The Step Sister (Sister Series, #10)

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The Step Sister (Sister Series, #10) Page 21

by Leanne Davis

  Then her mouth captured his, and his fingertips plunged inside her panties until they found her wet, slippery core. She gasped when he started a gentle massage, rubbing, and swirling around her clit. She moved her hips faster, grabbing his smooth, bald head and pulling his mouth forcibly against her chest. She ached to push her nipple into his mouth while her entire body started to grow white-hot, burning with desire, and ready to explode.

  She moaned and held his face to her breast as she kissed his shiny head. Being so turned on and consumed by heat, the loving tenderness he offered her only enhanced the entire experience.

  He stood up, and her feet slammed jarringly on the floor. He let her go as he dipped his head down, tugging off her pants and her panties. Undoing his own jeans, he leaned down to remove them. She held her breath and the cool air heightened and aroused her core, now straining with heat. They both stood there naked and their gazes traveled over each other’s body. Their eyes devoured and took in the other. Chris was huge, all parts of him. Julia was breathless while staring down at him and her eyes widened as she glanced up. He stopped and began ruffling through his clothes before pulling out a condom, which he quickly slid on. He smiled shyly at her, melting her heart and she pulled him closer. She was too short for him, and their bodies lined up awkwardly. He simply squatted down and came back up, holding her in his arms.

  She automatically wrapped her legs around his waist and groaned when his thick hardness rested against her sensitive, soft, wet opening. She’d never been held like this by a man. “Ooh, I like this. I’ve never done it like this,” she whispered excitedly.

  Chris didn’t answer as he moved her bottom and she eagerly took him in. Impaling her with his huge organ, she groaned, yelling his name, and his arms held her fast. She imagined herself covering his body up like human Saran wrap wound all around him. She groaned, sighed, moaned, and kept on kissing him as her body enveloped his long, hard thickness. It was so hot and amazing. She was all but screaming as she moved her hips greedily, begging for more. Suddenly launching herself from tender affection to a selfish demand, she did not mean to be so aggressive.

  He sat back down and she screamed as he drove himself deeper into her hungry body. She began to move harder, longer, and faster, taking him in deeper. Over and over, she bounced on his lap, jiggling her boobs up and down, her long hair sliding this way and that, as her entire body went wild with abandon. There was no self-consciousness or sense of demeanor, only feelings. Every part of her was alive with feeling. And it was amazing. Hot. Explosive. Wild. Crazy. Wet. Messy. Wonderful. She grabbed both of his shoulders, digging her nails into him as her head tilted back and her body exploded. Bursting like fireworks, her feelings and muscles were all working together in perfect rhythm and giving her the ultimate freedom of flying with a mindlessness she never experienced before.

  Her body kept milking him, tugging on his massive organ as the aftershocks of what felt to her like a ten point earthquake until he gripped her waist tightly. Like a giant suction cup, she accepted all of him inside her and he came while moaning and yelling her name.


  Falling back to earth, and realizing they were still in his living room, on the chair, and she was in his lap came as a bit of a shock. Julia had literally been out of her body. All her screaming, thrusts, and erotic responses were unrehearsed, unplanned, and uncensored. Now that she was calm again, cooling down, her self-consciousness returned. She lay panting against his bare chest and let his arms encircle her. Snuggling in deeper, she was thinking of ways she could stay there and always feel protected. Cherished. And connected.

  She tilted her head up towards him. His head was resting on the back of the chair, and his eyes were closed. He sensed her movement and stared at her. Leaning forward, he opened his eyes as he brushed his lips over her scalp.

  “Wow, that was…”

  “Just the start,” he said in a husky voice.

  She gulped, wondering what more there could be? This was, for her anyway, the top of the hill, the most fun sex had ever been. It had to be. She giggled again. “Too much of that could kill us.”

  “What better way to die than this?”

  “Nothing like it. I’ve never… No. Nothing like this. I’ve never felt like this.”

  “We should get comfortable.” He stood up and held her in his arms. She moved her hips and he fell out from her, now spent and flaccid after such an exhilarating workout. She loved how he felt inside her although she was bruised by the pressure of their fervent union. She slid her feet down, and her muscles felt sore, but it was the best, and most satisfying soreness she could think of. “I think I’m a little sore and tender.”

