Revenge: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Longhorn Academy Dark Bully Romance Book 2)

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Revenge: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Longhorn Academy Dark Bully Romance Book 2) Page 18

by Amy Brown

  “Is he?”

  “Yeah. I really hoped he’d suffer more and longer,” I mutter.

  He laughs. “Sounds personal.”

  My face warms. “It is. Of course it is. He seduced me and then tried to humiliate me.”

  He winces. “Shit. Yeah. Sorry. I kind of forgot the details.”

  I don’t really want to talk about the details of what happened to me, so I change the subject. “Do you like Pine View High?”

  “Definitely. It’s more down to earth. I enjoy being a student, not a warrior.”

  “That does sound nice.” Maybe I should have transferred to Pine View High out of self-preservation. I could have let Mason think he’d won, and Luke would have been safe. Then I’d have been at a school where learning was the point. Plus, Patrick would be there. Imagine hanging around a normal boy every day at school, who thinks I’m attractive, but doesn’t also want to annihilate me.

  We arrive at Smarties Coffee, and once we’re parked, we go inside. It’s not as busy as it usually is right after school. The clientele is older too. We place our order, and then sit at the pub table Sophia and Jules were at, the day Sophia tripped me. That seems so long ago, but it hasn’t been.

  “Tell me about your family.” Patrick leans closer, obvious interest in his gaze.

  I wrinkle my brow. “Well, it’s just always been my little brother Luke, me, and Mom. My dad wasn’t in the picture really.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  I shrug. “It’s just how it always was. Then we moved here, and Mom met Fred.” I smirk. “They fell in love, and now my life is perfect.”

  He laughs. “That was easy.”


  His smile fades. “It is amazing how many people think money will solve everything though.”

  “Yeah. It does help solve some things. Rich people don’t have to worry about a roof over their heads, or eating.”

  “Of course. But money doesn’t make you happy.”

  I meet his warm gaze. “Neither does poverty.”


  “Sorry. I’m… I’m a fan of money these days.” I laugh. “We had some really rough years. But I get what you’re saying. Money can help make you happy if everything else is already pretty good. It can’t make an unhappy person happy, if the problem is not money related.”


  The girl arrives with our drinks, and it’s not lost on me she eyes Patrick. He’s gorgeous. I can’t blame her. I don’t feel jealous or territorial though. Not the way I do when a girl looks at Mason. Patrick gives off a warm, open vibe. Mason exudes raw sexual magnetism. They’re both sexy AF, but Mason makes girls pant, and Patrick makes them swoon.

  “My parents are still happily married.” Patrick sips his mocha, licking the whip cream from his lips.

  I should have known when Mason hated whip cream there was something seriously wrong with him.

  “That’s nice. Also rare.” I smile.

  “Truly. I feel like a freak sometimes because my parents still love each other.” He grins.

  My pulse speeds at his pretty smile. “Love is weird.”


  I focus on my hot chocolate because his gaze is so intent. I really like Patrick, but I’m not sure my heart is open to anything serious at the moment. I hope he doesn’t push too hard, or we won’t be able to be friends. Maybe eventually, I’ll be able to feel things other than friendship for him. But at the moment, my emotions are a mess because of Mason.

  He reaches over and touches my arm. “Hey, Charity, I want you to know I’m cool just being friends. If that’s all you’re ready for.”

  Is he literally reading my mind?

  I blink at him, and I’m sure I look surprised.

  He laughs. “I really like you, but you’re preoccupied with someone else. It’s obvious.”

  I don’t want to be preoccupied with “someone else” aka Mason. But Patrick is right. I appreciate he doesn’t try to pry, or convince me to give him a shot. It actually makes me almost want to give him a shot. “I just need time,” I say softly.

  “No rush.” His smile is sincere. “I was hung up on an ex once. No matter how many people told me to forget her, I couldn’t. It takes time to work someone out of your system. It’s like a virus.”

  “That’s so true.” I laugh because sometimes I feel my need for Mason is like a sickness. I don’t want it, but it consumes my mind and body, just like a virus.

  “Anyway, eventually I forgot all the good things about my ex, and was able to focus on how much better my life was without her in it.”

