King of Prey: (A Bird Shifter Novel)

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King of Prey: (A Bird Shifter Novel) Page 4

by Roth, Mandy M.

  Clearing his throat, he tried and failed to keep a blush from staining his cheeks. He was a king. Kings were not embarrassed to be caught admiring a glorious pair of breasts. And, oh, what a pair they were. He forced his gaze towards the bird, caught slightly off-guard by his randy behavior. “You must be Henry.”

  I can heal you, little bird. Do not fear me. He pushed with his mind to the hawk currently staring down at him. Is that agreeable to you?

  The bird nodded in agreement and flapped its good wing. Rayna drew in a deep breath and clutched his arm, her nearness causing his cock to respond more. “Kabril, look. It’s like he understands.”

  “Yes,” he said, savoring her tender touch. He wanted her beneath him sooner rather than later. It would be the only way he could continue to fit in the jeans Sachin insisted he wear.

  The smile that lit her face moved him, making him think less about bedding her and more about simply pleasing her for the sake of making her smile again. “Do you mind if I grab my camera? I’d love to have pictures of you treating Henry.”

  It was best she be away while he first worked with the bird, since his ways would differ greatly from those of the human animal doctors. Besides, having Rayna away from him, even for just a bit, might help to alleviate his rock-hard cock. His dick twitched at the thought of sinking into Rayna’s body and he knew clearing his mind of her was hopeless. “I would not mind in the least.”

  She was off and running in the other direction, toward the home that was near. He had to force his gaze away from her and onto Henry.

  “Come,” he said to the hawk.

  It obeyed and did its best to fly to him, its wing clearly injured. Kabril held his arm out, allowing the bird to land upon his forearm. The bird nuzzled to Kabril, lowering its head more, giving heed to the fact Kabril was the dominant of the two of them.

  “You wish to fly with your mate again, yes?”

  The hawk nuzzled closer. Kabril double-checked to be sure Rayna was out of view from his workings before he did what humans would not understand—he drew upon his magik.

  As king of the hawks he possessed more than most shifter males. His magik came to him as easily as drawing in air. It felt good to use it again. He had not dared to tap into his gifts since arrival in Earth’s realm for fear he would jeopardize what the Oracle had laid out for him.

  For he wanted a mate.

  Just as Henry wished to be with his, Kabril wanted someone to bond with. Someone to call his own.


  He pushed his magik through Henry, mindful to only use a small amount. He took the hawk’s pain but did not fully mend the wing just yet. He would not be able to explain away such a task to Rayna and he knew as much. Sachin would also caution him about using his powers.

  Henry settled comfortably upon Kabril’s arm and Rayna appeared, her face aghast. She pointed to him while holding a device of some sorts. “You’re holding Henry without a glove. Your arm will be torn up.”

  Kabril merely glanced at his unharmed arm and then back to Rayna. “I will be fine. What is it you have there?”

  “My camera,” she said, holding it up to her face. She pulled it down and removed something from the front, pink staining her cheeks. “Erm, lens cap was still on.”

  He grinned, liking being around her more than he should.

  “Can you hold him out just a bit more?” she asked, motioning to Henry.

  Kabril did as instructed. He would do whatever she wished, for as long as she wished. And he could not recall a time he had ever thought such a thing about anyone. This woman was very different indeed.

  Chapter Eight

  Kabril entered the home and found Sachin standing there, arms crossed. His head advisor snorted. “I half expected you to come with the woman tossed over your shoulder, ready to fly home with her.”

  “I considered it,” Kabril said honestly. And he had. More than a few times during their period together. She had taken many pictures, as she called them, though he had no proof of these photographs she spoke of. Humans and their toys often left him in a state of confusion.

  Henry played along nicely, doing his best to look more injured than he currently was. The hawk understood Kabril’s plight.

  “The female?” asked Sachin.

  “I walked her to her door as you told me was the custom here when courting a woman. I also did as you instructed on being the human way—I attempted to kiss her while on her doorstep.”

