Backlash (Winter's Wrath #1)

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Backlash (Winter's Wrath #1) Page 31

by Bianca Sommerland

  “Go get ‘em, sexy.” Jesse whispered in her ear.

  Taking a deep breath, she skipped onto the stage, giving a little wave to the fans that called her name. A couple of songs went by, absolutely perfect. The guys were enjoying themselves and she’d never had this much fun. SLUT was still her favorite performance, now that she knew the choreography well enough to add her own different spin on it with every show, but Fallen Star was a close second.

  Her heart beat a little faster as the familiar rhythm roared through the theatre. She threw her fist up in the air as she tossed her hair around and sang along. The mosh pit grew, filling with wild, thrashing bodies. Crowd surfers reached the stage, some coming over to give Brave high fives. Security got most of them off the stage quickly, but for every person that lingered, two more seemed encouraged to try.

  She could hear the last one, speaking to Brave, his voice coming through Brave’s mic.

  “No one will ever forget you.”

  Then she saw the glint of metal in his hand.

  A woman in the crowd screamed, her voice coming clearly over the dying sounds of the guitar. “He’s got a knife!”

  Security moved fast.

  Alder got to his brother first.

  Hands grabbed Danica and she struggled, losing sight of Alder in the mass of bodies. Yellow security shirts were all around him.

  A bloody handprint was smeared on the sleeve of one of the guards that had gotten their first. Her heart lodged in her throat as the security guards backed away, their hands out in front of them, their voices calm.

  The man who’d attacked Brave snarled. Between the guards, she spotted the knife still in his hand. Covered in blood.

  With another tug, Jesse dragged her away from the stage. “Stay there! I need to know you’re safe.”

  He waited for her nod, then carefully approached the tense scene in the center of the stage, circling as though looking for a way to get closer.

  “I swear to god, I’ll kill him! Back off!” The man shouted from somewhere in the middle of all the yellow shirts, his voice crazed. “He’ll never be good enough. I encouraged you, I tried to make you better, but you’re still making the same mistakes. He said we could make you a star.”

  “Then leave him. It’s me you want.” Brave’s voice was even, without a hint of pain.

  He’s all right.

  Which meant Alder had gotten to him in time.

  So who was the man threatening? Where was the blood coming from?

  “You have to know I love you. That’s how he found me. I kept sending letters, but you never answered them.” The crazy man laughed. “Now you get them all.” He went quiet. “Tell them not to come any closer, I’ll slit his fucking throat!”

  “Back off!” Brave’s voice broke. “Look at me…what’s your name? You never signed any of the cards.”

  “My name doesn’t matter. Will you come with me?”

  “Yes. I’ll come with you if you let someone take care of him. I’ll do whatever you want.” Brave’s tone took on an edge of desperation. “Don’t let him die.”

  Someone took her hand. She bit her bottom lip hard, glancing over to see Tate. That was good. Tate was safe.

  Maybe Malakai was hurt. Tate loved him like a brother. Losing Malakai would destroy him.

  “He’ll be all right.” Danica whispered, squeezing his hand. “He has to be all right.”

  “I know, but I should have done something.” Tears spilled down Tate’s cheeks. “Malakai dragged me backstage soon as things got crazy.”

  “So he’s okay?”

  Tate nodded, swallowing hard. “He’s on the other side of the stage I think. Him and Connor are waiting to see if there’s anything they can do.”

  Every member of the band was accounted for.

  Bile rose in her throat. She dug her nails into her palm, shaking her head as tears blinded her.

  Not Alder.

  “I have to go to him. He’s hurt. They’re not letting anyone near him.” She stepped forward, but Tate wrapped his arms around her, pulling her back into the shadows of the side stage.

  “The cops are coming. If security can’t deal with the guy, they will.” Tate bowed his head to her shoulder. “There’s nothing either of us can do but stay out of the way.”

  By the time the police got here, it might be too late. But Tate was right.

  The crowd was being cleared out. Several uniformed officers spread out around the theater.

  A firm voice came from behind them. “You’re going to have to clear the area.”

