Mr. Corbin

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Mr. Corbin Page 5

by Lynn Hagen

  Chapter Five


  I walked around the chair and took a seat on the sofa, carefully moving the shotgun to the coffee table. It had been forty-five minutes, and nothing had happened.

  There still wasn’t an explanation for Alfonso’s disappearance or the fact that we couldn’t use our phones, but so far, all was quiet on the home front.

  The two plates I’d brought with me from the kitchen were now in front of us. “You need to eat something.”

  I’d had to reheat the pot roast, but I was pretty sure it was fine. It wasn’t dry…yet. Yes, that was what I was focusing on. I had to, or I’d go insane.

  Reese seemed to come out of deep thought as he looked down at the coffee table where his plate sat. “I’m not hungry.”

  I stabbed a piece of the tender meat and got up, holding the fork toward his mouth. “Eat it.”

  He looked at me as if I’d lost my mind. Maybe I had. There was something to be said about living under a great amount of stress. I might have just started cracking under the pressure, but I was determined to make Reese eat his food.

  He gave me a sharp look, and then, for the first time in a week, Reese smiled. “Gonna feed me my entire plate?”

  As soon as he finished talking, I shoved the piece of roast between his lips. “Why do you have to sexualize everything?”

  Reese finished chewing. “Maybe because I’m attracted to you.”

  “There’re better ways to show it.” I sat down, set his fork on his plate, and ate my own dinner. It wasn’t so much about what he said but the fact that I was totally out of my element. I didn’t date a lot. My work and my mom kept me busy. Too busy to have a personal life.

  I was a virgin. A twenty-six-year-old virgin. I’d never thought of that as a big deal before. When the time was right, and I’d found the perfect man, things would happen naturally. Besides, flirting had never been in my wheelhouse. Reese was damn good-looking, rich, and dangerous.

  Not to forget the fact that he wasn’t even human.

  Any guy would be flattered for his attention. I was no different. I just became flustered and could never think of something witty to say. I tried to imagine him on his feet, at full strength, and what a powerful man he truly was.

  Right now, he’d lost weight, was a bit pale, and he was still sweating. But even in this weakened state, I bet he could give me a run for my money.

  “Besides…” Reese picked up his fork. “That wasn’t even sexual. I just asked if you were going to finish feeding me. Trust me. I learned my lesson about flirting with you.”

  Ouch. That hurt. I gave a one-shoulder shrug. “It just might be possible that I suck at flirting and you fluster me.”

  I wasn’t sure why I’d just admitted that out loud. I had told myself that I would keep things professional between us, but when you were under this kind of pressure, admitting something that trivial seemed easy enough.

  Reese had just stuck his fork into his mouth but let it linger there as he looked me over. “Virgin?”

  “You would go there, wouldn’t you?” I was flustered again as I sat back and crossed my arms. “Just eat your food in silence.”

  Reese nodded. “You already answered my question anyway.”

  “That wasn’t really a question,” I pointed out. Confession time was over. I might have admitted to being flustered, but I would be damned if I told him I’d never had sex so he could tease me about it.

  He ate more of his meal but kept stealing glances at me.


  He set his fork down. “It’s nothing to be embarrassed about. In fact, I find it endearing that you’re still a virgin.”

  I felt my face heat to nuclear levels. “You did not just say that.”

  Reese winced and touched his side. “I think I need to lie down. Since Alfonso is MIA, you’ll have to help me.”

  Reese was a big guy. His chart had said he was six feet three inches. I was only five feet seven inches. He also outweighed me by a good sixty pounds of pure muscle, even if he’d lost weight and looked helpless.

  “Okay. We’ll take it slow.”

  Reese chuckled. “I’m the one who should be saying that to you.”

  I rolled my eyes. “You’re not as funny as you think you are.”

  After getting to my feet, I held out my hand. It took concentrated effort to get Reese out of his chair. He stood there for a moment breathing heavily and then nodded.