  “And?” Sachin prompted.

  Kabril rubbed his cheek. “It did not go as planned.”

  Sachin bit his lips and Kabril entertained covering the distance between them and ending his friend. “I see, my lord. Do you wish to spar? The night is young and we do not want you to become a lazy king, do we?”

  “Oh, we most certainly will spar.” Kabril was itching to get his hands on his sword once more.

  Sachin left the room and returned with their swords. He smiled widely. “I thought this might do the trick.”

  Kabril eyed him. “Why did she reject my advances? Women do not do such a thing to me.”

  “You are used to women who know who you are and what you are,” Sachin reminded. “Rayna does not. Nor, do I believe, she would care in that regard. To her you are simply a man. Not a king.”

  “I dislike being a man. I prefer wenches to simply come and obey when instructed to,” he snapped. The harem was always ready and willing to fulfill any of his needs. He did not have to woo it or court it or whatever it was Sachin took to calling the ridiculous ways in which human males apparently had to conduct themselves with the females.

  Why every man didn’t have a harem of his own was beyond him. They were quite handy. Though, the thought of returning home to bed one of those women caused something close to panic to well within him.

  Leave Rayna?

  For another woman?

  He could not.

  He cursed the gods under his breath once more. Disliking the current state of things greatly. Nothing seemed easy anymore.

  Sachin offered a knowing smile. “I understand, but, Kabril, walk carefully with her. She is…”

  Kabril held up a hand, dismissing Sachin. “I know. I know. She is not the one. It matters not to me. I select her. The Oracle can shove its prophecy up its backside. I have decided who I want as my queen.”

  Sachin’s lips twitched. “Have you now?”

  “I have.”

  Folding his arms over his chest, Sachin watched him with a pensive look. “And the female’s thoughts on this?”

  “I have not mentioned to her. I will when the time is right.”

  “Ah,” mused Sachin. “When might that be? Before or after she attempts to feed us chicken again?”

  Kabril’s stomach turned. “She will not be required to cook once she is queen. I will insist she not.”

  Sachin laughed, deep and loud. “Thank you, my lord. I fear the kitchen staff at the castle is not quite up to cooking other birds.”

  Kabril glanced back at the door. “When may I see her again?”

  “You are asking my thoughts on the matter?” Sachin appeared taken aback.

  Kabril groaned. So far this evening he’d been slapped by a woman who held his interest and found himself having to seek counsel from a man he wanted to run through with his own sword. “I am.”

  “Go to her at first light. Use the injured bird as a reason to see her, but just happen to take along with you freshly picked flowers. Tell her you are sorry for being so forward with her. That the kiss was merely a result of the instant attraction you felt for her and that you do not intend to do it again.”

  “But I do intend to do it again,” returned Kabril, thoroughly confused.

  Sachin snorted. “I know that, as do you, but for now, do not say such things to her. She requires time and courtship.”

  Kabril could not stop the grin from forming upon his face. “This is wooing?”

  “It is,” said Sachin.

  “I enjoy this feelin
g. Well, when not being slapped.”

  Sachin flashed a wide smile. “I suspected you might.”

  Chapter Nine

  Rayna opened her front door, surprised to see Kabril at such an early hour. When they’d said their goodbyes, the night before, he’d tried to kiss her. What shocked her more wasn’t the attempted kiss, it was her knee-jerk reaction.

  She’d hauled off and slapped the crap out of him.

  She’d regretted it instantly and wasn’t even sure why she’d done it. It wasn’t as though she didn’t want his lips on hers. Still, she’d done the unthinkable.

  She’d hit the sexiest guy she’d ever seen all because he’d clearly been attracted to her too. If her grandmother were still alive she’d never have let Rayna live this down. Her grandmother had quite the sense of humor and never seemed to have issues with the opposite sex. Rayna lacked both qualities.

