Backlash (Winter's Wrath #1)

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Backlash (Winter's Wrath #1) Page 15

by Bianca Sommerland

  “Anytime, kid.”

  As she made her way over to Alder, all the roadies simultaneously found somewhere else they needed to be. Braced against the bumper of the bus, Alder held what looked like a black cigarette between his lips. He watched her while letting out a trail of white smoke.

  Smoking definitely wasn’t her favorite of dirty habits for a guy to have, but she hadn’t seen him smoke before now, so maybe it wasn’t something he did often? He didn’t smell like a smoker. Or taste like one.

  He caught her staring at the cigarette and his lips tipped up on one side. “It’s an e-cig. I’m trying to quite smoking and this vape company sent me a trial kit after asking me to do some promo for them. Cole just left it on my bunk. It’s not that bad.”

  “I know a few models that vape. It’s supposed to be healthier.”

  “Supposed to be, but we’ll see.” He gave the e-cig a skeptical look. “Fucking rush of nicotine is making me high.”

  Leaning against him, her thighs on either side of one of his, she curved her hand around the back of his neck. “Does that mean you’re in a good mood?”

  He touched his forehead to hers. “I’m more concerned about the mood you’re in. And surprised that you’re speaking to me.”

  “Ha! I ain’t even mad.” She flicked her tongue over his bottom lip. “But there’s something I need to do, and I’m hoping you won’t say no.”

  “I don’t think I could ever say no to you.”

  She really hoped that wasn’t true, but in this case, she’d hold him to his word.

  Because he wasn’t going to like this. At all.

  Hand curved under Brave’s jaw, Jesse let the smooth smoke pass from his lips into the other man’s mouth. Telling Danica about all the shit in Brave’s past reminded him of how his own opinion of the lead singer had changed after Alder had told him the same story.

  “Why do you put up with his shit?” Jesse demanded after the show, sickened by how Brave had torn into Alder over a delay from a goddamn string breaking on his guitar. Right up on stage too, he’d mocked Alder for using a metal pick.

  Jesse had replaced the string as quickly as possible, but not before the whole crowd was laughing at the lead guitarist.

  But Alder just shrugged. “He’s been through a lot of shit. Hear me out. Once you know what happened, maybe you’ll get it.”

  Snapping his fingers in Jesse’s face, Brave jerked him from his thoughts. “If you’re going to bitch at me about that whole thing with Danica, just do it. You piss me off when you go all quiet.”

  Jesse’s lips thinned. “Is there any point? You don’t think you did anything wrong.”

  “This is between me and her. It’s got nothing to do with you.”


  Brave snorted and snatched the joint right out of Jesse’s hand. “‘Clearly’. Who the fuck do you think you are, man?” He leaned close, his tone going cold as he spoke low enough that only Jesse could hear him. “We fuck. I promised I wouldn’t screw around on you, but all this sensitive, judgy stuff you pull is too much.”

  “I’m not judging you, Brave.” Jesse pulled out a cigarette, because the weed wasn’t doing a damn thing to calm his nerves. He fucking knew Brave put his guard up when he felt his control over any situation slip, but that didn’t make being pushed away any easier.

  If he took anything Brave was saying personally, he might as well call their relationship quits now. But he wasn’t ready to do that. Not yet.

  So he’d do his best not to react and hope Brave would get over the foul mood he was in.

  From the corner of his eye, he spotted Danica striding toward them, Alder by her side. He straightened, not sure what was up, but positive nothing good would come of it.

  Alder stopped a few paces away from Brave, but Danica stepped right up to him. Rising up on her tiptoes, she fisted her hands in his hair and drew his lips to hers. When Brave went still, she simply held him, kissing his passive lips until he let out a low growl and wrapped his arms around her, returning the kiss with barely contained passion.

  At which point, she drew away, framing his face with her hands. “This is what I consent to. And nothing more. If I pull away, you stop. And we’ll figure out a way to make it look good on stage. Okay?”

  Brave stared at her. His lips parted. “You bitch.”

