Backlash (Winter's Wrath #1)

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Backlash (Winter's Wrath #1) Page 11

by Bianca Sommerland

  Every time she thought of Alder, she couldn’t help but smile. Even in the short time she’d known him, he made her happy. She wanted that to last.

  It was too soon for her to get invested in him, but her heart didn’t seem to care.

  Seeing him in her future was far too easy. There were so many obstacles that could keep that from happening, but she believed, together, they could overcome them all.

  Things did move fast in this lifestyle. But the opportunity they had could last beyond the short time they had in the spotlight. Maybe it was too soon to hope for more. But she couldn’t recall the last time she’d considered what tomorrow might bring.

  But right now, she was looking forward, and she couldn’t help but believe she’d found someone who she could hold on to. Someone real.

  Her life consisted of fake smiles and Photoshop making her into nothing more than a perfect picture on a page. An idealistic face and body meant to sell makeup and clothes, not a person anyone could be close to. But Alder had seen her. The real woman.

  So she might be making more of what they had than was actually there, but Jesse’s warning stuck with her. He wouldn’t have said a word if Alder wasn’t thinking about her. Wondering what they could have.

  Being on tour would force them to put it all on the line. And if their newborn relationship could survive this, it could survive anything.

  She needed to get some sleep though. Because tomorrow would be the ultimate test.

  Chapter Six

  I should have rented a limo.

  Alder checked the time on the dashboard of the SUV he’d borrowed from one of the roadies. And wondered if he’d planned the breakfast too early. They’d be on the road in a few hours and maybe Danica should have the chance to enjoy a real bed while she could. He didn’t want to rush breakfast though, and she had seemed excited about going out together before the meeting with the band.

  He just wanted the date to be perfect. Not that he had the first idea what a ‘perfect’ date was like. Or even a really good one.

  The passenger side door swung open and Danica bounced onto the seat, flashing him a brilliant smile as her high ponytail swung over her shoulder. “Oh good, you’ve got the AC going. It’s nasty here when it’s windy.”

  And just like that, all his uncertainty vanished. The woman was like a shot of espresso the morning after a crazy party when too many drinks fogged his brain. He grinned as she pushed up onto her knees and leaned over him like she’d completely forgotten she was wearing a sexy little summer dress. Either that or she didn’t care about being all proper. Which would be pretty damn awesome.

  “Sorry, I’m nuts in the morning. It’s great to see you.” She placed a hand on his chest to brace herself as she kissed him. “Thank you for sending Jesse to get my number. He’s pretty awesome.”

  “He really is.” Alder curved his hand around the back of her neck, savoring her lips, which tasted like coffee and raspberries. A horn sounded and he chuckled as she drew away quickly and plopped onto her seat. “Ready to go?”

  She nodded, glancing in the rearview. “Yeah. I’m starved and I think the guy behind us is about to get out and come yell at you. Really, Alder. So thoughtless of you to hold up traffic.”

  With a snort, Alder pulled out of the hotel entrance, starting the GPS on the dashboard as they left the strip. One of the bellhops at the Hard Rock Hotel had recommended a place in Henderson called The Black Bear Diner. He swore he’d never had a bad meal there and their breakfasts were amazing.

  Alder had checked out the menu before leaving to pick up Danica, and was relieved to find they had low cal options. Which she might appreciate, but he absolutely needed. Cole had gotten a call from a British men’s apparel company who wanted to use the band in a few commercials. When Alder had given Cole his measurements, the man had practically snarled at him. Brave had the long, slender body type they were looking for, but Alder was too bulky.

  Of course, Brave would have turned down the offer—he didn’t mind the sponsors they had so far, one for shoes and another that owned a huge portion of the candy market—but he didn’t want the band going ‘commercial’.

  So actual commercials were out for him. But Alder still felt like a loser after the chat with Cole. He had some nice definition, but his jeans were getting snug.

  “You missed your turn.” Danica put her hand on his knee. “I was enjoying the sights, but you’re awfully quiet. Are you worried about the meeting?”

  Alder blinked, took the next turn as the GPS instructed, then shook his head. “No. It’s really stupid actually.”