  His expression lifted, and he instantly became alert with worry flashing in his eyes. “Did I hurt you? Was I too eager?”

  She smiled, staring way up into his adorably concerned face. “No. You could not have been eager enough. My body reacted to yours in ways I haven’t ever experienced before. It was all perfect and so well-orchestrated. Everything went exactly right. I deserved to know what good sex feels like. I never felt it like that. So please. Don’t apologize for it. It was—”

  He lifted her up and kissed her until she was silent. She lifted her mouth off his and smiled. “Exactly. Now take me to the bed. And we’ll try it slow and gentle and easy.”

  His expression turned from surprise to pleasure to anticipation to enthusiasm. He all but jogged over to his bed and set her down. He had more condoms in his hand that he took out from the nightstand drawer. She stretched her entire body out, letting his cool sheets soothe her soft skin. It felt so luxurious to her. Not the sheets, but her whole body, from the inside out. “This is like a wonderful secret that was selfishly being kept from me. I didn’t know it felt this good. For me too.”

  He leaned over her, sweeping her hair off her face, and gazing at her in loving adoration. He kissed her mouth and his hand fondled her pebbled nipple that was standing straight up and ready and waiting for his touch and tongue. He began tugging on it as he pulled. “Ah, honey, you’ve been kept in the dark for no reason. Of course you should feel good.”

  She was splayed out on his bed like a lounging cat in the sun, her arms out in each corner and her legs in an unladylike spread pointing towards the bottom corners. She moved so she could look up at him. “I’m usually very self-conscious. Too tense. Love me, Chris. Make me come again. Look at me. Touch me. Lick me. Get me used to it.” His head bent down on her nipple as she whispered her innermost thoughts. She cradled his bald head to her chest and hugged him when he obeyed her. He licked and sucked on her nipple and slid his hands all over her body, creating goose bumps anywhere he touched. His fingers strummed her core and he trailed the wetness to her other body parts. With anyone else, that would have embarrassed her. But with Chris, she merely stretched up more, tilting her hips until she liked how it felt and splaying her legs wider when his face fell between them.

  She came over and over again, screaming, while her fingers gripped the air, groping for something, and coming up empty. She could only crinkle the bedsheets in her fists. Her knees rose up and his head was still pressed between them. Staring down at his strong back and his face between her slim legs only made her wetter and a new flood of feelings rushed through her.

  Her eyes closed after coming for what felt like a half hour. She fell flat, utterly exhausted and her eyes were blinking with disbelief.

  Her exhaustion didn’t last very long. Energized, she sat up to find Chris sitting back on his haunches. He must have watched her orgasm and now seemed to be inspecting his work and final product. She simply pushed him back on the bed and used her hands, frantically, and without any coordination as she bubbled with excitement and went after him. Grasping his hard length in both hands, she began pulling and tugging, while marveling out loud, “You are so big, Chris.”

  He liked her compliments, just as she planned and he allowed her hands to continue manipulating him. He fell back, flat on the bed, clos
ing his eyes and letting her have her way with him. She touched and handled him, placing her mouth over his gigantic knob and licking him, sucking him, and taking him inside her mouth as far as she could without gagging. He groaned and thrashed, enjoying every moment of it. She eventually grabbed another condom, sliding it over his shaft before grinding herself down onto him.

  Chris’s eyes flashed open as they went at it, which was as longer and harder than she’d ever thought possible. They turned and flipped and moved their body parts in ways she never imagined. She could not wait to try more positions as he got on top of her, hiking one of her legs over his shoulder until she couldn’t take anymore. She was hoarse from screaming in ecstasy.

  Chris suddenly wrapped her in his arms, showering her with adoring kisses all over her forehead and her face while his gentle hands cradled her sexually fatigued body. He was so tender with her, like a nurse when he ran his hands over her body, exploring between her legs, and checking to see that all of her was still intact.

  “You’ll probably feel sore and sting for a while.” His tone sounded full of regret.

  “Probably.” She kissed him. “And every time I move, I’ll be thinking of you, and having your body inside mine and how good it felt to come.” She took his hand. “Feel this. You’re already making me wet at the thought of it.”