  I placed his right arm over my shoulders, and we shuffled toward the hallway. Once we reached it, Reese pressed a hand against the wall to rest.

  “I never thought walking would be this difficult,” he said. “I just need a second.”

  “Take all the time you need.” He hadn’t put his body weight on me, so I wasn’t straining. Yet. I just hoped I didn’t collapse if he needed to lean on me.

  We finally made it to the bedroom, and I cursed that I hadn’t returned the chair to the window. It was in our way.

  “Hold the wall while I move the chair.” When Reese did as I asked, I hurried and took the chair back to where it belonged. After that, I helped him into bed.

  He yanked me down, and I landed on his right side. I wasn’t sure if that had been an accident or if he’d done it on purpose, but I didn’t move. I didn’t dare breathe as I stared into his eyes.

  He cupped my nape and brought me closer. I couldn’t resist. It was as if I was under some kind of spell as our mouths drifted closer together. My heart was beating out of control. My limbs were slightly shaking. I swallowed before he captured my lips in what could only be described as a toe-curling kiss that sent my senses running wild.

  I was burning up in his arms, careful of his injuries as I mapped out his chest with my hand. We moaned in unison, and my dick became hard as his hand slid down my back and cupped my ass.

  “Do you know how sexy you are in that uniform?” Reese growled out the words, a low, throaty sound that made my pulse beat even faster.

  Not a single witty word came to mind. I was too busy enjoying the whisker burn of his beard against my sensitive skin. I groaned and pressed my cock against his leg, rubbing myself with no shame.

  His grip on my ass tightened before he slid his hand down the back of my scrubs, between my boxers and my flesh.

  “Reese.” I wasn’t sure why I’d said his name.

  “Don’t worry, sweetheart. I’m in no shape to take this any further, though I want to. I want you so fucking badly.” He kissed my forehead. “For now, just rest with me. I don’t want to sleep alone.”

  His voice was gentle, and it wasn’t a hard request to fulfill. I was tired from the stress and ready to sleep the night away. He curled an arm around me, and I settled into the crook, my body pressed next to his.

  “What do you think happened to Alfonso? If there was trouble, wouldn’t the bad guys have already come here?”

  I listened to his heart beating in his chest, and it lulled me into a sleepy state. Being in Reese’s arms shouldn’t feel this good. I snuggled into his warmth, yawned, and closed my eyes.

  “I have no idea, but I’m going to find out.” Reese’s voice rumbled deep in his chest.



  “I’m falling asleep.”

  His arm tightened around me. “Sleep, sweetheart. You’re safe.”

  If only I could believe that. Hadn’t he said that if an enemy were determined, he would find a way? Though I wasn’t sure how the person could get past the two bolt locks, a fancy kick bar, and a security system.

  Even with a threat that may or may not be looming over our heads, and with a strong arm curled around me, I fell asleep.

  * * * *


  I cracked my eyes open to the morning light filtering in, still thinking about Danni’s non-confession. A virgin. I wanted to curse because Max had dragged the nurse into this mess and I hadn’t stopped him once I’d found out.

  Danni was too innocent for my w
orld. More innocent than I’d initially thought. It didn’t matter to me that he’d saved me from Robert’s gunman. That wasn’t who Danni Clover was. He was a nurse, trained to care for people, not engage someone with a gun.

  He’d also grabbed my weapons last night without question. He had backbone. I’d give him that, but he hadn’t signed up for this. Not really. He hadn’t read the fine print of the contract, which still set my teeth on edge.

  A crack of thunder could be heard off in the distant. A streak of lighting lit up the morning sky. Soon I heard the patter of rain against the window as I lay there, Danni still tucked in my arm. More like an angel curled into my side. I wouldn’t have been surprised if a halo began to glow around his head.

  I was all hard edges, and Danni was a soft contrast. Even now, in his sleep, I was afraid to touch him because I might tarnish him in some way.

  I took lives, and he saved them.