  “Maybe I am a bitch, but we’ve got to work together, right?” Danica smiled sweetly, holding a hand up as if she sensed Alder was about to get involved. But her man had his hands fisted at his sides, his stolid expression making it obvious they’d discussed this beforehand. She patted Brave’s cheek. “Like it or not, I’m setting some limits. Deal with it.”

  And with that, she turned and walked away.

  Alder didn’t move, so naturally, Brave lashed out at him. Latching on to the collar of Alder’s T-shirt, Brave practically snarled in his face. “You put her up to this, didn’t you?”

  “You think I want my girlfriend kissing you? I know how hateful you can be, and I told her this would set you off.” Alder pried Brave’s hand from his shirt. “But you own that stage, brother. The band revolves around you, and Cole will always bend over backwards to give you everything you want. He might pressure her to do more than she’s comfortable with, but if you try, she’s done.”

  “Then why isn’t she done already?” Brave held his arms out wide and let out a cold laugh. “If I’m such a fucking asshole, why doesn’t she just quit?”

  Lips cutting into a thin smile, Alder gave his brother a level look. “Because, for some reason, she believes you’re the kind of man who can show her some respect. That you’re more dedicated to the band than to your fucking ego. I’m curious to see if she’s right.”

  Jesse watched Alder leave, then held his breath as Brave paced back and forth along the side of the bus.

  Brave slammed his fist into the side of the bus. “Fuck this! Fuck her! Fuck you all!”

  As Brave stormed off, Tate tried to approach him and ended up on his ass, shoved aside without so much as a backward glance.

  The poor kid looked completely lost as Jesse ran over to pull him to his feet.

  “This is it.” Tate ran a hand over his hair and bowed his head. “We’re done.”

  You might be right, boy. Jesse squeezed Tate’s shoulder, not sure what to say. Maybe he’d fucked up telling Danica all he had. Suggesting she not be ‘too nice’ probably hadn’t helped either.

  He understood why she’d confronted Brave the way she had. Hell, there was no way she could have predicted his reaction. From the little he knew of her, she’d probably expected Brave to laugh and agree to her terms. When he hadn’t, she’d done the only thing she could. She left the ball in his court.

  What Brave would do now? Fuck if Jesse had the slightest clue.

  Chapter Nine

  Danica didn’t have to pay for a hotel that night. Or she hoped she didn’t have to. When the cab pulled to the hotel where Sophie had gotten a reservation for her, she had to double-check the address. Then she peered up at the opulent, Sofitel Hotel on Beverly Boulevard, not sure if she even wanted to get out of the car.

  She’d been to nice hotels in the past, but always on the modest end of the spectrum. She wasn’t an A-lister.

  Getting out before the cabbie could, Alder came around to open her door and held out his hand. He frowned when she hesitated. “What’s wrong, Danica?”

  Taking his hand, she stepped onto the curb. “This is just too much. Sophie knows I don’t expect to stay anywhere fancy.”

  “If you’re not comfortable here, we can go somewhere else.” He cupped her cheek, sliding his thumb over her bottom lip. “We can go sleep on the beach if you’d like. Tonight is ours and I’ve decided we’re doing anything that will make you happy.”

  “I don’t want to have to think about where else to stay.” She pressed her eyes shut and sighed. “One night won’t be too bad. I’ll have to talk to Sophie about showing off money I don’t have. Most of my tra
vel expenses are covered, but I’m paying for this on my own dime.”

  “Not if you let me pay for it.”



  “Stop.” She tugged at his hand, thanking the cabbie and laughing when Alder took out a few bills for the tip before she could even open her purse. Their two small suitcases were picked up by the bellhop, who led the way into the hotel, moving off to the side to wait for them by the front desk.

  A pretty young Asian receptionist smiled brightly at them. “We’ve been expecting you. Sam will bring your bags up to your room now. If you’ll give me just a moment, the manager would like to speak to you.”

  “The manager?” Danica glanced over at Alder, squeezing his hand when she noticed him watching the other guests of the hotel walk by. He didn’t appear intimidated, and no one was looking down on him, but for all she knew, he was just playing it cool.

