Curse of the Alpha: The Complete Bundle

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Curse of the Alpha: The Complete Bundle Page 24

by Tasha Black

  There was no use thinking about it now, while Erik watched her expectantly. She shrugged and took a bite of eggs.

  “I feel bad about this, Ainsley, but I have to go to work today,” Erik said cautiously.

  “What about Clive?”

  “I’ve put the word out about him and I’ll meet with MacGregor. He would never move against you in the open. He’s not the alpha. The pack would tear him apart.”

  She nodded with a casual braveness that she didn’t really feel.

  “I want you to stay put right here. There’s still a patrol and I can spare the guys to keep it up until I get back.”

  “I thought you said he wouldn’t move against me.”

  “I’ll feel better if you stay put. I can get Cressida to come and check on you.”

  Ainsley almost spit out her tea.

  Erik spun on his heel and put their plates in the sink quickly, as though he was embarrassed too.

  Did he know? Oh god, it would be awful if he knew.

  He turned around and grabbed his mug without making eye contact.

  Crap. He did know. He must think she was a gigantic slut.

  “I’m going to need to get my stuff out of the house at some point.”

  “I don’t want you going back there.”

  “What if I call Grace and have her meet me there?”

  “Why don’t you have her come here and get you.”

  “Sure,” she relented.

  “Even when you’re with her, stay on the main roads. Stay visible. There are people in town, more than the three from last night, who aren’t happy with the direction the town is going in. Like we talked about, the inn and the highway are going to bring in more people. This is the integration your parents pushed for. Look where it got them.”

  Ainsley’s world began to rearrange itself.

  “Erik, are you saying that my parents’ death wasn’t an accident?”

  “Before last night I would have said no way, but now… Just be careful. And try to keep the magic stuff on the down low. Wolves don’t like magic.”

  “Do you think Clive is behind all this?”

  “Clive isn’t much of a planner, I wouldn’t be surprised if someone else were pulling the strings.”

  “Could that be Julian?” Ainsley whispered.

  “I saw him around town a lot with your dad, Ainsley, when he was alive. He seemed to take a real interest in your dad. And I don’t like what you told me today.”

  Erik patted her shoulder.

  “Don’t worry about it for now. There’s a patrol and I’ll stop home at lunchtime to check on you.”

  She wished he wouldn’t go. Not just because she was scared, but because she liked to talk with him. She looked up into his brown eyes.

  He smiled mildly and brushed the top of her hair with his lips.

  “See you at lunchtime.”

  Chapter 5

  Clive was trying to keep his patience, but it was getting harder. He hadn’t eaten breakfast yet. And the voice coming through the speakerphone grated his ears.

  Justin and Will sat in the guest chairs in front of his desk, listening. He didn’t want to come across like a fucking pussy in front of them, so he pretended to think it was funny.

  “Did you find the book yet?” the voice demanded.

  “No, I haven’t found it yet,” Clive answered.

  “Did you search for it again last night?”

  “Of course I did!”

  Shit. He was so furious last night he hadn’t remembered.

  “Besides, you already had the house tossed twice before last night, plus her old man’s office. It’s time to accept the fact that Connor hid it someplace safer.”

  “This is why we should have kept him around until all the loose ends were tied up. You are too impatient. And I wouldn’t trust those goons of yours to mow my lawn!”

  Justin made a “Who me?” gesture and Will snickered silently into his hands.

  “If you want to be alpha, you will have to be patient,” the droning voice continued.

  The words echoed meaningfully, but Clive chose to flip the phone the bird instead of thinking them through.

  “You obviously wrecked your chance with Ainsley. The only way for you to become alpha now is to get her out of the picture.”

  “I would love to take care of that. She’ll be gone by the end of the day,” Clive crowed.

  “Don’t be stupid. The town is already buzzing. You can’t make a move with everyone watching. I told you, be patient. We have to set the town against her. This would be easier if I had the damn book.”

  “Maybe you should be the one looking for it, then,” Clive ventured.

  “I’m not the one who failed to seal the deal last night, and then let one little girl give me the slip!”

  “You never told me she was gonna magic me up.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Ainsley. I had everything under control last night, and then she did something to me.”

  “Did something?”

  “Some kind of crazy light shot out of her hands, it felt like she dumped a bucket of ice water on my head. It stopped me from shifting, or I would have finished her right there.”

  Will made a little finger-swirling “crazy” gesture for Justin’s benefit when he thought Clive wasn’t looking. Clive shot him a furious glance.

  “Interesting. So little Ainsley Connor has a secret. Maybe we can use this to our advantage.”


  “We’ll need to expose her, publicly. Show everyone she’s not what she seems.”

  “How do you suggest we do that?”

  “Leave that to me. In the meantime, try not to do anything stupid.”

  Of course he hung up immediately, before Clive could think of something really great to say back. Justin and Will cackled like hens.

  Clive hoped he would have the chance to get even with Ainsley very soon.

  Chapter 6

  An hour had passed since Erik left for work.