  “I’m glad you were able to move on.”

  “Me too.” He grins. “My ex was a real bitch.”

  I laugh, and glance over when the bells ring on the door, indicating people are coming in the shop. My heart stops when I lock eyes with Mason. He’s with Jeremy, Travis, and Jules. Thank the lord there’s no sign of Sophia. Mason’s expression is impossible to read, but his lips thin when he sees us.

  “Speak of the devil,” Patrick mutters under his breath. He used to go to Longhorn, so of course he recognizes The Elites.

  My heart begins to pound, as Mason approaches. Why does he have such power over me? Why can’t I just ignore him and pretend I don’t even see him?

  Patrick says. “Brace yourself.”

  “If… if we just ignore them, then they’ll hopefully ignore us.”

  He winces, like he doubts that will work. Turns out he’s right because as they near us, Jules stops. “Well, well, if it isn’t Patrick O’ Connor in the fucking flesh.”

  Patrick holds her cool stare. “Jules. Nice to see you too.”

  “Nice? I’d rather have a root canal than set eyes on you again,” she snaps. Her cheeks are flushed, and she looks flustered. I’ve rarely seen Jules anything but reserved. She’s usually trying to calm Sophia down, but since her pal isn’t here, maybe she’s allowed to have her own meltdown.

  “No need to be rude,” Patrick says quietly.

  She doesn’t respond, she just flicks a resentful glance at me. If I’m not mistaken, Jules seems jealous. Why the hell is she jealous of me? Did she have a thing with Patrick? There’s definitely something buzzing between them.

  Mason addresses us next in a sarcastic voice, “Awww, look at the little lovebirds.”

  Patrick shoots Mason a withering look. “Fuck off.”

  Shocked he’d be so openly aggressive, I laugh. Big mistake. That draws all of their attention to me.

  “You think his disrespect is funny?” Jules asks. Her auburn hair is hiding one side of her face, and her eyes are hard. She looks a bit like an assassin coming in for the kill.

  Jeremy tilts his head, studying me. “You look tired, Charity. Is the stress of being at a school where nobody wants you getting to you?”

  “The only ones who don’t want me there are The Elites.” I scowl. “And your days are numbered.”

  Jeremy’s smile is stiff. “Such an unpleasant bitch.”

  “I’m unpleasant?” I shake my head.

  Mason leans closer to me, his arm presses mine, and his green eyes glitter. “You should find a new coffeehouse.”

  I shiver as the warmth of his body sinks into me. “Nah. I like it here.”

  His smile is cruel. “You just love being around people who don’t want you. Is that because your own dad didn’t want you?”

  Shocked he’d bring my family shit up in front of the others, heat floods my face. Has he forgotten I know plenty of dirt about his family too? Before I can respond, Travis speaks.

  “Guys, let’s just grab a table instead of wasting time with these losers,” Travis grumbles.

  Travis is probably the most likeable of all The Elites. He can be a huge jerk, but he likes to joke around, and his focus is pot and seducing chicks. He’s not really into the overt bullying like Sophia, Jules, and Jeremy. Even Mason tends to hold back on that stuff. Or he did, before I declared war on him. Now apparently he’s
going for the jugular every chance he gets.

  Jules is still staring at me like I stole her favorite vibrator. “You should know, Patrick makes promises he won’t keep.”

  “Liar,” Patrick says. “You’re the one who does that shit, not me.”

  Her laugh is strained. “Yeah, right.” She moves past, her nose in the air.

  Patrick watches her go, a sheen of sweat glistens on his face. I’ve never seen him anything but cool and in control. But right now, he looks shaken as he watches her leave. There’s definitely unfinished business between those two. I’d have never guessed.

  Jeremy sighs. “Seriously, Charity? How many men do you need? First you seduce Mason, and now your taking Jules’s leftovers?”

  My mouth falls open. “I seduced Mason?” I barely notice the crack about Jules’s leftovers, I’m so indignant.

  “I suppose once a slut, always a slut.” Jeremy shrugs.

  I grit my teeth. “You’re just pissed because I turned you down at Gregory’s party.”