  He felt her crotch and rubbed it as he groaned. “You are. Well, we shouldn’t let that go to waste,” he mumbled before diving into her body again. This time, they took their time, making it last longer as they tenderly caressed each other until they both eventually came again. He swooped her up in his arms and deposited her in the hot shower, and they shared a soothing wash before wrapping themselves up in his sheets together again, naked, warm, and loved.

  The following morning, Julia stretched out and wiggled her toes when she awoke. The soreness she experienced was predictable but she didn’t mind at all. She glanced over to the other side of the bed. No Chris.

  Sitting up, she started finger-combing her tumble of messed-up hair. She could only imagine all the snarls. It would take forever to untangle with a brush. She held the sheet over her naked body when the door suddenly opened and Chris entered. He wore loose sweats and no shirt. She smiled, thinking she could quickly grow used to the intricate planes of his well-defined chest and craggy face. He was so interesting to look at. She still had plenty of hard areas to touch and caress and explore.

  Chris smiled, seeming all shy and bashful as he stepped towards her. She grinned with eager anticipation when her gaze zeroed in on the hot cup of coffee he held out to her. He had another cup in his other hand. “You brought me coffee,” she said, now beaming. Then she dropped her gaze feeling as bashful as Chris had. Never mind all they did last night. All the sexy, dirty talk, and the shockingly nasty but wonderful new positions for intercourse that she never before considered possible flashed through Julia’s mind. But now in the daylight, even the simple, sweet gesture had both of them retreating from each other.

  “Of course I did.” He grinned and his gaze settled over her, suggesting he knew exactly how to please her.

  She tilted her head with a teasing smile and said, “Someday, maybe I’ll bring coffee to you.”

  He sat on the side of the bed, leaning in to kiss her, his gaze traveling over her face. “That will be on the day when I know you’re here to stay.”

  She stared in curious surprise at his words and didn’t answer him at first. The unexpected depth of his statement threw her for a loop. She wondered what it meant. Forever? Together? She wasn’t sure yet.

  He kissed her. “But until then, I’ll bring the morning coffee to you. I wanted to go to my mom’s today.”

  She jerked up right with surprise. “Your mom’s? Today? So soon?”

  “I want you to meet her.”

  Julia’s eyes grew bigger. Being asked to meet his mom? That was huge. Right up there with the morning coffee. She gulped, nodding and said, “Okay. Yes.”

  He leaned over and kissed her. “Thank you. It means the world to me.”

  She smiled but her heart thumped. Simba jumped up on the bed and she scratched his back to avoid all the feelings rising up in her chest. Pressure. This was it. If Tully didn’t like her, she knew that she and Chris would never work. His mother was that important to him. A deal breaker. Is that why he pressed this so soon? Just get it over with? Rip off the Band-Aid now? Figure out if this wasn’t destined to be, sooner rather than later?

  Simba’s purrs accelerated and he meowed as she rubbed harder. Simba loved her so far and she easily returned the feelings. He’d been the first hurdle of Chris’s family and she’d passed the test. She doubted the mother would be half so easy. “I wish you were it, Simba.”

  He meowed again and she smiled. At least someone liked her.

  Chapter Fifteen

  THE PREVIOUS NIGHT WAS more than Julia ever dared to dream. And now, she was meeting Chris’s mother. Her nerves ate holes in her stomach lining when she thought about it because she knew how important Tully Vaughn was to Chris. She quickly ascertained that Chris called his mom every single day. Yes. Daily. They evidently were a bonded team when Chris was growing up, the two of them foisted against the rest of the world. But that sense of unity and togetherness apparently hadn’t waned even when he became an adult.

  Julia tugged at her dress as she stood before Tully’s apartment when the door suddenly flew open. Julia stepped back in surprise. His mother was not at all what she expected. Julia stole a glance at Chris, then looked back at his mother. How could Chris have come from her? Tully Vaughn couldn’t have been five feet tall or weighed a hundred pounds. She might have been the smallest adult woman Julia ever met. She was so petite, she was bird-like. Skinny legs and a rather tiny head. She had long, blonde hair, dark eyes and olive skin. Dressed in form-fitting slacks and a nice blouse, it was obvious she had taken the time to dress up in anticipation of meeting Julia. She waved them in after giving Chris a huge hug and taking his hand.