  Ainsley had called Grace from Erik’s landline and Grace was going to call her back about heading to the house to get her stuff. Ainsley looked forward to talking with her friend about Brian, but Grace was on duty, and Clive must have been nearby, because for once she said she couldn’t talk.

  Next, Ainsley had cleaned up the kitchen things. That had only taken a few minutes. A bit of nervous pacing had killed ten more minutes and then she had begun to contemplate cleaning the whole house or reorganizing Erik’s closets.

  That was when she thought more about cleaning. Why not clean up the woodwork in the living room? A quick search under Erik’s sink yielded a bottle of vinegar that looked like it had survived the Depression and a plastic bucket. They must have come with the house.

  Humming to herself, Ainsley made a vinegar and water solution, grabbed some old rags and got to work. After just a few minutes she could see luster of the chestnut beginning to shine through the grime on the baseboard. It was slow going but ought to keep her mind off…everything.

  A terrific bang sounded on the porch, startling Ainsley. She gasped and nearly knocked over the bucket. Was it too late to hide?

  Before she could think of what to do, Cressida’s long form appeared in the doorway.

  “Who are you? Cinderella?” Cressida let loose a long throaty laugh.

  “For fuck’s sake, Cressida! Haven’t you learn to knock?”

  Ainsley was horrified to find herself excited as well as annoyed.

  Completely ignoring Ainsley’s outburst, Cressida strode over and toed the bucket curiously, wrinkling her nose at the smell of the vinegar. Then she met Ainsley’s eye and cocked her head in mock reproach.

  “Hey, you didn’t call or text or anything!” she teased.

  Ainsley colored furiously and began to scrub the baseboard again.

  “What do you want, Cressida?”

  “Put that down. I need to talk to you, Connor. Woman to woman.”

y slammed the rag down and looked up at Cressida indignantly.

  Cressida slid down to the floor with her. She looked worried

  “Look, I only have a few minutes before my shift starts. Literally.”

  Oh. Cressida must be patrolling today. That put things in a different light. Ainsley knew she ought to be grateful.

  She looked into Cressida’s eyes. She had never seen Cressida sit still before. This must be an important conversation.

  “What do you want?” Ainsley asked again, this time more gently.

  “We can’t protect you forever, you know. Clive has already started trouble.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “He’s harassing Erik over permits right now. He’s trying to stop the job entirely. Erik’s going to lose his shirt over it.”

  “Is he allowed to ask for permits? That should be the borough’s job.”

  “Do you think Everett Stopes is going to stand up to Clive?”

  Everett Stopes had been an old man when Ainsley was a little girl. He was a good code enforcer, but she could see how Clive might push him around.

  Ainsley shook her head.

  “And he’s got his own patrol. They’re just waiting for one of us to let our guard down. There’s a battle coming, Ainsley, and you need to pick a side.”

  That last gave Ainsley a little shiver of anticipation. What was happening to her? She really was becoming more of a wolf here.

  She glanced over at Cressida, who was observing her with curiosity.

  “The thought of a good fight got you excited?”

  Ainsley gave her a crooked smile.

  “You’re changing, Connor,” Cressida said approvingly.

  Was that true? Ainsley looked down at her hands, but the smile didn’t leave her face.

  “One more thing,” Cressida whispered.

  Ainsley leaned in.

  “I know you want me to fuck you again, but I won’t today – for two reasons. One- you smell like whatever awful thing is in that bucket. Two- you need to fuck Erik.”


  “You heard what I said. It’s not right for the whole town to pay the price while the two of you pussyfoot around. Just fuck him. While you still can. He’s a fantastic lay – you won’t regret it.”

  “Doesn’t that make you jealous?” Ainsley heard herself ask.

  Cressida drew back. She seemed surprised to be asked.

  “Erik and I are friends. And we help each other out sometimes. Just like you and me.” Cressida made and held eye contact with Ainsley a little too long and Ainsley felt her cheeks go red again.

  “But at the end of the day, no, he’s not my boyfriend.”


  “But thanks for asking. Hos before bros, huh?”

  Ainsley grinned. Then she thought of something.

  “What makes you think it would work anyway?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, after what you and I did yesterday… nothing happened. And I tried to draw Clive’s alpha last night but nothing happened then either. Why do you think it would happen with Erik?”

  “Are you kidding me?”

  Ainsley bit her lip and waited.

  “You are the two most fucked up people I ever met. The whole alpha thing is about choosing a mate for life. You didn’t care about Clive. You and I were only having some fun. But you’re clearly head over heels for Erik.”

  Ainsley could have tried to argue. But what was the use? Erik was the total package and while she couldn’t exactly say she was in love with him, she knew that she was grateful to him and she wanted him badly. Erik, on the other hand, didn’t seem to be interested. The way he’d hopped out of bed this morning, he probably wasn’t really even attracted to her. He’d just felt sorry for her.

  “I don’t think he wants that with me,” Ainsley said sadly.

  Cressida rolled her eyes.

  “How did you end up here last night?”

  “Well, I was running away from Clive in the woods and suddenly there was Erik.”

  “What was Erik doing in the woods?”

  “Um…” She hadn’t thought of that.

