Five Star Desire

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Five Star Desire Page 2

by Jacquelin Thomas

  “I do have a job and I am grateful for that. It’s not exactly on the management track, but I guess I’ll have my chance to impress my new boss in a couple of weeks.”

  * * *

  Wisps of cirrus clouds played peekaboo with the early June sun. A steady wind, blowing in from the east, brought warming temperatures, and Addison Evans was looking forward to the summer. But for now, she needed to complete preparations for her new hires that were starting today.

  She paced back and forth in her office. Why was she so nervous? Kellen Alexander was just another employee. He was on her team. The fact that she was anticipating his arrival with such emotion came as a complete surprise.

  “You’re going to wear a hole in the rug,” her assistant said. She walked into the office with a stack of documents. “This is what you’ve been waiting for. They arrived late yesterday after you’d gone home.”

  “Thank you, Devin.”

  “I have everything set up in the conference room for the new-hire orientation. Samantha from human resources should be arriving any moment. She called from the car.”

  “Great,” Addison murmured. “Thanks for getting everything ready.”

  She sat down at her desk. “Let me know when the new hires arrive.”

  “Will do,” Devin responded with a smile.

  Kellen was the first to arrive.

  “I’m Addison Evans.” She smiled and extended her hand, which quickly disappeared into his large one. She made a point of keeping her grip firm and looking Kellen in the eye, a habit she’d acquired early in her career, and one that had always alerted her about what kind of man she was dealing with. “Welcome aboard.”

  “Thank you,” he responded politely.

  Kellen held her gaze and didn’t seem surprised by the firmness of her grip. More important, he didn’t try to grind her hand into dust with his superior strength.

  Both marks in his favor.

  Addison studied him, poised there so straight and tall in his sharply tailored, black, designer business suit. He was devastatingly handsome, but she crushed that thought as soon as it entered her mind. His dark-eyed gaze made the already hot day sizzle.

  She forced herself to look away from Kellen. The man had broad shoulders, slender hips and long legs that would easily turn a woman’s head in his direction. Addison released a soft breath of air before turning her attention back to him.

  He was easily the sexiest man she had ever met, but it wasn’t just his looks that attracted her to him; it was the mystery and the intrigue that she found intoxicating.

  She could not read him.

  Kellen was smiling, but she silently noted that his smile did not quite reach his eyes. Addison had heard that Kellen was reputed to be very personable; however, she was not seeing this side of him at the moment.

  “Where would you like me to sit?” he asked her.

  She tore her gaze away and concentrated on his question. “Your office is two doors down. I’ll have someone take you there after a brief orientation.” Addison resumed control of her emotions. “I’ll walk you to the conference room. I have two other employees starting today, as well.”

  “Great,” Kellen murmured.

  She stole a peek at him. He did not look as if he really wanted to be there.

  “How long have you worked here?” he asked suddenly.

  “I’ve been with ADDG for almost five years. I interned here during grad school and was hired permanently after I graduated.”

  “Where did you attend college?”

  “Stanford,” Addison responded. “Here we are,” she said with a soft sigh of relief. “Your orientation will last until noon. We have a welcome lunch planned for one o’clock.”

  Addison walked briskly away from the conference room longing for the safety of her office. She was far too aware of Kellen as a sexy man, when she needed to look at him objectively like an employee. Still, it was hard to stay objective when he focused those gorgeous gray eyes on her, when the clean male scent of him eddied in the air around her and his energy filled every corner of the room.

  She had to find a way to block out her intense awareness of this man.

  * * *

  Kellen had not expected to be struck down by Addison’s beauty. The image formed in his mind was of a “plain Jane” type. Instead, her features were classic. Addison had high cheekbones that emphasized the slenderness of her face and her straight, perfect nose. She had a generous mouth, which he found incredibly sexy and her lips inviting.

  She looked of average height; her curvaceous figure covered in a navy pencil skirt and jacket. Not a hair was out of place. Kellen admired the healthy glow of her butternut complexion.

  While in her office, he glimpsed the many awards and accolades Addison had received throughout her career. Combined with the conservative navy suit she wore, he got the message. This woman was smart, dedicated and professional.

  She had thrown him completely off guard. Kellen mentally shook himself and forced himself to pay attention to the human resources rep who explained the benefits of being an Alexander-DePaul employee.

  Later, a walk through the open workstations revealed collaboration in action, which excited Kellen. He couldn’t wait to get started on his first project. He intended to impress Addison with his skill. Kellen noted there were groups of associates gathered in one area or another throughout. Although he had group projects during his college years, he preferred to work solo when it came to a project.

  “ADDG employees participate in a wide variety of activities—from fun to philanthropic—the annual golf tournaments, charity fundraisers and local office parties, just to name a few,” the HR rep stated.