  “Mom, this is Julia Lindstrom. Julia, my mother, Tully.”

  Julia put out a hand to shake. Tully’s dark eyes started on Julia’s head and traveled all the way down to her toes. Julia’s stomach tightened. Crap. What were the chances she’d be nice? Why would she want to share her son? Especially after she’d so obviously been the dominant influence regarding women in his life. Julia was petrified with terror. Tully would hate her. Become her nemesis. Resent her for taking her son from her. She’d—

  Suddenly, Tully pulled Julia into a tight hug. It was not unpleasant or too aggressive, but light, one-armed, and appropriate. She leaned back, letting Julia go and smiled. It was genuine, warm, and welcoming and it extended all the way up to her eyes.

  “Julia. I can’t tell you what a pleasure it is to meet you. I’ve heard so much about you. Mostly of how happy you make this son of mine.”

  Not at all what Julia expected. A huge smile of relief brightened her face and Julia’s cheeks heated up as she blushed with surprise and embarrassment. “I’m glad to hear you think so.”

  “I know so,” Tully said, smiling and then turning to Chris. “Come inside. Let’s have a drink to get over this awkwardness.”

  Julia followed behind Chris as they walked into Tully’s condo. It was small, quaint, and formal. The carpet was all white, and the furnishings rather elaborate. She seemed to collect expensive furniture and decorations. It was a far cry from Chris and not what Julia expected. The woman was first-class all the way, from every strand of hair on her head to the stylish pants she wore and the bracelets jingling on her wrist.

  “Julia doesn’t drink alcohol, Mom.”

  Already in the small kitchen, Tully paused, holding a full wine bottle. “Well, then you and I can have some wine and Julia can have a lemonade? Or iced tea?”

  Julia marveled how easily Tully took it in stride. No suspicious looks. No asking if Julia were a recovering alcoholic either. No. Nothing.

  “Sit down. Please,” Tully said,
opening the wine. Julia wondered, Did Chris drink wine? He was by the fridge pouring Julia’s glass of lemonade, but he turned and took one of the wine glasses that Tully poured, so he obviously did drink wine.

  “You have such a lovely home,” Julia marveled as she looked around.

  Tully smiled, replacing the cork in the bottle. “Well, after raising this big lug, when he moved out, I decided I could make my home reflect my style. Every inch of it. Every corner is what I always dreamed of. But it wasn’t always like this.”

  Chris chuckled. “No, she cringes a bit when I visit.”

  “Well, you’re like a walking bulldozer, son.” Tully rolled her eyes. Chris laughed.

  “He is rather… huge. Where…” Julia started to ask a question but wondered if it were appropriate. Having never met the mother of a boyfriend before, she worried about making a good impression. She knew Tully was extra close to her son and she meant so much to him, so Julia’s anxiety soon had her quivering with nervous anticipation. What if Tully didn’t like her? It might very well be a deal breaker for Chris. But so far, Tully didn’t seem vindictive, annoyed, manipulative or controlling. She would have sensed a negative vibe from Tully, she felt sure of that.

  “I know. How could a guy his size come outta me?! Believe me, I still marvel over it,” Tully finished. She moved to sit down, crossing her legs and sipping her wine. So did Chris. That part surprised her. Chris was delicately sipping a glass of white wine. He sat down beside Julia on the loveseat and Tully sat across from them in a lounging chair. Leaning forward, Chris set his wine glass on the coffee table and rested his hand just above Julia’s knee. He was careful to keep it at the edge of her dress hem. Julia gently and unobtrusively shook her knee, trying to dislodge his hand. No. Not in front of his mother. Not on her bare skin. But Chris squeezed Julia’s leg and Tully didn’t seem to notice or even care.

  “Where did Chris’s height come from?” Julia asked, glancing from Tully to Chris. It only occurred to her then that she knew nothing about his dad. Was he still in the picture? Were they divorced? Did he die? Was he a deadbeat? Chris never, not even once, mentioned him. Only now did Julia realize she never thought to ask. Maybe Chris never knew his dad. He could have been the result of a casual meeting or short-lived relationship. That would certainly have been hard to deal with.


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