  His cheeks tint pink. “Dream on.”

  Mason gives Jeremy a suspicious glance, but he doesn’t address my accusation. Instead he goes for my throat again. “You’ll be pleased to know I posted a few photos of you on Facebook. I felt like I was being greedy just jacking off to them myself. They really capture your… bone structure.”

  I narrow my eyes. “What?”

  Jeremy laughs loudly. “Yeah, if tits have bone structure.”

  Mason wouldn’t, would he? I hold the fate of his mom in my hands, and he posted naked photos of me online? “If you’re telling the truth, you’d better pull those down immediately,” I snarl.

  “Why? You posted pictures of me on my locker.” Mason shrugs. “Turnabout is fair play.”

  “The photos capture the real you, Charity.” Jeremy snorts a laugh as he walks past. Travis goes with him, giving me an uneasy look.

  “I’m warning you, Mason,” I hiss. “Take them down, or else.”

  He leans down and whispers, “No.” When he straightens, he smirks. “I’m calling your bluff.”

  “Do you think I won’t use the video?” I ask incredulously.

  Patrick looks completely confused by our interaction.

  Mason studies me. “I don’t think you will. Not for yourself.”

  “Well…” I sputter. He’s right. I won’t destroy his mom because of naked photos. I would for Luke, but not for nude pictures of me. Olivia would just be collateral damage, and I won’t do that to her. Why the fuck do I have to have a conscience?

  “I thought not.” He looks smug.

  “Good… good thing I have a kick ass body, I guess,” I say brightly.

  Mason looks surprised at my response, but he masks it quickly. “Have a nice evening you two. Don’t be surprised if you’re even more popular tomorrow, Charity.” He snickers. “Especially with the guys.”

  Once we’re alone, I go straight onto Facebook and find Mason’s page. Then I send a complaint and report the photos. I’m mortified seeing the pictures he chose, but there’s nothing I can do now. He’s already shared them. I’m surprised there are some of the day at the park, the first time we fucked. I have no idea how he snapped those without me knowing. What a heartless dick. He’s lucky I’m not the kind of person who would hurt his mom just for spite.

  I set my phone down, meeting Patrick’s stressed gaze. “Well, that was fun.”

  Patrick’s laugh is heartfelt. “Jesus. What just happened?”

  I take a big gulp of my hot chocolate, which is now tepid chocolate. It’s a bit chalky on the way down, but it helps my desert dry throat. “I don’t think they like us.”

  “No.” He winces.

  I study him as he stares at the top of the table, still looking muddled. I’m not sure if he’s willing to talk openly about what’s gone on between him and Jules, but I figure if we’re going to be friends, or maybe more someday, we should at least address the elephant in the room.

  I clear my throat. “So… were you and Jules… a thing?”

  His face tenses, and I think he isn’t going to answer. But then he looks up, a wary gleam in his eyes. “Yeah.”

  “I thought so.”

  “She was different then.” He frowns. “Or maybe she wasn’t. Maybe I was different back then. I was a freshman. I was easy to manipulate.”

  “Makes sense. She’s hot. I mean, she’s a bitch, but she’s hot.”

  He licks his lower lip. “Yeah. She is… was… is.”

  “Maybe we really should find another coffeehouse.”

  He scowls. “Hell, no. Why should we let them drive us away?”

  I laugh. “This is why I like you. We have the same sense of right and wrong.” Well, mine has become muddied, but I mostly share his morals. So long as we’re not talking about Mason, I’m pretty moral.

  “I like you too.” He flicks his gaze toward the others. “You’re not a game player.”

  “I’m… I’m no saint.” I don’t want him thinking I’m someone I’m not. He doesn’t need to know all the details, but he shouldn’t fool himself into believing I’m perfect.

  “None of us are.”

  I sigh, wrinkling the corner of my napkin, trying to ignore the laughter coming from The Elite’s table. Why does the fact that they’re having fun grate on my nerves so much? I should just concentrate on my own table.

  “I get the feeling there’s more between you and Mason than just the original seduction.” His voice is tentative.

