Agent Undone

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Agent Undone Page 5

by Cassidy Reyne

  “It’s ok. You don’t sound like a psycho. Not totally, anyway.” A small smile tugged at her lips and Carter suddenly wanted to know how they tasted. They looked plump, juicy and very kissable. His dick was twitching at the thought and he knew he had to get out of there, fast, before he made a complete idiot of himself — if it wasn’t too late already.

  “Well, it was nice chatting to you. Maybe we’ll see each other again one morning. I’ll wave and smile again next time you’re on your porch, I promise.”

  “Sure, I might even smile back, if you’re lucky.”

  As she started jogging again, he caught a glimpse of beautiful jade eyes when she looked up as she passed. Her sweet scent lingered in the air and he inhaled deeply, trying to commit it to memory before resuming his run back to his house. Once inside, he went straight to the shower and turned it on as cold as it would get. His dick was still behaving badly and even the cold shower didn’t help. He soon found himself thinking about his gorgeous neighbor and her perfect pout, and couldn’t help fantasize about what she looked like under the tight fitting Lycra shorts and sports top she’d been wearing. It wasn't long before he took himself in hand and, with images of a soft body writhing with pleasure underneath him, brought himself to a climax against the tiled wall of the shower. Feeling annoyed with himself for not being able to contain his growing need for a bed partner, despite the blowjob, he got out and toweled himself off. He still hadn’t gotten the girl out of his head and realized he hadn't even asked her name. Well, at least that was something he could remedy soon enough. Hopefully during his next run.

  After he’d had some breakfast, he decided to drive into Port St. George to check out what the town had to offer. He also needed to buy groceries before all he had to eat was tuna and there would be no coffee left. He needed his coffee, which he drank black as sin and hot as hell, every morning. Without it he would not be pleasant company.

  Port St. George was small, though it had everything he needed in terms of groceries and other necessities. He bought enough steaks, chicken and fish to fill the freezer, as well as some fresh fruit and vegetables. There was even a small specialist coffee shop that sold his favorite dark roast so he could get his morning fix of caffeine. Before driving back, he had lunch at a small cafe that served full-size sandwiches with every filling you could possibly want. Bread wasn’t something he ate very often so it was a treat to have some which had been freshly baked that morning. It felt well deserved after keeping to his healthier-than-normal diet for a long time without deviating once. Afterwards, he had the small ice cream that came for free with his lunch. The girl behind the counter eyed him appreciatively, and blushed when he smiled and flirted gently with her. She really was way too young for him, though, probably around seventeen, and he was only trying to make her feel good. Every woman deserved attention from a man, even if it was just to ring his check up.

  Chapter Six

  He drove back to the peninsula at a leisurely pace, but didn't pull in to his drive. Instead, he continued past along the small lane. He wanted to see if he could find the entrance to his neighbor’s house in case he ever wanted to drive over. He had some vague idea of maybe inviting her out for lunch one day, or something. What put him off was the look in her eyes when he’d stopped to say hello. He’d seen it so many times before on girls and women who had been through bad things in their lives. A rough upbringing, alcoholic parents, drug addicted siblings, abusive relationships, you name it, he’d seen it all. It always left the same blank expression in their eyes and for some, it never fully disappeared. Again, he chided himself for jumping to conclusions. They’d only had a brief conversation in the dim light of early dawn — and it was no wonder she’d looked a bit scared. She was a small woman on a deserted beach being approached by a 6’3” powerfully built man with a bullet hole in his leg. Any woman would be wary of it and stay on her guard. Maybe he shouldn’t have stopped like that and just blurted out a hello. He usually had more finesse, but there was just something about this girl that revved up his emotions.

  As he coasted down the narrow, sandy lane he spotted what he thought might be her drive and almost came to a stop at the entrance. He took a long glance down an even narrower path and saw the back of her car sticking out from behind some brush. It was definitely the right place and he carried on past before turning around and going back to his own place.

  That afternoon, he had a long conversation with his boss about the future of his team after one of the members just handed in her resignation. She wanted a more normal life with regular hours and the possibility of having a family. Carter couldn't blame her but wanted DK to offer her a desk job with communication duties instead. She was a valuable part of his team, and he didn’t want to lose her expertise and experience completely. His boss promised he’d try to work something out if she was willing.

  “She has years of experience, she’s focused, calm under pressure, and all the team members respect her. We really can’t afford to let those kind of resources go, especially as we don’t have anyone to replace her with, yet.”

  “I hear what you’re saying, Hollis, but she doesn’t even know herself if she wants to stay on. Budget restraints tell me I should let her go and use team members who are scheduled on standby to take care of Comm duties, but I know how popular that’ll be.” Kampeche snorted. He could hear the avalanche of complaints coming at him before he’d even thought of suggesting it to the Agency Director.

  “Seriously, boss? Are we that badly funded? We need a dedicated communications specialist, not a half assed, stop gap, permanently temporary fill in. It makes the guys nervous, and that leads to mistakes, which in turn leads to lives lost. I’m not prepared to operate under those circumstances, and I know for damn sure you’re not, either. Do your thing, boss, and lead those pansy-assed bureaucrats to the bank to siphon some more money into our accounts, and we will carry on doing our thing to stop this lethal shit from reaching the hands of their kids. It’s a win-win for all of us.”