  Okay, so I’d taken just one life when I was twelve. But that had still left a black mark on my soul, even to this day. Killing the asshole who’d been beating on my mom might’ve been justifiable, but that single act had left a part of me broken in so many ways.

  Still, I didn’t want to think about letting him go. Not now, while he was in bed with me, and not when his job was done. A strange ache started in my chest at the idea of us going our separate ways, of him returning to work and forgetting I existed.

  Of another man taking my little nurse’s virginity. My canines threatened to lengthen at those images.

  I stretched and shifted around until I was lying on my right side. I felt better this morning. Better than I’d felt the previous day. My side didn’t feel as if it were on fire. One small blessing.

  What I needed was a long, hot shower. Danni had been giving me sponge baths since we’d arrived at the apartment, but I needed water cascading down me to wash away the ick of lying in bed for a week.

  I also wanted to brush my teeth, to have them minty fresh just in case I could steal more kisses. I’d been dying to kiss my little nurse, had been since first laying eyes on him. I just hadn’t expected the kiss to be explosive, to ignite some kind of fire inside me.

  Danni stirred, smacked his lips, and settled back down. I watched him, smiling, and wondered if he could be the kind of man who would stand by my side like Gabe and Max had. Their men stood by them no matter how insane things had gotten, but I also knew Gabe and Max shielded them from a lot of the bullshit we dealt with.

  And I couldn’t believe that Fitch still worked at a grocery store. Gabe spoiled him rotten, lavished him with gifts, but Fitch refused to give up his job.

  That only made me respect the human even more. That he wasn’t using Gabe, didn’t want to live off his money. Derek was the same when it came to Max. He was Max’s personal assistant, still worked for him even though they were dating. Still insisted on earning his paycheck instead of letting Max take care of him.

  Danni seemed the same way. He loved what he did for a living, and I would never stand in his way. I would just make sure he had a bodyguard when I was back on my feet.

  I couldn’t risk his safety.

  Danni would throw a fit about it. I just knew it, but I wasn’t budging on that. Anger flared inside me at the thought of any harm coming to him. I would raze this city just to keep him safe.

  I just realized I was planning our future. That didn’t scare me as much as it should have. Having Danni in my arms felt right, like that was where he should be.

  His eyes slowly fluttered open. I thought he would jackknife and hurry out of the bed. What I didn’t expect was that gorgeous smile that lit up his eyes and made him even more breathtaking. “Good morning.”

  “Morning, sweetheart.” I kissed the tip of his nose. “How’d you sleep?”

  “Like a rock.” Danni looked toward the window. “Looks like a storm outside.”

  “Perfect for cuddling.”

  “Or watching a movie.” Danni flipped the covers back. “I have to get your meds and make you breakfast.”

  I tightened my arm, refusing to let him get up. I knew we couldn’t lie here forever, but I wanted a few more minutes. “I don’t need any pain meds, and I’m not hungry.”

  “You still need your antibiotics.” He slid from the bed, leaving the space he’d occupied cold, leaving my arm aching to be filled again with his warm, soft heat. “I’ll be right back.”

  When he walked out, I eased out of bed. My side slightly ached as I made my way to the bathroom and took the shower I’d been longing to take. God, the hot water pounding against my muscles felt so damn good.

  I brushed my teeth in the shower, using the water to rinse. With my hands planted against the wall, I stuck my head under the spray, moaning as the water cleansed me. I never thought a shower could feel this heavenly. It was exactly what I needed.

  After what felt like forever, I shut off the water and opened the shower door to find Danni standing there with a towel and a glare. “That wasn’t very smart. You could’ve fallen. Why didn’t you tell me you were coming in here?”

  The towel was soft against my skin as I dried off. “I managed on my own.”

  “That’s not the point,” Danni argued as I looked at my reflection in the mirror. The bruising on my side had gone from purple to a light green. It was healing. Too bad I couldn’t see my ribs. I’d like to know how far along I’d come with them.

