Wilkie Collins: A Life of Sensation

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Wilkie Collins: A Life of Sensation Page 46

by Andrew Lycett

  Cohen, Deborah: Family Secrets, London, Viking, 2013

  Collins Philip: Dickens Interviews and Recollections, London, Macmillan, 1981

  Collins, William: Memoirs of a Picture, containing the adventures of many conspicuous characters . . . including a genuine biographical sketch of the late George Morland etc., London, H.D. Symonds etc., 1805

  Cross, Nigel: The Common Writer, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1985

  Cunningham, Allan: The Life of Sir David Wilkie, John Murray, 1843

  Dafforne, James: The Life and Works of Edward Matthew Ward R.A., London, Virtue & Co, 1879

  Daly, Nicolas: Sensation and Modernity in the 1860s, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2009

  Davenport, Rowland Ashley: Albury Apostles, Birdlip, Gloucestershire, United Writers, 1970

  Davis, Nuel Pharr: The Life of Wilkie Collins, Urbana, University of Illinois Press, 1956

  De Fonblanque, Margaret: ‘Edward and Henrietta Ward: Painters and Partners’, University of Buckingham, M.A. thesis, 2006

  Dixon, William Hepworth: New America, London, Hurst and Blackett, 1867

  Dixon, William Hepworth: Spiritual Wives, London, Hurst and Blackett, 1868

  Dormandy, Thomas: Opium, London, Yale University Press, 2012

  Drummond, Andrew Landale: Irving and his Circle, London, J. Clarke & Co, 1937

  Ellis, S.M.: Wilkie Collins, Le Fanu, and Others, London, Constable, 1931

  Eytinge, Rose: The Memories of Rose Eytinge, New York, Frederick A. Stokes Co., 1905

  Fagence Cooper, Suzanne: The Model Wife, London, Duckworth, Overlook, 2010

  Field, K[ate]: Charles Albert Fechter, Boston, James R. Osgood, 1882

  Finn, Margot, Michael Lobban and Jenny Bourne Taylor (eds): Legitimacy and illegitimacy in 19th-century law, literature and history, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2010

  Flanders, Judith: The Invention of Murder, London, HarperPress, 2011

  Fleming, G.H.: John Everett Millais, Constable, 1998

  Forster, John: The Life of Charles Dickens, 3 vols, London, Cecil Palmer, 1872–4

  Gasson, Andrew: Wilkie Collins: An Illustrated Guide, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1998

  Gasson, Andrew and Radcliffe, Caroline (eds): Wilkie Collins: The Lighthouse, London, Francis Boutle and Wilkie Collins Society, 2013

  Gilbert, Pamela K.: A Companion to Sensation Fiction, Oxford, Blackwell, 2011

  Griffin, Ben: The Politics of Genders in Victorian Britain: Masculinity, Political Culture and the Struggle for Women’s Rights, Cambridge, CUP, 2012

  Hanes, Susan R.: Wilkie Collins’s American Tour, 1873–4, London, Pickering and Chatto, 2008

  Hawksley, Lucinda: Katey, London, Doubleday, 2006

  Hawthorne, Julian: Shapes That Pass – Memories of Old Days, Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1928

  Hayter, Alethea: Opium and the Romantic Imagination, London, Faber, 1971

  Higgins, David: The Winterton Story, King’s Lynn, Phoenix Publications, 2009

  Hogarth, Georgina and Mamie Dickens: The Letters of Charles Dickens. Edited by his sister-in-law and his eldest daughter, London, Chapman Hall, 1880

  Holmes, Richard: Coleridge: Early Visions, London, Hodder and Stoughton, 1989, and Coleridge Darker Reflections, HarperCollins, 1998

  Hoppen, Theodore: The Mid-Victorian Generation, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1998

  Hudson, Derek (ed.): Munby, man of two worlds: the life and diaries of Arthur J. Munby, 1828–1910, London, John Murray, 1972

  Hunt, W. Holman: Pre-Raphaelitism and the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, London, Macmillan, 1905