  After the phone call, Carter stepped out into the late afternoon sunshine and sank down onto a deck chair. He put his feet up on the low railing and just stared out to sea. He fell deep into thoughts of his own future at the DEA, but couldn't see himself doing anything else at the moment. He knew his parents wanted him to take over the family business, a successful PR and Media company back in Virginia Beach, but as much as he enjoyed that line of work it wasn’t for him. Not yet, anyway. He’d grown up learning everything about the industry from his parents as they built the company from the ground up, and it was now a multimillion dollar business with affiliates on both coasts and accounts with many of the largest firms in the country.

  His brother, Trey, helped out when needed, but also ran his own IT consultancy firm which was getting busier and busier. His sister, Emma, was a surgeon at a local, private hospital and married to a consultant. She was currently on a leave of absence so she could bring up their two young daughters — Carter’s nieces. They lived only thirty minutes away from his parents. They had been nagging both him and Trey, who was turning 30 later in the year, to find a girl to settle down with and provide them with more grandchildren. Trey was even less likely than Carter to do that anytime soon, so they had to settle for Emma’s two little girls for now.

  Feeling restless, Carter decided to drive back into Port St. George and check out the local nightlife. He was lucky enough to find a parking spot near Main Street where a few bars seemed to be open. He’d dressed casually in jeans and a button down, but as he walked into the first bar, he soon realized he was a little overdressed. Once he noticed the appreciative glances he got from half the women there, he stopped worrying about it.

  “Hey, handsome. What’s your name?” A tall brunette sidled up to him where he was sitting at the bar counter.

  ”I’m Carter, nice to meet you. You are…?” He allowed his eyes to skim the curves of the woman, a cheeky grin tugging at his lips.

  “I’m Tawny. Nice to meet
you, too. Are you from around here?” Her voice was husky and Carter felt a slight tingle run down his spine. He hated shrill voices in women so this made a nice change. It was sexy and tantalizing. Her gaze slide up and down his body and he watched as a glow of lust lit up her hazel eyes.

  “No, I’m just here for a short while. A holiday, of sorts. What about you? Are you a local beauty or is the town just lucky to have you for a visit?” Carter felt rusty with his flirting but Tawny didn’t seem to mind. A soft laughter escaped her lips and she leaned forward to whisper in his ear.

  “Just a short visit, like you. I was hoping to have some fun tonight. Do you know anywhere I could go?”

  “I’m sure we could find somewhere if we put our heads together. Would you like a drink?”

  “Whisky. Neat.” Tawny looked him straight in the eye. Her red lips parted slightly and Carter nodded to the bartender without taking his eyes off them. He suddenly had the urge to smear those lips with his own, and see the red color rubbed off on parts of his body. Any part, but most of all on his rapidly swelling cock. He was a sucker for deep red, plump lips. Suddenly, the evening was looking up.

  The bartender set their drinks down in front of them and Carter raised his glass in a toast.

  “To new acquaintances and some… exciting pleasures.” He was rewarded with a darkening of her eyes and a small hitch in her breath. Her fingers caressed the edge of her glass, as her tongue darted out to lick the smooth tasting liquor off her lips. He groaned under his breath at the sight and felt an urgent and almost painful need to hurry things along.

  It was only a short while later when he found himself on the folded down backseat of his truck with the woman on all fours in front of him.

  “Hold on tight, I’m not one for taking it easy.” He growled.

  “Neither am I. Go for it, big boy.” Tawny breathed and then mewled as Carter thrust his hips forward and filled her in one long stroke. Digging his fingers into her hips hard enough to leave bruises, he pumped in and out at a relentless pace. She was hot, wet and gripped his shaft like a vice. This was exactly what he needed. Sweat dripped off his forehead but he wouldn’t — couldn’t — slow down. In his mind he saw an elfin brunette with sparkling green eyes, and the image drove him harder, faster. The woman on her hands and knees in front of him pushed back with every stroke, whimpering as he bottomed out each time. It barely registered in his lust-filled brain that he might be hurting her, but she kept asking for more so he carried on.

  “You are so fucking tight, and dripping wet. You must have been expecting me.” He gritted out between clenched teeth.

  “Oh, yes, baby. Give me more. Your cock is so huge, so hard, so good. Don’t stop, baby.”

  “Believe me, I have no intention of stopping now. Your pussy feels way too good.”

  “Ahhhrrrggggg! I’m gonna come! Please, more, more. I need more!” Tawny screamed at the top of her lungs, and for a brief moment Carter worried someone might hear them.

