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Embody Page 7

by Jamie Magee

  “What color am I?” Brady asked curiously.

  “Orange,” Landen answered first.

  Rose and August nodded in agreement.

  “Is that bad?” Brady asked, looking at August.

  “No. Orange shows warmth, courage, joy. In truth, there aren’t any bad colors, and they can change in an instant,” August answered.

  “The only time you should be concerned with an Aura is when it’s cloudy or has an odd shape,” Rose added. “You won’t find any of those colors around here; you’ll need to go to another dimension.”

  I looked at Landen, eager to find an excuse to go to Esteroius – either awake or asleep. I just wanted to help. He let his eyes fall to the floor and shook his head no as he felt my intent. I buried the frustration that wanted to surface.

  Rose felt the tension between us and sat forward. “There are plenty of dimensions that you can safely practice judging the auras. It’s just hard in a really happy place or a really sad place to see the energy move between people. Why don’t we all travel together tomorrow?”

  Landen finally looked up at me and could see my day trip to Paris disappearing quickly.

  “We’re going to go to Paris,” Landen said, looking at me.

  Brady looked sternly at Landen, showing his disapproval. “That’s a little dangerous, don’t you think?” His tone was definite.

  “Can you go another day? I think we should take Preston and Libby, and that’s a little far from home for them,” August asked.

  Landen stared back at me, leaving the decision up to me. I wanted to go with Olivia, but I had a stronger craving to help the people in Esterious. I knew that if we became stronger, Landen wouldn’t give me a hard time when I asked to go again. I nodded, letting him know I was OK with it.

  “What time?” Landen asked, still looking at me.

  “After breakfast should fine. I’ll call Ashten and Jason; I’m sure they won’t mind letting the kids come with us,” August said, standing up.

  Rose stood as well, then leaned down and hugged me.“I can feel you getting stronger,” she whispered into my ear.

  “See you in the morning,” August said over his shoulder.

  Brady looked at Landen as they drove away.

  “This is never going to be over, is it?” Brady asked.

  “There are eight beyond the sun and the moon,” Landen said, leaning back.

  “I should go with you tomorrow; I don’t like the idea of you guys being in the string,” Brady said.

  “You have a family. You need to stay here and be with Felicity,” Landen said in a frustrated tone.

  “Yeah, I do have a family, and I have a responsibility to all of them,” Brady said, looking intently at Landen.

  I could almost see the bond between them; it was obvious that they were closer to each other than the others.

  “We’re going to be fine tomorrow; we’ll go somewhere safe,” Landen said, looking at me.

  “I don’t have to wear yellow, do I ?” I asked, a little worried.

  Brady belted into laughter. “You took her there?”

  Landen grinned profusely and nodded, trying to hold in his laughter.

  “You ought to see Dad when he goes there,” Brady said, still laughing.

  I smiled, imagining Ashten in a bright yellow outfit.

  “I think we’ll go to Olence,” Landen said, looking at me to see if I remembered it.

  I did. It was the first dimension he took me to, the one that shielded their children.

  “We’re taking Libby and Preston,” I reminded him.

  “Yeah, but if August is with us, it’ll be fine; children are allowed to go out with an elder,” Landen said.

  Brady nodded in agreement.

  “Alright. I guess it’s safe enough. Hey, thanks for helping last night,” Brady said.

  “Can we help again?” I asked, excited.

  Brady smiled at me.“Yeah. Do you guys want to just stay the night? Felicity misses you,” he said, looking at me.

  I smiled.

  “We’ll get our bag and be over in little bit,” Landen said, looking at me.

  Brady nodded, then stood and stretched. “Good. That’ll make me look good. Mom told me I had to be sensitive to Felicity’s needs right now, something like if I say or do the wrong thing, Felicity will most likely kill me...hormones,” Brady said, looking at Landen - almost warning him.

  Landen nodded, hiding the impish grin that wanted to surface.

