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Books for Girls - WITCH SCHOOL - Books 2-6: Book 1 is FREE! Page 38

by Katrina Kahler

  ‘I’ll miss you too,’ Molly wrapped her arms around her. ‘You’ll be fine Charlotte, you’re a brilliant witch and make sure that you never forget that. Okay?’ she wiped a tear from Charlotte’s cheek.

  Charlotte nodded as she sniffed. She rubbed her eyes and tried to compose herself.

  ‘Can I say goodbye to Flame?’

  ‘I’ve already got you into enough trouble. You have to go back to your room and back to bed, okay?’

  ‘Molly, please, don’t do this?’

  ‘I have to. I will tell him you said bye, okay?’

  ‘Okay,’ Charlotte nodded.

  Molly put her rucksack on her back, grabbed her broom and checked the room one last time before she walked over to her window.

  ‘I’ll miss you,’ she quickly walked over and gave Charlotte a huge hug.

  ‘I’ll miss you too,’ Charlotte sniffed.

  ‘Bye Charlotte,’ she went back to the window and hopped onto her broom.

  ‘Bye room,' she whispered before she flew off into the night.

  Charlotte tried not to cry. She looked over at Molly's chewed up the duvet and she let out a laugh. Soon her laughter turned to tears, hot, thick tears that trickled down her cheeks.

  She wiped them away. She took a deep breath. Molly had gone, she knew that. She knew that on this occasion she just had to let her go. Yet, she couldn’t help but feel guilty. Maybe she should have tried harder to make her stay? What if something bad happened to her and to Flame?

  Charlotte tried to shake away these thoughts as she walked back to her room. She knew that she'd had to let Molly go because if she'd stayed then Flame would have been in danger and Molly loved that dragon more than anything else in the world.

  She got into her bed and closed her eyes, only sleep didn’t come easily. Instead, her thoughts were alive with dragons, rubble remains, and Molly and Flame out there somewhere in the wide, deep, unknown.


  Unable to sleep Margaret had gone outside to read and when she’d heard shouting coming from a room above her. She’d flown up to the wall next to the window and listened in. There, she’d heard the conversation between Molly and Charlotte.

  When Molly had flown out of the window for a horrible moment Margaret thought that she was going to be caught. Only Molly didn’t look back, so she didn’t see her.

  Margaret made sure that the coast was clear before she flew up to the ajar window of her room. She pulled the window open and stepped down onto the window ledge.

  ‘So, Molly's gone off to rescue Flame the dragon,’ she thought to herself. ‘Now, this is going to be fun,' she smirked.


  The girls were woken up by loud tooting noises that came from outside their window.

  ‘Shut up Alice.' Stef groaned as she covered her face with her pillow.

  ‘It’s not me,’ Alice replied.

  ‘It’s an owl,’ Gerty said.

  She had her duvet wrapped around her shoulders as she pointed at a large owl that was perched on the windowsill.

  ‘Whatever,’ Stef muffled out.

  ‘What’s going on?’ Charlotte pulled back her cover and hurried over to the window.

  ‘There’s an emergency meeting in the great hall. Hurry, you must go there immediately and remember your brooms,’ the owl said.

  The owl looked at the girls before it fluttered its wings and flew off.

  ‘What's going on?' Stef asked, sitting up in her bed.

  ‘There’s a meeting and we need to be quick,’ Gerty answered.

  ‘I am not an owl,’ Alice huffed, but the others ignored her.

  ‘I wonder what it’s about?’ Gerty said.

  ‘It had better be something good,’ Stef yawned. ‘I could still be sleeping right now.’

  ‘I don’t look or sound like an owl.’

  ‘Shut-up Alice!’ Stef rolled her eyes.

  Alice huffed as she flounced her way into the bathroom and slammed the door shut.

  ‘She’d better not take ages,’ Stef groaned.

  ‘What do you think this meeting’s about?’ Gerty looked at Charlotte.

  ‘I don’t know,’ Charlotte shrugged.

  As she changed into her uniform she couldn’t stop thinking about Molly and Flame. She hoped that they had got away safely but was worried that they hadn’t. What if Miss Moffat was about to tell them all that Molly had been expelled, or worse, that something awful had happened to her?