  “Fair morning,” Kabril said as he stood there, wearing a light-colored shirt, undone even more than the last she’d seen him in, and a pair of tan dress pants. He had a handful of weeds in his hands and the biggest, most handsome smile she’d ever seen a man wear.

  “And to you,” she returned, still watching him.

  He cleared his throat. “My apologies for being too forward with you last night.”

  She blushed. “Kabril, I’m sorry I hit you.”

  His brows met. “You are?”

  “I am.”

  “These are for you,” he said, thrusting the weeds at her. They were quite possibly the ugliest grouping of weeds she had ever seen.

  She held her laughter. He was trying, but it was evident wherever he was from things simply were not done in the same way they were here. “Thank you. How thoughtful.”

  He nodded as if she were correct—they were incredibly thoughtful. Rayna failed to hide her laughter and snickered slightly. Kabril looked her over and then licked his lower lip.

  “You are wearing a very thin shift,” he said, his throat appearing tight.

  She tipped her head, thinking about what he’d said. A shift? Did he mean nightgown? She stepped back, holding open the door. “Come in and I’ll grab a robe. Sorry. It’s not even five in the morning yet. I wasn’t expecting company.”

  “You were resting?” he asked, sorrow in his voice.

  She didn’t have the heart to tell him yes. It was awfully early and normal people would be asleep, not accepting handfuls of weeds. “Nope. Awake but not quite dressed for the day.”

  “I have come to check in on Henry.”

  Her heart twisted into a jumbled mess of hormones. She loved hearing that he cared for the bird. And her ovaries seemed overly interested in the man. She even glanced down the length of herself, silently scolding them in hopes they’d get a grip before they overrode her mouth and led her to say something stupid.

  The man’s hair was down again today and she wondered if he ever wore it tied back. It was long enough. Normally, long hair wasn’t something she liked on men. On him, it worked.

  More than worked.

  She half hoped he’d try to kiss her again. She was ready for it this time and she wouldn’t allow herself to slap him. No. She’d grab the man, knock him to the ground and attempt a baby-making session because he had that effect on her ovaries.

  Pull it together.

  “I’ll change and we can check on Henry together,” she said.

  He looked around her kitchen area and then back to her. “You enjoy domestic kitchen work?”

  Was he asking if she liked to cook?

  “Yes,” she said, hoping she got it right. “I cook a lot, but it’s only me here to eat it so it does take some of the fun out of it.”

  “And you cook birds?” he asked.

  She laughed. “And other things. What about you? Do you enjoy cooking?”

  “No,” he practically shouted. Then he paused. “Well, I do not believe I would enjoy such a thing.”

  “Wait. Are you telling me you’ve never cooked anything?” That couldn’t be. He was around thirty. How could he have made it that long in life and never cooked anything before?

  He nodded and then looked up sheepishly at her. “Is this a weakness to you?”

  “Not at all.” Rayna liked the man even more. He needed her. He just didn’t quite know it yet. “Then by all means let’s check on Henry and then, if you have time, you can help me make something for breakfast.”

  “You wish to break our fast?” he asked.

  A hushed laugh fell from her. Kabril had such odd ways of phrasing things.

  “Yes. Something like that.”

  “Very well,” he said. “Because you wish it so.”

  She paused.

  He cleared his throat again. “Rayna, I would very much like to gain your trust and to court you.”

  She blinked. “Court me?”

  “Woo you?”

  She nearly doubled over in laughter. Was he for real?

  The serious look on his face made her wonder. She put a hand out to him. “Come in and I’ll get dressed. We can check on Henry and then we take things slow. Does that work?”

  “It does,” he said, his hand engulfing hers.

  The man was huge and all she could think about was what it would be like to have him above her.

  Chapter Ten

  Earth, one month later…

  Rayna walked carefully along the narrow path. The waterfalls around her continued to draw her attention and it was only a matter of time before she either killed herself trying to see their beauty or got the picture she desperately wanted. Hopefully, the second of the scenarios prevailed.

