'Dear One' Breathes Fire

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'Dear One' Breathes Fire Page 10

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  Brad kept his head down and wondered if it really was true the military was giving up their search. He was playing the role of an old man so his friend helped him down. He sat a sack of corn on the ground for Brad to sit on while he unloaded his cart. He had a stick he was using for a cane and now he sat his chin on his hands looking around the market taking in everything. Brad couldn't see the waterfront from where he was so he asked his friend to find him a place discreet so he could view the dock area and troop movements.

  Slowly they moved to the front of the dock area. His friend found him a place that was busy with other North Korean's selling their wares. Troops were loading onto trucks being packed in like sardines. It was late afternoon when the last of the troops were loaded up and gone. A half dozen soldiers or so strolled along the dock on patrol.

  Brad turned his attention to a handful of fishing boats. It was high tide and they floated so he could view each and every one. Some fishermen were repairing nets on the dock and others were preparing for a voyage of fishing. He watched each man to see the one to approach for a run south. The one thing Brad noticed was such a hard life surrounded him. A light snow began to fall and a few barrel fires were sending up a trails of smoke.

  There was one fisherman on a boat that kept looking over his way and was scanning up and down the dock area. Brad's first thought was a North Korean undercover man looking for him. The light was going away fast. Brad stared hard at the man and a thought tickled his brain. Could that fisherman be Park? From a distance it was hard to tell and Brad needed to be closer. As he wished for better sight, the fisherman crossed over a gangway plank to the dock area. He had a rag he used for wiping his hands on. Then to wipe his brow, he took off his hat.

  Brad, in a heartbeat saw it was Mr. Park! A barrel was burning not far away from Brad and Park walked up to it warming his hands. Brad looked around for soldiers and they were all walking down the dock smoking cigarettes. Brad reached out with his stick and tapped Park on the leg. Park looked down and saw blue eyes looking at him and then one eye winked.

  Taking two steps, Park squatted down on his haunches' and waiting for Brad to speak. Brad said, "I'm very glad to see you Mr. Park. I was also very surprised to see you. I thought I was stuck in this port as so many soldiers were here. I wonder where they all went. Well, I see you are working on a boat. Does that mean we have transportation out of this country?"

  "Yes, we do. We can hide you on board and my captain says we sail tomorrow on high tide. That will be around 3 am. When it's dark we can slip aboard."

  "I've a friend in the market behind me who has a cart and buffalo. I'm sure you can find him and give him this wad of Chinese money. Without him and his friends and family, I wouldn't be here today. You know Mr. Park; someday I'd like to come visit these people freely and without worry."

  Chapter 15

  In the White House, a meeting was in progress. A diverse group of Asians were discussing the South Korean situation. In the situation room was the Korean ambassador, the Chinese ambassador, the Chief of Staff and the Joint Chiefs of Staff and of course the rest of the security branches.

  The President of the USA said, "We are at a crossroads ladies and gentlemen. Since this one shot of artillery into Seoul no other movement nor shots have been fired. At this point we are grateful South Korean hasn't retaliated. My staff and I view it as a power play on General Ri's part. Now let's hear from the South Korean ambassador. Everyone except Sujin plugged in their ear plugs for translation.

  He said, "My government has instructed me to try and explain our position. As you've probably seen the residents of Seoul panicked. The shrill whistle of the shell and then the bridge blew up; residents jammed the expressways out of the city south and east. It's impossible to stop them. Most fear this is only the beginning. We're broadcasting calm but the city is grid locked. Fights have occurred between motorists but so far no other violence has happened. Our troops are on our highest alert. My president is waiting for word from you, President Bates and China's president to enlighten us what the plan is."

  "Thanks you ambassador, now let's hear from our Chinese ambassador," said the president.

  Mr. Wong stood up and said, "China is very sorry to hear that North Korea fired upon the capital of Seoul. We urge caution and not do anything hasty. We have sent a representative to Pyongyang and with the strongest of words inform General Ri is to cease firing immediately. We're asking for twenty four hours to calm the situation down." He sat down.

  The USA president said, "We’ve some good news to pass on to the world. The Dear One's youngest son is ready to take over and to implement some very strong economic changes. He's promised to relieve General Ri and slowly reduce the level of the military to a fraction of its former self. His sister will help him make changes for the benefit of the people. We sent word to Pyongyang that Kim, Jongun is on his way via China. I'm confident no more acts of war will happen now that the Dear One's son is coming home."

  The South Korean ambassador, when the president was finished, said, "What assurance do we have all will remain quiet. Right now a major weather front is moving into the area bringing high winds and snowy conditions. Traffic is already a major problem and this cold front coming in, many people will freeze to death as their cars run out of gas. We are in a state of emergency. My president wants action, not words. I see the Japanese ambassador just walked in. I'll sit down and give him the floor."

  The Japanese ambassador never sat down. He was given the nod by the president and he said, after clearing his throat, "Japan is on the brink of war with North Korea. We've viewed the video footage of the shell that took out the bridge over the Han River in the middle of Seoul. With the previous threat of a nuclear strike against Japan and South Korea, my PM says now is the time for action not words. Let me remind you of Japan's experience being on the receiving end of a nuclear bomb. Japan wants to remind the United States of its promise to defend our nation. Militarily we are not without some power of our own.

