Books for Girls - WITCH SCHOOL - Books 2-6: Book 1 is FREE!

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Books for Girls - WITCH SCHOOL - Books 2-6: Book 1 is FREE! Page 2

by Katrina Kahler

  'Firstly you will need a sprig of lavender,' she held up her sprig, before she placed it into her cauldron.

  The rest of the girls carefully placed their lavender into their cauldron and eagerly awaited their next instructions. Charlotte tried to remain focused on Miss Maker, as she didn't want to become distracted and mess up her potion.

  'Next you'll need a pinch of chestnut powder,' she picked up a small amount of the beige looking dust.

  'How can we be sure we've measured it right?' Stef asked.

  'If it fits between your thumb and forefinger then you should be fine.'

  Stef picked up the chestnut powder three times before she settled on an amount and sprinkled it into her cauldron.

  'Now take one cherry,' she picked it up by the stem. 'And throw it all in.'

  Miss Maker hummed quietly to herself and waited until all the girls had finished.

  'Now, take your essence of peppermint,' she lifted up a small bottle. 'And apply two teaspoons,' she poured it onto the spoon before she brought it up to her nose. 'Peppermint is such a delightful smell, it reminds me of the mints my grandmother makes at Christmas.'

  'Now, I see you're all ready so let's continue,' she looked around the room. 'Now, stir once clockwise. Once anti-clockwise and then twice more clockwise Now, pick up your blossom tree petal,' she lifted a pinkish-white petal. 'And crumple it under your fingers and then sprinkle it in.'

  'I hope I'm doing this right?' Gerty whispered to Charlotte. She smiled but didn't reply, as she was concentrating.

  'Now stir your potion three times anti-clockwise and you're done,' she took her spoon out of her potion. 'Demi, you only stirred twice.'

  'No, I'm sure I stirred three times.'

  'I can assure you that it was only twice,' Stef gave a sly smile.

  Demi shrugged before she stirred her potion one more time anti-clockwise.

  'Looks like you're all done, now all that's left to do is to wait for the potions to settle and then sip it down.'

  'How does this potion work?' Stef asked, as she peered down at her smoking cauldron.

  'I can't know for sure, as potions vary.'

  'It will be good results though won't it?' Alice asked.

  Miss Maker smiled, 'Of course, why do you think all your teachers look so young and beautiful? I think that your potions would have settled by now, so go ahead.'

  Demi was the first girl to pour the potion into her glass but she waited until she saw that other girls had drunk theirs before she took a sip from it. Gerty and Charlotte exchanged looks before they both emptied their glasses.

  'Do I look any different?' Stef said, her arm on her waist.

  'No,' Charlotte shook her head.

  'This potion doesn't work,' Demi sighed.

  'I suggest that you give it time to bloom,' the teacher chuckled.

  The girls glanced around at each other as they tried to spot signs that the spell was working. They were beginning to think that the spell was a dud and that nothing would happen, that was until Stef gave Gerty a double-look.

  'Gerty, you look different,' Stef said, as she stared at her. 'You look younger.'

  'Younger! How can I look younger?' she looked horrified, as she touched her face.

  'You look slightly shorter too,' Alice chimed in.

  'No I don't,' Gerty fought back tears.

  'You look fine Gerty,' Charlotte said, as she looked down at her arms, noticing how her cardigan had become baggier on her.

  'They've gone, where did they go?' Demi shouted, as she looked down at her chest. 'I want them back right now.'

  Stef began to laugh as she looked over at Demi's hysterics. Demi was the only girl in their class who needed a bra and this potion had made her as flat chested as the rest of them.

  You're as flat as an iron,' Stef snorted.

  'Shush,' Charlotte said to Stef, followed by a wink.

  'Miss Maker, this spell was supposed to make us look good, yet we all look like little kids. You must reverse the spell immediately!' Demi insisted.

  'Nonsense, you all look beautiful,' Miss Maker smiled.

  'I look stupid, I need to be back to normal,' Demi grasped her arms across her chest.

  'You'll have to wait until the spell wears off.'

  'What! But the ball is next week,' Stef said.

  'You'll be back to normal in a few weeks.'

  On hearing this, the room was filled with groans and disgruntled looks from the girls.

  'Are you saying that we could be stuck looking like this at the ball?' Demi said.

  'It's hard to know with magic. None of you need to worry, you all look glowing.'

  'I don't want to look glowing, I want to look my age,' Demi growled.

  'That's it for today, now clear up your cauldrons and then you can go,' Miss Maker addressed the girls.

  Begrudgingly the girls did as Miss Maker said, including Demi, although she took the longest to tidy up as she refused to move one of her arms away from her chest. Once they'd all tidied up Miss Maker dismissed them and they headed for the door.

  'Bye girls,' Miss Maker said cheerily.

