The 120 Days of Sodom and Other Writings

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The 120 Days of Sodom and Other Writings Page 67

by Marquis de Sade

  More clearly than ever before, upon this particular evening his associates notice Durcet’s teasing hatred for Adelaide; he torments her, vexes her, she wails and is melancholy. And her father, the Président, does not by any means give her his support.

  THE 13TH. 59. He attaches a girl to a St. Andrew’s cross suspended in the air, and whips her with all his might, flaying her entire back. After which, he unties her and casts her out through a window, but mattresses are there to lighten her fall, upon hearing which he discharges. Give further details of the scene in order to justify his reaction.

  60. He has her swallow a drug which unhinges her imagination and causes her to see horrible things in the room. She fancies the room is being flooded, sees the water rise, climbs upon a chair, but still the water mounts, reaches her, and she is told that she has no alternative but to leap in and swim; she plunges, but falls upon the stone floor and injures herself badly. ’Tis at this point the libertine discharges; previously, he has taken much pleasure in kissing her ass.

  61. He holds her suspended by a rope that runs up through a pulley affixed to the top of a tower; he stands at a window, she hangs directly outside and opposite him. He frigs himself and threatens to sever the rope as he discharges. While all this is afoot he is being flogged, and earlier he induced the whore to shit for him.

  62. She is held by four slender cords, each attached to one of her limbs. She is held thus in a very cruel and painful position; a trap door is opened beneath her and a charcoal brazier, very hot, is discovered to her view: if the cords break, she falls thereupon. The roué meddles with the cords, strains them, cuts one while discharging. Sometimes he suspends the girl in the same attitude, places a weight upon her belly, then suddenly jerks all four cords, pulling her up, and in so doing rupturing her stomach and tearing her muscles. She remains where she is until he discharges.

  63. He binds her to a low stool; suspended a foot above her head is a dagger whose point is filed needle sharp; the dagger hangs by a hair—if the hair snaps, the dagger drives into her skull. The libertine frigs himself while watching his victim’s anxious contortions. An hour later, he frees her and bloodies her buttocks with light jabs of the same dagger which, he would like to have her remark, pricks very nicely; he discharges upon her blood-soaked ass.

  That evening, the Bishop depucelates Colombe’s bum, and after his discharge lashes her with a whip, for he cannot bear to have a girl cause him to discharge.

  THE 14TH. 64. He embuggers a young novice who knows nothing of the ways of the world, and as he discharges, he fires two pistol shots very close to her ear. The powder singes her hair.

  65. He makes her sit down in an armchair balanced on springs; her weight releases a number of springs connected to iron rings which bind her tightly to the chair. Certain levers and gears advance twenty daggers until their points graze her skin; the man frigs himself, the while explaining that the least movement of the chair will cause her to be stabbed. He sprays his fuck upon her, in so doing touching the chair very delicately with his foot.

  66. A bascule carries her down into a small crypt hung in black and furnished with a prie-dieu, a coffin, and an assortment of death’s heads. She sees six specters armed with clubs, swords, pistols, sabers, poignards, and lances, and each is about to pierce her in a different place. Overcome by fear, she sways, is about to fall; the man enters, catches her in his arms, and flogs her until he is weary, then discharges as he embuggers her. If she is unconscious at the time he enters, and this is frequently the case, his lash restores her to her senses.

  67. She enters a room in a tower, in its center she sees a large charcoal brazier; upon a table, poison and a dirk; she is allowed to choose the manner whereby she is to perish. It generally happens that she elects poison. ’Tis a variety of opiate which plunges her into a profound drowsiness; while the spell lasts, the libertine embuggers her. He is the same personage Duclos cited on the 27th of November and of whom Desgranges will say more on the 6th of February.

  68. The same gentleman who will figure in Desgranges’ story of the 16th of February goes through the entire ceremony of preparing to decapitate the girl; just as the blow falls, a rope suddenly snatches the girl’s body away, the axe-blade sinks three inches into the block. If the rope does not drag the girl away, she dies. He discharges while bringing down the axe. But prior to this, he has embuggered her as she lies with her neck upon the block.

