A Risky Dance

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A Risky Dance Page 7

by Monika Summerville

  “He yelled at me about that, too. He was pissed,” she said.

  “Sorry about that. I didn’t expect him to take it out on you. When I finished in San Francisco I drove up to Seattle to check on something I’d found in the Pantagen records. I was astounded by what I found. Sophie, I’d like to introduce our mother.”

  Sophie looked at the woman and thought she did look like an older version of the family pictures she’d seen. She held onto Riley’s hand and was glad his arm looped around her shoulders.

  “You don’t look like a crazy woman to me,” Sophie said.

  “Jeff told me that was your father’s line over the last years. He’s a very good liar.” The woman adjusted in the chair. “When you were four or five years old, Sophie, I gave up trying to keep your father happy. He cheated on me and kept mistresses all over the city. He was such a control freak and I just didn’t have it in me to keep up with him. I began an affair which went on for several years in secret. You were nine or ten when your father found out. He was furious and paid someone to drug me. I got taken to a sanitarium in Northern Washington State. He paid them to keep me drugged up and locked away for about five years. Then he stopped paying the place and about a year later I got released. An attorney for your father tracked me down and made me sign a contract that I’d never try to see you or your brother again. The attorney said I’d be paid monthly and if I broke the contract, he’d ruin your lives for good and the monthly payments would stop. I knew your father could do it and because I felt so scared of him, I agreed and he did support me, but it was cruel to take me away from you. I’ll never be able to forgive him for telling you I was crazy.”

  “He said the other day that I’d inherited it from you through DNA. I’d obviously gone crazy just like my mother,” Sophie said.

  “He told me that the whole time I was growing up. I stopped listening to him when I went to college.” Jeff looked sour.

  “I’m sure he won’t be all that happy with me for coming down from Seattle.” Her mother looked up at Jeff. “I should return home.”

  “Wait a second,” Sophie said. “You just got here. I haven’t seen you for over twenty years. There has to be a way for you to stay a few days at least.”

  “I think we can get something arranged, ma’am. I have a really good security team.” Riley smiled.

  “I’m sorry, but who are you?” her mother asked.

  “I’m the boyfriend.”

  “Fiancé.” Sophie looked at him. “You did just ask me to marry you?”

  “That’s right. You did say yes, didn’t you?”

  “I hadn’t yet, but yes. I think I like that idea.”

  Riley nodded. “Good. I’ll make some arrangements.”

  Sophie adjusted herself in the bed. “I am getting a little sore sitting.” She looked up at Riley. “Can we move the back down a bit?”

  He helped her move off her back and as she turned she saw a tall, big man stood at the door of her room.

  “Riley...” She pointed at the man.

  He looked and smiled. “Perfect timing, Hejazi. I’ll be right back.”

  She watched him walk out and then turned her attention back to her mother. “Riley can find a safe place for you to stay. The doctor said I’d be out of here this weekend and I’d like to spend some time with you. We need to get caught up.”

  The older woman nodded. “I just worry your father might try to take more out on you. He doesn’t know Jeff is back and I’m sure when the government questions his stock trades, he’ll want revenge.”

  Riley walked back into the room with the tall man. He moved around the bed and set a folder down on the night stand. “There’s no need to worry, Mrs... I apologize. I don’t even know what to call you?”

  “I’m Margaret Pantagen, but I’ve used my maiden name, Richter, all these years.”

  “Miss Richter and Jeff, this is Jarrah Hejazi. He has a couple of associates coming who will see to it you are in a safe, comfortable place. Sophie will join you next week when she’s released.”

  “I hope you’re not sending us to some seedy motel to hide out.” Jeff stood with his fists clenched and looked angry.

  “No, believe me. You will very comfortable and most of the time won’t be aware of your protectors. Mr. Hejazi’s group is very professional.”

  Sophie’s mother stood. “I guess we’ll see you soon.”