  'Bye,' Charlotte said, forcing a smile. She was annoyed at the effects of the potion, but Miss Maker was still her favorite teacher and she didn't want to appear anything but polite towards her.

  'This sucks,' Stef said, when they were out of earshot of Miss Maker.

  'It's not so bad,' Gerty jumped on the spot. 'I have some lip-gloss and baby pink eyeshadow we can use at the ball.'

  'Great,' Stef rolled her eyes. 'Not only will I look like a little kid, I will also look like Barbie doll.'

  'Stef,' Charlotte glared at her.

  'Sorry Gerty,' Stef sighed. 'I just really wanted to look good for the ball.'

  'You always look good,' Gerty smiled.

  'All that matters is that we're all be together at the ball, forget the boys,' Charlotte said.

  'You're right, I can't wait,' Gerty squealed.

  'My mother has a room full of make-up at home, I'd ask her to send some of it over to me, but it's very expensive,' Alice said.

  'It doesn't matter Alice, I'm sure Gerty's lip-gloss will be just fine,' Charlotte smiled.

  'Who needs boys anyway? Stef said.

  'Yeah, they like dirt and find stupid jokes funny,' Gerty said.

  'Yeah, we don't need them,' Stef put her arms around Gerty and Charlotte's shoulders. 'Girl's rule and boys drool.'

  'Ew,' laughed Gerty.

  'You could try asking your mom about the make-up Alice, if you tell her that you look about eight she might take pity on you,' Stef grinned.

  'I do not look eight,' she gave an indignant look.

  'Just messing,' chuckled Stef.

  'Not funny,' Alice smiled.

  They all continued up the corridor, the thought of the ball and the prospect of meeting the boys from the Wizard’s School at the forefront of their minds.

  Chapter Three

  For the last week the main topic echoing through the corridors was about the school ball. The new students were talking about what refreshments would be served, what songs would be played and most importantly what the boys from the Wizard’s School would be like. Whilst the older girls were discussing the boys by name, what outfit they'd be wearing and any potions that could improve their image, dancing and what they should say to boys. The Academy was at one with excitement and the mood was electric.

  It was only an hour until they left for the Wizard’s College and Charlotte and the others were getting ready.

  'Whose taken my sparkly red ballet pumps?' Alice said, as she looked from girl-to-girl accusingly.

  'I haven't seen them,' Gerty replied.

  'My aunt brought them for me from a boutique in Paris and they aren't where I left them.'

  'Nope, not seen them,' Stef shrugged, as she held up two dresses. 'Blue or green?'

  'I like the blue one,' Charlotte said.

  'Yeah, me too,' Gerty said.

  'Both would clash
terribly with my shoes, so give them back.'

  'I don't have your stupid shoes,' Stef groaned, as she put the green dress down on her bed and hung onto the blue one.

  There was a knock at the door and all the girls turned to look at it.

  'Come in,' Gerty said.

  The door opened and in walked Sonya and Silvia, both of them looking stunning in strappy knee-length dresses, Sonya's in baby blue and Silvia's in magenta.

  'Who put this there,' Sonya said, as she tripped over a red shoe that was by the door, managing to grab onto the doorframe to steady her balance.

  'Erm, that's mine,' Alice rushed over and picked up the shoe, a sheepish look on her face.

  'You both look great,' Charlotte said.

  'Thanks,' they replied in unison.

  'You both look beautiful and I still look like a little kid,' Gerty bounced down onto her bed.

  'No you don't Gerty, you look good,' Sonya said, as she took in Gerty's pretty pink floral dress.

  'You know the potion has worn off, thank goodness,' Stef said, as she tied the sash on her dress.

  'I know but I still look younger than the rest of you.'

  'Well you are younger,' Stef said.

  'You look great,' Charlotte smiled. 'And I love your dress.'

  'It's cute isn't it?'


  'We're just checking by from room to room to see how everyone's getting on?' Sonya said.

  'We're nearly done,' Stef said.

  'What are the boys like?' Gerty asked.

  'The same as any other boys really. Some are cute, some make your skin cruel,' Silvia said.

  'Do you remember that boy from the last ball, the one with the manically crazy hair that wouldn't stop following you around?' Sonya looked at her sister.

  'Don't remind me,' she shook her shoulders. 'I had to hide under the refreshment table at one point just to get away from him.'

  'Will there be boys from established wizard families there as I can't be seen dancing with just anyone,' Alice said, as she patted down the material of her cream dress.

  'What makes you think they'd want to dance with you anyway?' Stef said.

  'Alice, I have no idea. You'll just have to ask them when you're there,' said Sonya.

  'I shouldn't have to ask them anything, a boy from an established family should come over to me and begin the conversation.'

  'I don't think they'll be walking around with neon lights on them saying where they're from, not unless you try a spell,' Stef chuckled.