  She knew that the only way to find out was by going to this meeting.

  Chapter Five

  The sky was alive with the sounds of chirping crickets and night howlers. A brightly colored fish flew out of the stream and splashed back into the water.

  Molly flew through the woodland area and landed by the door to Flame’s house. She tried to compose herself but her heart was beating at an uncontrollable rate. She leaned against the wall and breathed in-and-out, as she battled with the thoughts in her head.

  What if this was a mistake? What if Charlotte told Miss Moffat? What if she couldn’t find anywhere to run away to? What if the weather turned and they got too hot or too cold? What if they couldn’t find water or ran out of food?

  All of these questions flew around her head and she felt like she was on a game show, one where she didn’t know the winning answer.

  She knew that she couldn't go inside feeling riled-up, as Flame would sense it. So, she put her hair into a ponytail, let out a sigh and forced a smile on her face before she opened the door and stepped into the building.

  She balanced her broom against the wall and took off her rucksack and placed it down on the ground.

  Flame was curled up asleep on his blanket. She could hear his soft snores from the doorway and felt bad that she was about to disturb him. She knelt down next to him and gently nudged him.

  ‘Come on boy,’ she shook him again. ‘You’ve got to wake-up.’

  Flame opened one eye and let out a wide yawn before he instantly fell back to sleep.

  ‘Please Flame, we have to go right now. It’ll be an adventure. One with just you and me.’

  Flame didn’t budge and Molly felt herself begin to panic. How would she survive out there in the unknown if she couldn’t even get Flame to get up? She shook this thought from her mind and continued to nudge Flame.

  ‘Come on Flame, I’ll give you an apple.’ He opened one eye. ‘And you’ll get to fly outside at night.’

  Flame opened his other eye and flared his nostrils as he sniffed at the air.

  ‘Please Flame, we need to go now while it’s still dark.’

  She walked across the room and picked up the rope that she used for flying with Flame. She walked over to the door and pulled an apple out of her pocket and held it in the air.

  Flame yawned, flicked out his tongue and then stretched out his legs. He patted his way over to Molly and gulped the apple down in one go.

  ‘Good boy,’ she stroked his head. ‘Now, let’s go flying,’ she placed the rope over his head.

  Flame yawned again before he lay down on the ground.

  ‘No Flame, we aren’t sleeping, we’re going flying.’ She couldn’t hide the desperation in her voice.

  Flame’s ears pricked at the world ‘flying’.

  ‘That's it, boy, let's go and fly.’

  Molly put her rucksack on and picked up her broom. She was about to open the door when it burst open and bashed into her arm.

  Ow!’ she howled, as she jerked backwards.

  ‘Molly!’ Ethan stepped into the room. ‘I offer my deepest apologies. Are you hurt?’

  ‘No, no, I’m fine.’

  ‘I didn’t expect to find you here tonight...but I must add that it is a pleasant surprise.’

  ‘Er, yes. I wasn’t going to come tonight but I couldn’t sleep so I thought I’d take Flame out for a night fly.’

  ‘Molly, are you okay? It’s just that you seem flustered.’

  ‘Yes. Yes, I’m absolutely fine,’ she forced a smile.
‘Now, if you’ll excuse us.’

  Molly pulled on the rope and led Flame towards the door.

  ‘Why the rucksack?’ he grabbed her arm.

  ‘Just supplies.’

  ‘Molly. Why are you lying to me?’

  ‘I’m not. Although I don’t see how it is any of your business. Flame is my dragon, not yours,’ she shook her arm free.

  ‘I’m a trained Huntsman, I know how to read people and creatures. It comes in very useful when a troll is trying to trick me. You see Molly, it’s all in the eyes and as beautiful as yours are...they are shrieking out to me that your lies could lead you into great danger.’

  ‘I think it’s a bit late for that,’ she muttered.

  She pulled on Flames rope and walked past Ethan.

  ‘Molly, stop!’ He tried to grab her arm but she swerved out of the way. ‘I want to help you.’

  ‘I don’t need your help. Leave me alone.’

  ‘I can’t let you leave,’ he blocked the doorway.