  “I feel like maybe I’m making this too easy for you guys,” Cressida sighed dramatically.

  Ainsley clenched her fists and waited. Finally Cressida continued.

  “Last night I stopped by here. Erik was pacing holes in the floor because he had seen Clive’s truck in your driveway. I asked him what he was doing here and, a fucking light bulb went on in his dim head and he took off to stop you.”

  Ainsley was dumbstruck for a moment.

  “So…so… He knew Clive was going to hurt me?”

  “No, you moron, he was going to stop you because he loves you and he wants you for himself.”

  Ainsley’s heart leapt.

  “Then why doesn’t he want to…?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I don’t know, never mind,” Ainsley said, turning away.

  “I insist.”

  Cressida was crawling closer, her face brimming with curiosity.

  Ainsley threw a wet rag at her. Cressida swiped it out of the air and kept coming.

  “Nothing. I didn’t mean anything.”

  “Did you try your sexy alpha thing on him?” Cressida asked, fascinated.

  “Well, no, but something was happening and then he just…stopped.”

  “Next time don’t let him stop!” Cressida advised her sarcastically

  Ainsley rolled her eyes.

  “You can roll your eyes, but people’s lives are at stake, Connor. It’s time for you to man up and do what has to be done.”

  Cressida leapt to her feet in a single motion and headed for the door.



  “Don’t worry. I’ve got this.”

  Cressida grinned at her like a pirate.

  “That’s the spirit, Connor. You might just get through this alive after all.”

  The screen door banged like a gunshot and Cressida was gone.

  Chapter 7

  Ainsley was still kneeling on the floor, scrubbing the baseboard and mulling over Cressida’s visit when she heard a car pull up. She jumped to her feet, expecting it might be Erik, home early.

  Instead she saw a police car. A wave of cold panic washed over her. It must be Clive. Where were Erik’s patrolling wolves? She knew she should hide but she was frozen in fear.

  When Grace hopped out of the driver’s side, Ainsley almost wept with relief. She ran onto the porch to greet her friend.

  Grace’s worried expression told Ainsley all she needed to know about what was happening in town. Ainsley had never seen her friend looking so grim.


  “Ainsley, I’m glad you’re okay. I have no idea what’s happening in the wolf community but I assume its bad and it has something to do with you.”

  “Come on, I’ll tell you on the way – let’s walk so no one sees your car outside my house.”

  They kept to the main roads, Grace agreed with Erik on that point. By the time they reached the Connor home, Grace had heard it all. She nodded grimly as Ainsley came to the end of her tale.

  Ainsley was concerned at her friend’s uncharacteristic silence.

  “Do you believe me?” she ventured.

  Grace turned quickly to look at her.

  “Of course I do. I just wonder what this means for my career working for that man. And what it means for the town if he… finds a way to get what he wants.”

  Ainsley had a feeling that there was more Grace wanted to say. But she was pretty sure it had to do with Ainsley choosing an alpha. Since she was darned sure going to try to choose Erik, but had no idea what the result might be, she didn’t feel like sharing her plan. Instead she changed the subject.

  “What did you find out about Brian?”

  They were heading up the steps onto the front porch when they noticed the eggs. It looked like about five dozen of them
had been launched at the house. Every surface stunk under a coating of the sticky yellow mess.

  The women nodded grimly at each other. Ainsley set her jaw as she headed for the front door. In all the years her family had lived in Tarker’s Hollow they had never locked their doors. She wondered if she was about to regret that.

  There was a notice taped to the door. The top line read Sheriff’s Department – Property Condemnation and Notice of Eviction. Her eyes blurred with angry tears before she could read the rest. Instead she tore it off the door and crammed it in the pocket of Erik’s jeans.

  The living room looked like a crime scene. There were no more eggs, thank god. But someone had spray painted Fuck you, city bitch in red spray paint over and over on the walls. Ainsley felt her breakfast threaten to come back up. She ran up the stairs to her room.

  Please not the pictures of my family. Please not the books and mementos.

  The door swung open and the room was absolutely empty.

  Grace was pounding up the stairs behind her.

  Ainsley forced herself to stay calm. She couldn’t bear to think that she might hurt her friend. But she could feel her skin crawling and her muscles clenching to shift.

  She lowered herself to the floor and took the yoga child’s pose. Breathe in, breathe out she told herself. If she could do this under excruciating pain every month in a NYC apartment, she could do it here too. It wasn’t the full moon yet.

  Somehow the draw to shift was stronger anyway. Pain settled into her bones and she rocked herself forward and back. After a few minutes the compulsion eased. She sat up.

  Grace was staring at her wordlessly.

  “I would never risk shifting near you, Grace, don’t worry.”

  “How did you do that?”

  “It’s what I always do.”

  “I’m not sure the others can control it like that.”

  “I get the same impression. Please tell me about Brian now. I need distraction.”

  Grace sat down next to her.

  “I checked the file at the office. I knew before I opened it that something was fishy.”


  “When a teenager dies in an animal attack in a small sleepy town, you’d expect a massive file, right?”


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