Love of A Dragon (Exalted Dragons Book 1)

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Love of A Dragon (Exalted Dragons Book 1) Page 8

by K. T. Stryker

  “Everyone, calm down, please!” said Crown. “They have no knowledge of where the Valley lies. All they know is that they have evidence of multiple sightings.”

  “I’m sorry,” interrupted Kelly, “What exactly are you trying to say?”

  “What I mean is,” said Crown, “they’ve seen us. They’ve seen us several times, namely on our hunting journeys, the last of which was a sighting in our latest hunting mission in Siberia.”

  Damien turned to William.

  “Were you not in charge of that mission, General?” said Damien angrily to William.

  “I was, Your Grace,” William replied. “But that’s impossible! The area was heavily and meticulously patrolled before and after the hunt, no sightings could have ever taken place!”

  “Well, Mr. Crown wouldn’t be making this news up for the fun of it!” Damien shouted.

  William stood up and tried to defend himself, looking resentfully at Crown and imagining him attempting to rule him out of the King’s favor.

  “The point is, Your Grace!” interrupted Crown. “The point is, they have no idea where we’ve hid the valley, and if we look rather closely at the matter, this could play to our very own advantage.”

  “Whatever do you mean?” asked Damien.

  “What I mean is that we don’t have to go through the dangerous endeavor of proving our existence to a significant number of people,” he explained. “They already know we exist, and all we have to do is carefully approach them.”

  “And what or who exactly is this significant number of people?” asked Damien, rather skeptical of where Crown’s plan seems to be going.

  “Those who are aware of our existence is what humans call the Heads of State,” said Crown.

  “The what?” asked Viera, looking back and forth at Damien and Kelly.

  “Kelly, would you care to explain?” asked Crown.

  “Yes, of course,” Kelly said, standing up next to Crown and facing the others. “You see, in the human world, we’ve managed to divide ourselves into States, territories that are led by what you would call tribes for example. The point is that each one of those states has a leader or Head of its own, one that cooperates with the others. So, in a way, it’s like a community of leaders that more or less control what goes on in the human world.”

  “Well that doesn’t sound too unreasonable,” muttered Damien, right before Viera glared at him in disappointment. “I mean…how beastly and unfair that must be,” he quickly corrected himself.

  “In any case,” Kelly continued, “What Crown is trying to say is that these Heads of State are aware of our existence, and if we reach out to them, we could attempt to reach a plan of reconciliation, where they themselves would coordinate an event dedicated to the reappearance of the dragon race.”

  “Well, it doesn’t seem too absurd of a plan,” said Viera after a few silent moments, “not even to me.”

  “And have you thought all of this through?” asked Damien. “How to reach out to these Heads of States, what do say and things like that? Not to mention where and who would lead that encounter?”

  “Kelly will be the one to lead the mission,” said Crown, “alongside Your Grace.”

  “And have you decided on how to make sure you get all these leaders together in the same place?” asked Damien, still trying to make sense of their plan.

  “Well,” said Kelly, “they will be doing that for us. In other words, they already come together in the same place and at the same time each year – at the United Nations annual meeting, which is precisely one month away.”

  “It takes place at their headquarters in New York City,” added Crown, “where Kelly was found and where I had been working closely with humans for years.”

  “I see,” said Damien, rubbing his chin.

  “I think it’s a golden opportunity, father,” said Kelly. “If we miss it, we might not have another chance.”

  “I think you’re right, my dear,” replied Damien.

  “So, it’s settled?” asked Viera.

  “It is,” said Damien. “Crown, Kelly, well done. Begin organization at once!”

  He then turned to William.

  “And General, you will be working closely with both of them, and you will be answering directly to Crown from now on!” said Damien, “I expect a smooth transition from all of you.”

  Damien then turned around and quickly flew to see to other matters before William got a chance to raise any objections.

  “General,” said Crown, “I truly hope we can be good friends. We need to work smoothly together if this is to succeed.”

  “Yes,” said William, giving a somewhat false smile. “Of course.”

  They all return to their posts, and begin planning the details of what would be the most dangerous encounter they’ve attempted with any race.

  Weeks passed, and the United Nations annual meeting was days away. Everything was in place, and everyone had spent days mentally and physically preparing themselves for what lies ahead. Some were braver than others, some were naturally terrified. But most of them really did know what to expect. Will the humans march towards them with all kinds of large and strange weapons? Will they decided to cooperate in kindness? Will the humans themselves be frightened? No one knew what to expect. Kelly, with all her previous faith in the human race, for some reason wasn’t sure the same faith applied in this case. As she stood steady next to Crown, looking into empty space, she said, “you know, Crown, what worries me is what humans can do when they feel fear.”

  “We’re all afraid, my dear,” he said, holding her hand.

  “Yes,” she said, “but humans do terrible things when they are afraid. They are perhaps the only species that can turn to beastly, merciless creatures when it is afraid.”

  “Well,” said Crown, “let’s not say that to the others. We need to keep their hopes up, we all do.”