  I really, really don’t want to be honest with him. I don’t want him to lose respect for me. This night has definitely gone differently than I thought it would. We’re delving into very personal matters, and we barely know each other.

  “We have a complicated relationship.” I wince.

  He narrows his eyes. “Is it… still on going?”

  I wrinkle my brow. “Well… I don’t think so, not anymore.” Why does the thought of never being intimate with Mason again give me a pang of regret? What is that about? Am I a masochist?

  “You don’t sound sure.”

  I give him a wistful look. “I don’t even know myself anymore.”

  He sighs, and his gaze wanders toward the other table. “They’re hard to shake off. I don’t know why.”

  “It’s like an addiction,” I mutter. “It can’t be healthy, right?”

  “Absolutely not. That’s why I left Longhorn Academy. I couldn’t stop being with her, not when she was near me.” He swallows hard. “I almost couldn’t even when I wasn’t around her.”


  He nods. “Yeah. Exactly.”

  “How long have you been gone from Longhorn?” I lean back in my chair, making sure I don’t give The Elites any attention. I really, really want to look over and see what they’re doing, but I control myself.

  “I transferred out the end of my freshman year. So I spent my sophomore year healing, and now I’m a junior.”

  “I was surprised you were a year behind me. You seem so mature.”

  He shrugs. “A year is nothing.”


  He rubs his chin, a line between his blond brows. “I was ready to start dating again. Just my luck I have to run into her.”

  “If it’s any consolation, she looked just as rattled seeing you.”

  He grunts. “I guess.”

  “God, I pray Facebook takes those photos down right away.” My face warms. “I can’t believe this is happening.”

  “You have no idea how much self-control it takes for me not to excuse myself, and go to the bathroom so I can take a peek.” He grins.

  “Stop it.” I grudgingly laugh.

  “I’m serious. I hope I get points for being a gentleman.”

  I punch his arm. “I know you’re going to look as soon as we leave here.”

  His chuckle is heartfelt. “I’m only human, Charity.”

  “What happened to being a gentleman?”

  He grins. “A non-gentleman wouldn’
t wait until he left the table. My phone is burning a hole in my pocket. My self-control is the stuff of legends.”

  I laugh and punch his arm again. “My hero.”

  Chapter Fifteen


  Watching Charity with Patrick isn’t easy. She should be sobbing and losing her shit after I posted those photos of her, but she seems calm. They laugh way more than I like, and Patrick puts his hand on her back when they stand to leave. It takes control not to growl watching them together. Travis notices me watching them go, and his expression is funny. I’m sure my friend is mystified by why I’m so consumed with Charity.

  I’m mystified myself.

  I knew she wouldn’t go after my mom if I posted those photos. It was a risk, but it helped me see where she draws the line. She’ll do almost anything for Luke, but she won’t defend herself with quite the same cutthroat attitude. But I’m not foolish enough to think there won’t be some payback. Of course she will try something.

  Now that Luke is safe, and my mom should be in the clear, for now, we’re back to just regular dysfunction. I still want her. Maybe more than ever because she’s such a cunning little bitch. I admitted to Travis what happened at Gregory’s party in the gazebo because I promised I wouldn’t lie to him anymore, or hide shit. He was impressed with my nerve, but horrified at how stupid I was.

  “Earth to Mason,” Jeremy says.

  I blink at him, realizing I’d been tuned out watching Patrick and Charity leave the coffeehouse. I caught the last sentence though, and I try to fake my way through. “I agree. Sophia needs to relax. I’m back in the fold and she needs to deal.”

  Jeremy gives me a suspicious look, but I must have given a good enough response because he lets it slide. “Jules, what’s her biggest problem with Mason being back?”

  Jules laughs. “Mostly just that she fucking hates him.”

  “Very funny.” I frown.

  “I’m serious. You slept with Charity, but not her. She’s insulted.” Jules flips her hair over her shoulder. “I don’t blame her.”

  I groan, and sit back in my chair. “Well, I’m not going to fuck her just to make her happy.”

  “Nobody is asking you to do that,” Travis says.

  “Although, if it would help, you might consider it.” Jeremy smirks.


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