  In addition, my PM has been in contact with the South Korean president and they are going to meet in Jeju do to discuss a response. Both leaders are currently on their way as we speak."

  Dead silence was the response. Even the president had a grim look on his face. The Joint Chiefs swiveled their necks back and forth looking at each other. Sujin's heart was half way up to her neck thinking about her parents trapped in their apartment. Her father would not have panicked and tried to leave the city. However, that didn't lessen the fear for their safety.

  "The President said, "Let's take a thirty minute cooling off period and then we will resume our meeting."

  The president left motioning the Joints to follow him. He also smiled and Sujin and asked her to join them along with Steve. They went to the Oval Office and everyone sat down. Sujin was duly impressed that she was actually sitting in the office of the President of the United States.

  He said, "Sujin and Steve, please tell we what is our current status with the Kim family."

  Steve, summarized the events that led up the implant and the daughter to support the brother. Currently they were on their way to Beijing for a connecting flight to Pyongyang. The body of the Dear One was also being sent along.

  The president asked Sujin what she thought of the plan. Sujin said, "Mr. President. We Koreans are set in our ways. I think the two Kim's will do what is necessary to save their own lives. The hard part will be when Jongun shakes the hand of General Ri, his other hand must slap the shoulder. In the palm of his hand, Jongun has a needle affair that will render the General with a heart attack in about ten minutes. At that point, Jongun will assume power over the nation. If it all goes to plan, we can relax for awhile."

  "Thank you Sujin. Now I must contact the South Korean and Japanese PM to have them stand down for about twenty four hours. Your job here is finished Sujin and you may go where you desire. I feel that Seoul is 98% safe. We are going to put our military helicopters to work taking food and supplies to the stranded moto

  The president stood and watched part of his covert Batt Team leave his office. He had a sad moment wondering about Brad Pratt, but right now he had to prevent World War III.


  Jongun and his sister sat in the back of a commercial airlines surrounded by CIA agents. It would hardly do to have an Air Force jet land in China and unload two North Koreans and a casket. This flight from the east coast to China would be a long haul.

  Once airborne and at altitude, Jongun asked his sister, "Did we make the right decision?"

  "I was in a mental institution before we boarded this plane. This is much better than a padded cell without any furniture or windows."

  He said, "I was in a tropical climate with a bunch of Arabs who prayed on red mats to Allah. I was locked in a cell, but not padded. Hot was the word. Water was scarce and no one to talk to. I would have agreed to anything to get the hell out of there."

  She asked her brother, "Can you do what they asked you to do to General Ri?"

  "Oh, my yes. I've never like him anyway. He's so much like my father. We're a new generation and need to open our doors and minds to the 21st century. It was fine for us to show our respect to the older generation. However, there's no time or room left for that generation to be in the vanguard of twenty million starving people. I'd like to think we can show the world we can change to make a better life for our people.

  "We both have this device in our bodies. What if they decide we are not doing enough, fast enough? What happens then?"

  "Sister, as long as peace prevails over the Korean peninsula, we are safe from harm's way."

  Chapter 16

  Brad was tucked into a very smelly tiny room that doubled for food storage and cleaning stuff. Park had stacked the supplies very well to hide him from prying eyes. Park had told the captain he could cook, so he was in charge of cooking for a four man crew plus himself.

  Before they cast off at around three am, a team of soldiers poked their noses into every area of the boat. It was a haphazard attempt to find a stowaway. The diesel motor started and soon they were chugging out of the harbor. Brad breathed a big sigh of relief and soon fell asleep next to a bag of cabbage. If his luck held, he would be reunited very soon with his family in Seoul.

  Little did he know that one of the worst storms in memory was drifting down over North Korea into South Korea. However, it didn't slow up the fishing boat as they made their way southwest.

  In Seoul, the late exodus that failed to get out of the city, turned around and went back home; convinced leaving was impossible. Besides the weather was horrible and people were relieved to know no more shells were falling. Slowly the turnaround became more and more.

  In Jeju Island a meeting was taking place between the South Korean President and the Japanese Prime Mister. The snow hadn't reached there yet, but the cold wind had met both at the airport.

  Both men had just finished a conversation with the American President Bates. As usual, he voiced patience, but both men were not accepting what the American had offered. Nevertheless, weather conditions prevented a full blown attack that would be needed to put North Korea on its knees.

  The South Korean leader said, "Prime Minister, it appears we have our hands tied for the time being with the weather situation. Our forecasters are saying it will get worse and last at least a week; including down into Japan. I guess we have no choice but to sit on our back sides."

  "Indeed it does Mr. President. However, I'm ordering our subs to sail up the North's east coast and lay in waiting. I think we need to cover both east and west that when the weather lifts, we have ships pointed at the North. China will pretend we're not there. Now if this young Kim can eliminate General Ri, then we can relax a little. However, with this storm, planes will have a difficult time landing in Pyongyang."