  “Yes. Yes, of course,” she said, holding his hand tighter. “I love you, darling.”

  “I love you too, my dear,” he said. “We will get through this together. One way or another.”

  Damien flew in, his entire body dressed in shields and armor, all made of gold and silver. He truly looked like a king.

  “Are we all ready?” he said, his voice powerful and brave, instilling courage into the hearts of all the others.

  “Everything is in place, Your Grace,” said William, standing by him.

  “Before we embark on this treacherous journey,” said Damien, “I would like to remind our brave brothers and sisters of why we are doing this. Our kind is at stake. Our kind – the dragon race – is dying. We are dying, running out of resources, running out of food and space for shelter. We cannot survive if we stay still, if we remain stuck in the dark we will never survive this coming century. Humans can be very unpredictable. One where they speak of love and cooperation, and another they embark on holy wars and go on missions of rape and plunder. I will not lie, they are not to be entirely trusted. But we must all have faith in them, just as much as we have faith that the sun will rise each dawn, and that a new soul will be born when a loved one is taken away. We must believe. So, I tell you all, right here under this early sun, to believe. We will go through this together, and whatever comes out of it will be faced with bravery, with a kind and compassionate heart, and with the solid belief that we have tried. So fear not, my people. Fear not, and be brave. Be brave!”

  The dragons all applauded, shouting chants of agreement and solidarity.

  “Your father is quite the orator,” said Crown, almost whispering to Kelly.

  “He truly is,” she said. “He truly is.”


  The United Nations annual meeting was ready to take place. As usual, New York City was swarmed with security forces, all prepared to receive over one hundred and ninety world leaders coming together to discuss international matters. The city was busier than ever, and Kelly hadn’t been back since the day she left with Crown and Damien.

  Damien, V
iera, Crown, William and an army of soldiers were flying high over the city, above the clouds so as to remain unseen to humans. Kelly was riding on Crown’s back, and she already started to feel strange being back to New York again, or more accurately, above it. They soared in circles over the city, rotating above the streets until they made sure that all leaders were inside the headquarters, with doors closed and everyone seated. It was only then they would be able to surround the building and hold it under siege until negotiations were over.

  “You do know that they will be insanely frightened at first,” Kelly said to Crown as she rode on his back. “I hope Viera’s protective charm works.”

  “Don’t worry,” said Crown, “that’s her strongest asset, as you unfortunately know.”

  “I do know, yes,” Kelly said.

  The leaders were inside the building, and according to one dragon they had on the ground, they were all seated and negotiations were about to begin.

  “Are we all in place?” shouted Damien. “Everyone, take your positions. Viera?”

  Viera looked at Damien, nodded, and gradually lowered herself to the ground. She then created a large ball of fire, to which she recited a series of spells, sounding like spiritual hymns and prayers. She then cast the ball down unto the United Nations building, which then transformed into a large dome covering the entire perimeters of the organization. Once the dome was set, no one was able to get in or out of the building. And more importantly, nothing could break the charm. No matter how strong the weapons humans used, the charm Viera had been working on was truly unbreakable. Only dragons could penetrate its powerful walls.

  “Well done, darling,” Damien said to Vier. “Now, Crown and Kelly, you’re ready to land with me?”

  “All ready, Your Grace!” said Crown. “On your count.”

  “Alright,” said Damien. “We descend in three, two, one!”

  Damien and Crown suddenly descended to the city, with Kelly holding fast to Crown’s back. The two of them quickly made their ways through the clouds and into the dome shaped protective charm. Crown was about to switch into his human form, when Kelly advised him that it would be safer to stay in his stronger dragon shape. By the time they got down to ground, they quickly noticed the chaos taking place all around. People were screaming and running through the streets, with many taking pictures and tying to record what looked like something straight out of a dream book. They knew how scared the humans were, but it had to be done nonetheless. Kelly was standing, almost frozen staring at people running and screaming. It hurt her seeing them panic this way, and she even recognized a couple of people who used to work in her coffee shop.

  “Kelly!” shouted Crown. “We have to go inside, NOW! We don’t have much time.”

  Kelly ran inside with Crown and Damien. Inside the building, William had led the dragon soldiers in to keep security forces out of the way, and make room Damien, Crown, and Kelly to speak. Damien walked in, with his full dragon form, spreading his wings and flaunting his fiery skin. The humans were astonished. They were speechless and out of breath. They had finally come face to face with the race they had so often heard about.

  “It cannot be,” said one leader, standing from his seat and observing Damien’s form. “This isn’t real. It cannot be.”

  “How could you say that, dear human,” said Damien, “when for centuries you’ve kept records of our existence, of reported sightings and news of our appearances.”

  “Yes, but…” said the human, “having records and receiving intelligence is one thing, and then seeing you…live in the flesh…is something else.”

  “You’ve known we’ve existed all along,” said Damien. “So here we are.”

  “What do you want,” said another leader. “Why are you here? Why decide to show up now?”

