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Seduced Page 5

by Liv Bennett

  In yellow and red, Monika and I succeed at exactly what Loraine had in mind. During the quarter mile walk from the store to the parking lot, literally every man along the way turns to gape at us, some with jaws dropped, others with eyes popped out. Monika laughs joyously, her good mood giving me the self-confidence I need.

  The teachers in the daycare and kindergarten eye me suspiciously when I sign the kids out for the day, and two fathers whom I’ve never seen before, much less talked to, wish me a great evening.

  With the kids safely buckled up in their car seats, and Monika next to me in the front seat, I turn on the car engine and drive off toward Carter, Inc. My heart races and throbs heavier as we get closer.

  I carry Jack in my arms along with his diaper bag, taking away all the allure of my fancy new dress, and Monika entertains Jamie as we walk through the glass doors of the entrance. The girl at the front desk, whose name I’ve yet to find out, narrows her eyes at us when she informs us of the conference room where the party is taking place.

  “What is that bitch’s problem?” Monika whispers to my ear and laughs, as she eyes the receptionist over her shoulder.

  Jamie jumps to push the elevator button and hops in once the doors slide open. “Is Mom at the party, too?”

  I give her an apologetic smile and shake my head briefly. “You know Mommy doesn’t feel well.”

  Monika shoots me a questioning glance, the accusation in her eyes making me feel guilty for lying to the little girl.

  The elevator doors open to a hall crowded with adults as well as kids and colorful decorations of balloons and Piñatas. Carrying both Jack and the diaper bag will be a challenge, not to mention that it totally destroys the sensuous look I was going for. Finding an empty corner by the entrance, I drop the diaper bag and hope no one will steal it away.

  “Marco is here!” Jamie chirps and releases Monika’s hand to run off toward a group of kids that are gathered around a small, green table that has various types of cookies and pastries on it.

  I try to keep up with her, swaying through the sea of people with Jack in my arms. She stops to hug a brown-haired, brown-eyed chubby boy who looks no more than three.

  A man who has the exact set of brown eyes and hair greets us with a warm smile. He bends forward slightly toward Jamie, when he says, “Jamie, is that really you? You must have grown at least three inches taller since the last time I saw you.”

  “Uncle Ed! Yes, my mom says I’m tall for my age.”

  “Yes, you are. Look at you.” Standing back up, he shoots me a curious glance. “You must be their new nanny.” He offers me his hand. “Kenneth told me about hiring someone new to take care of his kids, but he never mentioned you were so attractive.”

  I smile, my cheeks flaming in embarrassment, and take his hand to shake it. He doesn’t let go of my hand quickly, instead, he places his other hand on mine. “I’m Edward Roels.”

  “Please to meet you, Mr. Roels. I’m Lisa.” My deep blush keeping me from looking directly at his eyes, I politely pull my hand back.

  “The pleasure is mine.” He grins, revealing his full teeth.

  I take a step back to glance around. A band is playing songs for children, and another large table is covered with hot dishes and a salad bar.

  A man in complete black grabs my attention on the opposite end of the massive room, and I know without a doubt, it’s Kenneth. He’s talking to a group of men and has his back turned to me. For some strange reason, though, as soon as I turn my head to gaze at him, he shifts and cranes his head in my direction.

  “I’m hungry,” Monika exclaims once she arrives next to me.

  “Me, too.” Trying to ignore the loud beating of my heart, I adjust Jack in my arms and lean down to Jamie’s ear. “Honey, do you want to go see your father first?”

  “Yes, let’s go.” She reaches for my hand and just when we start to turn in Kenneth’s direction, he appears before us.

  “Mr. Carter, hello. We were just coming to see you.”

  Ignoring my words, he moves forward and takes Jack from my arms, making absolutely sure not to touch me. After kissing the top of the baby’s head, he offers his hand to Jamie. “Hello, princess.”

  “Daddy, daddy!” She jumps and opens her arms wide to hug him. He doesn’t struggle even the tiniest bit, when he leans forward to hug Jamie and lifts her off the floor.

