Mr. Corbin

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Mr. Corbin Page 3

by Lynn Hagen

Gabe had been nearly run down by a speeding car that had jumped the curb. His now boyfriend, Fitch, had shoved Gabe out of the way. I was still stunned that Danni had burst into my room as though he were some sort of compact ninja twink and drugged the hitman.

  Now I owed him my life.

  It wasn’t a position I wanted to be in, even though I’d flirted with him. Like I said before, I had a thing for twinks in uniform. Even so, I would pay the guy handsomely for my debt and be done with him.

  “I hired your nurse to take care of you until you’re back on your feet,” Max said.

  “That wasn’t your call to make.” Now I was pissed. “I don’t need a fucking nursemaid.”

  Max crossed the room. “Your cracked ribs make it hard for you to breathe. Your kidneys need to heal, and you were shot. He signed a contract, which included a NDA. Deal with those facts and stop being so damn stubborn.”

  My drugs were kicking in, and I didn’t have the strength to argue. As much as I hated that Max had basically called me weak, he was right. I needed help until I was back on my feet.

  “You should have told us that Robert had done some damage,” Lucas said in his low, menacing voice. “You don’t get fucked up and not tell us. Anything could’ve happened to you when we dropped you off.”

  “Like getting shot,” Gabe said.

  “No.” Lucas shook his head. “Like internal bleeding. One of your cracked ribs could’ve punctured a lung. You’re not going out like that. I’m not going to let you. If you ever pull a macho stunt like this again, I’ll be the one beating your ass. We’re brothers until the end, and the last I checked, it’s not the fucking end yet.”

  I watched as Lucas stormed from the room.

  “I think he just admitted that he loves you,” Gabe said.

  “Lucas is right,” Max said. “You should have never hidden that fact from us.”

  “Way to make me feel worse than I already do.” I squinted my eyes closed. My head was cloudy from the pain meds. “I wasn’t going to admit to you guys that Robert had nearly beaten me.”

  “That’s why you have us,” Gabe said. “When one of us can’t handle a job, the rest of us are backup.”

  The room fell silent. I opened my eyes and saw Danni walk in.

  “We’ll be outside.” Max and Gabe walked out of the room.

  Danni moved to the window and crossed his arms, looking out the same way Lucas had. “I agreed to be your caregiver. I signed a contract and doubt I can get out of it. As your caregiver, I have a right to know what I’ve gotten myself into. Mr. Russo said he would tell me once I signed it, but he sent someone else with the paperwork. That already breaks my trust with him. Is my trust going to be broken with you?”

  I gave his question some thought. In any other circumstance I wouldn’t disclose a damn thing, but Danni had risked his own safety for me. That wasn’t in his job description. He hadn’t been under any obligation to burst into my room and take down the hitman.

  “Were you aware that a paragraph in that contract was a non-disclosure agreement? That means you can’t tell anyone what you see or hear while you’re in our services.”

  “You want the truth?”

  “Always,” I said, though I would keep many secrets from him.

  “I didn’t understand half of what that contract said.”

  My brows shot up. “Then why the hell did you sign it? You never sign anything without having a lawyer look it over first.”

  Oh, that was rich coming from me. A freaking lawyer. Even I wasn’t sure what the contract said, but I was seething that the human had signed it without understanding it.

  “Before I met you, I didn’t even know any lawyers,” Danni argued. “Besides, I needed the money.”

  “How much?” I asked. “How much did Max pay you to take care of me?”

  Why did the thought of Danni doing this for money wound me? I couldn’t take it to heart. I just couldn’t. Danni hadn’t been forced to act heroic and save me from that lunatic. I was dead certain Max hadn’t put that in the contract.

  “That doesn’t matter,” Danni said. “Now I have the money to properly take care of my sick mom. I’d nurse Satan himself back to health for that chance.”

  I wanted to take that as a low blow, a slap to the face, but damn it. Once again I was a sucker for a hard case. At least this time the twink didn’t have a weapon on him.