  Huxley, Leonard: The House of Smith, Elder, London, William Clowes, 1923

  Klimaszewski, Melisa: Brief Lives: Wilkie Collins, London, Hesperus Press, 2011

  Law, Graham and Maunder, Andrew: Wilkie Collins: A Literary Life, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2008

  Lehmann, John: Ancestors and Friends, London, Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1962

  Lehmann, R.C.: Memories of Half a Century, London, Smith, Elder, 1908

  Lehmann, Rudolf: An Artist’s Reminiscences, London, Smith, Elder, 1894

  Lehmann, Rudolph (ed.): Familiar Letters NL to FL 1864–1867, Privately published, 1892

  Lewes, George Henry: The Letters of George Henry Lewes, (ed. William Baker), Victoria B.C., English Literary Studies, University of Victoria, 1995–9

  Lonoff, Sue: Wilkie Collins and his Victorian Readers, New York, AMS Press, 1982

  Lycett, Andrew: Conan Doyle: The Man Who Created Sherlock Holmes, London, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2007

  Maas, Jeremy: The Victorian Art World in Photographs, London, Barrie & Jenkins, 1984

  Mangham, Andrew (ed.): Wilkie Collins; Interdisciplinary Essays, Newcastle, Cambridge Scholars, 2007

  Marsh, Jan: Dante Gabriel Rossetti: Painter and Poet, London, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1999

  Marsh, Jan: The Pre-Raphaelites: Their Lives in Letters and Diaries, London, Collins & Brown, 1996

  Mayhew, Henry: London Labour and the London Poor, a selected edition by Robert Douglas Fairhurst, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2010

  McCorristine, Shane: Spectres of the Self: thinking about ghosts and ghost-seeing in England, 1750–1920, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2010

  Millais, John Guille: The Life and Letters of Sir John Everett Millais, London, Methuen, 1899

  Miller, D.A.: The Novel and the Police, Berkeley, University of California Press, 1988

  Mitchell, Sally: Frances Power Cobbe: Victorian Feminist, Journalist, Reformer, Charlottesville and London, University of Virginia Press, 2004

  O’Gorman, Francis (ed.): The Cambridge Companion to Victorian Culture, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2010

  Page, Norman ed.: Wilkie Collins: The Critical Heritage, London, Routledge, 1974

  Peters, Catherine: The King of Inventors: A Life of Wilkie Collins, London, Secker & Warburg, 1991

  Pope, William Bissell (ed.): The Diary of Benjamin Robert Haydon, Cambridge, Massachussets, Harvard University Press, 1963

  Pykett, Lyn: Wilkie Collins, Oxford, OUP, 2005

  Quilter, Harry: Opinions on Men, Women & Things, London, Swan Sonnenschein, 1909

  Quilter, Harry: Preferences in Life, Literature and Art, London, Swan Sonnenschein, 1892

  Rance, Nicholas: Wilkie Collins and Other Sensation Novelists, Basingstoke, Macmillian 1991

  Reeve, Wybert: From Life, Melbourne, George Robertson, 1891

  Reeve, Wybert: ‘Recollections of Wilkie Collins’, Chambers’s Journal, 9 June 1906, pp.458–61

  Robinson, Kenneth: Wilkie Collins: A Biography, London, Bodley Head, 1951

  Robson, John M.: Marriage or Celibacy? The Daily Telegraph on a Victorian Dilemma, Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1995

  Russell, Lady Constance: Swallowfield and its Owners, London, Longmans Green, 1901

  Sayers, Dorothy: Wilkie Collins: A Critical and Biographical Study, edited by E.R. Gregory, Toledo, Ohio, Friends of the University Library, 1977

  Scott, J.D.: Vickers, A History, London, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1962

  Shellard, Dominic and Steve Nicholson with Miriam Handley: The Lord Chamberlain Regrets: A History of British Theatre Censorship, London British Library, 2004

  Showalter, Elaine: The Female Malady, London, Virago, 1987

  Shpayer-Makov, Haia: The Ascent of the Detective, Oxford, OUP, 2011

  Slater, Michael: Charles Dickens, New Haven and London, Yale University Press, 2009