  I was also prolonging standing there so Danni could take in my nudity. He kept his gaze locked on mine, refusing to let his eyes wander below my collarbone. But I could tell that he was dying to peek from the way his gaze slipped downward then back up, as if he had to fight his instincts not to look.

  “Fine. You can help me back to bed.” I threw my arm over his shoulder, tossing the towel to the floor. “Put your arm around my waist. I feel a bit unsteady.”

  I had to admit it was fun trying to subtly seduce him. His face caught fire as he slid an arm around me. “I changed the bedding while you were in the shower. Fresh sheets should make you feel better.”

  The only thing that would make me feel even better than my shower would be Danni under me, crying out my name on those sweet lips.

  I “accidentally” stumbled. Danni’s other arm shot out and curled around the front of me, placing his body closer to my cock. His breathing was labored as he stared up at me.

  “Steady.” His voice was strained. “Small steps.”

  I circled my arm around him, crushing him against me. He shook in my arm as I dipped my head and stole another heart-pounding kiss. Danni melted into me, groaning, his arms squeezing me as I took the kiss deeper, swiping my tongue inside his mouth.

  I slowly backed him toward the bed, keeping his mind occupied on my mouth so he wouldn’t realize what I was doing.

  I should’ve known he was too smart, too aware. He broke the kiss and sidestepped. “I need to start breakfast. You have to eat with your medication.”

  He hurried from the room like his ass was on fire. I looked toward the ceiling and sighed as the rumble of thunder grew closer, louder. Getting Danni into my bed, naked and willing, was proving to be a challenge.

  But if there was one thing I had learned in life, anything worth having was never easily obtained.

  Chapter Six


  I’d given Reese a few sponge baths in the past week, so I’d seen every inch of his gorgeous, muscled body. I’d touched his intimate parts with professionalism, keeping my mind on the task instead how well endowed he was. How hard his muscles were beneath my palms. How he’d always gotten half-hard when I bathed him.

  But having his wet, naked body pressed against me was completely different, more intimate. It had taken great willpower to pull away when the only thing I’d wanted to do was fall onto the bed and let him ravish me.

  I clutched the spatula in my hands as I stared at the pancakes in the frying pan, but all I could see was Reese’s honed body, think of how his lips had tasted, and remember how he’d moan
ed into my mouth as he’d backed me toward the bed.

  I fanned my face. It was becoming increasingly harder to resist him, especially when he kissed like a dream and had the body of a god. The way his strength—even in his weakened state—felt wrapped around me. The way his facial hair scraped along my skin, leaving it tingling for more.

  Once I plated the pancakes, I grabbed my phone off the counter. Surprised that I had reception, I hesitated calling Max. Nothing had happened last night. No invasion like Reese had anticipated.

  There was still the question of where Alfonso had disappeared to. I dialed him, instead. My call went straight to voice mail. That was when I realized, a threat of danger or not, Max needed to know what was going on.

  He answered on the second ring, and I told him about last night—about Alfonso disappearing, no cell phone reception, and how Reese thought trouble might be brewing. I even told him how I’d tried to call him shortly after he and his friends had left but couldn’t get ahold of him.

  “The apartment is locked up tight?”

  “Yes.” I nodded even though Max couldn’t see me.

  “It’ll take me a minute to get through traffic because of the storm, but I’m on my way. I’ll have Gabe and Lucas with me. We’ll figure this out.”

  I nearly sagged with relief and was thankful Reese had such good, caring friends. I was also glad to learn the other guys’ names. “Thank you.”

  “There’s no need to thank me, Danni. I should be thanking you. I’ll be there soon.”

  Max didn’t have to thank me for doing my job. Since leaving the hospital, I hadn’t done anything stupidly heroic. I hadn’t confronted another gunman or saved a cat from a burning house or flown into the sky with a cape flapping behind me.

  I’d just made sure Reese was bathed, had taken his meds, and cooked for him. No big deal. Plus, Max had paid me handsomely to do all that, though I thought the amount a bit excessive, but I wasn’t going to turn it down.


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