  'Alice, we suggest you go to the ball intent on having a good time and if you find a boy, established or not, then so be it,' Sonya said.

  'What boy could resist those shoes,' Gerty pointed down at Alice's feet, she'd found the other shoe under her bed and now had both of them on.

  'They are Dorothy shoes, I like them when I'm not tripping over them,' Sonya said.

  'My grandmother got them for me from Paris, from a very expensive shop,' Alice moved to the side to show them off better.

  'We had better go check on the other girls. When you're ready head down to the great hall, Molly will be waiting there for you,' Silvia gave a wave as she headed out of the door, her sister following her.

  'Let's go,' said Stef, as she grabbed her wand off her bed and threaded it through the sash on her dress.

  'Are you sure I look okay?' Gerty said, as she did a spin that caused her dress to flow out like an upside-down umbrella.

  'You look great, now let's go and dance,' Charlotte grabbed Gerty's arm and led her over to the door.

  'Come on Dorothy,' Stef looked back over at Alice who was rummaging through the pile of clothes on her bed. 'You can't be late for the Emerald City.'

  Alice grabbed her wand off her bed and hurried over to the others.


  Molly was stood in front of the staff table on the platform in the grand hall. She was wearing a corseted black-netted dress and she wore a black heart shaped clip in the side of her hair.

  'Right everyone, a few rules before we head off to the wizard’s college. No spiking the punch bowl with magic, no using love spells on the boys and remember that you are representing the Academy, therefore you must be on your best behavior at all times.

  Right, follow me in an orderly fashion outside,' she walked down off the stage and then gestured for them to follow her out of the side door.

  'I'm so excited,' Gerty said to Charlotte, as they followed the crowd of students towards the door.

  'Me too,' replied Charlotte, as she managed to move her foot just in time before a girl in high heels stood on it.

  They squashed through the doorway and out into the yard where a circular gold and black carriage was waiting for them. Harnessed to it were eight white wooden carousel horses, their manes painted on in golds and pinks and there were black-feathered headdresses attached to their halter.

  'Wow,' Gerty said, as she grabbed Charlotte's arm in excitement. 'I used to love riding on the carousel horses when I was little.'

  'How are those horses meant to get us anywhere, they aren't real?' Stef said.

  Just then one of the horses near the front neighed loudly and moved its front leg that caused Stef to jolt backwards.

  'Okay but I still don't know how we are all meant to fit in that, it's tiny,' Stef remarked, as she watched as some of the other girls climbed up the steps and into the carriage.

  'Let's find out,' Charlotte pulled Stef forwards.

  'I don't mind if you go first,' Stef said, as she let Charlotte pass her.

  Charlotte nodded, before she walked up the steps and into the carriage. Inside was at least the same size as the grand hall and it was full of circular glass tables surrounded by gold and red padded chairs.

  'Double wow,' Gerty said open-mouthed, as she walked in behind Charlotte.

  Alice came in next, she was pulling on Stef's arm. They both stopped still when they saw inside the carriage, which caused the girl coming in behind them to walk straight into the back of Stef.

  'Move it,' she growled.

  'Sorry,' Stef muttered, as she and Alice walked over to Charlotte and Gerty, who were now sitting at one of the tables.

  'This is cool,' Stef said.

  'You weren't thinking that a minute ago when you were making excuses not to come in here,' Alice said.

  'I was not, I just thought I'd forgotten my wand, that's all,' Stef blushed.

  'At my old school we had this rickety old bus to take us on school trips. It constantly smelt of vomit and the springs from the seats dug into my back. This is definitely an improvement,' Charlotte said.

  'I've never been on a bus, they sound awful,' Alice shuddered.

  'They weren't so bad, well, apart from that school trip bus, that was terrible. Nothing like this though, this is amazing,' Charlotte said.

  'My parents have a private chauffeur so I'm used to transport that isn't overcrowded,' she looked around her at all the dressed-up girls sitting in the carriage. 'I suppose that this is passable.'

  'Well I think it's amazing,' Charlotte said.

  'Me too,' Gerty giggled. 'I can't wait, I've never been to a ball before.'

  The carriage began to move and there were shouts of excitement between all the girls. The ball they had been anticipating since the beginning of term had finally arrived.


  The Wizard’s School was over the mountain range, disguised by a thick array of oak trees. The carriage passed under an arched gateway saying Alexander's College, and the magnificent brick castle came into view. Most of the girls jumped out of their seats and crowded around the windows, trying to get a glimpse of the castle.

  The carriage came to a stop and Molly appeared by the door, her wand gripped firmly in her hand so that Charlotte thought she resembled a Gothic fairy.

  'So, as you've all no doubt figured out, we're here. No pushing or shoving when getting off the carriage and if people near the front get off first that will make things easier. When you get outside wait in
the yard with Sonya and Silvia for me and we shall lead you into the college.


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