  “You want more? Harder? Rougher? Since you asked—“ Carter yanked her up by the waist and pulled her tighter towards him as he stroked in and out, never pausing, never slowing down. One hand closed around a swollen breast and he pinched the tip hard while the other found her swollen clit. With a tight grip on her peaked and hardened nipple, he rubbed the tight little bundle of nerves right above where his cock was still pumping in and out furiously. It only took seconds before he sent her off into an explosive climax, and he could feel her pussy pulsating and squeezing his cock hard. She convulsed and writhed in his grip as her orgasm milked him for all it was worth. The waves of tightness around his slick shaft sent a burning sensation racing down his spine. He could feel his balls draw up tight, and suddenly he was there. With a growl and a shout he emptied himself into the condom he’d suited up in. Long spurts of his hot seed that seemed to go on forever. His jaw clenched so hard it ached, and stars erupted behind his closed eyelids. Tawny collapsed back on all fours and Carter braced himself on her hips where angry marks from his fingers were erupting all over her soft flesh. Their chests were heaving and Carter fought for breath. Before he’d softened too much, he gripped the condom tightly and withdrew from her slick heat. Her juices had coated her skin all the way down her inner thighs and he was sticky with it as well. He tied up the condom and threw it in the back of the truck so he could get rid of it later. It had been an intense orgasm, and one he’d sorely needed. It was a physical thing, not an emotional one. This woman, as nice as she was, did nothing for him beyond sexual satisfaction.

  “Wow. That was amazing. You really know how to make a girl feel good. It’s a shame you don’t live around here. We could be good together.”

  “Yeah, sorry, but I’ll be leaving in the next few days.” Carter lied. It had been good, more than good, but he would hit and quit as he usually did. It was his style, and not something he wanted to change anytime soon. Probably not ever, since he didn’t do relationships, and he certainly didn’t want to start something with Tawny. She was sexy as fuck but he didn’t connect with her on a deeper level. She’d make some other lucky bastard a great girlfriend, but he wasn’t it. He’d never be that guy.

  Carter extricated himself from the tight confines of the backseat of his vehicle and straightened out his clothes. His leg throbbed like a bitch but he didn’t care. He felt sticky and would definitely need a shower as soon as he got home. Tawny jumped down and pulled down her skirt. She reached back into the car and pulled out the red thong he’d ripped off her earlier. She twirled it in the air before tucking it into the pocket of her denim skirt.

  “Oops, I think I might have to buy a new one.” She giggled.

  “Sorry, that was my fault. I’ll pay for it if you want me to.”

  “No way, I have plenty more. Besides, I’m gonna keep this one. A little memento of one of the best fucks of my life. Let me know if you want to do it again before you leave. I’ll be in the bar tomorrow night.”

  “Ok, I know where to find you, then.” Carter watched her saunter away without a backwards glance and disappear around the corner of the dark and deserted lot he’d moved his car to. He drew a sigh of relief, folded the seat back up and climbed in his truck.

  Driving back along the winding road towards the beach house, a heavy lump settled in his gut and he could taste sour bile in his mouth. Why the fuck had he just done that? Sure, she’d been willing enough, but he would normally never be so crass as to fuck a woman in the backseat like some horny teenager. He had more class, and certainly more respect for women than that. He liked to wine, dine and then spend a few hot and sexy hours in a bed with the girl, before leaving her thoroughly satisfied after as many orgasms as she was capable of. Was he really that desperate, or was it the thought of his neighbor that got him so worked up? She did it for him like no other woman ever had before. It was purely sexual, he told himself. He just needed to have a few nights in bed with her while he explored every inch of her sensual body and made sweet, sexy love to her. No, not love. There was no love involved. Carter shook his head angrily at himself. He didn’t do love. He just needed to make her come, many times, while he drank in the desire, lust and passion he knew he’d find in her eyes and body. He wanted to feel her writhe under him, to know he was the one who made her fall apart, shatter, and still want more. He needed it. He craved it. Then, he’d be able to move on with his life and leave her with some beautiful memories.

  By the time he’d reached the beach house, he was feeling pissed off and even more restless than when he left. He stomped into the kitchen and pulled a bottle of whiskey from a cupboard. He filled a glass half way and threw some ice in as well. Out on the deck, he sank onto a lounger and tried to recall the red lips that had been wrapped around his dick only an hour or so earlier, leaving sinful marks all over his shaft and crown. All he could see in his head was a pair of sparkling emerald eyes, sun-kissed skin and soft, plump, natural lips. After a while of trying to chase the vision away, he gave up and filled his mind with i
mages of the tiny, gorgeous and captivating woman that seemed to have cast a spell over him. He went to bed that night dreaming of her, of her soft body, her delicious curves and kissable lips. He hadn’t slept that well since forever.

  Over the next few days, Carter tried to leave around the same time every morning in order to see his mystery woman. He’d found out her name was Madison and she lived in the cottage on her own without even a cat for company. Whenever he asked anything else about her life she clammed up, changed the subject, or avoided the question altogether. He found he became more and more intrigued by her, and his cock was definitely interested as well.

  One morning, as he came up towards her house, he spotted her just coming down on the beach to stretch before her run. He stopped for a minute, pretending to tie up his shoe laces better, just so he could study her on the sly. She was petite, even more so than most women, compared to his height and bulk. He’d always thought he liked a tall woman, someone around 5’10” or so. With Madison he was fascinated by how she barely reached his shoulder, but seemed to have an inner strength and core of steel all wrapped up in a very feminine body. Her legs were long and toned from hours of running on the beach, her waist narrow, and she had breasts he couldn't wait to fill his hands with.


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