  She lay on her side and watched them leave. Mr. Hejazi closed the door behind him. Sophie looked over her shoulder at Riley.

  “What are you up to?” she asked and moved over to her other side.

  “Well, as it turned out, I’d contacted Hejazi for something else, but it worked out very beneficially. You have a body guard right now. He’s outside your door and there will be someone there until you leave.”

  “What was the something else? Is it okay to ask?”

  Riley sat on the edge of the bed and put his hand on her hip. “You may not remember this. You were in a lot of pain and not making much sense last Friday night. You did tell me quite clearly about the pictures your father had of us.”

  “I told you? Wow, you’re right, I don’t remember that.”

  “Besides wanting to see the pictures, it bothered me that cameras were placed in my suite at Club Frek. I spoke with the owner and he’s moved us to another room and they’ve found three camera’s in 444. He’s also investigating, with Hejazi’s help, to find out just how those camera’s came to be there. He’ll keep us up-to-date.”

  “What about the pictures? We’ve got to get them away from my father.”

  “Ah, about that.” Riley reached to the night stand and got the folder. “Sophie, this is something you have no knowledge of. If anyone asks it’s the first you’re hearing about the pictures.” He looked at her seriously.

  She glanced at the folder and then back at him. “I’m as dumb as a box of rocks. Pain killers are making my head goofy, you know?”

  Riley smiled and laughed. “Very good, Miss Pantagen. My friend Hejazi and his men found the photographs in a locked desk in an office at an un-named business. They had a little squirmish with your father and when they asked him for the negatives, he was reluctant to hand them over, but became convinced it would be in his best interest to turn them over.” He set the folder in front of Sophie. “They also spoke with the gentleman hired to follow you, they broke his digital camera to pieces after they removed the memory cards and erased copies from the man’s computer.”

  Sophie pushed up on her arm and felt shocked. “I think Mr. Hejazi and his men are very smart. Have you seen the pictures yet?” she asked.

  Riley played with the ends of her hair. “I do like a couple of them, particularly the one where you’re licking the head of my cock. Your tongue...” He cleared his throat and smiled at her. “It’s given me a massive hard on and I’ll have to find a private restroom in a few minutes.”

  She laughed and leaned toward him. She gave him a kiss on the cheek and moved back. “Riley?” she said and tilted her head.


  “I love you.”

  “Well, that’s a good thing since you’re going to marry me.” He kissed her lips. “I’ve been trying to figure out a way to marry you in here before you’re discharged, but I don’t think the powers-that-be in hospitals would agree to a naked ceremony with nipple piercing.”

  “Riley, wait a minute, we need to discuss this...” She moved the back of the bed up.

  “Sweetheart, you said you wouldn’t mind the nipple hoops.”

  “That’s not the problem. I know you talked to the doctor and are aware I can’t participate in fun fucking for the next six weeks. When we get married, you know I’m going to want the hot, hot honeymoon night. If we have the nipple piercing ahead of time you know I’ll want to attach chains...”

  “Okay, okay, I get your point and you know you’re making my cock twitch like mad?”

  “Did the doctor really use the word cavort?” Riley nodded. “You know, I�
��m going to want to cavort a lot on our wedding night.”

  “Okay, so in six weeks we’ll have the naked ceremony and have the hot honeymoon. In the meantime, these pictures are mine.” He took his shoes off and moved carefully onto the narrow bed next to her.

  Sophie put her head on his shoulder and watched him take the pictures out of the folder. The first one was at the coffee shop. They smiled at each other and looked like every other couple.

  “You know, this isn’t such a bad picture,” she said.

  “All of them are pretty good. I’m not sure why your dad would think we’d be embarrassed by them.”

  She found one that had her on her hands and knees with Riley fucking her from behind. “I can’t look at these right now. I want to suck you off so bad.”

  He laughed. “We’ll count the days. Sophie?”


  “I love you.”