  “That, my dear human,” said Damien, “is the right question to ask.”

  The human leaders all braced themselves, getting ready to listen to what Damien had to say. Some were clearly more aware of the dragon’s existence than others. Some were more afraid, some were more curious. And some, of course, were secretly contemplating the resurrection of business that once flourished a long time ago.

  “We come here in peace,” began Damien. “We are here to extend a hand of reconciliation, of peaceful coexistence, of mutual respect and understanding. Surely that if you were all aware of our existence, you knew that we lived in hiding, and have purposely done so for years in response to our less than idea past with you. But you see, we are in need of your help. Living in hiding, in exile from the rest of the world, we’ve gradually ran out of resources. If we don’t come out, if we don’t share a living freely with the rest of the planet, we will perish. We might go extinct. And of course, like you, we simply cannot stand by and watch that happen.”

  “And you’ve come here to ask if we would,” said one leader, “share our resources with you?”

  “More or less,” said Damien. “But that is not the entire story.”

  “Go on,” said the leader.

  “We ask if we can have a strict, liable, pact,” said Damien. “The Human race and the dragon race, as you all surely know, have had a long history of fighting, of bloodshed and war. Humans used to have, as you all know, an industry of some sort - an enterprise that flourished on the hunting and selling of dragon flesh and bone and tissue.”

  Some leaders looked at each other, somewhat skeptically. Others seemed to know exactly what Damien was talking about, and who had, in fact, been contemplating the resurrection of that very same business again.

  “But you must know, my leaders,” continued Damien, “that that was never the way it was. Things were different before. We were not always enemies. In fact, there was a time when we lived in peace, in harmony. Together, as one. We lived as friends, as partners and companions. And we are here today, extending a hand of reconciliation, and asking for that same past again, one that I assure you all is very possible.”

  “I see,” said one leader. “And how can you prove that we can in fact live that way? In other words, how can we be sure that you will not betray us?”

  “Well, my dear human,” said Damien. “The proof is right here.”

  Damien looked at Kelly, and gestured that she move forward.

  “I present to you, ladies and gentlemen,” said Damien, “my daughter, Kelly. Half human and half dragon, she is an amalgamation of both species, and living proof that we can not only coexist, but fall in love, procreate, and live happily amongst one another.”

  “This is absurd,” shouted a leader in objection, “she looks like an ordinary human being! I don’t know how you thought this whole theatrical would work, but clearly this is all a set up!”

  “No, he’s right!” shouted Kelly.

  “They come here, place the most important people of the human race under siege,” shouted the human leader, “and practically blackmailing us handing in our resources for cheap! Gentlemen, I urge you to see what is happening! Do not be bewitched by their magnificent forms!”

  “No, please, he’s telling the truth!” Kelly attempted to shout harder.

  “Call special forces!” shouted another leader. “This ends now!”

  They suddenly heard airplanes running through the skies, and what sounded like blasting guns and tanks trying to penetrate the dome. And then they heard them, their dragon forces screaming and dying in battle above.

  “Crown, they’re attacking!” said Kelly. “They’re attacking! It’s exactly what I was afraid of!”

  “We both knew it was a high possibility,” said Crown, trying to shield her. “We need to get you out of here.”

  “No!” objected Kelly, “I can still stay and negotiate.”

  “It doesn’t seem that we’ll have much time for that.”

  “Crown, get Kelly out of here,” shouted Damien. “NOW!”

  Crown forcefully took Kelly and flew out of the building, taking her back to the office roof they flew off the first time they left New York. She
shouted and screamed to stay, but Crown had no choice but to take her away before she got injured or killed in the battle. It was all exactly what they were afraid of – the human lust for power, for domination and reluctance to cooperate.

  Chapter 9

  Crown landed on the rooftop with Kelly, and quickly transformed into his human form before anyone could spot him. Kelly was still shouting in anger, and had apparently been in tears the whole way back.

  “How could you leave them behind like that?” she shouted. “You saw them, they were dying! We couldn’t have just left!”

  “There was nothing you could do, Kelly!” he said. “And you needed be kept safe! You’re the only heir to the crown we’ve got.”

  Meanwhile, back at the headquarters, chaos had reigned and civil war had erupted between dragons and humans once more. It had turned out that many human leaders were awaiting either the public reappearance of the dragon race, or were undergoing extensive searches to find the hiding place in which dragons reside. Before they knew it, a surge of weaponry was ordered to New York City, and the population ordered to evacuate at once. A state of emergency was declared, and a collective hunt for the dragons was initiated. It was exactly how the Twilight ritual stories were told, if not worse. The dancing images of humans slaughtering dragons that were made of flame and illustrated every night were now coming to life. It was precisely what Damien had feared, and what other dragons like Viera and William, those who had little to no faith in the human race, were certain was going to happen. Damien ordered for the entire dragon army to be summoned from the valley, and prepare to protect the race of what was surely humanity’s attempt to racially cleanse the earth of their existence.


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