  She couldn’t believe just how breathtaking the scenery was. Or that Kabril had insisted she accompany him and Sachin on their trip. He was researching something or other and when he’d all but insisted she come too, she knew she couldn’t resist him.

  The last four weeks had been filled with more handfuls of weeds, lots of long walks, seeing Henry fully recovered, and a good deal of time in the kitchen—as she tried but failed to teach Kabril to cook.

  They’d not kissed. It was as if Kabril was taking her request to go slow to the extreme, and the buildup was killing her. If the man didn’t kiss her soon she’d likely tie him to a tree and have her way with him.

  Her boot slid on the loose gravel and Rayna lost her footing. Her heart felt as if it leapt to her throat and blocked the scream wanting to come. A strong hand caught hold of her, plucking her from the air with an ease and strength normal men didn’t seem to possess. As she stared into a set of unnaturally golden eyes, she couldn’t help but smile. A nervous giggle sounded from her and her cheeks heated out of embarrassment. Why was she always such a klutz around the man?

  He brought out the worst in her as far as being able to walk without falling on her face. Maybe if she spent less time staring at his body and more time paying attention to what she was doing, she wouldn’t appear to have two left feet.

  “Careful, I would very much like you to remain in one piece,” Kabril said, his voice so deep and so sexy that Rayna had to bite back a sigh. She still had yet to place his accent. It wasn’t thick but it did tinge his voice ever so. She’d often tried to get exactly where he was from out of him, but Kabril liked his secrets and she didn’t mind letting him have them.

  He set her on her feet and visually inspected her. “Are you hurt?”

  “Just my pride.” She tipped a bit, losing her balance, and seized hold of his forearm. The man didn’t seem to have an ounce of fat on him. She squeezed and visions of having Kabril’s powerful body above her, sliding in and out of her, filled Rayna’s head. Sex with him was pretty much all she thought about. What woman wouldn’t?

  She couldn’t tear her gaze from his square face and piercing eyes.

  He glanced over the edge. “I am dangerously close to making you wear a safety harness, Rayna. You, unfortunately,” he puffed out a long breath, “do not have wings.”

  “There is a better than average chance I’d wring m
y neck with the harness so it’s best you not.” It was true. She seemed to be all thumbs around him. She’d even managed to set her toaster on fire with him in her kitchen. The man was probably questioning her ability to cook, let alone teach him.

  Laughing, he held her close to him. “I have no doubt you would. You are so very different from most women I know.”

  “Hey, is that a knock on how clumsy I am?” She grinned, enjoying his teasing more than she should. His warm hands seemed to push heat through her body as he held her close. Rayna shifted awkwardly in an attempt to stop the moisture Kabril was more than capable of producing between her legs. One glance from him and Rayna’s body reacted.

  “No. Not clumsy. More like absentminded,” he whispered, the bass in his voice moving over her, causing her to sigh. “But I would change nothing about you. Though, you having wings could be something indeed.”

  “Mmm, wings. That would be weird but cool.” She drew a deep breath in, savoring a mix of lavender, sage and cedar—the scent of Kabril. She stroked his chest, his shirt in the way of her getting to paradise.

  He dipped his head. “Be mindful of your footing. I beg of you,” he said, his lips close to hers. “I want you safe.”

  “Thank you for bringing me on this trip,” she said, still caressing his chest.

  He remained in place. “I would never dream of leaving you behind.”

  “Kabril?” she asked, her voice shaky.


  There was so much she wanted to ask. None of that came out. Instead, she boldly went to her tiptoes and pressed her lips to his. The last time they’d had anything close to a kiss she’d slapped him. She wasn’t sure if he’d push her away or not.

  Growling, he lifted her off her feet, his mouth claiming her in a hot, possessive manner. His tongue darted into her mouth and she moaned, her mind a jumbled mess of desire.

  There were far too many articles of clothing between them. She wanted this man naked and ready, but she’d take him anyway she could get him. She bunched his shirt, theirs lips still locked, her heart pounding madly in her chest.


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