  Slater, Michael: The Great Charles Dickens Scandal, New Haven and London Yale, University Press, 2012

  Smajic, Srdjan: Ghost-Seers, Detectives and Spiritualists, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2010

  Storey, Gladys: Dickens and Daughter, London, Frederick Muller, 1939

  Story, Alfred T.: The Life of John Linnell, London, Richard Bentley, 1892

  Summerscale, Kate: The Suspicions of Mr Whicher, London, Bloomsbury, 2008

  Sutherland, John: Victorian Fiction: Writers, Publ
ishers and Readers, London, Macmillan Press, 1995

  Sutherland, John: Victorian Novelists and Publishers, London, Athlone Press, 1976

  Sweet, Matthew: Inventing the Victorians, London, Faber and Faber, 2001

  Taylor, Jenny Bourne: In the Secret Theatre of Home, London, Routledge, 1988

  Taylor, Jenny Bourne ed.: The Cambridge Companion to Wilkie Collins, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2006

  Taylor, Tom: The Life of Benjamin Haydon, London, Longman, Brown, Green and Longmans, 1853

  Thirlwell, Angela: Into the Frame, London, Chatto and Windus, 2010

  Tomalin, Clare: The Invisible Woman, London, Viking, 1990

  Tomalin, Clare: Charles Dickens A Life, London, Viking, 2011

  Tromans, Nicholas: David Wilkie, London, Dulwich Picture Gallery, 2002

  Walford, Lucy Bethia, Memories of Victorian London, London, Edward Arnold, 1912

  Walton, Susan: ‘From Squlaid Improriety to Manly Respectablity’, Nineteenth-Century Contexts v30, no. 3, September 2008, pp.229–45

  Ward, Leslie: Forty Years of Spy, London: Chatto and Windus, 1915

  Ward, Mrs E.M.: Mrs E.M. Ward’s Reminiscences, (ed. Elliott O’Donnell) London, Sir Isaac Pitman, 1911

  Ward, Mrs E.M.: Memories of Ninety Years, London, Hutchinson, 1924

  Whitton, Donald C.: The Grays of Salisbury, San Francisco, 1976

  Williams, Merryn: Effie – A Victorian Scandal, Book Guild, 2010

  Winter, William: Old Friends, New York, Moffat, Yard & Company, 1905

  Wise, Sarah: Inconvenient People, London, Bodley Head, 2012

  Wright, Natalia (ed.): The Correspondence of Washington Allston, Kentucky, The University Press, 1993

  Yates, Edmund: Celebrities At Home, London, The World, 1879

  In addition there are several small, but useful, publications from the Wilkie Collins Society, some of which are referred to in the Notes section.


  I am greatly indebted to Faith Clarke, Wilkie Collins’s great-granddaughter for her support and encouragement, and for her kind permission to quote from Wilkie Collins’s works and letters. I would also like to thank her late husband, William Clarke, who himself wrote a fine biography of Wilkie Collins and who pointed me on my way at the start of my own efforts.

  In the field of Wilkie Collins studies, there are two additional people who a) know more about the author than anyone else and b) are incredibly generous with their time and resources. I am extremely grateful to Andrew Gasson and Paul Lewis for the help and guidance they have freely given me at every juncture. I could not have written my book without them. They both run excellent websites http://www.wilkie-collins​.info/ and http://www.paullewis.co.uk/ There are many acts of kindness that they showed, but I would particularly like to thank Andrew and Paul for granting me access to an invaluable asset: an electronic edition of the Collected Letters of Wilkie Collins which they compiled with their fellow editors William Baker and Graham Law (see Bibliography).

  Two other members of Wilkie’s wider family were also unfailingly helpful: Donald Whitton in California and Jeanette Iredale in Australia. They have both helped with documents, photographs and ideas.

  I would like to thank the people who read various versions of my text and assisted me with their comments: Katrin Williams, Charlotte Rogers, Sam Hudson, Nigel Cross and Angela Richardson (as well as Paul Lewis and Andrew Gasson). Sue Greenhill’s love and support have kept me going throughout.