  Danica stared at the officer that had slipped up silently to the side stage. She felt completely numb, but she knew she had to get out of the way. Let the police do their jobs.

  Her and Tate made their way out into the dressing room hall. Another cop waved them on.


  Tate grabbed her arm.

  “Move!” The cop in the hall shouted.

  Bang! Bang! Bang!

  Cold hit them as they rushed outside. Thick snow blinded her at first. Then all she could see were the red and blue lights flashing. More cops, two who came to lead her and Tate to one of the ambulances.

  Someone asked if she was hurt. She shook her head.

  “There was so much blood…” Tears hit the back of her arm as she hugged herself and a blanket was wrapped around her. “I just need to know he’s alive. That’s all that matters.”

  She couldn’t hear any questions. Her pulse pounded in her skull as she whispered the same thing, over and over.

  “Just tell me he’s alive.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  “Find Danica.”

  Jesse pressed his fist against the brick wall. He’d followed the stretcher outside as they rushed Alder to an ambulance. He wanted to hate Brave for going with him.

  But Alder had asked Jesse for one thing.

  He could still speak, so he would be all right.

  He had to be.

  Lifting his hands to his face, Jesse’s knees buckled as he saw the blood covering them. He shoved against the wall before he could hit the ground. He couldn’t be weak. The blood would wash off.

  He had to find Danica.

  There were so many people; he didn’t find anyone he recognized. He took out his phone, then shoved it back in his pocket. Danica wouldn’t have had her phone on stage. The police had gotten everyone outside pretty fast. Especially when the crazy man that had stabbed Alder moved to stab him again and the cops started shooting.

  He couldn’t remember much after that. He’d been shoved out of the way. The guy was cuffed, even though Jesse was pretty sure he was dead.

  And the paramedics had worked on Alder right there on stage, trying to stop the bleeding.

  As soon as he was ‘stabilized’ they rushed him out on the stretcher. Jesse had needed to see Alder’s eyes open. To hear him speak.

  He’d gotten that moment right before they loaded Alder in the ambulance.

  “Find Danica.”

  Even if Alder hadn’t asked, Jesse would have focused on finding her. A few of the ambulances were transporting people in the crowd who’d been trampled. He prayed she wasn’t among them. That she’d stayed where he’d left her until being evacuated.

  Walking along the side of the theatre, he spotted Skull with Connor and Malakai. He ran over to them.

  “Have you seen Danica?” Neither Malakai or Connor answered. They looked like they were in shock. They couldn’t fucking go into shock until everyone was accounted for. “Fuck, pull it together! Where is she?”

  Skull grabbed Jesse’s arm. “She was seen with Tate. We don’t know if they were brought to the hospital. We’ll find out.”

  “Tate hates hospitals. He’d avoid going if he wasn’t hurt and Danica wouldn’t leave him alone.” Malakai pressed a fist to his mouth. “It’s fucking freezing out. Maybe they went to the van?”

  Not waiting for the others, Jesse took off at a run. The van was still parked behind the theatre.

>   It was running. No one was in the driver’s seat. He yanked the back doors open.

  And there was Danica, sitting next to Tate, glaring at an open laptop. One of the most beautiful sights he’d ever seen.

  She glanced up, her face losing all color as she looked him over. Then she gave her head a hard shake. “Neither of us have our phones, but a few people have tweeted about what’s going on. Alder’s on his way to the hospital.”

  “I know.”

  “Do you know which one? None of these idiots seem to have a clue.”

  “Yes. We’ll head there now.” He moved aside as Malakai joined him. “Get in. I’ll drive.”

  After Connor got in the back with the others, and Skull jumped in the passenger side, Jesse pulled out of the parking lot. A cop stopped him to check his ID and ask where he was going. Doing his best to stay calm, Jesse answered all the questions.

  Before long, they were at Henry Ford Hospital.

  They found Brave pacing in the waiting room.

  Danica sprinted right up to him and hugged him tight. “How is he?”