  “Yeah...you know...you picked a Scorpio,” Brady said in a teasing manner.

  “You’re just jealous because you’re an Aquarius,” I retorted quickly.

  “You’re right; it is a cool sign,” Brady said, playfully punching Landen in the arm, then slowly walking off the porch toward his house.

  I looked at Landen. “So, what warnings did Aubrey give you about me?” I asked

  Landen smiled, then came to my side and pulled me close to him.“She told me I was blessed and would live in admiration as I watched your mind work. She said it never stops.”

  “That’s all?” I questioned with a grin.

  “Well, there is that temper, and the stubbornness...no big deal for a patient Pieces like

  me,” Landen teased.

  “I guess I get to call Olivia and break the bad news,” I said grudgingly.

  Landen let out a breath. “They’ll understand. We’ll make it up to them,” he promised.

  I nodded and got up slowly, working out my excuse in my head before I called her.

  Olivia proved to be more understanding than I’d given her credit for; Chrispin seemed to take it harder. He missed being around Landen and Marc all the time.

  We packed an overnight bag and a change of clothes for the next day, then closed up the house. We took Landen’s jeep; Brady’s house was a good walk from here, and we were getting tired.

  As the headlights of the jeep flashed across the field, I felt a shock come over Landen. I looked up to see what he was looking at and saw a ghostly image of a young girl on her knees, crying.

  “Who is she?” I asked.

  “I don’t know,” Landen said, turning the jeep slowly around to flash the lights on the girl again. She didn’t look up when the lights landed on her. I felt her overwhelming sorrow. I opened the door and walked cautiously to her side. The young woman was small and frail, and her skin was as pale as winter. She was dressed in a long black coat, like the ones they wore in Esterious.

  Landen stepped protectively in front of me. “Are you alright?” he asked the girl. She didn’t acknowledge us. Landen reached his arm out to touch her, and I reached up and held him back.

  “I think she’s an image,” I whispered.

  Landen looked back at me. “I can’t see images.”

  “You don’t know that. Why would you not have that gift of mine? I have two of yours,” I said, circling the woman.

  Feeling a pull of energy begin to reach for me, I looked at Landen and saw that he could feel it, too. She was an image; I couldn’t see or hear anything around her.

  “Then this could be a trap; it’s obvious that she’s from Esterious,” Landen cautioned.

  I shook my head no. “He can’t reach us here. She’s calling for us; those people are connected to us,” I said, sure of myself.

  Landen reached for my hand. “Don’t let go of me - no matter what happens,” he said sternly.

  At the same time, we reached for the girl. Suddenly, we were taken to a small room. It looked a lot like Patrick’s room; everything was simple, basic gray. The girl was on her knees, crying and looking up at a dark gray sky. I could feel someone else here. I looked across the

  room and saw another young girl asleep on a narrow couch. She was so beautiful; her long dark hair framed perfect features. I looked back to the girl that we were trying to help; she looked so frail. Landen had been focusing on her, pushing calm and peace through her. I focused and began to help him calm her. The girl’s sobs began to slow, then she
looked around the room through Landen and me, and her eyes landed on the sleeping girl.

  “She’s my baby sister. I’m all she has. Come for her; she needs to be taken care of,” the young woman whispered into the room.

  Landen looked at me, then back to the girl on the couch. Both of us were in shock. Was she talking to us? We pushed as much peace and calm as we could through her, but it wasn’t until we focused on love that her tears stopped. The woman nodded blankly into the room. We let go and found ourselves back in the field, standing in the gleam of the vacant headlights.

  “I’ve never had an image talk to me before; it was like she knew we were there,” I said to Landen as I watched his eyes replay what we’d just seen.

  “I’m sure there are rumors of you; we did manage to put a Willow tree in center court,” Landen said, pulling me slowly back to the Jeep. We climbed in and stared at the empty head lights.

  “They’re not praying to us or anything, are they? We are not gods,” I said, breaking the silence.