  Colombe’s ass is plumbed by the society that evening, and Messieurs pretend to cut off her head. They are accomplished actors.

  THE 15TH. 69. He slips a noose around the whore’s throat and hangs her. Her feet rest upon a stool, a cord is tied to one leg of the stool, he sits in an armchair, watching and having the whore’s daughter frig him. When he discharges, he pulls the cord, the whore hangs, he leaves, valets enter and cut the whore down. A leech lets some blood from one of her veins and she returns to life, but these attentions are given her without the libertine’s knowledge. He goes off to bed with the whore’s daughter and sodomizes her all night long, while doing so telling her he has hanged her mother. Have Martaine say that Desgranges will refer to him again.

  70. He holds the girl by the ears and walks her around the room, discharging as he parades with her.

  71. He pinches the girl’s body, nipping her everywhere save upon the breast, till she turns black and blue.

  72. He pinches her breasts, molests them, and kneads them until they are completely bruised.

  73. He writes letters and words upon her breasts, working with a needle which has a poisoned tip; her breasts become infected, and she suffers excruciatingly.

  74. Drives between one and two thousand pins into her breasts, and discharges when he has covered them.

  More libertine with every passing day, Julie is discovered frigging herself with Champville. The Bishop affords her additional protection and thereafter admits her into his bedchamber, as the Duc has Duclos, Durcet Martaine, and Curval Fanchon. Julie confesses that at the time of her repudiation, having been condemned to sleep in the stables with the other animals, she appealed to Champville and was taken into her chamber; they have been bedding together ever since.

  THE 16TH. 75. He buries large hatpins in the girl’s flesh, dotting her entire body, her nipples included; he discharges after having driven home the last pin. Desgranges will return to the same enthusiast in her fourth story of the 27th of February.

  76. He gives her a great deal to drink, then sews up her cunt and asshole; he leaves her thus sealed up till he remarks she is nigh to collapsing from the need to piss and shit, two activities which are impossible in the state she is in; or else he waits until the weight of the shit and the pressure of the piss finally break the stitches.

  77. Four gentlemen enter the room and cuff the girl, strike and kick her until she falls. When she is down, all four mutually frig one another and discharge.

  78. She is deprived of air, then given air, then ’tis taken away again. She is lodged within a pneumatic machine.

  To celebrate the end of the eleventh week, the wedding of Colombe and Antinoüs takes place that day, and is consummated. The Duc, who has been indulging in some prodigious cunt-fuckery with Augustine, has been seized by a lubricious fury: he has had Duclos hold her, and has given her three hundred lashes distributed between the middle of her back and her calves, and, after that, has embuggered Duclos while kissing Augustine’s flogged ass. Directly after having molested her, he does some foolish things, for his head is completely giddy: he has her sit beside him at table, will touch no food save what he has out of her mouth, dotes upon her, and does a thousand other things, all very illogical and very libertine. But he and his confreres are men of that strange turn of character.

  THE 17TH. 79. He binds the girl belly down upon a dining table and eats a piping hot omelette served upon her buttocks. He uses an exceedingly sharp fork.

  80. He immobilizes her head above a grill, lights a brisk fire, and roasts her until she loses consciou
sness, embuggering her steadily.

  81. He gently toasts the skin of her breasts and buttocks, proceeding very gradually, and using sulphur-tipped matches.

  82. He uses candles and extinguishes them again and again by snuffing them out in her cunt, her asshole, and upon her nipples.

  83. With a match he sears her eyelids; this prevents her from sleeping soundly that night, for she cannot close her eyes.

  That evening, the Duc depucelates Giton, who finds the experience discomfiting, for the Duc is enormous, fucks with great brutality, and Giton is, after all, only twelve.

  THE 18TH. 84. Pointing a pistol at her heart, he obliges her to chew and swallow a live coal, and then he washes out her cunt with aqua fortis.

  85. He has her dance the olivettes. Naked, she is to dance round four pillars; but the only path her naked feet can tread is studded with shards of broken glass and bits of sharp metal and pointed tacks and nails; by each pillar stands a man, a bundle of switches in his hand, and he lashes whichever side of her body she offers every time she passes by him. She is thus obliged to run a certain number of turns around, it all depending upon whether she is more or less attractive. The most beautiful are harried the most.