  The sight of him holding his kids in his arms with such ease and with such affection pouring out of him melts my insides on the spot. He’s even more attractive and sensual when love is the only emotion visible on his face. My knees start trembling; my hands go loose. Jesus! How can a woman possibly want to dump him? It’s ridiculous if not completely insane.

  “Aren’t you going to introduce me to your boss?” Monika tugs at my hand to nudge me toward Kenneth.

  The indifference Kenneth usually displays toward me disappears instantly, and his beautiful lips part in a warm smile. “Hello, I’m Kenneth Carter. You must be Lisa’s friend.”

  I had no idea he was aware of that detail. I doubt Loraine had shared that information with him, but if not her, then who?

  Monika takes a step forward and laces her hands below her chest, drawing Kenneth’s eyes down to the super-tight dress and her defined breasts. It dawns on me that she’s not wearing a bra beneath the dress, and her nipples are practically jumping out of the flimsy fabric.

  Perhaps there’s a reason why Kenneth hasn’t reacted to my aggressive advances the way he’s eye-fucking my friend, and that is, I’m just not sexy. Not even in this one hell of a luscious dress that would turn Nanny McPhee into a sex kitten. The majority of my breasts are on full display, for Christ’s sake, but that doesn’t have half the effect Monika’s breasts have, even fully covered beneath her dress.

  I feel my face drop in disappointment. Never in my life have I been jealous of Monika like I am at this moment, when Kenneth’s gaze is unashamedly fixed on her chest. I don’t want to resent my best friend over a man I barely know, but the lump of frustration in my throat is too big to swallow and drains my ambition to carry on Loraine’s game.

  If Kenneth is acting like a hungry animal just at the sight of Monika in a dress, I can’t even begin to imagine what he’d do if she actually flashed him her boobs or her pussy. Loraine has a right to know, the failure of her plan isn’t due to its concept, but to the wrong choice of nanny.

  CH 9


  “I’ll go get us some food.” I excuse myself before the last bit of my self-confidence is crushed by the intense exchange taking place between Monika and Kenneth. Grabbing a plastic plate, I fill it with tasty appetizers and find an empty spot by the window.

  While nibbling my food, I notice Edward Roel gazing at me and turn my back to him to discourage him from bothering me. I’m not exactly in the mood to entertain one of Kenneth’s employees, even if he might think it is my duty. Cold shivers sweep over my body as I hear Monika’s joyful laughter over the music and the murmurs of the room. How nicely Kenneth is entertaining her while he didn’t so much as spare an appreciative word for me.

  My eyes roam over the crowd to locate Wendy, or Trish without success, which isn’t exactly a surprise, since probably neither have kids. A gentle tap on my shoulder causes me to nearly jump in shock.

  “Hope I’m not disturbing.” Edward stops before me and offers me a glass of champagne.

  I shake my head and force myself to smile. “Thank you, sir, but I’m not old enough to drink.”

  His eyes widen and move down my body in an appreciative glance. “No problem. I’ll drink for us both.” With that, he gulps down each glass with ease and places them on the table. “How old are you, then?”

  “Nineteen.” I pop a fried shrimp into my mouth, but his hungry gaze kills my appetite.

  “There’re other jobs to have that are more fun and more lucrative than running around after other people’s children.” The deep, teasing tone of his voice and the quick sweep of his eyes over my bo
dy hint at the kind of job he’s talking about.

  I almost laugh at the fact that I’m doing exactly the job he has in mind. “There certainly are, but I’m happy where I am.”

  “I’m glad to hear that, but if you change your mind, here is my card. My cellular number is there too. Don’t hesitate to call me, day or night.”

  Not accustomed to having men flirt with me, I frown, but still accept his card.

  “Hey, there, I’ve been looking for you everywhere.” Scott appears out of thin air beside me and leans in to give me a bizarre hug. Men are being unusually generous with me today, well everyone except for Kenneth, who, from the constant laughter of my friend, must be still flirting with her.

  I hug Scott back, mostly to discourage Edward’s advances. “Hi, Scott,” I say eagerly. “Have you eaten yet? The shrimp is delicious. I was about to get some more. Would you like some, too?”