  “He’s in surgery. They brought him right in, but no one’s told me anything yet. One of the paramedics stuck a needle in his chest and pulled out some blood. I don’t know why, he’s lost so much already.” Brave brought a trembling hand up to his face. “I can’t lose him, Danica. He needs to know I love him. I did a great job making him think I didn’t. I need a chance to change that.”

  “You’ll get one.” Danica stroked Brave’s hair as he lowered his head to her shoulder. “He’s strong. He’ll keep fighting and he’ll make it through this. And then you’re going to be the brother he’s always needed you to be.”

  “Yes.” Brave squeezed her, then lifted his head, looking around at the rest of the band. “Are you all okay?”

  They all nodded. Except for Tate.

  Tate shook his head. “There’s so much blood. Am I the only one who’s noticed everyone is covered in blood? I’m gonna be sick.”

  He bolted from the waiting room.

  Malakai quickly followed him.

  And Brave looked down at his clothes. He wore the same tight black jeans and black shirt he’d worn on stage, so the blood didn’t show, but he had as much blood on his hands as Jesse, as well as splatters of it on his pale face.

  “Jesse, you and Brave should go get cleaned up.” Danica drew away from Brave and cupped Jesse’s cheek. “I’ll stay and wait to hear from the doctor. I’ll come get you if there’s anything.”

  Skull cleared his throat. “I’ll go grab some clothes from the van for you both.”

  “Thank you, Skull.” Danica smiled at him. She didn’t seem to notice she was wearing nothing but the same little skirt and thin shirt she’d worn on stage. She had to be freezing, but she’d become the steadiest one among them.

  She’d try to take care of them all. The distraction might keep her from falling apart, but someone had to take care of her. Jesse stepped up to the older roadie before he could take off. “Can you bring one of my hoodies for Danica? It’s going to be huge on her, but it should keep her warm.”

  “I’d planned to, my boy.” Skull clasped a hand behind Jesse’s neck. “Connor and I will watch out for her. You keep an eye on him.”

  Inclining his head, Jesse put his hand on Brave’s shoulder, leading him to the closest bathroom. They both scrubbed their hands in silence. When Skull brought their clothes, Jesse handed a stack to Brave, then quickly shed his bloody clothes, tossing them in the trash before putting on the fresh jeans and T-shirt. He pulled on the thick hoodie, feeling a little more stable.

  Brave hadn’t moved.

  “Hey, look at me.” Jesse faced Brave, hands on his shoulders, shaking him to get his attention. “You don’t get to check out now, Brave. You might be a complete fucking dick sometimes, but you’re one of the strongest people I know. Alder needs your strength.”

  Brave shook his head. “He needs you. And Danica. This isn’t the time for him to worry about playing nice with me.”

  “Then show him he doesn’t have to. You’re going to be the first person allowed in that room to see him.” Jesse held Brave’s gaze, wondering if that was even a good idea. What if he went in there and made things worse?

  He won’t. He just needs a reminder that he’s a tough son of a bitch.

  “You go in there and you tell him he’s going to make it. He needs that stubborn goddamn attitude that kept him from getting close to you for so long. But this time, you’re going to use it to make sure he keeps fighting.”

  “He’ll fight for you, Jesse.”

  “Awesome, but give him every reason you can think of. You, Danica, me. The band. Those dogs—hell, tell him the dogs will be at his place, waiting for him when he gets home.”

  Brave let out a shaky laugh. “My parents will be happy about that. They might not even mind seeing me if I’m there for the mutts.”

  Jesse went still. “Aren’t they coming?”

  “Maybe?” Brave’s brow furrowed. “I figured they would be Alder’s emergency contact—he has a file here from when he got his appendix out. But…he put my name down.” His voice cracked and he lashed out suddenly, punching the wall. “That stupid fucker! Why would he throw himself in front of a guy with a knife? Especially for me?”

  “You know why.” Jesse latched onto Brave’s wrist before he could land another punch. “Go call them. They might surprise you.”

  Pressing his eyes shut, Brave nodded slowly. “I doubt it, but he’d want them here.”