  * * * *

  Mr. Pantagen stood in front of several computer monitors. He watched accounts being cleaned out by his personal assistant. If he was going to be investigated by the S.E.C. some of these funds would have to disappear out of country. He wasn’t in any mood to have to explain where that money came from.

  “How much longer will this take, Finney?” he asked his assistant.

  “I should have things wrapped up in the next couple of hours, sir. I’m using a new encryption program and it has some extra hurdles.” The man tapped on an enter key.

  “That’s good.”

  The door to the computer room opened and a tall-muscular, bald man entered the room. Mr. Pantagen turned and met him halfway into the room.

  “Sir, your daughter has protection. The attorney’s got a security team working for him and there’s no way we can get to her in the hospital. We’ll have to wait until she’s out.” The bald man stood straight. “She had visitors today. Your son is back in town and brought with him some older woman.” The man handed Mr. Pantagen a photograph.

  He looked at the picture and recognized his wife. His blood pressure began to rise. Leave it to Jeff to do something clever and dig up his wife.

  “Booth, I’m only going to say this once and I have all the faith in the world you will carry out my orders.” He crumpled the picture in his hand. “I want them dead. All of them. You can make the bodies disappear or dump them into a landfill. I don’t give a shit. Get rid of them.”

  “Yes, sir.”


  Chapter Nine

  Sophie felt the excitement build in her body as Riley’s tongue bit at the nipple ring and he slid his finger around her clit. Her wrists were cuffed to the top of his bed and her ankles were attached to the long board that spread her legs wide.

  The six weeks of recuperation ended and she felt so glad to be back in action. She did her rehab time and joined Riley’s gym to help build the strength up in her back. She’d missed Riley’s talents and he’d played it cool until her doctor released her after her back surgery.

  She sucked in a breath and her head popped up. “Oh, God, Riley...” she hissed.

  “I’m not hurting you too much, am I?” he asked.

  “No, your finger is... Oh, Riley, it’s been too long since my last orgasm. Please, don’t tease so much.”

  Sophie spent the last six weeks in hell. After her father hit her and she’d landed on the edge of her desk, she’d cracked several bones in her back which needed to be repaired. During her down time she’d tried everything to break Riley. She’d worn skimpy clothing, little nothing-there lingerie, to no avail. He wouldn’t give in and grinned evilly at her.

  They’d arranged their own ring-commitment-ceremony over the last weekend. They’d written their own vows and rules and regulations. It was held at Club Frek in Riley’s suite and witnessed by a couple of close friends.

  During the ceremony they’d both gotten their nipples pierced. Riley gave her small hoops with a diamond attached to both.

  Because she’d not been released by the doctor and Riley didn’t want to rip her new ring off by accident, they’d forgone sex that night. Riley said his nipples still stung and this turn of events just about drove Sophie to distraction. When the doctor finally released her this morning she’d nearly attacked Riley in the waiting-room and suggested they find a broom closet.

  “You’ve been so horny this last week, sweetheart. You know it means I need to torment you even more.” He sat up and moved between her legs.

  “Riley, please, can we go slow another night. Let me come,” she moaned as his hands moved under her butt.

  He moved one of his hands out from under her and his middle finger slid through her wet pussy. He got her juices spread on his finger and moved it down to her anus. He circled the ring and broke through to slide his finger into her ass.

  “Before the accident, I’d only fucked your ass once. I think I’ll need to do that first.”

  “Great, babe, Let’s do it,” she agreed.

  She felt his finger mover in and out and arched her back. Her eyes closed and she moaned.

  “Open your eyes, Sophie. I want to see your pupils.” His lips moved to her clit and teased around the pulsing button.

  After a few minutes, she felt ready to explode and he stopped. His finger came out and she watched his beautiful body move off the bed. He went to his cabinet of toys and opened a drawer.

  “Riley Frost if you don’t fuck me soon I may have to hurt you,” she said, breathless.