  “Sure. I’ll come with you,” Scott says with a wink that has me frowning.

  I nod to Edward before heading to the table.

  “Was he coming on to you?” Scott whispers to my ear, his lips disturbingly close to my skin. Not just that, he grips my elbow as we walk side by side, despite my attempt to release myself from his hold.

  The hair on my neck rises in anger and discomfort. “Will you please let go of my arm?”

  “Why?” He smirks and lowers his gaze down to my body, the lust in his eyes making me feel exposed.

  “Why?” I mock his serious tone and try to pull my arm free only to have his fingers grip tighter around my elbow. “Because I don’t like it,” I say softly in order not to make a scene, despite my raging anger. My embarrassment keeps me from looking around to search for help.

  “Oh, I see! You like it better when CEOs touch you.” His accusatory tone scrapes my nerves and unleashes my anger.

  I grab his fingers that are rigid around my arm and move back. “Please, let go of my arm,” I beg and stumble on a foot behind me. My legs lose balance and I nearly fall back toward the person unfortunate enough to stand behind me.

  “Scott!” Kenneth’s voice vibrates through me and I shake in surprise and lust.

  Scott’s hand comes off in an instant and he bows his head down to his chest. “Yes, sir.”

  “I seriously hope my eyes were playing tricks on me and you weren’t actually bothering Miss Welch.” His voice is low, almost a hiss, but the rage hidden in each syllable turns my body rigid in fear.

  “He wasn’t bothering me, sir.” I look up at him and the sight of his dark eyes and the rage fuming from them causes me to lose my balance all over again. I almost fall on my butt and Scott catches me before I find myself on the floor.

  Scott’s timely rescue seems to set off a newfound anger in Kenneth’s face, and I see him seethe through his teeth when he says, “I’m very appreciative of your service and loyalty to me for all these years, but I won’t blink an eye at ending your contract if I catch you insulting her again.”

  Rather than scaring me off, the intimidation in his deep voice and the rough edges on his face draw me closer to him, like a moth to a flame, the hot pull shutting off my brain. I inhale his scent deeply without any pretension to hide it.

  His eyes glide down to my face and the anger that was there a moment ago fades away the second he recognizes the admiration that must be evident in my expression. With our eyes locked together, I forget Scott and the rest of the people in the room.

  It’s him and me, enchanted by each other, until he tears his gaze away. His anger returns in full force when Scott fills his vision again, but rather than lashing out at him again, he tightens his lips into a thin line and spins around, walking away from us.

  In Kenneth’s absence, I realize there are curious gazes directed at me and Scott, but it’s mostly me the guests are looking at while whispering to each other using their hands to shield their mouths. The feeling of embarrassment tightens around my throat, and I swallow with difficulty. My feet move instinctually to get me away from the judging stares and I move toward the kids’ table.

  Trish’s irritating grin greets me, more so because she has Jack in her arms, and he’s happily mumbling a wordless soliloquy. Feelings of jealousy and possessiveness sweep over me in a forceful rush.

  Who does she think she is, holding him in her arms as if he meant something to her? It’s all a pose. If I had a sliver of belief that she genuinely enjoyed looking after that little boy, I’d leave her be. But her eyes, prowling around the room rather than paying attention to Jack’s sweet cues for attention, not to mention the fake smile plastered to her lips erase any thought of giving her the benefit of the doubt.

  I don’t waste a second in saving Jack from her pretentious hold and reach out to him. Seeing me, he gives me a joyous cheer and spreads his little arms up in an attempt to jump into my arms. Although he and I have spent so little time together, mere hours really, he recognizes me as someone safe and close. My heart melts at the cute gesture of his trust.

  “Come to me, sweet boy.” I safely gather him in my arms and press him gently against my chest under Trish’s furious gaze. He’s so soft, so delicate, having him with me quickly dissolves my earlier stress.

  Trish is noticeably displeased at losing the toy that attracted attention toward her, but also dumb enough to question my move. “Oh, you didn’t have to take him. He was comfortable with me. Isn’t that so, little cucumber?”

  Little cucumber? Would you please gag me with a spoon!