  Back in the waiting room, Jesse waited with the band, surprised when Danica slipped into his lap and let him hold her. He buried his face in her hair, loving that she’d stopped giving a fuck about public opinion. If she’d kept her distance, he’d probably have snapped. Either at Tate, who kept trying to sweet talk the nurses into giving them updates, or at Brave, who’d resumed his pacing.

  Two hours after Brave called them, his parents showed up. Mrs. Trousseau hugged her son, but his father barely acknowledged him before going to hunt down someone who would ‘give him some answers’.

  “You boys are all over the news.” Mrs. Trousseau took a seat beside Malakai, where she could face them all. “I couldn’t believe it. Brave never told us someone was threatening him. How long has this been going on?”

  “Almost a month,” Connor said after a long silence. “We finally got security, but they…they couldn’t stop the guy from getting on the stage. There were so many people going nuts—there always are, but they’re just fans, having a good time.”

  “From what I’ve seen, this ‘good time’ is very dangerous. Gallant is right. You’re all old enough to find better jobs.” She glanced over at Tate. “Perhaps you aren’t, but you should learn from this. Before someone else ends up dead.”

  Tate’s skin turned a sickly shade of green. He bolted from his seat.

  Malakai slammed his fist into the arm of his seat and went after Tate.

  Danica stiffened in Jesse’s arms, tracing her thumb over the silver cuff on her wrist. He rubbed her back as she trembled. Forcing Brave to call his parents had been a mistake.

  Mrs. Trousseau sighed. “I didn’t mean to upset anyone, but you have to understand, I’ve lost two sons to this crazy dream and—”

  “Alder is going to be fine.” Brave stopped in the center of the waiting room, staring at his mother. “Fuck, I don’t understand you. Don’t you even care that he’s fighting for his life? I don’t know why he bothers with you. Or why I didn’t see how hard he tries to keep this family together. When he visits, he answers all your questions, knowing your just digging for your next story.”

  “He’s always respected my career.” Her eyes went cold as she stood. “I’m sorry you don’t. And I wish I could say Alder will pull through, but I’m a realist. All reports say he had been bleeding for a very long time before they were able to get to him. I clung to any hope that Valor would be found alive for days, and look how that turned out.”

>   Brave just shook his head and turned his back on her. “You’re here because Alder will want to see you when he wakes up. But if you dare let him know you’d already given up on him, I’ll kick you out of his room myself.”

  Mr. Trousseau returned, his face drawn with the same weary acceptance his wife was expressing. “There are complications. They stopped the bleeding, and repaired the damage to his heart, but he’s in shock and showing signs of severe hypothermia from the blood loss. The chances of him ever waking up are low.”

  “But there’s a chance?” The way Brave looked at his father, as though he was desperate for the man to tell him everything would be all right, broke Jesse’s heart.

  He already felt like a knife had slammed into the center of his chest. The way Mr. Trousseau shook his head twisted it even deeper.

  “Not a strong enough chance to get your hopes up.” He raked his hand through his hair, looking so much like both Brave and Alder that Jesse had to look away. Too bad he couldn’t block out the man’s next words. “I can’t do this again.”

  “Can we see him?” Mrs. Trousseau asked. She almost sounded like a loving mother, but when her husband shook his head, she picked up her purse and took his hand. “Then we’ll come back when we can.”

  They left. They actually fucking left.

  Jesse considered his own parents and realized he wasn’t all that shocked. At least Alder’s parents had shown up. His wouldn’t have bothered.

  But that didn’t matter, because this was their family. Right here. This band. Danica. The roadies who came in with coffee over the next few hours and asked about Alder. All of them had faith he’d pull through.

  Hours later and a doctor approached them, asking to speak to Brave alone.

  Brave shook his head. “They need to hear this too.”

  The doctor nodded. “All right, well I can say his condition has improved. He’s a healthy young man, which works in his favor. The hypothermic shock increased the bleeding during surgery, but he’s responding well to the transfusions. His heart stopped and along with oxygen loss it’s difficult to say how extensive the damage is. He hasn’t regained consciousness, but we’re monitoring him closely. If he makes it through the night, I’m confident he’ll make a full recovery.”


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