  Afterward, Kellen joined the rest of the associates in a large area he assumed was the break room. For just a moment Kellen gazed at Addison, observing her as she interacted with her staff. She was a natural beauty, a woman comfortable in her own skin. Normally, when he glimpsed into the eyes of the women he came into contact with, he saw a hint of vulnerability in the depths of their eyes, but not in Addison’s gaze. She obviously didn’t need anybody to rescue her and besides, that wasn’t his role here. Kellen knew without a doubt that she could stand her ground and hold her own against just about anybody.

  “So what do you think?” she asked when she joined him by a table laden with food.

  “I notice that everyone seems to work in teams. Collaboration seems to be the theme throughout.”

  “Collaboration means teamwork, and our integrative approach to project design is apparent in our staff relationships. Working with a variety of different professionals who share a common goal allows us to enjoy what we do and celebrate the satisfaction that comes from a job well-done.”

  “I tend to work better alone.”

  She looked up at him, meeting his gaze straight on. “You may feel this way now, but after you’ve worked on a few projects, I think you’ll feel different.”

  Kellen disagreed, but did not vocalize his thoughts. “So what are some of the new projects your teams are working on?”

  “ADDG took the lead on an exciting project in Denver,” Addison stated. “We are designing a new ski resort. The building is going to be a replacement for the preexisting Hummingbird Lodge. In just under a year of design time, we are on target to bring the plans through the necessary variance and permitting phases and to completion.”

  “Sounds like an exciting project,” Kellen admitted.

  “Your job will entail developing structural renderings starting from conceptual to detailed design stage using 3D AutoCAD and Personal Development Management System.”

  He patted the backpack on his right shoulder. “I can’t wait to get started.”

  Their eyes met and held.

  She released a soft sigh, although he couldn’t tell if the sigh w
as of relief or apprehension. “I’m certainly glad to hear that,” Addison replied as she headed back toward the door. “I have to get to a meeting, but I’ll check on you later.”

  Her steps were brisk and abrupt, almost as if she couldn’t wait to get away from him. Kellen reminded himself that no matter how beautiful she was, Addison Evans was a mystery he definitely didn’t need to explore.

  * * *

  Kellen carried with him an energy that seemed to pulse in the air around him, an energy that seductively drew her to him. Addison escaped into a conference room. But it was the way he stood, his head cocked to one side, an air of confidence about him which drew her like a moth to a flame. Maybe it was because she’d isolated herself for the past six months that Kellen touched a chord inside her.

  She checked her watch.

  Her meeting wasn’t scheduled to start for another ten minutes, but she needed time to regain her senses.

  Addison cast her gaze outside the window, where a light breeze stirred the trees. She always loved the spring season, before the summer heat tightened its grip on Los Angeles.

  As she heard the door open and then close, her thoughts snapped back to work.

  Members of upper-level management slowly filled the room. Addison turned her attention to the meeting agenda.

  Reluctantly, her thoughts traveled back to Kellen. When his gaze landed on her, he seemed to be trying to look inside her soul, which is what prompted Addison to break eye contact with him and leave so abruptly. It was really ridiculous, the kind of tension his very presence wrought inside her. She was extremely aware of Kellen’s maleness, when she needed to look at him as just another employee.

  She didn’t know why, but she had a feeling her life was about to change dramatically. Addison just wasn’t sure if it would change for the good or the bad.

  Chapter 2

  Barbara walked outside to the patio where Kellen sat staring out at the picturesque landscape of the backyard and Olympic-size pool.

  Feeling his mother’s presence, he glanced up but said nothing.

  “How was your first day at ADDG? You got in so late last night, I didn’t get a chance to talk to you.”

  “Spent most of the day in orientation,” Kellen responded drily. “I was able to get my office set up. I unpacked all of my books and magazines. I guess you could say that it was a good first day.”

  She sat in the empty lounge chair beside him. “Honey, I know you’re disappointed about the management position, but your father made the right decision.”

  He gave her a sidelong look. “Somehow I figured you would agree with him.”

  She seemed taken aback by his response. “What is that supposed to mean?”

  “Exactly what I just said,” Kellen responded. He was careful not to sound disrespectful. “Mom, you rarely disagree with Dad over anything. So this doesn’t surprise me that you’d side with him on this, too. Allies must present a united front, after all.”

  “Son, I’m not siding with anyone,” Barbara stated. “In case you have forgotten, I’ve been in business for a while. If the decision had been mine to make—I would’ve made the same one.”

  “I’ve done everything I could to earn your trust.” Kellen sighed in resignation. “What else do I need to do?”

  “Nothing,” she responded.

  Barbara’s warm brown eyes bored into his as she folded her hands in her lap—hands that were now adorned with a new wedding set. “This is not about trust, Kellen. This is a business decision and not a personal one. The fact that you haven’t realized this confirms that you are not ready for such a position.”

  Kellen’s mouth tightened in response. He glanced over at the ring on his mother’s finger and said, “Blaze and I helped Dad pick that ring for you. I knew how much you loved emerald-cut diamonds.”

  She smiled. “I figured as much. Malcolm would’ve just picked something more extravagant.”

  “The one he had in mind was nice, but I told him that you wouldn’t like it.”