  “’It’s’? Well, that was vague as hell.” She cocked her head and gave his knee a little squeeze. “You’re a dork, but I don’t think you’re stupid.”

  He laughed and put his hand over hers. “I appreciate that.”

  “Good. So talk, Mister.”

  Pushy little thing, isn’t she? He glanced over at her and shrugged. “Cole was bitching about my gut getting too big. I’m thinking he’s right and I should lay off the beer.”

  Sitting back, Danica sighed. “Yes, because that’s not something I could possibly understand.”

  “I know you do.”

  “Good. So let’s put it this way. I think you’re fucking perfect, but if it’s an issue for you, lay off the beer and workout more.” She gave his shoulder a light punch as he pulled into the diner parking. “I’m going to need a yoga buddy anyway, so it works for both of us.”

  “Yoga?” He put the SUV in reverse, backing into one of the few available spots. “Umm…not sure I can do yoga. I’m not that bendy.”

  “You will be. And I’m hoping to reap all the benefits!” She undid her seatbelt, arched up to kiss his cheek, then got out.

  He stared after her, needing a minute to adjust after her admission. All his blood had vacated his brain, surging right down to his dick, making his already snug jeans uncomfortably tight.

  She was absolutely incredible. Guy or girl, he wouldn’t have opened up like that with anyone he’d dated in the past. But Danica made it easy to be himself.

  After they were seated, he reached for the menu, but Danica pulled it out of reach, flipping hers open and grinning at him over it. “Do you trust me?”

  “Yes.” He relaxed against the back of the booth, curious to see what she’d order for him. He wasn’t loving the idea of egg whites and whole wheat bread, but just by looking at her, he could tell she knew how to keep her body in perfect shape. And if he was going to get back in Cole’s good graces, he’d take any advice she had to give.

  Actually, once Cole saw what a good influence she was, he’d probably leave the two of them alone. If Jesse was right, Alder needed to avoid any attempts Cole might make to sabotage their relationship.

  The waitress came over, a smile tugging at her lips as she noticed Danica hogging the menus. “What can I get you, sweetie?”

  Danica picked up the menus and handed them to the waitress. “Two orders of The Mini Volcano, with coffee—do you like coffee?”

  “Yes, thank you.” Alder frowned when the waitress patted his shoulder in passing. He could be completely off, but he’d sensed some pity coming from her. What the fuck?

  “Stop scowling. She probably thinks I have your balls in my purse.” Danica set her purse on the table and peeked inside. “They’re not in here, so no worries.”

  Rolling his eyes, he leaned his forearms on the edge of the table. “Is that where you want them?”

  “Absolutely not. I like them right where they are.” She winked at him, reaching across the table to take his hands. “I’m going to make sure you’re well fed, but you get the bill. Next meal we share, you pick what we eat and I pay.”

  That sounded fair. Not that he’d let her pay if they were at a restaurant, but he planned to have their next meal be one he cooked for her. On the bus.

  Sending her on a grocery run with Jesse would fulfill his end of the bargain.

  Thinking of Jesse, he met her eyes.
“So I heard you had supper with Jesse and your agent last night? Sounds like she was decent to him?”

  Danica’s shoulders lifted slightly. “I guess. She gave him the third degree about the tour, but it wasn’t too bad. He made it clear I would be fine. Actually, he made the bus sound better than a hotel.”

  “He did?”

  “Clean sheets? Meals on-the-go? This is going to be awesome!” The twinkle in her green eyes told him she was teasing. He let out a sigh of relief and she laughed. “I don’t expect a luxurious ride, but he did tell us enough that Sophie isn’t worried and I’m pretty sure I can tough it out. I’ve never seen the inside of a tour bus, so who knows? But my grandfather had a mobile home for the first few years after he got his property, so I grew up in small spaces. He built a nice little house now, so I’ve been spoiled for a bit, but I’m used to finding my own space when I need it.”

  “Did you need it a lot?” Alder moved his hands so the waitress could set down the coffee. “I mean, you sound like you love your grandfather very much, but was it tough when you were a teen? Just you and him?”