  Her hand rubs along Jack’s arm, seemingly ready to claim him back. It’s not really Jack whom she wants back, it’s Kenneth’s approval and appreciation, and I’d be a dumber whore if I gave in to her glare that is barely perceptible beneath her phony smile.

  I sniffle and wince my face. “I think he pooped. Do you want to change his diaper, too?” Barely holding back a smile, I move Jack toward her, offering her the award of recognition back.

  Her initial interest suddenly vanishes, and she takes a quick step back, widening her eyes in horror, and dismisses my suggestion with a quick wave of her hand. “I have never done that.”

  Despite my lie about Jack’s full diaper, I grab the diaper bag from the corner and exit the party room to change his diaper after making sure Jamie is playing with the other kids under the close supervision of the adults around them. Monika waves at me from the other side of the room where the main dishes are served, and I point with my hand at Jack’s diaper to explain to her what I’m about to do.

  Not knowing where I should go to change Jack’s diaper, I push the button for Kenneth’s office floor and gently sway Jack in my arms. He yawns, his eyelids suddenly heavy. He’ll need more than a fresh diaper. I’ll need to feed him and get him to sleep and in the meantime, hopefully, I’ll have Kenneth all to myself, too.

  CH 10


  The floor that has Kenneth’s office is eerily silent, but also comforting after the boisterous atmosphere of the party room. I stroll through the glass doors of Trish’s ante-office and knock on Kenneth’s door. When no one responds, I let myself in without hesitation. Where else better to soothe his own kid’s needs?

  Laying Jack on the leather couch, I connect the bottle warmer into a socket and grab a fresh diaper from the over-filled bag. The poor baby rubs his eyes and makes complaining noises while I change his diaper, and then his little hands wrap around his bottle as he contently drinks his milk, his eyelids heavier with each sip of milk. Watching him is therapeutic and makes me wonder why I’ve never given becoming a nanny a serious thought before.

  When he’s done with his bottle, I place cushions on each side of him and cover him with a cotton blanket. His last struggle against sleep fades away with my good-night lullaby and soon his limbs relax and his eyes fall closed.

  Pulling out my phone, I text Monika to let her know about my whereabouts. I can’t be mad at her for enjoying herself at a party for the first time without being reminded of her poverty, even if she accidentally drew Kenneth’s a
ttention toward herself. She replies to my text with a sad emoticon and asks if I want her to come.

  I reply back, declining her offer to accompany me, and ask her to keep an eye on Jamie. Leaving the office door open, I step into Trish’s workspace then out to the hall, with thoughts of Kenneth crowding my mind. He was irritatingly interested in Monika, and for a minute, I thought I didn’t stand a chance with him. But, the fact that he came to my rescue when Scott tried to abuse me spoke volumes of his care for me.

  That he even noticed Scott was bothering me despite the distance between us and the people occupying that space…

  He’s aware of me, affected by my presence, and can’t suppress his draw to me, whether he wants it or not. At least, I hope that’s why he came up to release me from Scott’s grip and accusatory claims.

  The elevator dings at the end of the long, dark passageway, pulling my attention back to my surroundings, and two silhouettes emerge. I barely make out Kenneth before I pull myself back into Trish’s office. Adrenaline pumps into my blood while I stand only a step away from the doorway.

  My ears are open to detect the voice of the person accompanying Kenneth. Loraine might have had a change of heart and decided to join the party to support her husband.

  One quick peek, and I know Loraine doesn’t care enough about Kenneth to stand by him and to celebrate with him. It’s Wendy who has her hand on the lapel of his jacket and is standing an inch away from him as they converse quietly in the hallway.

  “She didn’t look well,” Wendy takes a step closer, as if they weren’t already standing in an intimate pose. “I feel it’s more than the physical consequences of a miscarriage. You might want to consider having her consult with a psychiatrist.”

  “She won’t agree to it.” Kenneth shakes his head and shifts his body away from her hold, his move causing Wendy to drop her hand from his jacket. “But, I know what you mean. She hasn’t been her real self since her father’s death in the car accident. I’m worried about her.”


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