  Various people have kindly provided me with material from their archives. I am grateful in this context to Susan Hanes, Margaret de Fonblanque, Michael de Navarro and Guy Philipps (Lord Milford).

  Any biographer benefits from the input of experts and other interested people at all stages. Among those who have given me excellent information and advice have been Mary Lovell, Judith Flanders, David Higgins, John Pym, Tish Seligman, Nigel Pope, Penny Smyth-Pigott, Kate Barlow, Jane Root, Catherine Wynne, John Pym, William Baker, The Rev. Aidan Platten, Richard Vowles, Richard Lawrence, Paul Spencer-Longhurst, Jonathan Ouvry, Colin Davies and Mary Ellen Lane.

  As before, in moments of crisis, Andrew Holmes has generously offered me the benefit of his unrivalled computer knowledge.

  This book has involved me spending a great deal of time in libraries and archives. My thanks to various institutions and libraries which have helped me along the way: Bodleian Library (Colin Harris), National Library of Scotland (Rachel Beattie, Donald McClay), British Library (Jamie Andrews), Mitchell Library, Glasgow (Enda Ryan), Huntington Library (Gayle Richardson, Jacqueline Dugas), Morgan Library (Inge Dupont, Carolyn Vega and Maria Molestina), Harry Ransom Center (Molly Schwarzberg, Pat Fox and W. Roger Louis), Firestone Library at Princeton University (Gabriel Swift), University of Toledo (Barbara L. Floyd), University of Cape Town (Tanya Barden and Lesley Hart), Pennsylvania State University Eberly Family Special Collections Library (Sandra Stelts), King’s School Canterbury (Peter Henderson), Getty Research Institute (Jeanette Clough), Canterbury Christ Church University (Carolyn Oulton, Gabrielle Malcolm, Kathy Chaney, Andrew Hudson), Coutts Bank (Tracey Earl), Royal Academy (Mark Pomeroy), Tate Gallery (Adrian Glew), Lincoln’s Inn (Jo Hutchings, Guy Holborn), Yale University (Tim Young), Southampton City Council (Joanne Smith, Penny Rudkin), Portsmouth History Centre (Dr John Stedman), London Library (Helen O’Neill), Garrick Club (Marcus Risdell), Charles Dickens Museum (Fiona Jenkins), Pembroke College Cambridge (Patricia Aske), Royal Academy (Mark Pomeroy), Gloucestershire Archives (Paul Evans), Wellcome Library, National Portrait Gallery, the National Art Library and the National Archives.

  I would like to thank the Society of Authors for making me a grant through the Authors’ Foundation, which enabled me to carry out research in some American university libraries.

  Two additional websites that have been useful are Andrew Roberts’s magnificent online work on the Lunacy Commission, http://studymore.org.uk​/01.htm and the Victorian Web, http://www.victorianweb.​org/

  Working with my editor Sarah Rigby has been both a pleasure and a privilege. My thanks are due too to Jocasta Hamilton, Philippa Cotton and the rest of the team at Hutchinson and Random House. In addition I am very grateful to Jamie Whyte for his map and to Douglas Matthews for compiling an excellent index.

  For further information, please refer to my website, www.andrewlycett.co.​uk


  The page references in this index correspond to the printed edition from which this ebook was created. To find a specific word or phrase from the index, please use the search feature of your ebook reader.