  In Pyongyang General Ri was ecstatic. Before the snow storm blotted out the video of Seoul, General Ri and his staff clapped their hands watching a grid lock of cars trying to escape Seoul. He said, "One Ping, and look what resulted." No one had any idea what he was talking about with 'One Ping'.

  "We have received word that our Dear Leader is coming home. Also Jongun and his sister will be on the same plane." All noticed he was not happy with the news. Being king for a day is not long enough for the power seekers. His mind was churning with thoughts how to remain in control of North Korea. Meanwhile he must bide his time until the storm passes. His last thought before he was asked if he wanted some tea, was how if young Kim and his sister never arrived. With this weather, an all out attack would be impossible for the South and its allies to launch an attack back to the North. Well, he needed to think about this for awhile, but not too long he vowed. The Dear One and his family could just sit in China for all he cared. He was sitting in the big chair now and it would be hard to remove his body from where he sat.

  One full colonel sat off to the side watching the general carefully. He could see that the man was over the top crazy with power. He would bring the wrath of God upon the North. He was not alone as some of the younger officers felt the same way. The colonel knew about the big railroad gun and guess right that the general fired a shell into South Korea. This was beyond what he thought was the role of a leader that wasn't being threatened of invasion. Something must change, he thought.


  In the Yellow Sea it was near white out conditions. The captain was getting nervous about running into another ship. He told the crew he was turning to the east and once near land, they would anchor until the storm passed.

  This was not good news for Park and Brad. When Park told Brad what was happening Brad thought about what they could or couldn't do. The weather was frightful and dangerous. However, being on the fishing boat for how many days to come was not his cup of tea. Brad thought it was time to take over the fishing boat.

  Brad thought by dead reckoning they could cross over into China. From there he could and Park could wait out the storm. It was time to make the move.

  He and Park went to the cabin where the captain was steering the boat. He looked at Park and then with eyes opening up full, he saw a tall, blonde white man smiling at him. The captain was even more shocked when the man spoke Korea fairly well. He said, "Good day to you captain. I afraid we must change course and make our way to China. Have no fear as you'll be handsomely rewarded for the change in course.

  The captain said, "I was kind of hoping something like this would happen to me. I've no family and would love to be part of a new beginning. Just give me the course setting and off we go, but slowly."

  "We'll set a course for Dalian. However, there're a couple islands to look out for. But that should be hours from now or tomorrow I'd guess." The fishing boat kept on chugging along slowly as the wind had died down, but was still snowing hard.


  Sujin and Rocky were on the way back to South Korea. Billy wanted to come, but with Seoul in a panic situation, he'd best wait. Sujin missed little Brian and her husband. These long flights just added to her sorrow. Her husband missing in North Korea; her country under attack from the North Koreans; a horrible snow storm descending upon the entire Peninsula; and her parents freaked out not hearing from their daughters. Rocky was her best company. Through all of this he had remained calm. Her thoughts interrupted when the pilot said, "Mrs. Pratt. Incheon in Seoul is closed due to ice and snow. We'll divert to Beijing where we've received clearance to land. Sorry about that, but the cold Siberian front is slowly moving west too. We might be stuck in China for a few days."

  Unknown to Sujin, they were just a few hours behind the aircraft carrying Kim, Jungun and his sister. The Chinese had made a plan to secure the two North Koreans and Sujin in a safe house. She heard her satellite phone ring and it was Steve on the other end. He told her of the Chinese putting her up in a safe house with the two North Koreans. She said that was fine with her. He also told her about Seoul and its traffic problems. People were returning home and military helicopters
were helping the stranded ones. His last word was that no news about Brad.


  A secret meeting was being held in North Korea, as Sujin's Gulf landed at Beijing International Airport. A limo was waiting to escort her to a safe house. The meeting was being hosted by Colonel Moon and five others of a lower rank. He said, "Now is the time for action my friends. General Ri has gone over the edge. The word I receive is he will assassinate Kim, Jongun and his sister upon arrival of his plane. I propose we prevent this serious action. If we don't war will come and reality say we will be defeated. Here is what we'll do at the airport when Kim, Jongun arrives……"


  Brad thought the sailor on the bow was one tough man. It was fully daylight now and even though it was difficult to see much beyond the bow, due to heavy downfall of snow, they chugged along. Park was in the small kitchen boiling up some rice and a smattering of vegetables to go with it. It was very difficult to tell where they were in relationship to the mainland of China. Another fear was an anchored ship unable to dock due to poor visibility. Finally, it would soon be dark and they would be running pretty much blind. The small fishing boat did have a fairly good lighting system. If they kept running at a steady two knots, it would be a long night for sure. The captain assured Brad he was good for 48 hours at the wheel.

  Brad was sleeping hard when he was literally thrown from his small bunk onto the floor. He instantly realized the fishing boat had hit something, run aground or something even more damaging happened. He had been sleeping with his clothes and boots on. He ran out the door and found the captain and crew looking over the bow. Their luck hadn't been good as they hit an island. However, upon inspection, they were aground, but luckily not on any rocks. The captain rushed back to his wheel house and reversed the boat to remove the boat off the land.


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