Can't Help Falling In Love (Love Me Tender #1)

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Can't Help Falling In Love (Love Me Tender #1) Page 7

by Teresa Ives Lilly

  A grin spread across Desiree’s face. “Seriously, I came to tell you that the fire is out, the damage is minimal and the perpetrator will be leaving in the morning.”

  A shocked look crossed Holt’s face. “Fire? Damage? Perpetrator? I think you’d better explain?”

  “I will, but you should probably follow me to my room.” She turned and walked away.

  Holt rubbed his eyes, wondering if those last few moments had only been a dream, but when he uncovered them, he saw Desiree standing outside her door waving for him to join her.

  He wasn’t sure what to do, but he finally moved. When Holt reached her room, she held a finger up to her lips indicating he should be quiet. She tilted her head at Darla’s door. Holt nodded.

  Desiree pulled out her key, unlocked the door and moved into the room; Holt followed. Before she turned the light on, Desiree closed the door as quietly as she could.

  After adjusting his eyes to the bright overhead light, Holt asked, “Okay, what is going on? Hey, were you smoking in here?” He sniffed.

  Desiree shook her head, reached out and turned him around so he could see the scorched corner.

  “What! What happened?” He rushed over and began to assess the damage.

  “Honestly, I think it was Darla. She must have found my door open. She slipped the garbage can from the sitting room in here, filled with strips of newspaper. She started them on fire. I believe she meant for it to stay contained in the can, but a piece must have slipped out and fell on the floor. You can see what happened next.”

  Holt inspected the area, making sure there were no burning embers left. Suddenly, he stood and turned.

  “Are you all right? Did you get burned? Hurt?”

  “Not at all. Luckily, I woke up and was able to put the fire out easily. As you can see, this room will need new sheets.”

  Holt reached over and pulled Desiree into his arms. “I’m glad you weren’t hurt. I’m sorry I didn’t ask right away. This has been such a shock. I couldn’t imagine anyone doing anything like this. What was she up to?”

  “Just another part of her plan to get you to sell. I’m not sure if it was to scare me off or damage the room, but it didn’t work. I’ve made it clear she needs to leave in the morning.”

  “You don’t think we should call the police?”

  “Probably, but there isn’t any proof. I told her I could give them the garbage can with her fingerprints, but I doubt there are any. She seemed eager to leave once I threatened her with that.”

  Holt whistled. “Wow, you are good.”

  They both laughed.

  “Uhm, Holt.” Desiree’s voice dropped low.

  “Yes, dear?”

  “You are holding me a bit too close.”

  Holt increased his hug. “No, I’m not. I’m not holding you close enough as far as I’m concerned. Knowing you could have been hurt terrifies me. I may never let you go again.”

  Desiree sighed and snuggled into his arms. “Good. I’m still a bit shook up, and I don’t want you to ever let me go.”

  A Month Later

  Desiree sat at the table closest to the stage waiting for Holt to appear in his Elvis outfit. A table away was filled with ladies from the scrapbooking club who were staying at the Bluebonnet Inn.

  Desiree smiled at their eager faces. The Bluebonnet was filled weekly with groups who wanted to cook with Elvis, scrapbook with Elvis, participate in a mystery weekend with Elvis. The pie shop was doing well, and Desiree’s small art shop was bringing in a steady income. All in all, she was pleased with the partnership she had entered in with Holt.

  Just then, the lights dropped low, and the spot light searched the room and finally stopped on the stage. Holt stepped out in his American Eagle Elvis jumpsuit. The ladies from the scrapbook club clapped and whistled. Holt lifted the microphone, and the music began. Suddenly, he waved for the music to stop and for the lights to come back up.

  Desiree frowned, wondering what was wrong.

  Holt stepped close to the end of the stage and spoke.

  “Ladies and Gentlemen, I’m glad to be here tonight and plan to entertain you all, but first, I have some very important business to attend to. If you all don’t mind, I’d like to speak to my business partner.”

  He stepped off the stage and moved to her side. The audience was silent, unsure if this was part of the act or not. Even Desiree was mystified.

  Holt smiled at her and spoke. “Desiree, I’ve enjoyed the last few months of our business partnership, but I believe it’s time for a change.”

  Desiree felt her stomach tighten. Was he getting ready to end their relationship?

  “I no longer want to be your business partner.”

  The audience gasped. Tears filled Desiree’s eyes. Holt reached out and lifted her hand, then sank down on one knee.

  “I want to be your lifetime partner. Desiree, will you marry me?” He pulled a small diamond ring from his pocket and slipped it onto her finger.

  Tears slid down her cheeks, but her heart erupted with joy. She nodded her head up and down then shouted, “Yes, Holt, I will marry you.”

  The audience went wild, clapping, whistling and giving them both a standing ovation. Finally, the crowd quieted, and the lights lowered again, but Holt didn’t let go of Desiree’s hand. Instead, he pulled her to her feet and up onto the stage. Desiree’s silent prayer was lifted to God.

  Thank You, Lord, for giving this man to me.

  Holt began to sing a song, directed only toward Desiree.

  “Wise men say, only fools rush in…. but I can’t help falling in love with you.”

  Holt stopped singing, stepped closer, tilted her chin up and placed his lips gently onto hers.

  Teresa Ives Lilly loves to hear from her readers.

  You can contact her at [email protected].

  See all her books on amazon and visit her blog at

  The town of Fredericksburg, Texas, is a real place, but the characters, the Bluebonnet Inn, and the other places in the story are purely fictional.




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