of downtown. Similar to his father, Joe had a brilliant mind for business, and a gift for persuasion.

  Maddie fell in love with his voice first. Slightly deep and tremulous, yet soft and smooth, as though caught between tenor and bass. When Joe spoke, she believed he could hypnotize with just the sound.

  Joe and Maddie dated for three months before finally making love, and boy did she want him. He knew this, too, but instead, took time to intensify his seduction. He thought taking her to the best restaurants and whisking her away for sexless, romantic weekends would turn her on even more. Joe couldn’t have been more wrong. Instead, these things irritated her and even made her wonder if he thought of her as dating material. She’d always heard that sometimes men make friends with women they’re attracted to, yet never consider outside of the so called friend zone.

  On the night they finally made love, Maddie was relieved. She told him how worried she was that he didn’t like her. Joe said she was too eager to give herself away. Maybe that was true, but she’d never been with a man who was old fashioned. Besides, what if they’d dated and slept together, only to realize they weren’t sexually compatible? Wasn’t it better to know sooner?

  Not that it mattered because they were sexually compatible. In the end, Maddie was touched by his sentiment. Intimate reverence was something she’d never experienced with a man before.

  Funnily enough, Joe disappeared on her after that night. Maddie realized that the intensity of the seduction was for his own enjoyment. ‘Sex is better when it’s fueled by compulsion,’ he’d said to her. Did that mean she was no longer useful?

  Eight weeks went by and Maddie couldn’t get him out her mind. After failing numerous times to persuade him to see her again, her best girlfriend told her to call it quits. The problem with that was Maddie never quit anything; if there was a way, she would find it.

  She loved to remember that night; every detail right down to what she said and did. It was the night she brought him to her, forever.

  He was in the desert on business that weekend. Under the pretense of a secret admirer, that night in her little red spaghetti strapped dress, paired with tan leather heels, she went to him.

  Although tall and a bit thin, she was an hourglass with full breasts, lovely muscular legs, and the feet of a Goddess. When she walked, the dress offered glimpses of her balanced body. Her legs would send a ripple through the A-line, envelop her figure and relax again with each step.

  Joe stared at her from the bar. His mouth fell open; his eyes widened.

  He couldn’t keep his eyes or his hands off her. At the bar, while waiting for a dinner table, Joe rubbed her bottom while kissing and biting her neck. Maddie tried to push him away because people were staring, but he held her face and kissed her more lustfully.

  People gasped and made loud noises of disapproval. Joe didn’t care. He entwined his tongue as deeply, with Maddie’s, as he could.

  Just when she thought he’d regained control of himself, he asked her back to his room, where he’d “forgotten” something.

  In the elevator, Joe grabbed her ass aggressively, knocking her into his chest. The fingers on his other hand parted the flesh between her legs and massaged her, preparing her for what was to come.

  Unable to care anymore about being seen like that, she moaned and pushed her hips into him, begging for more. Joe responded accordingly, and placed the hand that held her ass into the top of her dress, filling his palms with her pointed flesh.

  She bobbed up and down between both of his hands as the elevator ascended. When the door finally opened, they walked, fast, to his room.

  Joe opened the door, put his arm around her waist, picked her up like she was no more than a grocery bag, and placed her inside.

  He closed the door, turned to her and peeled off his gray suit jacket.

  Maddie laid her purse on the desk.

  He stepped closer to her.

  Even now, she liked to remember how he kissed her that night; how he used his mouth to grab her bottom lip and pulled it back gently. It reminded her of a person savoring the first bite of something delicious.

  He pressed his lips hard onto hers as he pulled the spaghetti straps of her dress down both shoulders. The dress fell to the floor.

  She lay on the bed and watched him get undressed.

  Joe was an Adonis, except with a little more definition in the buttocks and legs. He had hardly any fat on his body and when he leaned over, Maddie saw the outline of the six pack just under the surface of his skin. There was a small patch of hair on his chest; it was darker than the hair on his head. His skin looked particularly tan under the lights.

  Joe lay down next to her, looked into her eyes and told her how beautiful she was. At that moment, Maddie truly felt like beauty was gleaming out from every one of her pores.

  She smiled and looked directly into his eyes. He smiled back.