  “No...they believe in one God. They think Donalt talks to him and that they’re being punished because they’re not worthy. I think she just attracted us,” Landen said, looking at me to see my take on his conclusion.


  “I don’t know, but have you ever thought about someone - and they just showed up?” he asked. I nodded. “I think you attract that person. I would bet she was just thinking about us, hoping the rumors of us were true.”

  “Do you know where we were? Was it Delen?”

  “No, it wasn’t Delen. I have no idea where she was,” Landen said, upset with himself.

  “So, how are we going to help her sister?” I asked.

  “Her sister looked fine; she was the one who looked weak.”

  “So what now?” I asked

  Landen shrugged his shoulders, feeling helpless.

  “What if I painted them? Could we ask someone to go there and look for them?”

  “I think your efforts would be in vain. Esterious is the largest dimension; it would take someone years to find someone that wasn’t their soul mate,” Landen said, reaching across to put his hand on my leg. I looked down, defeated.

  “She called us once; she’ll be able to call us again,” Landen said, turning the wheel for us to leave.

  I looked across the field again and said a little prayer that I’d find that girl again. I knew she needed me...they both did.

  Chapter Six

  When we pulled up at Brady’s house, we could see him outside, working on his jeep. I reached for our bag and jumped down. Landen walked over and started to help Brady. As I passed by them, I shook my head in admiration at the bond they shared.

  I knew Felicity and the baby were the only ones inside, and I followed their emotions up the stairs. I took our bag to the guest room, then tiptoed into Felicity’s room. She was so peaceful; I wasn’t sure if she was awake or asleep. From the doorway, I could see her light blue Aura beaming in the dim room. She must have felt me coming because she turned, and a smile beamed across her face.

  “There you are. I was starting to think you were avoiding me,” she said softly.

  Allie was lying in her cradle, staring up at her mobile; a pure white light surrounded her.

  “She’s been awake almost all day. She’ll sleep most of the night,” Felicity said, reaching to caress Allie.

  “I swear, she acts a lot older than she is. I don’t think she should be able to focus that well,” I said, a little afraid of what these children may be preparing for.

  “I don’t either. Rose said that a lot of the babies born recently are just as advanced; it’s like she already knows what she’s supposed to do and is forcing her body to catch up with her mind,” Felicity said, looking me over. “I heard you had an interesting day.”

  I wasn’t sure what part of my day she was referring to, so I questioned her with my eyes.

  “Libby and Preston came by; I’ve been bribing them to keep me updated on you,” she said, smiling.

  “With what?” I asked, amused.

  “Cookies and milk. Sugar cookies buy more info than chocolate chip,” Felicity said, proud of herself. “But...I’ve yet to get out of them what Olivia and Clarissa are keeping from me; I know the three of you know something and are keeping me out of it.”

  A look of guilt came over me. I slowly sat down on the side of her bed, and she reached for my leg.

  “I just want to help if I can,” Felicity whispered.

  “You can’t help me fix something that’s already gone down in history,” I said, looking down.

  “Tell me, Willow.”

  “I haven’t even told Landen,” I said, feeling guilty.

  “If you want this to stay between us, then it will. Brady is on pins and needles around me anyway,” Felicity said, trying to make me feel better.

  I looked at Felicity. I argued with myself that it would be hard to forget something that everyone knew; yet, Felicity always had a way of making me feel better. In fact, talking my problems out always helped me resolve them faster.

  “They found a picture of me in the remains of my old house. It was from another time. Drake and I were in the picture together, happy,” I said in a low tone, now focusing on Landen downstairs so I could end this conversation if I needed to.

  Felicity leaned back and looked at me with disbelieving eyes.

  “I wouldn’t worry about it,” she finally said. “I mean, it doesn’t matter today. You love Landen.”

  “I know. It just bothers me that I was connected to him. It bothers me not knowing where Landen was in that life. I could never choose anyone over him.”