  Or, more likely, she was projecting her own unease. He didn’t have to live in the world of the rich and famous, facing people who judged according to labels and connections.

  She did, but she usually had Sophie’s people with her, making sure she was perfectly polished. Right now her hair was a mess, she was wearing the same jeans and T-shirt she’d traveled and rehearsed in, and she didn’t have a list of names memorized and an approved list of topics to discuss.

  “Miss Tallien, a pleasure to meet you.” A lean, black skinned man with a trim, full beard, wearing a tailored, navy blue suit, stepped up to her with his hand out. “My name is Langston Wright, the manager and, as Sophie insisted I tell you as quickly as possible, Sophie’s cousin.”

  “You have a beautiful hotel, Mr. Wright.” Danica shook his hand, feeling a bit more relaxed about Sophie’s choice. She smiled over at Alder. “This is my boyfriend, Alder Trousseau, the lead guitarist for Winter’s Wrath.”

  Mr. Wright shook Alder’s hand, the flesh around his eyes creasing slightly as he grinned. “I can’t say your music is my style, but my eldest daughter is a huge fan. I would have known you without an introduction, considering your poster is on her wall.”

  Alder laughed. “I’m not sure if I should apologize or not.”

  “No need to apologize, I’m honored to have both you and Miss Tallien as guests.” He motioned for them to follow. “My dear cousin called in one of the many favors I owe her. I would have welcomed you regardless, but she was concerned that you’d be too focused on the expense to truly enjoy yourself. This is not costing you, or her, a thing.”

  Danica inclined her head as they stepped onto the elevator. She bit her lip as Mr. Wright swiped a keycard over the scanner to access the penthouse floor. “Thank you, but I still don’t understand. Why did she need to call in a favor at all?”

  “She mentioned you’d had a long day and you deserved a little treat.” He handed her the key card. “Please don’t hesitate to call the front desk if there’s anything you need. I hope you have a very pleasant stay.”

  She and Alder stepped off the elevator, heading down the hall while Mr. Wright went back down. As soon as the elevator doors closed, she quickened her pace.

  “Excited?” Alder lengthened his strides, easily keeping up.

  “A little? I don’t usually stay at hotels just for the fun of it. And I’m usually alone.”

  Alder spun her around, his smile wide as he led her in a dizzy-making dance down the hall. “Well, you have no choice but to have fun.”

  She giggled, clinging to his neck as he swooped her up in his arms when she tipped off balance.

  He brought his lips to hers, speaking softly, trapping her in his dark, passionate gaze. “And you’ve been alone too long. Which might intimidate some, because you don’t really need anyone, do you?”

  “I find it better when I don’t. Then I know everyone who’s in my life is there because I want them to be.” Her lips curved up as she met his eyes. “But you don’t find that intimidating?”

  “No, I find it sexy as hell.”

  A swipe of the card and he swing the door open. Before it had fully closed, he had her up against the wall. His lips slanted over hers and she gasped at the surge of pleasure from just the pressure of his body and his mouth. She raked her fingers into his hair, pulling it loose from the leather tie. The long, ebony strands were as soft as her own and she loved how wild he looked with it spilling free around his broad shoulders.

  His lips moved to her throat and her back bowed at the rush of heat lashing straight down her nerves. He ran his teeth over the same spot and she clenched her thighs, whimpering as he played at one of her most sensitive trigger points. Most men missed the signals until she was holding them still and saying ‘Yes! Right there!’, but she always sensed Alder was intently focused on her. Like he’d never miss a thing.

  If he could do this with his lips on her neck, what would he do with the rest of her?

  She needed to know, but she wanted more of him. Now, while there would be no interruptions and she could take everything. She tugged at his shirt, and his lips left her just long enough for her to yank it up over his head.

  Then he was kissing her again, and she pulled herself to him, breathing in his every exhale, a rough laugh escaping her as he wrapped her legs around his hips and ground against her.