  I narrowed my eyes and knew I looked menacing, even in my weakened state. “Just so you know, the last person that tried to fuck me over is no longer breathing.”

  Danni finally turned and looked at me. He didn’t cower under my threat. This human had huge balls or was completely insane. “Just so you know, threatening the guy who is going to take care of you is a dumb move. I know fifty different ways to make you shit yourself without laying a finger on you. Unless you want to wear diapers, keep your threats to yourself.”

  Holy fuck. I was in love.

  I burst out laughing, even though it hurt like hell to do so. My side reminded me that I had cracked ribs, but I loved Danni’s guts. He was slim and compact and probably couldn’t fight his way out of a paper bag, but he had backbone.

  He rolled his eyes. “Okay, I might only know five ways, but I can still make you wear a diaper.”

  I sobered. “Not in this fucking lifetime.”

  “Then tell me what I’ve gotten myself into.” He held up a hand. “I’m fully aware I can’t say anything. My lips are sealed.”

  “There is a war going on in Ridgeview. A war between the packs and its bloody as hell. The alpha of the Malkovich pack faked his death, although we really thought he was dead. Now the Malkovich pack is killing each other to become the new leader. I embarrassed one of the candidates, and this was his revenge.” I waved a hand at the room. “He sent someone to take me out. I knew the bastard was a coward.”

  Danni chewed on his bottom lip, looking as if he was absorbing my words. “And the person who shot you?”

  I sighed as I rested my head against my pillow. “The guy who faked his death wants the council dead. He sent someone to my penthouse to achieve that goal. Before that, he taunted Gabe’s boyfriend. Before that he kidnapped Max’s boyfriend and used him as bait.”

  Danni pulled a chair to the side of my bed. It made a loud scraping noise before the human sat. “So either I’m going to send you to the psychiatric department or I’m going to believe you. What do you mean when you say ‘pack’?”

  “Is that important?” The drugs were making me run my mouth. I’d already said too much. What if Danni decided this was too much? He’d signed a legal document, but in truth, Max couldn’t hold him to it unless he disclosed the fact that we were also crime bosses and wolf shifters.

  Danni could walk away. He’d lose the money, and I had to bank on him needing it enough to stick around.

  “It’s important if I’m going to be around you,” he said. “I don’t want to be used as leverage, and I have my mom to think about. I can’t let anything happen to her.”

  I closed my eyes. The pain meds were making me sleepy. “Tell Max to put someone on your mom.”

  “Don’t you dare fall asleep.” Danni poked me in the arm. “What do you mean by packs?”

  My eyelids had become heavy. I struggled to keep them open, but it was as though they were weighted down. “Wolf shifters, Danni. The war is between wolf shifters.”

  That was the last thing I said before I fell asleep.

  * * * *


  I sat there stunned as Reese drifted off to sleep. Wolf shifters? Was he shitting me? I could believe an enemy wanted Reese dead. That was plausible. Who didn’t want to kill a lawyer? Damn. That was a bad joke at a bad time.

  But who could blame me? Reese had just tossed a bomb into my lap and then went to sleep, leaving me to deal with it on my own.

  Or so I thought.

  Max walked into the room without knocking. He had an air about him, like he owned any pla
ce he entered. Regal, powerful, and dangerous.

  I wasn’t intimidated by him, but I was worried about my future with these men. I had a feeling I would never get out from under them once I signed that contract, and that was already a done deal.

  “I heard Reese explain things to you,” he said in a low, dark tone. He tapped his ear. “Shifter hearing.”

  This was real. Not a joke at all. I was so fucked. “If he’s a shifter, why didn’t he shift to heal? That’s what happens in books.”

  “That’s not how it works.” Max walked to the side of Reese’s bed and looked down at him. There was caring in his eyes, a look that said Reese meant a lot to him. “We have superior strength and hearing, but we heal just like everyone else.”

  I soaked that information in as I stared at Reese. The guy I’d been trying not to fall in lust with wasn’t even human.