  Joe buried his face in her softness. The warmth of his lips made her pulse quicken, and her stomach ache. His tongue entered her and licked her clean. Maddie
had never been so turned on; it only took seconds before her hips jerked into that tight upward motion.

  He French kissed her mouth, down her neck, and over her breasts, licking and sucking her nipples. Maddie reached down to feel his erection, which pulsated in her hand. Joe groaned when she did this.

  Joe slid inside her. Maddie had never produced so much natural lubrication in her life. And the cup runneth over, she mused to herself. She moved her hips up and down, slowly, on his cock.

  Just watching him go in and out of her turned him on. She could tell because the expression on his face was slack and tortured looking, like he was just barely keeping it together.

  Before she had time to work herself up for it, she was off. This time, she couldn’t hold back her scream. It was so powerful that Joe felt it, too; the blood seemed to drain from his face. He groaned even louder as her womb convulsed tightly on him. He pulled out just as the pleasure took him.

  The one thing she loved about Joe was that he never left her hanging after making love. Rather, he would lay with her, stroke and hold her. That night, they cuddled so close, and after they’d made love for the third time, he told her he loved her.

  Maddie thought he must’ve been lying because they hardly knew each other. In her experience, getting a man’s love usually took a lot of work. Just look at what she went through to get him there, that night?

  Or maybe he was a game player, and his disappearance was planned from the beginning?

  Joe went on to prove his love, though. Only a few more months went by before he proposed they get married. She was only too happy to accept; however, his parents certainly thought they were moving fast.

  Joe explained that they were just old fashioned; that they wanted him to marry someone who would be a proper housewife and have his children. Instead, they got Maddie whose plans for family were uncertain.

  She understood what Joe’s family expected of him because she, too, came from a lazy upper class family where the women didn’t do much. But that wasn’t the world she was conditioned to. Plus, she’d promised her grandmother, before she died, that she’d accomplish things in her life. Grandmother always said she regretted not doing more, like joining the workforce after child birth. At those times, the women who changed the world by demanding equality were viewed askance. Grandmother admitted that she cared too much of what others thought.

  Maddie was happy thinking that Grandmother would be proud. After six years of college to get her MBA, and seven years with the furniture company, Maddie was a vice president. And she wasn’t ready to let her hard work amount to nothing because she finally got married. This was not to say that she didn’t want children, but at 35 and working 60 hours a week, it wasn’t looking good to her in-laws.

  None of it matter because Joe loved Maddie, anyway. Six months later, they were married at Saint Mary’s Chapel in front of 300 people. The wedding was a huge success. Photos made it into the newspaper as well as several bridal magazines. Joe’s father had many friends who he helped get to places of success and wealth; they gave generously to his son and Maddie.

  For the most part, their marriage was agreeable without many squabbles. There were issues that would arise every now and then, but Maddie always thought they were lucky. They loved each other and were happy living together. The only problem was, oftentimes, weeks would go by where they’d hardly see each other. She hoped to fix that, starting with this weekend.


  She woke up feeling blissful at the idea of spending time with her man. It took some nagging, but he finally agreed to a weekend in the desert.

  Maddie rolled over, put her hand on his shoulder, and tried to urge him over onto his back. When he refused, she kissed him on the back of his ear, and then worked her way down his neck.

  “Good morning, shmook.” That was her pet name for him. He hated it, but seeing as it, usually, was a sign that Maddie was in the mood to make love, he allowed it.

  He rolled over onto his back and for a split-second, she thought he looked irritated.

  Joe’s mood swings were perpetuated by his exhausting work schedule; although sometimes she suspected there was something else going on. She always told him it was better to talk about things that worried him, but it was pointless because he’d never open up to her. If she pressed him too hard, he would snap.

  None of this matter, though, because Maddie was determined to make him forget his troubles.

  “Come on, don’t you want to slide inside?” she asked in a high pitched, breathless tone. This voice always gave him instant wood.

  Maddie parted his lips with hers, and flicked his tongue, lightly. Joe closed his eyes and rolled back over onto his side.

  His voice was muffled by the pillow. He sighed aloud and said, “Good morning. I just need, like, fifteen minutes more sleep, and then we can go, okay?”

  She ran her hand under his arm, down his slim belly and lightly over his soft manliness. The little hairs tickled her hands. Maddie gave him a light groping as she stretched her neck over so she could kiss the corner of his mouth. She pressed her breasts into his back while kissing his ear.