  Even through his jeans, and hers, his solid length had her so aroused the friction alone almost set her off. She sucked on his bottom lip, clenching her thighs to bring him closer, her fingers digging into the thick muscles of his back. Touching his bare skin had her even more needy. Greedy. The clothes that remained were driving her insane. She wanted them gone, but she didn’t think she could let him go for long enough to manage to shed another piece.

  He didn’t give her a choice. Sliding her down his body, he latched on to the base of her shirt, peeling it off her in one smooth motion. One hand on the back of her neck, he claimed her lips again while his free hand came between them to snap open the button of her jeans and draw the zipper down.

  His fingers reached her clit and she dug her nails into his back, pressing against him, the jolt of pleasure stealing her breath. His skin was calloused and rough, but he touched her with just enough pressure to tease the tiny bundle of nerves. She usually needed so much stimulation to get off that she’d shamelessly pretended in the past so she wouldn’t discourage the man she was with.

  There was no reason to fake anything with Alder. He hit all the right triggers so easily, she surrendered control of her body without a moment’s hesitation. His fingers dipped into her and her lips parted as her core clenched around the thick, stretching press of them.

  “Fuck, you’re so hot and wet.” He sucked lightly on her throat, letting out a low growl. “I need to feel this—” He thrust his fingers in deeper, forcing her jeans down with his wrist for easier access. “You.” His teeth grazed her neck. “Now.”

  She rested her forehead on his shoulder, lost in just feeling him inside her, driving her up to the edge of climax already. Just a little longer and she would come, but she refused to take the quick release when she could have so much more. When she could have all of him.

  Clasping his face between her hands, she drew him down to her breasts, whimpering when he caught one nipple between his lips and circled the tip with his tongue. She latched onto his belt, hoping he’d understand what she wanted, because she couldn’t do more then make unintelligible sounds as the arousal stole any coherent words from her lips.

  He cupped her breast with one hand as the fingers from the other left her. She hissed at the ache of emptiness threw her off balance, but then she felt him undoing his belt. His jeans opened and her hand found him.

  For a moment, they were tangled together, her stroking him while she pushed her jeans the rest of the way down. But she was still wearing shoes, so he pulled away from her, dropping to his knees to pull one foot free of her jeans and her sneaker.

  Without warning, he hooked her leg over his shoulder, cupped her ass in his hands, and brought her pussy to his
lips. The rush of pleasure slammed into her as his tongue dipped into her and she threw her head back.

  Her whole body tensed as she cried out, both from the climax that sent a white-hot spill of heat right to her core, and from the crack of pain in her skull.

  His mouth left her. He straightened, gently placing his hand on the back of her head. “Are you all right?”

  “Yes, but…” Damn it, the orgasm had come and gone so quickly, she’d ended up even more needy then she’d been before. But she could speak. So she could tell him. “Fuck me, Alder. Please just fuck me!”

  A slight tilt to the edges of his lips and his eyes darkened with passion. Then he bent down again. And she decided she might have to kill him.

  Until she saw what he’d taken out of the pocket of his jeans. She swallowed hard as he tore the condom wrapper open with his teeth. For some reason, the right man doing that was the sexiest fucking thing she’d ever seen. The way he held her gaze told her very clearly ‘I will have you.’

  After rolling the condom over his long, thick dick, he lifted her up against the wall, spreading her thighs with his hips. With one arm around her waist to hold her up, he guided himself into her, pressing in until the head of him penetrated her fully, but no more. She braced for him to thrust in, but he waited, bringing his hand up to smooth her hair away from her sweat slicked cheeks.

  “Look at me, Danica.”

  She held her breath as she met his eyes. They were such a rich, dark brown, like a soft deer hide tanning in the sun. She ran her tongue over her bottom lip, tangling her hands in his hair as she tipped her lips up to meet his.

  And he drove into her, stealing her breath as she cried out, his tongue meeting hers in a passionate kiss as his body moved against her. Into her.

  Hooking his hands under her knees, he spread her open, finding a rhythm that had her mindlessly digging her nails into the back of his neck and his shoulders. The friction as all her inner muscles tightened around him set her off like a lick of flame over a pool of gasoline.


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