  “I’ve already dispatched a few men to keep an eye on your mother,” Max said. “Nothing will happen to her, and I’ve arranged for a live-in nurse to stay with her. She’ll have around-the-clock care.”

  As angry as I wanted to get for being put in this position, of using my desperation to sign a contract I barely understood, of working for men who weren’t even human and had some private war going on, when Max said those words about my mom, my anger deflated.

  “Thank you.”

  “It’s the least I can do for your act of bravery and saving Reese’s life.” He gave a weak smile. “It seems I picked the right person for the job. Derek will be thrilled to know Reese is well taken care of.”

  I had no clue who Derek was and didn’t ask. I was still struggling with the fact that shifters existed right under my nose. How many had I passed on the street and had no idea what they truly were? How many had I interacted with, unaware of the danger I was in?

  “Your vacation starts when your shift ends,” Max said, pulling me from my thoughts. “Reese is being released under Dr. Savant’s orders. I’ve arranged for the two of you to be taken to a secret location where Reese can heal without worrying about an attack. Three identical black sedans will leave the hospital at the same time, so any enemies close by won’t know which one to follow.”

  It seemed Max had thought of everything. “And the medication and supplies I’ll need to take care of Reese?”

  “Already waiting for your arrival. The refrigerator has been fully stocked, as well as the cabinets. If there is anything I overlooked, just let the bodyguard know and he’ll have it taken care of.”

  Bodyguard? My nerves were getting the better of me. I wanted to back out, but Max was taking care of my mom, and if I walked away now, not only could Max sue me for every dime I made but my mother’s health would quickly decline.

  I couldn’t lose her. She was all I had in this world, and I couldn’t, wouldn’t, allow her diabetes, COPD, hypertension, and her kidney problems to take her away from me.

  I just wished she had taken better care of herself before things had gotten this bad. The dialysis alone was costly, and her crappy insurance barely covered her treatments, not to mention her medications.

  At least now I had the money to pay for the services Max had put into place. Instead of giving me the briefcase full of money, Max had cut me a check for the fifty grand. And yes, I’d deposited it that night.

  Just then Dr. Savant walked into the room. I’d always had a crush on him. No gay man in his right mind wouldn’t lust after the tall, handsome man with blond hair and gorgeous blue eyes.

  “As soon as he wakes, we can get him ready for transport.” The doctor checked Reese’s vitals and adjusted his IV. He’d cut off the pain medication that would keep Reese nice and comfortable.

  “I’ve laid out a plan for you to follow,” Dr. Savant said to me. “If you run into any problems or have any questions, feel free to call me. My number is at the bottom of the instructions I’ll be giving you.”

  “Thank you.” God, I felt like a fanboy as I smiled. Could I have been any more obvious? My cheeks hurt by the time the doctor left the room. I looked at Max, and one of his brows was raised.

  “I think a lot of people have that reaction to him.” He smiled, and that grin made him seem more approachable. He needed to smile more often.

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” I went to the closet to retrieve Reese’s belongings, but there wasn’t anything in there.

  “He’d just gotten out of the shower when he was attacked,” Max said. “Gabe is on his way with some clothes.”

  “I think it would be better if he kept his gown on. The less restrictive his clothing is, the better.”

  Max nodded. “I’ll make sure he leaves with a few extra.”

  I watched Max walk out of the room and had to admit I was in awe of him. He was a person who got things done and looked out for those he cared about. Well, he didn’t care about me, but he’d made sure I had what I needed and had even looked after my mom.

  But I couldn’t forget what kind of man he was. Max and his friends hadn’t gotten to where they were by kindness. It was the look in his eyes, a hardened look that said he’d done what he had to in order to not only survive but to thrive.

  And men like that were extremely dangerous.

  * * * *


  “Just fax me the paperwork so I can look it over.” Reese hung up and set his phone on the bed beside him. He’d argued with me for two days about getting up and moving around. I’d finally given in and let him try, only to prove my point that he wasn’t ready to get out of bed.