  ‘Move out of the way,’ she aimed her wand at him.

  ‘Molly, please. Let me help you?’

  ‘Move! This is your last warning.’

  ‘Molly. Whatever trouble you’re in, I will do my best to help you.’

  ‘Tempus mus,’ she flicked her wand.

  Ethan gave a horrified look as his entire body began to shake. He looked down at his hands as they began to shrink…his whole body was shrinking. He opened his mouth to say something but before he could get the words out he shrank down further, his sword clattered to the floor and he became a small brown mouse.

  ‘I’m sorry Ethan,’ Molly said to the little mouse. ‘It’s only temporary but it gives us enough time to get away from here and from you.’

  Flame sniffed at the mouse but Molly tugged on the rope and led him through the door.

  ‘I’m sorry,’ Molly mouthed to the small, brown mouse that had just fought its way out from amongst the clothes.

  She closed the door behind her and Flame and let out a thoughtful sigh. She had been so horrible to Ethan and then she’d turned him into a mouse. She had asked him to move and he wouldn’t. He should have just let her go.

  She mounted her broom and tied the end of Flame’s rope to it, binging it together with a securing spell just to be safe.

  ‘Come on Flame,’ she flew up into the air and he flew up alongside her.

  Molly took one last look back at the house before they flew off into the night.

  Chapter Six

  The girls hurried down to the great hall, which was already packed with students. They couldn’t find four seats together so Stef and Gerty sat three rows in front of Charlotte and Alice.

  ‘A meeting at this hour is ridiculous. Surely there is something in the Academy rules and procedures about meeting times,’ Alice grumbled.

  Stef had dragged Alice out of the room before she’d had time to brush her hair, so it currently resembled straw. Charlotte thought that she resembled the scarecrow out of The Wizard of Oz but she knew better than to tell her this.

  Charlotte didn't reply to Alice, instead, she stared at the stage where the sitting staff couldn't disguise their exhausted yawns.

  Miss Moffat and Molly were the only ones missing, a fact which made Charlotte’s heart sink to the bottom of her chest.

  ‘I need my sleep! They can’t possibly expect me to function at my best when they wake me at this ghastly hour.’

  The doors of the great hall swung open and Charlotte and Alice both turned their heads. Miss Moffat flew into the room, followed by a dozen bats. She flew up onto the stage and dismounted her broom.

  The room felt silent and all eyes were focused on Miss Moffat as she stood near the front of the stage, her black lace cape skimming the floor.

  ‘No doubt you are all curious to know why you’re been summoned here at this hour? Unfortunately, I have called this meeting to share with you some unsettling news. Molly McDonald, our head girl, has gone missing. It is therefore vital that we search for her. You are to gather into groups of five and search the Academy grounds. If you spot anything at all that may be of use in finding Molly, then one person from your group must use their wand to send sparks up into the sky. If this happens you are to remain where you are and wait for a member of staff to arrive. Molly is a vital member of the Academy community and we all want her to be found safe. So, let’s not waste any more time and get this search underway.’

  Murmurs erupted around the room and chairs scraped back as students gossiped with each other as they formed their groups.

  ‘So, it’s Molly’s fault that I had to get up at this ridiculous hour.’ Alice moaned, as she tugged on a clump of her hair trying to straighten it.

  Charlotte watched as Miss Moffat walked over to Miss Scarlet. They talked to each other as they left the stage. She wondered what they saying. She was contemplating whether reading their minds would be a good idea or not...when Stef and Gerty appeared.

  ‘Why would Molly go missing? I mean, she has her own room and she gets to boss students around. If I was the head girl, I wouldn't just randomly disappear. Not unless I did a vanishing spell that went wrong,’ Stef remarked.

  ‘I hope she’s okay,’ Gerty said.

  ‘If it was a gone wrong spell then she’ll reappear soon enough.’

  ‘I hope they take her head girl badge off her for making us get up this early,’ Alice moaned.

  ‘I’m sure she’ll be fine, she’s a talented witch,’ Gerty reassured.

  Charlotte looked flustered. She didn’t know how to react around her friends, she was worried that she’d been wrong to let Molly run away with Flame and now she was worried that Molly was in danger.