  86. He strikes her violently in the face until the blows of his fist bring blood from her nose, and he continues yet a while longer, the blood notwithstanding; he discharges and mixes his fuck with the blood she has lost.

  87. Employing very well-heated tongs, he pinches her flesh, and mainly her buttocks, her mons veneris and her breasts. Desgranges will have more to say about this personage.

  88. Upon various parts of her naked, reclining body, especially the more sensitive areas, he places little mounds of gunpowder, then sets fire to them.

  Giton’s ass is made public property that evening, and after this ceremony, he is flogged by Curval, the Duc, and the Bishop, who have fucked him.

  THE 19TH. 89. He inserts a cylinder of gunpowder in her cunt, removes the cylinder, leaves the powder there; he puts a match to the charge and ejaculates upon seeing the flames dart forth. Earlier, he has kissed her ass.

  90. He soaks her everywhere from head to foot with brandy, brings a match near and entertains himself with the spectacle of this poor girl all covered with flames. Then he discharges. He repeats the same operation two or three times.

  91. He gives her bowels a rinsing with boiling oil.

  92. He introduces a red-hot iron into her anus, another into her cunt, after having thoroughly whipped the latter.

  93. He likes to trample upon a pregnant woman until she aborts. Prior to this he whips her.

  That same evening, Curval depucelates Sophie’s bum, but this ordeal succeeds another: she has first been given one hundred lashes by each of the friends and is streaming blood. Directly Curval has discharged into her ass, he offers to pay the society five hundred louis for permission to take her down to the cellars that very evening and to be given a free hand with her. Curval’s request is rejected, he re-embuggers her, and upon emerging from her ass after this second discharge, he gives her a kick which sends her sprawling upon a mattress fifteen feet away. He revenges himself upon Zelmire, whom he flogs till his arm aches.

  THE 20TH. 94. He appears to be caressing the girl who is frigging him, she suspects nothing; but at the moment he discharges, he seizes her head and batters it against the wall. The blow is so strong and so unexpected that she usually falls unconscious.

  95. They are four libertines assembled; they judge a girl and, ultimately disagreeing upon what punishment to inflict, decide to sentence her individually. All in all, she receives one hundred strokes of the whip; each juror metes out twenty-five of them: the first flogs her from the back to the loins, the second from the loins to the calves, the third from the neck to the navel, breasts included, the fourth from the belly to the shins.

  96. Using a pin, he pricks each of her eyes, each nipple, and her clitoris.

  97. He drops molten sealing wax upon her buttocks, into her cunt, and upon her breasts.

  98. He opens the veins in one arm and bleeds her until she faints.

  Curval suggests they bleed Constance because of her pregnancy; and bled she is, until she collapses, ’tis Durcet who acts as her leech. That evening, Messieurs avail themselves of Sophie’s ass, and the Duc proposes she be bled also, it could not possibly do her any harm, no, on the contrary, they might make a nice pudding of her blood for tomorrow’s luncheon. His idea is acclaimed, Curval now plays the leech, Duclos frigs him while he operates, and he wishes to make the puncture at the same moment his fuck departs his balls; and he makes a generous puncture, but his blade finds the vein none the less. Despite it all, Sophie has pleased the Bishop, who adopts her for his wife, repudiating Aline, who falls into the greatest discredit.

  THE 21ST. 99. He bleeds both of her arms and would have her remain standing while her blood flows; now and again he stops the bleeding and flogs her, then he opens the wounds again, and this continues until she collapses. He only discharges when she faints. Earlier in the game he had her shit for him.

  100. He bleeds her from all four of her limbs and from her jugular vein too, and frigs himself while watching the five fountains of blood.

  101. He lightly scarifies her flesh, concentrating upon her buttocks, but neglecting her breasts.

  102. He scarifies her vigorously, cutting deep, devoting particular attention to her breasts and especially to her nipples, and to the environs of her asshole when he turns his attentions to her behind. Next, he cauterizes the wounds with a red-hot iron.