  “It’s a photo; it could have been taken at a barbeque, for all you know,” Felicity said, feeling guilty that she had brought it up.

  “Do you think I’m wrong for keeping it from Landen?” I asked, ashamed.

  “I don’t think Landen needs another reason to be angry with Drake - and if he lets his emotions control him, it could weaken him. I wouldn’t tell Brady if I were in your shoes,” Felicity said, believing every word she spoke.

  I nodded, hiding behind the excuse of protecting Landen again.

  “So, everyone’s talking about Mercury...are you worried?” Felicity asked

  “Not really. August said it had a lot to do with communication; Landen and I are pretty good in that area.”

  Felicity nodded. “You still need to be careful. I wouldn’t let my guard down.”

  I leaned forward as my eyes danced across my memory - through everything that I’d seen. “You know what is so stupid about this? My heart is the power, supposedly – and there’s no way Drake will ever have it. Why won’t he just give up?”

  Felicity smiled. “Because he’s a man. Beyond that, you can’t judge someone’s actions until you walk in their path. Drake sees all of this differently; for eighteen years, he was told that you belonged to him. After hearing Livingston’s letter, I felt sorry for him. I can only imagine how betrayed he must feel. It’s going to take time for him to conquer the war that’s raging in his soul. I’m just sorry that you and Landen are forced to fight it with him.”

  I felt my stomach drop. My eyes glazed over as tears tried to come forth. I’ve always been a person that tried to see the point of view of another, and my gift of emotion made it easy for me. Felicity gave me a sense of clarity. I’d never once stopped to think of where Drake was coming from; maybe it was because I couldn’t feel him. I imagined for a moment talking to him, helping him to see that we were victims of Donalt. As the memory of his touch came to me, I shook my head slowly no; I had a deep fear that if he were ever given enough time - his touch would captivate me.

  Felicity reached for my hands on my lap. “I wouldn’t worry about him. I’d just try to find a way to help the people in Esterious.”

  “They’ve started to call us,” I said, thinking of the woman in the field a little while ago.

  “Have you been able to help them?”

sp; “Just temporally. Landen is afraid that if we cause them to act differently, they’ll lose their lives,” I said in a frustrated tone.

  “He has a good reason; August tried to motivate a man - but he lost life, and so did his soulmate. Their children were spared, left to fend for themselves, and I understand that it’s not easy to be a woman there - much less two young girls.” Felicity’s Aura had a shade of red run through it, reflecting the anger she had for the way of life in Esterious.

  “Landen told me about that. I just need to work on my patience; its running thin. I just want to charge in there. I’m not afraid of Drake, Donalt, any of them,” I said confidently.

  “I wouldn’t be either, not with allies like Perodine. But you know there is a time -”

  I raised my hand, stopping her; that phrase seemed to be family motto, and I was over hearing it. Felicity smiled.

  I looked up quickly, confused. I felt August; it was late, what was he doing here? I walked over to the window and looked out. I saw him outside with Landen and Brady; he was calm. I wanted to go down there and be nosy, but I held myself back. “August is down there,” I said to Felicity.

  “That’s a little odd... it’s late for him,” she said. I nodded in agreement.

  Felicity walked to my side, and we stared out at them from the shadows of the room.

  “From here, it’s hard to make out who Landen is and who Brady is,” Felicity said, snickering.

  I nodded, though I knew exactly who Landen was; I could see the white glow that seemed to connect us.

  The conversation went on for a few more minutes, then August walked into the darkness. Brady and Landen made their way in, and Landen followed Brady upstairs to where we were. Landen smiled at me when he walked in the room before he went to peek at Allie. Brady was at his side.

  “I think she just smiled at you,” Brady said to Landen.

  “She’s way too little to smile,” Felicity said, walking quickly to the cradle.

  I was close behind. Brady tilted his head and smiled at his baby girl, and she smiled back.


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