  ‘Are you okay Charlotte?’

  ‘Yes, fine thanks,’ she forced a smile.

  ‘I’m not okay, it’s far too early to be here,’ Alice huffed.

  ‘Shut-up Alice!’ Stef said.

  Gerty noticed that most of the other groups had already left the great hall.

  ‘We’d better get going,’ she pointed to the dispersing students.

  ‘This is ridiculous, it’s not my fault that she’s stupid enough to go missing,’ Alice folded her arms.

  Stef rolled her eyes before she grabbed Gerty and Charlotte’s arms and yanked them along.

  As they all walked up the aisle, Margaret stepped out from her row of seats and blocked their path.

  ‘You only have four people in your group so can I join you?’ she asked.

  ‘Yeah, sure,’ Gerty gave an awkward smile.

  ‘Great,’ Stef muttered.

  She stepped forward, deliberately stomping on Margaret’s foot.

  ‘Ow,’ Margaret glared at Stef.


  ‘Never mind,’ Margaret forced a smile.

  Charlotte felt sick with worry and now to make things worse she had to put up with Margaret. She trailed behind the rest of the group as she followed them out into the yard.

  She clutched tightly onto her broom. Her plan was to fall further behind the group until there was an opportunity for her to sneak away. Then, she would hurry over to the woodland area and check if Molly and Flame were still there?

  As they walked across the yard it became apparent that Margaret wasn’t planning on leaving Charlotte alone. She stuck to her side as if she’d been glued there. Margaret stayed close to her as they flew across the maze and she wouldn’t leave her side when they searched through one of the Academy’s forest areas.

  ‘She’s clearly not here,’ Stef sighed, as she slumped down on a tree stump.

  ‘She’s got to be somewhere,’ Gerty remained cheerful.

  ‘Yeah, well it isn’t here.’

  ‘Where do you think she is Charlotte?’ Margaret smirked at her.

  ‘I don’t know,’ she shrugged, as she diverted her gaze to the ground.

  ‘You’re friends with her. I mean, I’ve seen you together a lot.’

  ‘I don’t know her that well,’ she bit h
er tongue.

  ‘Oh, I thought you did.’

  ‘Come on Stef, you aren’t going to find Molly sitting there.’ Gerty grabbed her arm and pulled her up onto her feet.

  Stef gave a reluctant sigh as she trudged after Gerty.

  Charlotte began to walk after them and Margaret immediately followed alongside her.

  ‘So, you don’t know where Molly is?’ Margaret asked.

  ‘Why would I?’

  ‘Oh, no reason.’

  Charlotte stopped abruptly and Margaret stopped too.

  ‘Charlotte, are you okay? Do you want some of my water or I have a cereal bar you can have?' Margaret feigned concern.

  ‘No, thanks.’

  Charlotte began to walk briskly and Margaret kept the pace as she walked alongside her. She knew that there was no chance she was going to be able to check out the woodland area at this rate, not when Margaret was so intent on acting like a limpet.

  Convinced that Margaret was behaving oddly, Charlotte focused hard and soon the only thoughts that filled her head were Margaret’s.

  ‘She acts so innocent, it's sickening. As if she doesn't know where Molly and that dragon are?’

  Charlotte forced herself to keep on walking and not to let the dread show on her face. Margaret knew about Flame and she knew that Charlotte had been helping Molly. This was bad, really bad!

  Worried, Charlotte quickly focused in on the other girls’ thoughts.

  ‘I hope Charlotte’s okay. She seems anxious about something,’ Gerty thought.

  ‘The quicker we find her, the sooner we can have breakfast. I want pancakes, they’d better have pancakes,’ Stef thought.

  ‘I don’t care if we never find her. I never liked her anyway. She was stuck-up and rude,’ Alice thought.

  On hearing that no one besides Margaret was thinking about a dragon, Charlotte breathed a sigh of relief. Still, it unsettled her to know that Margaret knew about Flame. Still, Molly and Flame were probably long gone, so she had no proof, or did she?

  ‘Margaret,’ Charlotte stopped walking. ‘Actually, can I have some water please?’

  ‘Of course,’ Margaret held up her wand. ‘Aqua.’


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