  After that he’d become a snarly bear, snapping at me whenever he needed something. His attitude was grating on my nerves. I was seconds away from upping his dose and knocking him out just so I could get a break.

  Reese was lucky I wasn’t the type to actually do that.

  “I have something coming in on the fax machine. Fetch me the paperwork.”

  “Sure.” I placed my hands on my hips. “After that, you can take me for a walk on my leash. I’m a nurse, not your damn secretary.”

  I stormed from the room before he could reply, because I was certain he would have a snarky comeback. From the way he was acting, I was starting to doubt a hundred grand would be enough to deal with his bullshit.

  Alfonso was seated on the couch, scrolling through his phone. The bodyguard was exactly what I’d expected. Tall, muscular, and hardly said a word. Just like Bruce had been.

  “Your boss is seconds away from getting a diaper put on him.” I headed to the kitchen and paced the large area, trying to tamp down my annoyance. How could anyone that damn gorgeous be so irritating?

  And to think I’d almost been charmed by him. I hated to see how he treated those who worked for him at his law firm. They probably dreaded the sight of him coming their way.

  Alfonso stuck his head into the kitchen. “I’m heading out to do a perimeter check. I shouldn’t take long.”

  I waved a hand at him. “Whatever.”

  I was too upset to care.

  The bastard had the nerve to smirk before he walked away. I was starting to see that wolves were the most aggravating creatures on the planet.

  The fax machine in the living room beeped, coming to life. It could go screw itself. I wasn’t taking Reese a damn thing until he apologized to me for acting like a Neanderthal. And here I’d stupidly thought this job would be easy. Ha! I’d never had anyone test my patience as much as Reese had in the past few days.

  When my phone chirped, I took it out of my pocket and saw I had a text from Reese. There was a picture of a piece of paper and a pencil, an angry emoji face, and a picture of a guy lying in bed.

  My phone chirped again.

  Now there was a picture of a slice of pizza and a soda.

  I refused to smile. I wasn’t going to be charmed by the asshole. I sent him an emoji of the middle finger before I went to the fridge and dug out a slice of pizza, leftover from dinner the night before.

  “Damn it, Danni!” Reese hollered from down the
hallway. “Those papers are important.”

  So was my sanity.

  I heated the slice, grabbed a can of grape soda, and retrieved the paperwork on my way to his bedroom. When I entered, I stopped short of him being able to reach me.

  “Say you’re sorry for treating me like crap and I’ll give you what you want.”

  I was normally a very nice guy who went out of his way to take care of his patients. That was one reason I’d become a nurse. To help others. Sometimes I cared too much. But Reese needed to learn manners, and I wasn’t budging on this.

  Reese let out a long sigh. “I’m just not used to being this helpless.”

  That wasn’t what I wanted to hear. “But I’m not the one who put you in this predicament. I’m the one who’s bending over backward to help you.”

  Reese clenched his jaw. “Fine. I’m sorry you have to put up with me.”

  That was as good as I was going to get. I handed him his things and started to walk away, but Reese grabbed my wrist and held me at his side.

  His touch ignited a simmering fire in my belly. I was pissed, but not immune to the devastating effect he had on me. His gaze scorched me as I waited to see what he wanted.

  “You’re only trying to help, and I’m being an ass.” His thumb traced my skin, giving me goose bumps. “I’ll try not to take my frustrations out on you.”

  I nodded. “Thank you.”

  When he released my hand, I found it hard to make my feet work. I’d been staring at his lips, dying to know what they tasted like. But I had to keep this professional. I wasn’t going to sleep with a patient, no matter how stunning he was.

  I cleared my throat and forced my legs to take me out of the room. My skin still tingled where he’d held it, and I needed a cold shower.

  Four weeks. That was how much vacation time I had. I just wasn’t sure I’d survive being this close to Reese, lusting after a man I had to keep my distance from. He was a temptation I’d never encountered before, no matter how annoying he became. I still wanted him, and that told me I was in deep trouble.


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