  103. He is bound hand and foot, as if he were a wild beast, and he is draped in a tiger’s skin. When thus readied, he is excited, irritated, whipped, beaten, his ass is frigged; opposite him is a plump young girl, naked and tied by her feet to the floor, by her neck to the ceiling, in such wise she cannot stir. When the roué is all a-sweat, his captors free him, he leaps upon the girl, bites her everywhere and above all her clitoris and her nipples, which he generally manages to remove with his teeth. He roars and cries like a ferocious animal, and discharges while shrieking. The girl must shit, he eats her turd upon the floor.

  That evening, the Bishop depucelates Narcisse; he is surrendered to the society the same evening, so that the festival of the 23rd will not be disturbed. Before embuggering him, the Duc has him shit into his mouth and render him, together with the turd, his predecessors’ fuck. And then, after having sodomized the lad, Blangis scourges him.

  THE 22ND. 104. He pulls out her teeth and scratches her gums with needles. Sometimes he heats the needles.

  105. He breaks one of her fingers, several upon occasion.

  106. Employing a heavy hammer, he flattens one of her feet.

  107. He removes a hand, sawing through the wrist.

  108. While discharging, he batters in her front teeth with a hammer. He is very fond of sucking her mouth before proceeding to the major phase of his operation.

  The Duc depucelates Rosette in the rear that evening, and the same instant his prick sounds her ass, Curval extracts one of the little girl’s teeth—this in order that she may experience two terrible pains at the same time. So that the morrow’s festival not be disturbed, her ass is made generally available that same evening. When Curval has discharged thereinto (and he is the last of the four to do so), he sends the child spinning with a blow of his fist.

  THE 23RD. Because of the holiday, only four are related.

  109. He amputates one foot.

  110. He breaks one of her arms as he embuggers her.

  111. Using a crowbar, he breaks a bone in her leg and embuggers her after doing so.

  112. He ties her to a stepladder, her limbs being attached in a peculiar manner, a cord is tied to the ladder; he pulls the cord, the ladder falls. Sometimes she breaks one limb, sometimes another.

  Upon that day Invictus was married to Rosette; their wedding celebrated the twelfth week’s festival. That evening, Rosette is bled after she has been fucked, and Aline is likewis
e bled after Hercule has fucked her; both are bled in such a way their blood spurts upon our libertine’s thighs and pricks. Messieurs frig themselves while looking on, and discharge when both have fainted.

  THE 24TH. 113. He cuts off one of her ears. (See to it that you specify what these persons do by way of a prelude to their major stunt.)

  114. He slits her lips and nostrils.

  115. After having sucked and bitten it, he pierces her tongue with a hot iron.

  116. He tears several nails from her fingers, and also from her toes.

  117. He cuts off one of her fingers at the last joint.

  And, upon close questioning, the storyteller having said that, provided the wound is dressed at once, such a mutilation has no undesirable aftereffects, Durcet straightway cuts the end off one of Adelaide’s fingers, for his lewd jesting and teasing have been increasingly directed against her. His practical joke fetches a discharge from him, his flow of fuck is accompanied by unheard-of transports.

  That same evening, Curval depucelates Augustine’s ass, even though she is now the Duc’s wife. Her anguish, her sufferings. Curval rages against her afterward; he conspires with the Duc to take her down to the cellars without further delay, and they tell Durcet that if they are granted permission to carry out the expedition, they in their turn will allow him to dispatch Adelaide at once, but the Bishop delivers an impassioned sermon to those truants, and obtains the promise that they will restrain themselves yet a little longer for the sake of their own pleasure. Curval and the Duc hence limit themselves to giving Augustine a ferocious whipping. Both lash her at once.

  THE 25TH. 118. He distills fifteen or twenty drops of molten lead into her mouth and burns her gums with aqua fortis.

  119. After having had her lick his beshitted ass with her tongue, he snips off the end of that same tongue, then, when once she is mutilated, he embuggers her.

  120. He employs a machine involving a hollow steel bit which bores holes in the flesh and which, when removed, takes with it a round chunk of flesh which is as long as the drill has penetrated; the machine bores on automatically if not withdrawn.


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