  “Promises, promises.” He walked back to the bed and she could see his hands were full.

  “What are you doing?” she asked and smiled.

  “I needed the lube and some other things.” He smiled down at her from between her legs.

  “Man, I hate you,” she said, but wore a sexy smile.

  “No you don’t.” He leaned over and kissed her knee.

  Sophie was getting annoyed that he paid more attention to his toys than her, but then he started to un-cuff her ankles and looked at her. “You better keep your legs open, babe. I’ll whip your ass purple if they close at all. And no more smart remarks. I do have a ball-gag.”

  He moved the board off the bed and sat between her legs. He’d grabbed a pillow and told her to raise her butt. He put the pillow underneath her hips and then put another one under her.

  He smiled at her. “I want you to be the perfect height.” He held up a medium sized bullet and arched his eyebrows.

  Sophie felt her pussy heat with excitement. The smaller bullet he’d used on her at the contract meeting nearly drove her mad. She couldn’t begin to imagine what the medium sized one would do. He slid the gizmo inside her and switched it onto low pulse. She sighed.

  “Sophie, do the pierced hoops in you nipples feel different than the ring clamps?”

  She watched him open a condom packet and roll it onto his cock. “Yeah,” was all she could say. He opened the lube and started to spread it over the condom. It drove her nuts watching him massage his penis. She wanted to help him. As his finger moved over her anus depositing the excess lube she thought she’d never experienced heaven. He was hitting all her switches just right.

  “Tell me how different it feels.”

  Her mouth was dry and she sucked in a breath as he raised her legs and pushed the head of his cock through the tight ring. “You want to talk now?” She wiggled her hips, which caused him to enter an inch.

  “Fuck, I should have stretched you first. You are tight and yes, tell me.” He looked down at her and put her knees over his shoulders.

  “With the hoops there’s a constant...oh, sweet...” She tried to move toward him, but he held her down and pushed. “There’s a constant tingle. I think my pussy will stay wet forever because of it.”

  “What did the rings feel like?” He blew out a breath and groaned.

  “It was different. When you took them off the sensation went away. Now it doesn’t go away.” She grabbed the chains that held her wrist cuffs to the bed and let out a high pitched Oh, as Riley’s
cock seated itself all the way.

  “Are you still with me, babe?” He moved his hand to her hips and held still.

  “Yes...yes. It burns...just give me a second.” She panted and felt the burn start to ease off.

  She felt his thumb start to circle around her clit and she wanted to squirm, but couldn’t. She groaned and panted at the same time as he continued to play. She loved this, it could go on for hours and he’d drive her nuts, but she knew he found pleasure in giving his kind of love and knew he’d never hurt her.

  His thumb pressed down on the nub and her brain exploded. The light in the room swirled and flashes of blue and gold danced around them. He kept the pressure on her and started to pull his cock back. When he slammed back in she was mid-orgasm and the electrical charge that shot through her caused her to pull on the chains. She panted harder and realized one of her arms had come free. She thought he’d let her loose.

  He fucked her ass hard for several minutes and finally groaned a couple of times and she saw his eyes cross. He gripped her hips tight and didn’t move.

  After a few minutes, he smiled down at her. “Babe, that was ...God, you’re a brave woman.”

  He pulled his cock out, collected the condom in a towel, and wiped the lube off her bottom. She felt the bullet slide out as he leaned over to kiss her lips. Through hard breaths, she met his lips and sucked his tongue.

  “I was going to turn the bullet up, but got a little side tracked, sorry.” He looked at her arm. “Sophie, you broke the bed.” He laughed.

  “What?” she looked at her wrist and saw a post from the head board attached by the chain lay by her head. “Oh, Riley.”

  “You don’t know your own strength, babe.”

  “I’m sorry. Can it be fixed?”

  “Probably not. I’ll have to invest in something stronger. Maybe an iron frame. You shouldn’t be able to break that.” He grinned and released both her wrists.


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