  “Sometimes? I mean, he’s got some interesting ideas about how the world should work. He hates any music after the sixties and he can be a slob. I used to do chores just so I could listen to my iPod without him complaining that I’d shut myself off from the world.” She fixed her coffee with cream. And no sugar. There was a fond smile on her lips as she told him about her childhood. “He hated all my clothes, but he wanted me to fit in, so he’d bring me shopping and point out clothes he’d seen on other girls at my school. I went through a long hippie phase and dragged him to vintage stores. Which he complained about constantly, but now he shops there all the time. He taught me how to manage money. I think we learned a lot from one another.”

  “Sounds like it.” Alder hoped he’d get to meet the man one day. He must be one of a kind to have raised a woman like Danica. She wasn’t like any of the models he’d ever come across in the business. “Does he know you’re going on tour with us?”

  She wrinkled her nose. “Not yet. But I’ll give him one thing. He has a lot of respect for Sophie, so he probably won’t be thrilled, but he’ll expect me to do whatever’s best for my career.”

  “I hope it works out then.”

  “Me too.”

  Taking a sip of his coffee, black, Alder did his best to school his features. He usually took his coffee with five packs of sugar and a lot of cream, but he needed to cut back.

  “You’re adorable.” Danica put her hand over his cup before he could lift it again. “Some cream and a bit of sugar won’t stack on the pounds. I’m seriously thinking the beer is the biggest issue, but we’ll work on it, okay? No huge changes unless I say so, got it?”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Alder added enough cream to give his coffee a nice, light color, then dumped in three packets of sugar. He took a sip and let out a soft sound of pleasure. “Much better.”

  “I bet.” She tipped her own mug to her lips, studying him over the rim. She placed her mug on the table and straightened a little “Your turn. Tell me about the band. Or your family. Or your favorite subject. Jesse.”

  Alder inhaled sharply. As he was sipping. And choked.

  Rushing around the table, Danica firmly patted his back until he stopped coughing and could breathe again.

  “So much for a safe subject.” She rubbed his back for a moment, then returned to her side of the booth. “Is it horrible that my mind is going to all kinds of places you might think are totally off base? I mean, it wouldn’t have if I hadn’t seen you and your band guy all over each other, but—”

  “I’m bisexual.”


  He hadn’t just blurted that out.

  You really did, asshole.

  “Shit. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to—” He bit his tongue when Danica put her hand up. Then leaned out of the way as the waitress set their plates in front of them. Once the waitress moved out of hearing, Danica motioned for him to go on. “I hadn’t planned to tell you like that. I did plan to tell you though.”

  She nodded slowly, holding her bottom lip between her teeth as she poked the egg topping the two pancakes on her plate with her fork. Squaring her shoulders, she met his eyes. “So you like both guys and girls. Have you ever been with a girl?”


  “Not because you had to, but because you wanted to? I’m sorry, that was rude. And it didn’t feel like you were forcing anything while we were making out, but… I like you a lot, Alder.” She twisted her fork into the pancakes. “If I’m just here to cover for something, I need to know before you break my heart.”

  He pressed his eyes shut and rubbed his temples. “You’re not a cover. I like you too and I want to see where this goes. But I won’t lie to you. I won’t practically drown on a sip of coffee and pretend you mentioning Jesse wasn’t the reason.”

  She pressed her tongue against her top lip thoughtfully. “Well, you have good taste.”

  Letting out a rough laugh, he reached for her hand. “Jesse is dating my brother. Yes, I had feelings for him, but he’s not interested in me. So I’m cool with being friends.”

  “And I’m the rebound?”

  “No, you’re unexpected. I’ve known for a while that me and Jesse weren’t going to happen. Hell, he’s in love with my brother, and me and Brave couldn’t be more different.” He stroked the back of her hand with his thumb. “I wasn’t looking for a relationship. The band has taken up so much of my life; I think part of me just focused on the person I was closest to. I’ve had the opportunity to date different guys and girls, but none of them appealed to me.”