  Works by Wilkie Collins (WC) appear directly under title; works by others under the author’s name

  Aachen (Aix-la-Chapelle), 240

  Abbotsford (house), near Melrose, 53, 402

  Ä Beckett, Gilbert and Walter, 164

  Aberdeen, George Hamilton Gordon, 4th Earl of, 137

  Abode of Love, The (or Agapemone), 196–7, 198, 343, 345

  Accademia di San Luca, Rome, 35

  Adelphi Theatre, London, 285, 298, 388

  After Dark (WC; story collection), 143, 148, 351

  Agapemone see Abode of Love

  Ainsworth, William Harrison, 133

  ‘Air and the Audience, The’ (WC; article), 382–3, 388

  Albany Street, London, 187

  Albert, Prince Consort, 87, 135; statue, 265

  Albion, or British, Colonial and Foreign Weekly Gazette, 58

  Alexander, George, 388

  Alford, Mary, 264

  Algeria, SS, 334–5

  All Souls (church), Langham Place, 66–7

  All the Year Round (journal): WC writes for, 2, 228, 271, 351; Dickens publishes, 188, 191; serialises The Woman in White, 203, 213, 226; Christmas numbers, 204, 214, 221, 228, 244, 271, 282, 362; WC extends contract (1860), 209; competition with Cornhill, 225–6; Lytton writes for, 226; serialises No Name, 228; serialises The Moonstone, 271, 283, 286; and development of psychology and philosophy, 276

/>   Allison, Dr Archibald, 18

  Allston, Washington, 14–16, 23, 27, 71, 335

  Amateurs (theatrical company), 76

  American Literary Bureau, New York, 331, 339, 341

  Andersen, Hans Christian, 174

  Anderson, Mary, 394

  animal magnetism, 95–7

  Antonina (WC): as romance, 62; writing, 64, 70–1, 74; plot and themes, 74–5; published and reviewed, 77–8; copyright, 133

  Antrobus family: rift with Collins family, 64

  Antrobus, Edmund, 49–52, 61, 64; The Prison and the School, 50

  Antrobus, Sir Edmund (cousin), 51

  Antwerp, 307, 360

  Archer, Frank, 341, 408

  Argosy (journal), 241

  Argyll Rooms, London, 151

  Armadale, Scotland, 54

  Armadale (ship), 255

  Armadale (WC): geographical settings, 148–9; writing, 225, 241, 246–7, 256; plot and themes, 246–7, 249, 394; research for, 249–50; serialised in Cornhill, 250, 252; published in two volumes, 263; dedicated to Forster, 265; reviews, 265; theatrical version (as Miss Gwilt), 265, 357, 360; revised for French theatre, 266, 268, 270; as detective story, 273; praised, 321; Smith claims control of, 351

  Armytage, Sir George, 253

  Arnold, Matthew: ‘Culture and Anarchy’, 302

  Art Journal, 69, 127

  Ashmead-Bartlett, Sir Ellis, 382

  Astley’s Theatre, London, 208

  Athenaeum Club, 224, 280, 281, 283, 286, 308, 381

  Athenaeum (magazine), 42, 77, 107, 131, 235, 238, 244, 317

  athleticism: WC satirises, 304, 342, 418

  Austen, Jane, 157

  Avenue Road, St John’s Wood, London, 39–40, 47, 200

  Bad Schwalbach, near Wiesbaden, 47

  Baden-Baden, 292

  Ballard, James, 190

  Balzac, Honoré de, 98, 124, 386; La Comédie Humaine, 124

  Bancroft, Squire, 328–9, 332

  Baring, Sir Thomas, 24

  Bartley, Cecile (Harriet’s daughter), 389

  Bartley, Doris Edith (Harriet’s daughter), 373, 389, 415

  Bartley, Elizabeth Harriet (Caroline’s daughter): birth and background, 158; and mother’s relations with WC, 177, 186–7, 190, 204, 207–8; and Evangelicals, 202–3; education, 217–18, 250, 259, 262; dines out with WC, 231; holiday in Isle of Man with WC, 241; stays in Italy with WC, 241–2, 246; called ‘Carrie’ by WC, 242; as WC’s amanuensis, 285, 293, 333, 353, 363–4, 368; at Gloucester Place, 314; receives rent from stable letting, 325; calls WC ‘godfather’, 357; unmarried state, 361; visits Paris and Switzerland with WC, 361; marriage, 365; children, 373, 389; death of fourth child, 404; on WC’s stroke, 407; on WC’s death, 408; and WC’s funeral, 409; moves to Kilburn Priory, 415; death, 415


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