  She reached over and gave his hand a gentle squeeze. “Son, keep an open mind. Learn the ropes and—”

  “And maybe one day my chance will come,” Kellen finished for her. He rose to his feet. “Got it.”

  “Don’t you dare walk away from me, young man.”

  He turned to face his mother. “I’m not trying to be disrespectful, but I just don’t have anything else to say.”

  Barbara merely raised an elegant eyebrow. “Fine,” she responded firmly. “Then we don’t need to discuss this anymore. It is what it is and you will have to adjust. Kellen, I know that you will because you are your father’s son.”

  He glared at her, and she stared him down.

  * * *

  Addison met her best friend, Tia Browning, for dinner at the Cheesecake Factory in Beverly Hills. She had called her a week ago to tell her about the new position.

  Dressed in a fashionable red-and-black pantsuit, Tia stood outside the restaurant waiting for her to cross the street. She switched her red leather tote from her left shoulder to her right.

  “Hey, lady,” Addison greeted her with a smile.

  They embraced.

  “Congratulations on your promotion to director,” Tia said. “Girl, I’m so happy for you.”

  Addison broke into a grin. “Thank you. I have to confess that I didn’t really think I’d get the job.”

  “Dinner’s on me tonight,” Tia stated. “I just got a huge bonus from work so we’re celebrating.”

  “A bonus. Congratulations to you.”

  They were seated a few minutes later.

  “I’m really excited about this new role,” Addison stated as she picked up her menu. “The only thing I’m a little nervous about is that a member of the Alexander family is working under me.”

  “Really?” Tia pushed her menu to the side and leaned forward. “Which one?”

  “Kellen,” she responded. “He’s the youngest son.”

  A waitress who identified herself as Paula greeted them warmly as she pulled out a pen and paper to take their drink selections.

  When she walked away, Tia continued their conversation. “I read somewhere that he was away at college on the East Coast.”

  Addison picked up her menu. “He graduated last June and now he wants to join the family business.”

  “Are you going to be able to concentrate with such a gorgeous man like that around? Girl, I have to tell you—that is one good-looking family.”

  She chuckled. “He’s going to be my employee, Tia. Besides, I’m five years older than him.”

  Paula reappeared with drinks for them. After setting them down on the table, she pulled out a pen and pad to write down their orders.

  She disappeared around a corner and into a nearby wait station.

  Tia took a sip of her wine. “I don’t know if I could do it.”

  Addison laughed. “Regardless of how handsome he is, I’m not at all interested in mixing my love life with my business. You know that only leads to trouble.”

  “There are quite a few workplace romances that work out.”

  “I don’t know of any.”

  “Yeah, you say that now...”

  “I’m serious. I don’t want to deal with any drama in the office if things don’t work out. It’s not professional, either.”

  “I don’t know, girlfriend. Kellen Alexander looks exactly like your type.”

  “He may look like my type, but I’m not letting him get anywhere near me outside of work. I intend to focus on my job.”

  “Tell me that after you’ve worked with him for about three months,” Tia said with a grin.

  “There’s a fine line between romance and sexual harassment,” Addison stated.

  “I doubt that
Kellen is going to consider suing you.”

  She took a sip of her iced tea. “I’m not taking any chances.”

  “Like I said,” Tia uttered, placing her napkin across her lap as their food arrived. “Three months from now, we’ll see if you feel the same way.”

  “I was once told that I’d never be CEO of a major corporation because I didn’t go for the jugular,” Addison stated. “At the time, I took that to mean I wasn’t tough enough, that I didn’t have what it took to play the power games at any cost. Well, he was right at the time. Other things were equally important to me and I did not want to spend my life—every waking moment—thinking about business and the power games I would have to play to make it in the big leagues. Then my mother died and everything changed for me. Tia, I’m not about to let Kellen Alexander destroy all the hard work it took to get where I am.”

  * * *

  Kellen was still upset over the job situation, and for the moment, he did not want to be anywhere near his parents. However, it was unavoidable because he was living in their house. This morning, he purposely stayed in his room until he knew they were gone. He knew that his parents religiously went on an early-morning stroll daily.

  He was surprised to see Zaire seated at the breakfast table when he entered the kitchen. Kellen had no idea that his sister was there. He didn’t have dinner at home last night and had stayed out until he was sure his parents had retired for the evening.

  “Good morning,” she said brightly.

  “What’s so good about it?” he grumbled as he dropped down in the seat across from her. “What are you doing here, anyway? Don’t you have a house of your own? I know your husband is back in town. I talked to him last night.”

  “What’s wrong with you?” Zaire asked, wearing a frown on her face. “I know you’re not a morning person, but you’re usually not so snappy. As for why I’m here—Mom and I are going shopping for the nursery.”

  “I’m sorry,” Kellen responded. “I didn’t mean to snap at you like that. I’m just in a bad mood.” He and Zaire had shared an apartment while they were in grad school. She graduated a couple of years before him and decided to start a business of her own. She and Dreyden were the only two of his siblings that opted not to work in the family business.


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