  “So you slept around while lusting after your roadie?” Her face went beat red. “Okay, that was mean. My grandpa says I should count to ten before I let any of my thoughts spill out of my mouth, but I’ve lost that skill with you.”

  “And I am totally cool with that.” He picked up his fork and cut a piece of pancake. After slowly chewing a mouthful of rich, syrup covered goodness, he licked his lips and cleared his throat. “If you ask Brave, he’ll tell you I am the worst ‘rock star’ ever. I don’t sleep with groupies. I don’t sign boobs. Or dicks.”

  She let out a laugh that was almost a snort. “Damn. I’d have liked to see that.”

  “You’re a kinky little thing, aren’t you?”

  “Maybe a little. But I’m glad we’re talking about this. I would have been all paranoid about the groupies, but now I can add the roadies, and the security, and all the hot guys on tour as potential competition. I may have to start up kickboxing if I want to keep my man.”

  “No. I’m loyal, Danica. I give what I expect to receive from whoever I’m with.” He cut another piece of pancake, then dipped it in his egg yolk. “You’re around male models all the time. Do I have to worry about them?”

  “Point taken. We’ll save the jealousy for later.” She took a big bite of pancake with a folded slice bacon and let out a moan of pleasure. “Damn, this is good. Over half of what we can eat today, but so worth it!”

  “Half?” Alder stared at his plate. It was a good helping of food, but he fixed himself meals like this at least twice a day on the road. When they had enough food in the fridge anyway. Connor ate three times as much as the rest of the band, but he had a crazy metabolism and was addicted to exercising.

  Danica nodded as she took another bite. She cleaned her mouth with a gulp of coffee. “That may change after I see how much you workout. I’m going to call my dietitian before we hit the road. So rather than have any more awkward chats about our sexual preferences, you’ll have to give me your height and weight and a share of your soul.”

  “Sounds good.” Sounded horrible. But he had to get serious about getting in shape. Cole wanted him and Malakai to take off their shirts more often during shows. Sell the sex a bit.

  Thankfully, he felt comfortable taking off his shirt in front of Danica. He wasn’t a total dog. But cameras could be cruel and if Cole had his way, the
entire band would be half naked between the pages of the biggest alternative rock magazines by the end of the year.

  Getting to a place where he’d be okay with that would be a lot easier with Danica’s encouragement.

  But he was getting tired of talking about, or even thinking about, his body.

  “Did Sophie have any more insight about what Cole expects from you on the tour?”

  Danica shook her head. “I think Cole’s waiting to see how the band reacts. He’s worked out most of the details of the contract with Sophie, but it was basic stuff. Less than what I’d make for a runway show, but a bit more than I’d get for a photo-shoot. The band will own any pictures I take with you all, but if it’s used for promo, I get a bonus. I think it’s fair.”

  “And Sophie?”

  “She won’t be happy with anything less than a magazine cover or a movie deal.”

  “Ah.” Alder finished the last bite of his pancakes and eggs. He picked up his bacon with his fingers, then put it down, wondering if Danica would question his table manners. But she picked up her last bit with her fingers and popped it in her mouth, so he did the same. After polishing off his coffee, he used a napkin to clean the grease from his lips. “So she’ll be shopping around while you’re on tour with us?”

  “Probably. But I do have a say and I won’t leave until I’ve done what I can with you and the guys. I can’t wait to see what I can possibly do to help you.” She reached into her purse and pulled out a CD, pointing to the cover which had a woman reclined on a red sofa. “Something like this? I’d love it! I don’t think I need to be on tour to model for one of your album covers, but I hope it’s being considered.”

  “If it isn’t, I’ll suggest it.”

  Her eyes went wide. “Please don’t. Cole knows we’re into each other. I don’t want that affecting anything he offers. I want to know everything I do with you guys is because of my looks and my skills.”

  With an attitude like that, Alder wasn’t sure how she’d ever seen herself as opportunistic. He grinned and nodded.

  “You’ve got it. I won’t use what little influence I have to get you a better deal.” He cupped her cheek. “You have a Sophie. Nothing I could manage even compares to what she’ll come up with.”


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