  Once more, she tried to coax him over onto his back, but he wasn’t having it. He shot straight up in a violent, angry motion. The walls vibrated as he stomped across the floor, into the bathroom where he slammed the door and started the shower.

  An hour and a half later, the bags were packed, and they both ate breakfast in the kitchen. Joe stood, facing the wall, by the refrigerator, looking down into his plate. Maddie was before the window, looking out at the backyard. Every so often, she threw a glance over her shoulder, at him.

  Maddie was heartbroken. So far, her sexy weekend was not off to a good start. Eating separately was a long time habit of theirs because of their hectic schedules, but that morning she’d hoped they’d eat together. She tried to be kind to Joe by making him a cappuccino just the way he liked it; she handed it to him and went to make their bagels and eggs, but Joe couldn’t even bring himself to say thank you.

  Twenty minutes later, they were in the car and ready to go. Joe was still not talking to her, so Maddie asked pleadingly, “Honey, can’t you try to be happy? We’re on our way to have a wonderful, sexy weekend?”

  He said nothing, started the BMW, and they left the garage. Maddie looked out of the window, beginning to feel frustrated herself. Briefly, she contemplated leaping out of the car as they drove down 110.

  Ride from a Stranger

  Chapter 2

  They drove down the coast and then inland, toward the desert, for about an hour. Joe neither looked at nor said a word to her. Was he trying to punish her?

  Maddie couldn’t stand the silence anymore. She leaned over and turned on the radio. From the corner of her eyes, she looked over at Joe and noticed that he was perspiring. It was about sixty degrees outside with a chilly ocean breeze; the inside of the car was cold, too.

  Maybe it’s a cold sweat, she thought.

  Then his cell phone rang. He didn’t answer it or turn it off. Whoever it was must have been urgent, for they called back two more times.

  “Why don’t you just answer the phone?”

  Joe pulled a funny little phone from his pocket and pressed the off key.

  “What happened to your I Phone? Why are you using that?”

  Joe kept driving, pretending that he didn’t notice her looking at him. Finally, she said, “Why are you being so mean? Would it kill you to say two words to me? If this is how the trip is going to be, then just turn around and let’s go home. I don’t want to spend a weekend with you when you’re like this. Hell, if you need time, I’ll spend the weekend, alone, in the desert.”

  “Mad,” as Joe sometimes called her, “I don’t feel like arguing, right now, and I don’t feel like talking, either. Can you just let me have a few minutes of peace and quiet? Why must you always run your mouth? Can’t you shut up?”

  “That’s it; turn around,” she yelled. “This trip is over!”

  Joe pulled off at the next exit. Maddie thought he would turn around to get on the reverse side of the freeway, but instead, he drove into a gas station where he parked.

  “Joe, what are you doing? I said I don’t want to go, anymore. This trip is over!”

  “The trip is not over! We are going to the desert. Now, if you don’t want to go, then get out of the fucking car, NOOOW,” he screamed at her.

  His face was beet red.

  Maddie turned her head just in time to miss the globules of spit and sweat that propelled from his quivering face and mouth.

  She grabbed her purse and tried to open the door.

  Joe was too quick. He grabbed her by the arm and yanked her back into the seat.

  “SIT DOWN!” he yelled.

  “You just told me to leave!” she screamed back at him.

  “I lied! You’re not going anywhere.”

  Joe stepped out of the car and walked inside the gas station. Maddie tried to stop them from coming but couldn’t; the tears ran down her face.

  Joe always had a bad temper, but it still hurt, no matter how much she tried to get used to it. Yes, she knew that this was verbal abuse, but she couldn’t bring herself to do anything about. All of her friends thought she was silly, the idea of leaving someone because they got mad and yelled, even though she tried to explain the measure of the situation. Simply, they just didn’t understand.

  It was a poor excuse, she knew, but she couldn’t leave him because she loved him with all her heart. So, yes, he was a jerk. Still, if it ever came down to life and death, in any regard, he would be there for her. Shouldn’t that count for something? she asked of herself.

  Joe opened the door and got back in the car. From a brown paper bag he pulled a bottle of water and a box of tissues and handed them to her.


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